Which one are you Yea Forums?
Which one are you Yea Forums?
OP is a fag
I am more worried to play against the boomer that still has his 400/800 dpi logitech mouse for 10 bucks and will possibly destroy me
4 finger mouse grip.
I'm not autistic enough to give much of a fuck
What game has middle mouse button be so critical that you need lightning quick reflexes on it?
Is it me or are his hands fucking huge?
>not using Claw grip
It's like you want a hard time with micro movements or something
i do the pro grip when im browsing but for gaming it sucks because you'll accidentally bump your scroll wheel and have to get a sturdy and slow scroll wheel to compensate for the grip which reduces the mechanical advantage of using the scroll wheel (fast scrolling a keybind)
now go have sex and dilate
its funny i switch to left to make work easier after i broke my index finger
now it feels weird to use right although i see no improvement in video games so it seems like more a preference which makes OP a faggot
He is obese
When I was younger I held it the way on the left, but as time went on I started holding it more noob style
Based G600chad.
It's that his hands are incredibly far up his mouse for whatever reason, to the point his fucking fingers are hanging off the end
It won't let you rebind to the thumb button(s)?
it would but i use those to change dpi
>Not having the claw.
Because the labels are actually backwards.
When you drive a car do you put a foot on each pedal?
how do i know the guy in the photo is white
that being the pro grip explains a lot about how shit \v\ is at video games
One foot on both.
he has a massive fucking dick
pro from playing FPS all my life and using middle click to reload
>one retard is all of Yea Forums
>You sit down across from your opponent and chuckle at the little intellimouse on the table: Some hipster wasted their money on old gear.
>Wait... Thats a PS/2 to USB dongle
>Your opponent arrives, telling a big fish to a comrade about his 9 second E1M1. He place his 300 lb bulk into his chair with a creak, but his hand alights on the mouse with a delicacy and reverence reserved for Michelangelo paintings.
>"Anything we need to forward?" he asks, as the keys on his keyboard tap like Michael Flatly himself.
>You are afraid.
don't tell me you jump with spacebar
this, /v\ is multiple retards that believe the same things. get it right.
>using the finger with the weakest neural pathways for anything important regularly
OP is a fucking idiot as usual
why the fuck do you need both your feet you're not pressing both pedals at once ever
You disgust me
enjoy your brain mixing up your feet and fucking dying I guess
imagine not having brain power to tell which one is which from 3
imagine larping online as an actual retard doing something nobody does ever
Both of those are fucking casual normalfag trash
learn how to claw or fuck off
t: literal brainlet
one finger
>both are using a palm grip
fingertip grip master race
Still using Old Faithful to this day
I bet you faggots drive a car with 3 legs instead of 2 as well.
pierced in n' out
>not putting your massive dick on the clutch
t.esla driver
You have to be a literal retard to mix them up. And even if you did screw up and push the wrong pedal, you'd realize it instantly and be nowhere near an accident.
But yeah, have fun being a retard while actual people drive a manual. Saving gas is for idiots anyway, am I right?
Right foot is for gas/brake, normally rests at gas.
Left foot is for clutch, normally rests on the ground left of clutch.
>Last night I James Bond burger your sister
I don't get it
Secretly pounded.
what the fuck are you guys even talking about
You idiot, clearly your dick is supposed to go in the boot for safety reasons.
its the secret third pedal that rolls up the windows in black neighborhoods
I know you all have automatic in US, but you should at least know what a manual is.
based and stickpilled
I drive a manual transmission car. I love it.
>learn how to claw or fuck off
No one is talking about "claw" grip, brainlet. The point of this thread is how many fingers you put on the mouse.
>seething eurofags and their eurojank stick drives ITT
>Only two pedals
Fucking casuls
This image and OP is a fagget, nobody uses 2 fingers on mouse.
Capable of switching grips as needed. Because I'm not fucking handicapped.
Automatic is for zoning, manual is for moving or emergencies.
>he doesn't just use all 5
Thumb on m1, index finger on wheel, middle finger on m2 masterrace
>WASD plebs
LMAOing at ur life rn
>drove a manual my entire life
>last car just crapped out on me after 250k miles and moving across the US from the far northwest coast to the far southeast coast when it had 240k miles on it
>no money so the only replacement I could get was an automatic
feels bad man, I miss actually having control of my car.
I use left and I still suck at videogames
Does it feel like shit to drive automatic?
I have also driven a manual my entire life, but I'm not really opposed to it. It's just too expensive where I live.
I suppose automatic is great for beginners/driving school students. I remember wishing manual didn't exist when I was learning to drive.
I use ESDF with mapping
Don't reply to him, he's an idiot. I drive a manual as a DD and a automatic truck for work, there's no "feel" difference its just a different way of driving.
Manual and Automatic are like using a controller as opposed to M&K. Some games are much better off with a M&K while some are more fun with a controller where everything is mapped out for you.
Gotta love living in Finland, the car pool in this country is so old that you can find decent cars at less than 500 bucks.
I bought a -95 diesel Ford Transit for 600 euros and it has served me well for three years now. I'll have to replace it soon, but with cars this cheap and abundant it is no problem.
You should never use the mousewheel to do any kind of action.
If you do, you're a shitter subhuman.
>b-but switching weapons
Mouse sidebuttons, along with melee and other p.o.d. stuff.
Kyselves, all of you.
>using the tools given to you makes you a shitter
ok, retard
Manual isn't really fun unless you are a boyracer from /o/ or have a comfy shitbox
What would you use instead of mouse wheel for camera distance or movement speed in SC?
>had to literally map jumping to M3 for bhop
>you are a shitter
I guess I was shitter all along
>have a comfy shitbox
I do.
Seethe harder, bronze subhuman.
Keypad, but i guess you're talking about Starcraft so using the wheel in RTS game is perfectly acceptable.
Just not in fps.
M3 is not the same as the wheel, user.
not even worth the (You). sadly this bait has already gotten 3 retards hooked
6th bond, 9th item on the mcdonalds menu
this one
Manual. Sure
fuck dualshock, even the "right" way to hold it is still horrific and I can't ever enjoy it because I'm not a literal sub-human
and thats why you use the xbox 360 controller
Because you are too.
>imagine that you know the order of McDonald's "food" items
how much do you weight?
>hurr durr ur baiting
t. shitter
I've always done the "pro" grip and never knew it wasn't universal until a friend saw me do it and commented that he thought it was weird. I think I picked it up because I'm a 33 year old boomer who had an actual 3 button mouse back in the day, before scroll wheels were standard, and I've just been used to it ever since.
Any multiplayer shooter with melee attacks.
In what fucking game will you need to jump and shoot? CS defintely not unless you're memeing. and bunnyhops are usually done while rotating or during setup.
is that seriously the answer to this "puzzle" that I've been confused about for over a decade?
It depends. Having my hands free is more comfy sometimes since I can actually drink water while I'm driving now. But on the other hand it feels like someone is driving the car for you.
what? who holds the mouse like the "n00b" photo?
looks uncomfortable af
>not tfgh masterrace
>american posting hours
can't post a reaction image the whole country is blocked
lmao @ you dab
3rd pedal to pump up cars airbags
Quakefag here, I jump with spacebar.
>In what fucking game will you need to jump and shoot?
Zoom zoom zoom
Killing floor 1 as a medic.
My nigga.
rent free
it's 3am EST on a monday you fucking mong, this whole thread reeks of yurop and the arab "refugees" fucking your continent
rebind it to some not shit location
bet you leave jump on spacebar, waste of the best key on your keyboard
Fucking peasants
Based. Sometimes I leave hold crouch on CTRL and bind toggle crouch to C, though.
objectively wrong
Doom 2016
an embarrassing amount of grenade ff
based and redballed
Ultra pro both hands on the mouse, poised over every macro button at all times.
I play with whatever's more comfortable and right's more comfortable. I don't see what's wrong about that.
He has ascended!
Haha I bet your mouse doesn't flash all the pretty colours of the rainbow
I feel like that's really inefficient unless your thumb is the size of your pinky.
My Tesla does all of that for me
Despite it's appearance, I still consider my G400S to be one of the most perfect mouses especially for it's price point. I've had mine for almost 6 years now and still have no desire to change from it.
this, you go prone with ctrl
handlet detected
For years I played everything with a trackpad because I didn't have a mouse.
I had a 4 buttons mouse and the trick is that they have different angles so you can press some button by simply moving your thumb around without actually pressing the mouse at a right angle. I don't know if it's reliable with that many buttons but I'm willing to bet it is.
Mordhau is so fucking slow it's hilarious. I almost fall asleep between two hits compared to Chivalry or mount n blade.
>using a palm grip
you are noob.
unironically yes
t. Manual car Driver
when will you ever need to press gas and brake at the same time?
Whats a good mouse for around 40eurobucks? Only need sidebuttons and good sensor.
Thanks i'll check it out.
>to change dpi
How do i know that you are bad at video games?
No because I don't have 3 feet
i dont have 3 fucking feet. also left foot braking is a thing.
the greatest mouse ever made
but they never fucking updated the sensor. something has to be done. Logitech can not be allowed to do this.
Is an automatic cheaper than a manual in the states?
funnily enough you're actually agreeing with him without realising it, lots of professional racing drivers do in fact use right foot for accelerating and left for braking
That's a myth. I have massive hands/feet and I'm a 5.5 inches dicklet
I definitely do have a comfy shitbox
this will always be the canon answer
rev matching when changing down a gear while braking. heel and toe.
a lot of cars dont even have the option of getting a manual in the states
i have a 1974 corvette, what does that make me?
Someone coping with a small penis.
>tfw we haven't moved back over to three-button mice with touch sensitivity and gesture support on the middle button
Who needs clutch anyway
>anyone with a nicer car than my shitbox has a small cock
>He plays games where you can go prone
Seems like I hit a nerve. Post your car and your cock or you're a microdick.
Dunno, I always switch between 1 to 5 grips, Until this thread I never even thought about it.
Imagine not using both hands on your mouse.
thumb isnt a finger, retards, its a digit
Real pros use claw grip, sorry
>2 pedals
the answer was 69d
>spreading reddit disinfo
I used to steal mice from the school because Diablo would tear through them in a week. I kinda chuckle now when my mouse dies after over a year of use despite seeing other anons bitch and moan about a mouse "only" lasting six months or a year or whatever.
>only 3 pedals
It really depends, lots of modern automatics perform better than a human with a clutch ever could, but older automatics can feel kinda squishy.
The main draw to manual is that you have the option of absolutely ragging it if you want to. An automatic will usually give you a very steady acceleration, even newer cars on "sport" mode, and some people want to be able to do that.
I like having automatic on trucks/SUVs, but I'll take a manual on any coupe/hatchback.
I also drive a motorcycle which are always manual because you need to be in control to stay stable; if your gearbox suddenly shifts while you've got your knee down in a corner it could kick you off.
he was the 6th bond
the burger was a #9 from in'n'out
Is that the pedal that unsheathes the car's dick?
If you drive literally only on asphalt roads and drive mostly in a straight distance daily then it doesn't matter too much. Where manual shines is when you need to make lot of different turns and driving on gravel or dirt roads.
Most people did silent run by binding jump to mousewheel.
check the archive of the thread retard
I was there, I don't need to.
>left 6 finger freak
>right a normal human
>I was there
Trust me, being on Yea Forums for any prolonged period of time isn't something to be proud of. Especially with tourists like you flooding in every summer.
When you need to do some sick Initial D moves.
>everyone that disagrees with me is summer
okay retard
Exactly what I'd expect a summfag to say. You're all the same.
>game lets you do both
>Ctrl for hold-to-crouch
>C for toggle crouch
No, other way around if you're buying it new actually, but I just had a friend who needed someone to finish paying off his car and was willing to give me a good deal for me. So I could get this nice automatic or for the same price I could get another run down manual, there's no reason to get that hung up over transmission
when casually browsing I rest my middle finger on the wheel but when playing I revert to two-fingered
>claw grip
>everyone that disagrees with me is summer
You're not disagreeing, you're flat wrong. There's a big difference.
Lurk a while and you'll get the hang of things a little better.
What do you need 3 pedals for?
For gitting gud at cornering.
One to go forward, one to stop, one to go backwards.
All these auto-only drivers defending their shit ability to operate a motor vehicle. Just because you were too shit to operate a vehicle properly.
>everyone that disagrees with me is summer
One to go, one to stop, one to grant more control over the vehicle.
t. guy who properly learned how to drive
i exclusively use cheapo noname mice and the claw grip. also i use public transport because i dont enjoy driving.
Don't pros usually have a bigger mouse pad?
>he doesn't bunnyhop with mouse wheel
t. console zoomer
Shift masterrace here
>discussing unrelevant dumb shit when this is actually the deciding factor between a competent player and a pleb
fag OP
anything other than palm grip is retarded
>literally the only mouse in the world like this
>has shitty switches that wear out so soon
>mice lasting a year or less is the norm
is this actually a thing?
I have to replace my mouse every 12-18 months because something on it starts to break or get fucked. I use the shit out of my mouse like 12+ hours a day every day though. I always just thought it was because I was too hard on them or something.
Based as fuck
Have mine for 3 years already its just a bit clean
>Try to melee attack
>Accidentally boot skyrim
How do you even find that many things to bind to the mouse, and then hit them with any level of accuracy without misinputing or fat-fingering?
My hands are too big for palm grip, I use fingertip. I don't like using claw because it's very uncomfortable, but my hand is kinda fucked up from football.
None because you can rebind it
>>Accidentally boot skyrim
Who the fuck binds opening games to mouse buttons.
That sounds like the most retarded use possible for them.
These mice are mostly for MMOs where you have a million skills and want a dedicated button for each of them, you build muscle memory eventually.
>Who the fuck binds opening games to mouse buttons.
There's this cool literary device called hyperbole, you should look it up sometime.
I can believe it, especially if you can't think up of anything to bind to them.
>Slapping your sweaty obese palms down on the mouse like a fatigued neanderthal.
>Not using the superior, elegant fingertip grip.
>Not even attempting to claw grip.
I can smell the cheeto dust from here.
I saw a screencap of the actual person who claimed to make it and called everyone a retard for not seeing it as "silently pounded" but I will only ever accept "bond burgered" or "gun bunned" as acceptable answers.
Virgin vs Chad
Is this still available? Can't find it anywhere.
n00b: two finger mouse grip
pro: three finger mouse grip
MLG pro: four finger mouse grip
enlightened uberpro: one finger mouse grip
>pass the mice bro
imagine unironically driving an automatic
Imagine driving. Enjoy funding terrorists every time you fill your gas tank.
m8, I own two manuals
Break, clutch, gas
killing floor 2 aswell
though medic in that game has the cool heal grenades so if you want to be less efficient use those
>thumb isn't a finger
is this the new "pluto isn't a planet"?
fuck off to your flat earth society, hipster
Which angel is this?
by using it a lot, i guess
knew a guy who love to model stuffs in blender with 1 hand, and playing gacha games with the other. He bind all the important hotkeys onto the mouse
Got the budget version of this myself.
Insanely handy to have all those buttons available for most of my played games, I don't think I could play a game involving dodge rolls or reloading without having it mapped to my mouse anymore, great for Mount and Blade because you can play the game without ever touching the keyboard outside combat, but if I had to play a fast paced consequence ridden game like Dota really there are only 4 or 5 buttons I can delegate of those twelve that I feel I can consistently press without potentially misplaying or altering my grip slightly, as you go up and towards the tip of the thumb I lose confidence.
And I haven't really looked into it due to laziness but the inability to map Escape to a button (takes you out of the assign menu) is annoying for games like CK2.
for me it's push to talk on left shift
>not mouse button 4
when I started using voip I had a shitty 3 button mouse so I got used to it, now I can't go back.
>more control over the vehicle
What, do you also want manual windows and manual wipers in your car?
Manual transmissions are less efficient and more tedious.
Doctor here,
3 finger grip is terrible for your wrist
>Index finger on left mouse button
>Middle finger on middle mouse button (scrollwheel)
>Ring finger on right mouse button
>Fourth finger, pinky, on fourth mouse button, the bit all the way to the right that can be rebound for the G600
Were you dropped on your head as a child by any chance?
literally nobody:
literally OP: this thread
literally everyone: am I a joke to you?
this thread:
Using a g403 currently but have only had it for ~10 months, but before that I used a g400s that lasted me 5 years. Before that I used a variety of different brands (mostly logitech) and quality, g500, g3, 2 518s, down to some shitty $20 gigabyte mouse, they all shit the bed after about a year and most from wheel issues. Seems to me that its just a roll of the dice and none of the brands are consistently reliable, funnily enough my longest lasting mouse after the g400s was a wireless MS intellimouse I got in '03 that lasted a couple of years, the connection sucked and the battery drained as soon as it left the dock but the build quality was solid.
>Having a weak wrist
>2 pedals
Have you ever driven downhill on an icy road?
>having a wrist
Ctrl is quick weapon switch, or melee.
Crouch is Alt.
No winters where I live
>not RAGE
literal brainlet amerifats
>the world revolves around CS.
It's missing the single most important feature from the mouse it's supposedly the budget version of:
The programmable right-right mouse button
I bought my g600 thinking its best feature would be the numpad on the side, but it's not the case. I use it to ctrl+scroll to resize web pages without needing to get my left hand involved. There's only a small handful of games I've actually used it in. The third mouse-button, though. I use that fucker all the time. I don't think I can ever go back to a 2-mousebutton mouse again.
>Excited when the rerelease gets announced
>Finally arrives and it's made of dogshit plastic and the scroll-wheel somehow manages to misalign in such a way that it slowly alternates between scrolling on the edges and scrolling dead center in the middle of the resting positions, and then back again
Logitech can suck the fattest cock around
Not a single fucking mouse company has any level of QC; I'm so fucking tired of playing this chinkshit lottery everytime I buy mice.
>Crouch is Alt.
Then what do you bind Walk to? Shift?
>approaching corner at high speed
>press clutch and downshift
>reach peak of corner
>slowly release clutch and use engine boosted power (from downshifting) to drag the car through the corner with maximum speed
>in case your car starts to under or overturn, you can use the clutch to regulate the drag of the engine
Its something people who have never driven manual have no clue about.
With manual there are simply more options than brake / accelerate, you got 3rd option: "swim or float".
how long would it take to switch to the 3 finger grip? i don't want to be a noob i want to be a pro
>He uses anything but the Steel Battalion controls
Im browsing Yea Forums right now with it
Pro people rebind the keys on the keyboard or use macros to automate time critical tasks. Your keyboard has 100 keys, use these instead of scroll button which is impractical to use more than once per hour.
A couple of hours. Just find a program - video game, drawing software, 3d modelling, anything - that benefits from going 3 finger, start doing things, and after a while it just clicks.
never fails
2 fingers because i'm not a handlet
look at those shoes and pants and tell me that's a black dude
based mouse. got hooked on these after the razer one i had shit out after 3 years. this one is dramatically better in every way
Could be black guy but not a nigger
He has fat fingers but overall in terms of size his hands are tiny.
That's not a Senjou no Kizuna pod cabinet. You're not a real gamer until you reach 60wpm with nothing but dual sticks and pedals.
have you ever been to in-n-out?
there is no fucking #9
there is only a #1 a #2 and a #3
and you tell them how you want it
also: that doesn't even look like an in-n-out burger
Forwards, backwards, sideways
>he uses the scroll wheel to switch weapons
fucking retard
How do people use a mouse with thumb buttons?
Do they press down on the mouse to move it until their wrists are destroyed or something?
Usually thumb buttons take just a small part of the mouse's side. There's plenty of space to hold the damn rodent, and use only the tip or side of your thumb to hit the buttons.
fingertip with slight bend but not as much as claw grip masterrace
I always moved a mouse with my thumb and pinky since other ways always felt bad on my arm and wrist.
A ton of buttons on top is fine, but ones on the side throw off accuracy pretty bad for me.
i always bind shift to crouch
middle mouse buttons aren't designed for that. The lean-left and lean-right buttons on the wheel are made to be bumped by a finger on either side. With a finger on top, it will get sloppy and half the time you will press the middle button when trying to push the lean-left button or something. Basically, only a retard would use 3 fingers because you'll likely end up dropping a weapon or using an item on accident.
I do this too, but I have baby hands.
You can use manual transmision control to get advantage of high/low revs in specific situations.
I agree, that's too many. My mouse has .. 2,3,4,5,6 extra buttons in different positions on the side and top-side, but they're spread out and you'd never get them mixed up. They don't look like a numpad,
>>When you drive a car do you put a foot on each pedal?
That's millenial-style. Real men keep their left foot free - because that one is for the clutch.
400/800 DPI are still the correct DPIs to use. everything higher is at best placebo and at worst creates little jitters in your aim.
sounds like a great way to ruin your synchros. I have never heard of this technique from anyone driving cars for fun or professionally. not once.
i dont think my hands are that small i just get cramp in my pinky kek
I can't hit shift. Pinky won't bend below caps lock. I use side of my palm to hit ctrl.
Did you just assume the gender?
I take 'what are synchronizers' for 200.
>tfw playing Dark Souls made me play like that since I always want to be in control of the camera whenever I sprint
Usually I dislike any peasant mocking but I have to admit you are on a higher level than my mortal G402 use.
> I use side of my palm to hit ctrl.
just tried to do this and cant lel
How do people even press ctrl when their fingers rest on WASD? With the pinky? That feels awkward, thumb is even worse.
I keep buying Chinese mice from ebay for cheap and they always break
>Chinese product is shit quality
Who knew?
As someone who used palm grip forever and then trained himself to use claw grip, I assure you palm grip is garbage and will hurt your arm in the long term.
With 2 fingers you have your thumb and third finger moving the mouse. Which is more precise. Otherwise your pinkie is holding it.
You don't have a mouse with an adjustable scroll wheel? cringe
midfinger sideways on scroll