Based boomers.
Based boomers
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine growing up with N64.
that man is now a mortgage consultant
kys zoomer
based as fuck
Imagine being (you)
Hey, I was born that year.
It was pretty fucking great
I had a N64 and then a PS2.
Then I bought a PC, because I have an IQ over 90.
I just feel bad for them. Imagine growing up with shit versions of Mario and Zelda, and the only other thing you had to play were some awful Rare collectathons.
I'd honestly rather have a Sega Saturn.
Imagine not growing up with the PS1 AND the N64.
not him but I’m a turbo-zoomer and my younger brother and I grew up with OG smash and a plastic army game on the N64
a similiar thread to this was posted a while back and it had pictures of actual shitposting from fucking ancient times
humanity is such a damn joke, we are 100% living in a simulation
Define ancient times
>uh-oh something was repeated
>must be a simulation
for sure dude the matrix is glitching out deja-vu deja-vu
Usenet is not that old
It was during roman times, but the picture was too blurry to read it
if i limit myself just to video game spastics that aren't famous from usenet in the 90s , i know of one that's a finance vp and one that's a failed gamedev that likes to give unsolicited advice to the industry on a blog no one reads
He probably means those roman shitposts.
>Pretendo 69
top bantz la
the best was after beating Goldeneye 64 trying to find midi versions of the game music on shitty 90s internet. i guess the cartridges had actual midi files stored on them that people eventually ripped and put online, or they were just fanmade midis not sure
or maybe the graffiti on Pompeii
>Dumb retards have only just started appearing now
user, I'm sorry, but you come from a long line of dumb retards.
>someone translated thousand year old carvings in a church
>it ended up being "bjorn fucked helga"
I love how shitposting is basically a historical thing.
Imagine not growing up with the n64 and the HIGHEST RATED GAME OF ALL TIME BABY
>I had N64
>friend had PS1
>other friend had Saturn
>when we would go to each other's houses, we would just have fun with the games we didn't get to own ourselves
Even as a child, I knew consolewarring was pants-on-head retarded.
>he didn't have both PS and 64
o i am laffin
>other friend had Saturn
What did you guys even play on a Saturn?
well it didn't help that AOL's gaming section "Antagonist" embraced the video game war and seemed to egg AOL users on into participating in it. chat rooms called like "N64 Club" and "PSX Bunker" or something similar. i unironically blame AOL
>other friend had Saturn
Poor kid.
not him, but i played Virtua Fighter, Nights, and Die Hard Arcade the most as well as some misc other obscure fighting games and also this:
Fighting games, Guardian Heroes, Saturn Bomberman (aka, the greatest Bomberman ever).
This. Look at the Wikipedia list of games. It's shorter than the Wii U.
What the fuck did they play? They had about one JRPG on the entire console.
that's hilarious
My first gaming forum was Gamespot's "System Wars" forum, which I found by googling "xbox sucks"
not everyone was born a metrosexual faggot like you, no wonder you had a gaystation
Why "playshitstation"? Why not just "shitstation"?
Is it bad that i was only 3 months old when these were made
It was pretty bad. The Mario and Zelda games were great actually but there were no good RPGs, no violence, nothing that experimental.. very child-friendly.
Hard to believe these posts are a day older than me
holy shit greentexting goes back to 1997... cool to know
>Pretendo 69
I grew up with N64. I hate collectathons. Now a lot more than I did then. Mario 64 is excellent, because you really only "collected" the end of each level.
Starfox 64 and F-Zero X are great with amazing controls. X is even 60fps. Hybrid Heaven is a cool RPG that I havent seen done before. Lots of good racing games on the system. Mario/Diddy, Beetle Adventure, a decent port of Exotica, and many others. Cant forget RAREs games. Blast Corps the best imo. Perfect Dark for multiplayer.
Far more of my "all time" favorites are on PS1 but I am glad I had an N64 when I did, especially for all the splitscreen games.
QUEST 64, TUROK 1,2,3,Wars
Dumb baby, I was a whole year and a half old when that shit was made.
ah you didn't miss much, just a bunch of people squinting at the corners of CRTs in 4 player splitscreen goldeneye deathmatches. probably messed up my eyes from all that squinting over the years
My eyes are fucked and im sure that was a factor
Hearing is still perfect so I regret nothing
You're a moron. Did you really think Yea Forums originated using > to quote people?
I had a snes, n64 and a ps1
no but he thought you would respond
>no good RPGs, no violence, nothing that experimental
I'll give you lack of RPGs, but nothing violent? Nothing experimental?
It also applies to almost any other genre. You probably owned 5 - 10 games because there was nothing else.
>What the fuck did they play?
If you look at said list of games you'll notice that most of the games on the "BEST VIDEO GAMES OF ALL TIME" are numerous N64 games.
The n64 has like 10 games that are still talked about today. The PS1 only had FFVII. That's it.
People here are young enough to believe this us legit.
It is legit though you fucking retard. Why wouldn't it be.
Imagine hating Playstation back when they were actually good.
He's pretending to be retarded for precious (you)s, user.
Have sex
*also on PC
Im not your educator. Do a little research on the technology and time period claimed before you embarrass yourself further.
Well, there's Crash.
Holy fuck, based Mifflin knew all along.
starting to think you might actually be stupid
never change Yea Forums never change
>being so proud of calling some a nigger in all caps you sign your name
It was a lame dad console when it came out. Took a couple years to have a good library with anything worth mentioning.
>Took a couple years to have a good library with anything worth mentioning
I'm sensing a pattern.
bruh its real
It was pretty bad until around when the dualshock came out. Just wonky early 3D and bad controls as far as the eye could see.
MK Trilogy.
>PS1 only had FFVII
MGS1 was shit.
MGS2: Substance > MGS1
Resident Evil 3 was the only good game.
>muh JRPGs
shut the fuck up weeb
Ayy I remember that thread
That dumb racist doesn't realise the N64 was literally made by people of color.
You are all like babies, watch this.
I had both.
>People of color
well the userbase here has always been 15 - 30 something years old and time hasn't changed that
>PS2 game is better than PS1 game
Okay, zoomer, what does this have to do with our PS1 discussion though
>durr simulation guise xD
Anonymous shitposting graffiti doesnt get more complex at its core. People have always fucked around just like those pictures of soldiers making dick jokes with cannons
Found the N64 owner.
What it does seem to say is that tools and tradition will change but people won't. Which does make us a joke.
Hey nigger. ff7 came out in 97.
How come Nintendo products caused such profound psychosomatic damage to entire generations?
>imagine not existing when the N64 or PS1 came out
like me
>Retard doesn't know about the internet in the 90s
now THIS is fake. there weren't any message boards in 92
Yes there were. There were message boards all the way in 80's. But not many of the posts there are saved anymore, and public didn't have access to them. They were for Universities, etc.
>Try 90s internet simulator
>Almost immediately start screaming
>Can barely think or do anything due to the constant screaming
>Stop screaming for a second thinking I did something wrong
>Nope, it just really took 20 seconds to load a single page
>Keep screaming
How did I live through this, holy shit.
>Not growing up with both
were you poor or something lmao
You can literally go and look at the saved boards yourself. I've found people in my language discussing Spider-Man comics in the 80's.
>old N64 is currently unplayable due to analog stick wear
Literally the biggest design flaw of the console.
I'm glad I didn't grow up in an age where graphics look like shit and gameplay looks so dull where all you do is hit the left, right, up, down button
>tfw born just in time to experience virtual reality gaming
get fucked old people go back to your world of shitcraft or candy crush
then you get aids.
I love the old posts of Todd Howard.
And reddit spacing
>I'm glad I didn't grow up in an age where graphics look like shit and gameplay looks so dull where all you do is hit the left, right, up, down button
You wouldn't have recognised because there wasn't anything else. Also you would have kept that sense of amazement for graphical and other technological progress in new releases.
>flossing is a workout in Google Fit
"console war" has literally always just been about moving hardware. shame people are stupid to realize said fact and actually become fanboys.
>us vs them
always the same basic shit when you boil it down
Do you think people actually use flossing as a form of regular exercise?
>want to look up some porn at night
>modem connecting will wake up the entire household
nah, I'm good
>Phony Playshitstation
Some things never change
I was probably one of those kids making stupid comments.
My school received a computer lab in 1995 and I was always using it during lunch to shit post in places like in the screenshot.
I wish I still had my original yahoo email from the late 1990s. Still can't remember the password.
I still have my 2003 Gendou's Music account but anything before that is forgotten since I used a different password...
>year 2024
>wew I did the fortnight dance for 15 consecutive minutes today
>time to slam down a refreshing Söylent with Electrolytes™
That's about the oldest you can find internet posts
It's funny when looking back because the NES was originally released in 1983 as the Famicom.
So the hardware was already 6 years old by the time that post was made.
You can tell this post was made by an older teen.
I know most kids didn't view the NES as garbage in visuals in the 1980s.
My older brothers loved the NES but I didn't really get into video games until the release of the Sega Genesis.
why does he look like he's in pain
>this post was made 20 years ago
you mean the ones from ancient Rome?
This is a weird taco recipe
Imagine not growing up an idort lmao
The shitposters from then are now around 40, they'd hardly still participate in console war threads. The problem is more that these attract teenagers who barely got out of school if at all. Everyone else is already sick and tired of that shit.
>20 years later
>meowth is still a pokeball summon
>.02 cents
Anyone have pics from usenet group where someone said that nge is shit and will be forgotten after 2000?
>PS fans mock nintendo fans for not being able to play RE2
>PS fans mock nintendo fans for not being able to play RE2
All PS1 platformers seem to lack verticallity. They also seem to have smaller levels overall than Mario 64 and other N64 platformers.
the internet has been around for a lot longer than you think retard. I know it has been around longer than you've lived thats for sure
>buys 2 consoles
>buys 12 games on the SNES and who knows how many on the NES
>only likes 1 single game
Why did he continue spending hundreds of dollars? Has gaming always attracted depressed individuals like this? He would 100% fit in on Yea Forums today.
Because h'es at the gym you fatty. No pain, no gain.
>JRPGs make a console
Holy shit cope
This hobby has always been full of retarded, angry, depressed manchildren hasn't it?
Every hobby has those.
May Mario bless you all on Sept. 30
It feels weird knowing I was 4 years old when this was posted and didn't care about console wars, was just excited to get my first video game console.
ape escape nigga. best platformer on psx.
>he wasn't around to experience the glories of the 5th gen
LMAO. No wonder zoomers are such bitter little shits.
He was so based
Tendies can't meme 1997- current year
>There are currently 388 games on this list.
>There are currently 2975 games across both pages.
>the lion king
>chili peppers
>san andreas
>green day
fucking generational appropriation. zoomers have no culture.
>The PS1 only had FFVII
nothing has really changed hasn’t it.
Metal gear Solid doesn't exist
must be from a rich family considering the cost of a computer at that time
The reason they have so many games was that it was cheaper make games for a ps1 than an n64 because it was way more expensive to produce cartridges at the time. Disks also hold more data and games could be on multiple disks, that’s why all the rpgs went to PlayStation while the n64 had almost no rpgs
Not picking a side, just pointing it out.
Bruh we still get fucking Digimon World discussions on here regularly.
N64 owners never grew up though
Yeah? And there's millions of mobile games out there. At least nintendo vetted the shit that got on their console, PS1 was literally mobile shovelware before mobile shovelware
Consoles were not as expensive as computers.
My family was pretty poor it was our grandparents who gave us most of our tech stuff.
We didn't get our own family computer until the mid 1990s.
It was near the Kitchen and we only had one phone line so if someone was talking on the phone you couldn't use the internet.
I didn't get my own personal computer until the early 2000s when I could buy one myself.
My uncle who was the youngest by a fair amount to his siblings (oldest born 1945 with him being born 1968) was the one who got me into computers.
Currently he works for Facebook...
Why does this feel so wholesome and innocent? The Metallica signature fucking killed me.
they all turned into speedrunning trannies
Ps1 had mgs1, best game of all time, 64 didn't instead MUH LEGEND OF ZOOM- ZELDA , Nintendo realised their mistake eith the GCN and got a soulless mgs1 remake and failed
And it has the greatest library of games of any console next to the PS2. When the Wii was open to shovelware all you got was trash and some good JRPGs for a change.
Just noticed your post was probably directed at the kid who made the post in 1989.
Yes I am stupid for not realizing that...
And yes his parents were either well off or he used a library to access the internet in which case he was not from a rich family.
N64 dudes were bros though. There was rivalry but because of Goldeneye every Sony lad needed a 64 friend for sleepovers. Nowadays there obviously no reason for Nintendo friends but it was a different time
>that group of uber BO nerds who played PCs
This sony hhad the real deal games, n64 was for kids and Christian soccer moms
>Nn textures
>No cd music
>Choice between retarded mumble speech, screeching VA or none at all
>Hardly any 3rd part support
The N64 was a machibe only for Ninten drones to play their BING BING YAHOO as always and Zelda
>he says as he bitches about children on a forum about childrens toys
>mgs1, best game of all time
can you honestly name 5 better games than mgs1? >inb4 muh longevity pokemon, LoZ and Mario series
>greentext objective truth
>post Picard.jpg
>seething because he's right
stick a move controller up your ass gaystation fag
>every single character has personality
"thank you for releasing me"
Roller Coaster Tycoon
Madden 07
Mario 64
ARK Survival
Red Alert 2
Mario Kart Wii
Resident Evil 4
Pokemon Soul Silver
Chrono Trigger
WWF No Mercy
Metroid Prime
Rocket League
Prince of Persia
Mario Party 3
Dozens more
Growing up with a SNES was better. The library alone blows 64 out of the water.
>madden 07
stopped right there, almost had me though
also Madden 08 > 07
>corporations walking propaganda
Shit man this hurts
If you actually had friends the N64 was absolutely amazing. Turok, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Perfect Dark and GoldenEye. There was no multiplayer game on PlayStation that even came close to that level of fun.
>not being a 1996 idort
Fucking loser
>stuff like that gets archived 20 years back
Your face when no one will remember your Yea Forums posts in 20 years.
Getting out of school on Friday in the 1990s.
>Meet friends across the street
>walk together to the market about a mile away
>Use allowance to buy a bunch of junk food.
>The left over money was spent on drinks in the 25 cent soda machine.
>Come back home and spend the day playing Smash Bros and Golden Eye
>Friend's parents bring home pizza for dinner.
>stay up all night playing video games and watching cheesy 1980s films.
I miss those simpler times...
We can never go back...
Time keeps on ticking and I am dreading reaching 40 years old.
Glad we agree :^)
>what is twisted metal, duke nukem, road rash jail break and others
Humans haven't changed much in the past few thousand years, just the methods we use
>There was no multiplayer game on PlayStation that even came close to that level of fun
>we will never experience 90s internet again
It's the same as now, just with changed console names and such.
90s internet was a lot different due to tech limits.
I remember jokes my friends played by posting an image of what appeared to be a female but as the image loaded from top to bottom you found out it was a dude...
I mean sure but in terms of vidya discussion. All the stuff in the linked thread is the same as what children post on Yea Forums today.
Why would you post a picture of your mom on Yea Forums?
He unironically has great taste.
>Zoomers actually think the internet and message boards didn't exist in the 90s
imagine not
Why not?
I'm gonna jack it to your mom
Not sure why but you do you.
>20 years later and sonyfags are still ranting about never ever on RE2.
It's the same fucking gremlins, these fucking creatures continue too shitpost the exact same shit, holy fuck
>of course its fake retards, they didn't have text based forums in the 90s
Me too.
Not sure why you have that reaction.
My mom is average at best.
She was an average 1980s mom.
>todd is shitposter supreme even back then
Yup he definitely comes here.
>tfw your mom was a short fat chick and this faggot has a smoking hot mom
Snoy entering the game market was a mistake.
Imagine being so unloved and neglected by your parents that they got you a playshitstation instead of an N64
Every mom eventually succumbs to age. Doesn't matter what they originally look like.
My mom had another marriage at about age 50 (pic related).
No one can escape age.
>imagine being so brutally raped by your uncle that your mom buys you a pretendo 69 to take your mind off your torn up asshole by giving you shitty games to play
Shoulda got a PSX
Go back
ur moms really bangable m8
Any mom is bangable by definition of what a mom is.
I was about to say that. Great taste for some fucking fanboy.
yeah ok
>Google Groups became operational in February 2001, following Google's acquisition of Deja's Usenet archive. Deja News had been operational since 1995.
Ironically you could have used Google to find this out in seconds.
Which one of these is you, user? Older or younger kid
The one in the back keeping my youngest's hands still.
why do you feel the need to validate yourself? fuck off
The young baby.
Unfortunately I grew up a below average looking kid,
11/10 post.
>primary school days
>just done with school's weekday shits
>finished home work and weekend begins
>fires up playstation
>it was snowing outside and had to tuck myself in with blanket
>had a warm choco drink beside me while playing xenogears all night long
I miss those simple comfy days bros...
Ah, the classic mullet.
>piece of right wing garbage
>hottest thing since zelda had her first period
>The PS1 only had FFVII. That's it.
Remember zoomers, it'll happen to you too.
I gotta say that post was pretty darn based.
Mifflin Devin
Why does everything in the internet feel so fake right now? Is this the aftermath of the post-ironic era?
Flame war theater thread?
The mullet was awesome.....until you realized it was not a 90s thing and was out of fashion after the 80s.
I've convinced myself that when you die you'll get mindwiped and reborn as someone else. You'll enjoy playing the PS20 as a kid again user.
remember, your shitposting will become historic at some point too
Those are archives from the UseNET BBS service Google still keeps, dating back even from 89.
some things never change
i was born in the 90s so i dont know about those bbs, but i rememver invision powerboard and early phpbb and phorum
who remembers?
>The internet has gone so downhill that meatspace has become an escape from it