How do you feel about the feisty short stack Midna?
How do you feel about the feisty short stack Midna?
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Shortstackcucks are a blight on Midna threads.
Forced meme.
>lanklet lover comes into the shortstack midna thread complaining about shortstack midna
You're a meme
eh she's a cutie but she's no fish wife
closet furry
This. Fish > all. Midna's too flat to compete without being a fish.
regular proportioned Midna or nothing at all.
>You're a meme
Nah I just know that Twili Midna is the better form.
Fishcucks are less than humans.
Patrician choice: true form with imp's proportions
Both Midnas are a treasure.
>stumpy loli with squidface or a barefoot mommy
come on lads
i wanna poke her ass
>Midna is too flat
>le feet bros! xD
>crush on human midna hard as a kid
>grow up
>find out that everybody wants the retarded midget form
glad i'm not alone
I swear, Imp Midna's sock feet are the only fucking flaw, but they're a huge flaw
What about this imp?
they're both bearfoot, retard
Only sane person here
This crap isnt funny anymore
>closet furry
midnafuckers want to fuck a cat
Weird cats live near you then
>"What are we gonna to do on the bed, Link?"
a cat is fine too
it was never funny you fucking tumblr game play nigger
kill yourself
I mean, I do wanna fuck a cat, user. I wanna fuck Midna's Pussy
Does anyone still do these? I remember seeing Rosalina, Daisy, Peach, Mei, Rukia, Gwen, Gamecube-Tan, and some more I can't think of.
>ywn hold a fat sweaty imp in your arms
Hell, if anyone knows, I'd love to see it.
bros theres only one zelda girl who matters now
It hurts
i wanna hold her with my face
I love short stacsk
who's the artist for this?
Twili midna is best midna
She dead bro and her successor is the only good character in the game.
How do I have fun with her on Hyrule Warriors? She feels so clunky to play and weak
could you post them all?
So True Midna but less buxom?
Whenever I see Midna threads I think about that one Yea Forums bro who admitted to his wife he had a thing for Midna and from that she understood he was a pedophile so she divorced him and won't let him see the kids.
I only have this one. The others are basically porn.
With more of a tummy
I just spam the hair slam move and here her cute giggle all day
No one could handle that combo
I'd feel ashamed if I made myself the poster child for passive aggressive posters who reused my voice to voice their shitty opinions.
non-imp Midna is just a boring blue lady.
You underestimate my power.
>ywn do this
don't give up
I love you Verne Troyer
Here's your shortstack waifu, bros.
Wrong proportions desu
I want her to gentle femdom me.
The grail IRL shortstack would be Jemma. Just short without all the other problems that come from dwarfism.
>fat midget fetish
that's a yikes from me
What he said
tfw your cock could probably reach her lungs
I dont think her lungs are between her thighs user
I want to get fucked in the ass and mouth by futa Midna.
Here's your shortstack waifu, bros.
Oh mama! Name?
She is only two feet tall as an Imp
No idea.
Is midget unemployment higher than the average person due to discrimination?
If Link can transform from wolf to Hylian at will then she can transform too multiple times in a session
guys i think theres something wrong with my pants
Why would she want to change back into a form she hates?
>unzips gamecube controler
>grabs horns
Nothin personel, goblin
Ah, a man of culture, I see
I wonder how hard it is to open a strip club with midget stroppers and solely puropse is midget strippers?
Because I’m a selfish partner that wants to plough an imp! She can dom or make me do the dishes or something to compensate. I’m sure I could teach her to love a body like that.
Amazing sex
post vidya grills here
first you have to find the rare attractive midgets and then they have to be willing to strip
seems almost impossible.
So you guys don’t even like Midna. Got it. Stick to midgets faggots.
You’re just upset.
Midgets don't look like Midna though
everyone that likes the character appreciates her, well, character
her imp form is simply more attractive
she's still the same person as she was whilst in imp form, people just prefer her small
also you are gay
Best girl of her game, but not best overall.
>her imp form is simply more attractive
>a form where she is literally disfigured by dark magic into a troll is better than her tall amazonian-like form
Lel, stay gay.
have one fuck the other. Problem solved.
>futa imp midna dom
Thank you based god.
There is only one comic and it's western trash
As all futashit is.
seethe more tranny
>seething cus I don’t like his gay tranny fetish
lel dilate
ugly wounded manbeast
If you like futashit, you’re a fag and a dilating tranny, there’s no way around it. And that’s the end of the discussion
I was the one who originally requested this picture. It’s a shame the draw threads don’t get much quality content like this anymore
Midna's eternal socks are superior and god himself knows this
if you're boring
I'd be okay with the sock feet if they were at least tabi sock feet
Joke's on you retard, I had a midget fetish way before shortstack was even a term.
___ ____ _____ Yea Forums?
for me it's giantess shortstack
I don't know how to feel about this.
isnt that just
a fat stack
shit like this reminds me of the drawing of rouge measuring with her hands how a persons dick would reach her neck and I really wish someone could post it for me
She really would puke semen from anal, then.
you could just walk around while she's sitting on it
super comfy
It's a magical body, chances are she has zero innards and the fairy onahole rule appplies.