Anyone else hyped for Sword and Shield?
Anyone else hyped for Sword and Shield?
sucked the soul right out of her
>/pol/tards turning her white
>Pajeets claiming she's a street shitter
>WE WUZ claiming her as representation
I just wanted to talk about cute brown girls. Now I can never enter these threads because it's full of autism.
more like sucked the nut out of my dick
racist shitlord
real version
why does she have donuts strapped to her legs
Dude, she is abviously a latino girl.
I am not hyped for sword and shield but I strangled my stork to that delicious brown cutie many times.
no, I'd rather participate in shitposting.
only whites have souls
>she's actually 10x hotter white
of course
Too white, ook
Literally just another flavor of the month two-bit generic faced Pokegirl
>Game Freak makes a cute darkie
>internet freaks out
Its ok to like Vanilla & Chocolate.
WMBF posters seething
I wanna impregnate this primate
>turbo virgins cant stand the thought of ONE character not being white
nice job weebs
i'm hyped for more interracial /ss/, which doesn't have nearly enough content.
I'm already bananas for her