so i bought the starter pack and have been playing a week and a half, im level 23 or 24 by now and im really loving the game, im just not sure if i wanna invest myself fully into the new expansion and buy it and everything. its not really a big price thing, the expansion is only 40 dollars, its more about it being a time investment
So i bought the starter pack and have been playing a week and a half...
If you got Heavensward for free when that was a thing you've already got more than enough shit to keep you busy for some time, there's no point buying the expansion before you've even hit 50.
i would get the exp earrings, which would help me level a lot quicker
Really only useful for extra jobs, you're going to hit cap before you're done with each MSQ anyway.
Theres a cap to when you can use the earrings?
They work until 71, I think. But the ARR story will get you to 50 very quickly, especially if you do sidequests. People with HW tend to start it by the mid 50's now.
no, website says 1-70
How do you play this on a ps4 controller? How do you change hotbars? Seems really annoying to have to push 3 buttons to use a skill that would be one key push on pc.
itll get me there even quicker if i have those earrings, then i can use it to level extra jobs down the line(im currently a black mage)
i play on PC
It sounds like you want to be convinced it's worth buying the expansion this early, but it's something only you can decide.
If you don't own any of them, see how you feel about the game when you hit 50. If you want to keep leveling, then get the xpac.
idk, i guess ill think about it.
I googled the earrings and apprently they only apply to exp you get from killing monsters. Sounds like bullshit to me. im gonna wait and not preorder them
Sounds great for dungeons, which is what you get most of your XP from when leveling other jobs.
youre going to sway OP to wasting money lol
I recently started too but I’m only at lvl 8.
Game seems really comfy but I worry about using skills on the PS4 controller. Like I might end up not using some because they aren’t set to a hot key.
Love the atmosphere though. Running around busy areas is really cool.
You have more slots for abilities than you have abilities themselves, even with a controller.
I don't remember what it was like because I haven't used one since the closed beta, but I'm pretty sure you could hold down both triggers and shoulder buttons to cycle crossbars.
the atmosphere is one of the best parts. its great
I got lvl70 back and in HW and I have never done side quests.
I guess I find it intimidating.
I don’t want to accidentally use the wrong skills and let people down in dungeons. When I get to them anyways.
You get skills very slowly, so you'll get used to where they are. A good thing to do is run Palace of the Dead once you unlock it, as you'll unlock new skills there and they'll remain on your bar when you leave, even though you can't use them.
This way you get to see how your class plays later, and you can set up your skills ahead of time.
I’ll keep that in mind.
So is this a testament to how useless the earrings are?
It's a testament to how stupidly high they buffed the MSQ XP gains