Trailers that were better than the games they advertised
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish RDR2 had this kind of dickish, more intense tone and not the more gentle, slow paced one of the actual game
Every Ubisoft E3 trailer
Juiced fucking sucked.
Despite being the biggest gaming blockbusters Rockstar games have some of the most self-indulgent pacing in the industry. The Housers insist on recreating the most banal segments from the Sopranos and Deadwood like car/horse rides, menial labour, and meal times. It's pretty impressive how they've managed to get away with it due to their unparalleled success at making dudebro shooting spree games.
I won't let this thread die without posting this first.
>that BRAAAP at the very end
Remeber when people thought this was real? Fucking retards lmao
I'm still mad.
To this day, i'm still mad.
how do i down-vote threads on Yea Forums?
so much wasted potential
I despise it. Rockstar writers really do huff their own farts. It reminds me of the movie Kingsman; amateurish, edgy writers that actually think they're clever and original.
>But my $80 million I spent on music licensing!
Kojima is unironically trash and only manages to do well when severe limitations are put in place.
The one that was about an Island with Zombies, I don't remember the name
I remember GS forums back in the day.
Looking back, you guys are not nearly as mean as those guys...they were batshit insane and the sony fanboys pushed all sorts of shit.
I had an xbox and a PSP back then and for some reason I kept going to the consolewars forums. I guess I really do not know better.
What's funny is that, while Resistance Fall of Man and Killzone 2 were pushed as mere eye candy games with nothing but graphics to push the systems, the games themselves were honest to God awesome.
I would very much like both trilogies remastered.
Killzone story is actually very damned fucking engaging. There used to be a tripfriend here called wolf something about a decade ago and he made PS3 threads and there were good. I used to play Killzone co-op with my dad before college...great times, I even liked the dumbass Sony motion controllers for KZ3.
Resistance is the half life series we never got.
I hope one day someone looks back at those games (and infamous as well) and recognizes them as some kickass titles.
Man, I really wish for a PS3 emulator given my PS3 is damaged beyond repair.
Dead island.
Dude, island of Zombies. Just think about it for a bit...
What the fuck
Ha, that was the best thing from E3 2012, it was that fucking bad!
I think this particular MGSV trailer is overrated. It's actually my least favorite out of all of them. But yeah, any of its trailers fits perfectly with the thread either way
It's to distract from the banal reality of their games. The world of RDR2 would feel unbelievably empty and shallow if every action didnt take so long to do. I don't even want to think how much playtime was spent just dealing with the long animations or brushing my horse or holding for every input
It was a shit game, I don't even want to think about it
>It reminds me of the movie Kingsman
It was a comic first by douchebag extraordinaire Mark Millar.
Kingsman, Wanted and Kickass adaptations are miles beyond the shitty comics. If you think the movies are bad the source material is worse.
I am glad they never went for a Nemesis movie, in the comic, the villain kidnaps the kids of a detective who is investigating him, and uses the male kid sperm to impregnate that kid's sister, also the boy was gay. To top it all, he rigged the girl's vagina with an anti-abortion device...yeah Nemesis.
They really need to fucking realize that a 5-10 minute horse ride to a letter M, only for that mission to require you to ride another 5-10 minutes somewhere else just to dialog dump on you is fucking retarded. Everyone calls them out on these car/horse ride dialog dumps that serve no purpose but padding because the missions are scripted as hell and always a shooting gallery focused on cover shooting because of shitty bloom/aiming mechanics and psychic AI
This is obviously scripted, though?
Rockstar tease complete freedom but then actually deliver an experience that is more linear than gone homo. The GTA games are thus far less bad in this, but after the latest RDR I'm gonna wait for reviews and shit before getting a new one of theirs because it was one of the most self-indulgent games I've ever played.
Oh and Killing Floor 2 Trailer I guess.
literally everything in the trailer was in the game. just because you didn't get it in a 6 hour campaign doesn't mean it was false advertising.
GTA5 is better than 4 stupid zoomer.
at least in GTA, driving from A to B can feel somewhat like a game due to driving on the road and avoiding the cars. in RDR2 you are literally just going slowly on the horse with no real obstacles or anything. It makes everything about traditional rockstar design feel ten times worse.
it certainly gives off a much different tone and impression than what the game is actually like. also, nobody mentioned false advertising.
You're a retard, you can explore 95% of the game world without doing a single mission after the introduction.
>nobodies posted this yet
Yeah and missions give you all the useful tools and gear. Get fucked, fanboy.
I liked MGSV but...
>Ground Zeroes demo goes live...
>GZ is dark as fuck
>V is afterwards hyped as an edgier game, stating that GZ was just the tip of the iceberg
>MGSV was allegedly going to expand on Big Boss and his actions
>We see fucked up shit in all trailers
>Launch Date
>LMAO it was all a ruse, Venom is a goody two shoes, you save starving children, the world and you are not even big bossu
I am only mildly discontent because Portable ops was written off the canon for this.
So Big Boss simply went mad without any reason, it also subtly retcons MGSIV.
Yes but people thought it was real game footage kek.
Console brainlets
>Release a series of audio stories leading up to the events of the game
>Was a great source of building up hype for longtime fans and newcomers alike.
>Game comes out
>Campaign is absolute garbage and 90% of things referenced was never mentioned in the actual game
What a huge missed opportunity
You can go to the cinematic view where the horse rides itself and put the controller down. After chapter 3 that is what I did for the rest of the game. Sucks when you get a random event where people ride up on you but moments like that are what made RDR2 worth finishing. Having an exciting chase only to smack a rock and fly off, all the random shit NPCs were doing with each other, the fucking atmosphere.
Honestly if you got rid of bloom on weapons the gameplay wouldn't even feel that bad, it just sucks waiting 2 seconds for the pistol bloom to shrink to be able to accurately shoot. I wanted to run around duel wielding without cover, but you are really punished for that.
i bought this game, i like to forget about it
I only remember this game because it was a kid I know's first taste of true disappointment in games, he was more hyped for this than a virgin who was about to get to touch tits.
>Why you should never listen to Yea Forums: The Thread, The Movie, The Game.
That and Red Orchestra 2.
That being said, why is splash damage so damn unlucky, their games don't exactly suck, I for one liked Dirty Bomb better than Overwatch.
You were disappointed you didn't get to kill trump supporters in a video game?
I was going to say that the game is actually pretty fun, but yeah Heavensward was super boring.
I really don't get how people liked it more than ARR.
I could not give less of a shit about the poor dragons and their war with the cool knight dudes.
Also making Nanamo's poisoning a fakeout ruined the impact of it and made it seem like any main character death would be temporary at worst.
Still expecting my main dude Haurchefant to come back.
Vapourware is cheating user.
i dropped RDR2 when i realized i could only tolerate it if i let the game play itself for minutes at a time
You need the apostrophe to denote ownership, my dude.
this is how I know you haven't played through all of Heavensward. That was the best expansion so far.
>RO2 was bad
You want bad? I'll show you bad
I don't even play XIV, I just posted it because I like the trailer
Good concept, shit execution
That piece of advertising made me hate 343i less. I was still not going to buy Halo 5, never did, but I liked some of the things 343i did like bringing more lore from the books into the games, that was a good move, especially because Halo canon is not bad at all (Fuck New Blood tough).
Anyhow that and Halo Wars 2 demonstrated that the franchise still had some juice in it beyond the initial premise.
I wonder how badly the Tv show is gonna fuck things up.
The intro song is Odgen's Nut Gone Flake from Small Faces
Did people even buy this? It was dead on release.
Heavensward was unironically kino for the most part, a shame Stormblood has less impact but it makes up for it with a decent villain and some good dialogue from him towards the end.
I'm still pissed at myself for getting hyped for this steaming pile of shit
I liked both games, RO2 was not bad but it had a player base you can count with the toes of a leper. Same for Rising Storm.
A month later and the only live servers were on the UK. Imagine a ping of over 100 in that game, then make it double because the nearest server is in another continent.
To top it all, there are still COD babies and Battlefags complaining about realism but the fuckers will never jump into these games, forevially mad and eternally hating it
>no reason
We still know all the reasons why he did, V never changed it
Bot matches from $1 on steam (Or I may have gotten it free...)
Not bad, but Splash Damage really does not know how to hype their games. Dirty Bong was their only hit, now they work with 343i on Halo.
I don't know what you're talking about, RO2/RS1 had active servers in the U.S all the way up until RS2 came out. Unless you could only play in the morning, in which case only bong servers were active.
I like these. I must be the odd one out. I get really immersed into the world and characters and to hear them talking even about minuscule things just feels alive. I really dig that. I’m self aware that I must be the odd one out considering all my friends just want to get to the next rooting tootin shooting part
God, this pisses me off we could have had a game like RS1
Instead we get garbage, so heres a list of features that i'll list that were cut from RS2 cause Tripwire and Antimatter are pieces of shits
>In the original game the maps started as objectives americans needed to capture, the americans had better fire power and shit then the vietnamese, the starting game would give the Vietnamese 30 seconds, plus however long it took for the americans to reach the first objective which was usually far away time to set up traps, the spawn would change 1 minute after the round started
>90% of the maps were thick jungles that you couldn't see, being in the jungles would deplete morale by 1 tick for every 3 minutes spent in the jungle (out of 10 ticks)
>The vietnamese could have Grenade Traps, Punji Sticks, Snares to slow americans down, or Pit falls to capture multiple americans, the latter taking 30 seconds to put down
>The vietnamese originally could use squad leader tunnels to go to other squad leader tunnels around the map
>The M16's would sometimes jam on the americans
>Most maps had helicopters in them
>Spawning in helicopters was faster then spawning on the ground, facilitating helicopter movement
>In maps that didnt have helicopters, americans could call in a flight of the valkyries move in which 3 gunner helicopters would sweep the area similar to the spooky but more close ranged
Fuck RS2, Fuck Antimatter, and Fuck tripwire.
It was more how bloated it felt. There were 4 villains and none of them felt as well developed or interesting as Vaas and Hoyt from FC3. Same applies to side characters, they aren't as likable or interesting as FC4, and despite their appearances in the trailer they barely have any purpose in the plot. The Montana setting was comfy but the premise of a cult taking over felt so underutilized, the cult really didn't feel terribly threatening after John's region since you're doing the same thing again and again but you're more overpowered. Getting drugged for nearly every mission also was annoying
Also the endings fucking sucked and make me glad I never bothered with New Dawn.
i still remember the VERY first trailer
I liked the game but I always feel like trailers are more evocative than the release. Initially your imagination just goes wild of what a game can be, then playing it is inevitably limiting.
Oh yeah I also forgot that the Vietnamese had a special move, where they could climb trees and sit in them and bushes as well, when they popped out, similar to a banzai charge the american's morale would be instantly depleted.
>I liked MGSV
Portable ops was sincerely a better backstory, without it, Snake simply decides to create a mercenary company after the Boss's death, then he gets on a piss fight with Zero (Who is never his enemy, making that whole line in MGSV utterly confusing).
So he makes Zanzibar Land because....
By the way it has been a while, but Hal is Emmerick and Strangelove child right?
i like seeing the characters talk at camp and stuff, but i don't like a lot of the slower paced reality elements like horse brushing and forced walking, that just seem to slow things down unnecessarily.
I wonder how much of this trailer was actually in the game?
It still hurts to watch... Can't believe it was 6 years ago already.
GTAV was so bad
People call it a blunder but with the way things are it will be fondly remembered, especially those sales
Yes in 2010 I knew a kid. It's truly shocking.
That sounds super complicated to implement in game. Not only it sounds beyond the talent of tripwire (See KF2) I think it would be hard to players to get used to it.
Just making guns jam in a game would send the steam section into flames and piss. The whining would be unbearable.
That's wrong though. Gta5 turned out better than that trailer are you retarded?
Driving to a location in GTA while the characters banter is fine for me, but riding to a destination in RDR is the most boring thing in the world to me, never replayed either game because of it. Idk I think the driving still has just enough interactivity for me to still not completely hate it.
the only opinion on Yea Forums that genuinely makes me seethe is when people unironically praise the game
Insurency, Squad, and Arma 3 simulates gun jams just fine and nobody gives a shit. Why would it be any different with RS2?
why do i remember it being so good?
>Gta5 turned out better
>that MADE FOR 7TH GEN CONSOLE first quality
>stripping more and more freedom in the main story for more linear cinematic experiences
>boring story, with mediocre characters
>MTX up the ass in online
Got goosebumps
The KI Reboot was actually fucking great though after Iron Galaxy took over
Heavensward had Iceheart, Stormblood had Yotsuyu.
Stormblood wins by a perfect.
yeah thats the essential difference for me, driving in GTA still feels somewhat stimulating and a feeling of skill if you want to go really fast, but riding the horse in RDR2 just has none, it feels completely brainddead, slow and simplistic
I had forgotten about that one.
Anyhow, do you remember RS2 on release? Plenty of new players jumped in expecting it to be closer to Counter Strike. Hell getting people to use smoke right in both RO games was an achievement.
This. Even now the trailer looks awesome.
none of it.
the leviathan boss fight went from looking like crazy, over the top boss fight to just flying around because "muh special powers" shit show.
this is so awesome
yeah and the final results actually looks better.
better facial animations, better color grading. better textures and models.
If we're doing high production values trailer mock-ups
What was the last time you fell for a trailer and bought the game day one? For me, Watchdogs.
I remember
them recording vietnamese screams, then replacing them with the RS1 Japanese screams because "we weren't happy with the screams
this makes the city seem way more alive than it actually is
Because it was
it was a 6~7/10 game, campaign wise. 2/10 mp though
for a trailer? I don't think I ever had. I've always been caught by another form of marketing.
had to post it
>6~7/10 game
Low standards
It was a chore to play, it wanted to be more of a movie than game
>it wanted to be more of a movie than game
i thought of rdr2 instantly
Sony was pushing at the time that this was real gameplay
Have to admit, this trailer still has a kind of magic feel to it, that I can't quite describe. It feels older than it is. Even though I know V didnt turn out amazing, it makes me want to play V. It feels like something so new is on the horizon.
Gears of War 2.
I did not regret one bit but after that I was never that excited for a game...ever.
Gears trailers were not that great afterwards. Even the recent ones are kind of lame.
PC gaming taught me it will go cheaper in one point and there was no hurry with a backlog the size of Texas.
The entire franchise is severely underrated.Ps3 had some great exclusives thinking of it.
The older I get, the more this feels true for every game. When I play games now, I moreso tend to notice what they don't have, what they might evoke but can't capture.
>gets his character raped
what was rockstars fucking problem?
This wasn't exactly a trailer of what goes on in the actual game, but the storyline presented seems 1000 times more interesting than the bullshit we got.
>it will be fondly remembered
Do you live under a fucking rock lmao
In what channel were thinking to air that?
that trailer gives me versus 13 vibes, maybe it was that?
I can see why they pulled most of that out, it sounds good but would either be a nightmare to implement or just wouldn't work the way you think it would.
>the Halo killer
In the end, Halo killed itself.
the baseball stadium part was cool but pretty meh game
the game isnt out you retarded faggot
That's because it's not really a trailer that was made by SE and was more a fan project that Tabata thought was a GREAT idea to include into the finished project.
I still remember the threads and the speculation as we were learning it was MGS:V. Back when it was under the guise of Moby Dick Studios
No, more like the market changed and interest shifted to mobile and F2P / twitch shit.
Sure Halo 5 sucked ass but everything around the franchise was still going in strong.
Even if Infinite was actually good, Halo will never be as popular again unless Microsoft makes a movie deal with Disney.
At least post the trailer
I remember watching the trailer and being immeasurably disappointed by the gameplay videos.
I'm from 2021 and this game is so bad. Don't even bother pre-ordering this pile of shit. PS4 and PS4 Pro can only get 12 fps, it isn't playable on consoles. Only rtx 2080 ti can run this shit on high settings 60 fps. You can get 29-30 fps on PS5 but sometimes it drops to 20 for like 10 seconds. The biggest shit ever created.
I feel you, dude. I still watch that trailer sometimes to get hyped about a product we never got.
Such a shame about the mechanics of the fight. The soundtrack and scale of presentation were phenomenal.
As has been stated several times itt, MGSV trailers were better than the game.
Detroit: Become Human. That is one of the hypest trailers I ever saw. But the game is all about "muh blagg beebul".
Which trailer? There are at least three.
Literally what happened to this game? Where is it?
well it did deliver on connor
the other characters were shit compared to him, felt like dlc content
went back and saw it, did they cut kara content for the black character?
>implying its not gonna get delayed
I hate to think that people on the dev team went through all the trouble to make that giant bombastic leviathan set piece only to have it not be used at any point in the game.
You think you know pain, you don't. This game just came out.... and nobody cares. Sold like 7 copies. It is NOTHING, and i mean -NOTHING- like this trailer. Check the comments. This was truly EA, at their most oddly cynical. Just shat out a singleplayer game, even though the first one was oddly, goat.
Does anybody else get sort of scared when they see youtube comments like "THREE MORE DAYS""""" and it says "4 years ago" on it. I've seen even earlier versions of this. God I hate time.
Reminder that Sony was the one who passed this off as real game footage, the devs didn't know that Sony took this and put it up at E3 literally until it was shown, and Sony let them take the heat for it
>I am glad they never went for a Nemesis movie, in the comic, the villain kidnaps the kids of a detective who is investigating him, and uses the male kid sperm to impregnate that kid's sister, also the boy was gay. To top it all, he rigged the girl's vagina with an anti-abortion device...yeah Nemesis.
what the fuck
Agreed, the immersion can be good but the actual gameplay mechanics bog it down, I.E. holding buttons for five seconds, the game forcing you to a crawl every ten minutes, etc. The game takes control away from the player so often they might as well just use cutscenes instead of making it in-engine.
ps3 trailers, all of them
even worse, it was a render. Nothing in that is real time.
Who cares, he was a fuckin' kike. They should have killed that Luis Lopez fag too.
I remember being so excited for this shit.
what about the racing game? And no mans sky? All the same story or what? How naiv can one be
Imagine trusting Todd
I really liked RDR2. I never understood the complaints about muh animations, except the in-camp walking.
sucsk so much how they changed the game... imagine how all the other women in the game would have looked if they stayed on track with the design. Fucking shit game it turned out in the end... fucking design fail
A games that were better than the trailer thread would be interesting
The music was also lacking which is strange since it was made by the same composer as the first.
>all the stupid hype and memeing threads about this game
nu Yea Forums falls for anything
it lost me with no singleplayer content
I don't know how they nailed a trailer like this and fumbled the reboot franchise so hard.
What's most baffling is that there are actually people defending bethesda in the comments.
I'ma say it. KI is the best fighting game ever made.
This was grandiose lie.
Can you feel it too, Yea Forums?
This eems pretty accurate.
i want to like it because i love the general design and how the music is a big part of the gameplay but im just not a fan of the actual fighting mechanics with those auto combo attack strings.
Still hurts that we won't be getting this
That sound really good. Fucking shame.
I play with the easy combo on. It helps me focus more on breakers and countering their breaks. Being able to do easy combos makes the game more honest of it now becomes about neutrals and getting the first hit in, and less about being able to do some crazy 1 frame MvC3 combo to do damage. The game is always a blast to watch at any tournament. Combo Breaker the other month was amazing.
im still mad at how shitty the final product looked in comparison
Oh boy.
>first game is basically "movement puzzle" in carefully crafted environment
>let's make sequel BUT open world
What the fuck were they thinking?
I would really want to see Bioshock Infinite from the aleternative universe where it got finished according to original plan.
wtf is going on with this shit
OPEN world meme killed gaming, etc. or at least a big part of it.
Didn't play LoU. What exactly is different in the game?
>got hyped cause Aaron Paul and Jack Black at the time
>this piece of shit will never come out
It’s for the best
Try using the brush while you’re riding it instead, dumbass. It’s one stroke and completely clean.
>What the fuck were they thinking?
well to be fair, when mirrors edge first came out, after its success, people wanted a parkour type game but in an open world setting.
which if done right, would actually be pretty cool.
The black guy is tv famous. Of course they were going to push him to the front.
The major downgrade is the AI which was the biggest selling point of the game during those days. It simply isn't as intelligent and impressive as demonstrated but there were a lot of animations that were cut as well.
But the worst of it was that Naughty Dog's lies were so blatant. Pic related is what they said to a fan of theirs about the game a week before its release.
Changed devs half a dozen times, I think Dying Light scared them away from ever wanting to release it. There's some old gameplay and it looks like ass.
>Snake simply decides to create a mercenary company after the Boss's death, then he gets on a piss fight with Zero
But that doesn't explain why he has child soldiers and nukes. In V you're building a nuke and recruit child soldiers.
god this one is rough
I've never seen Yea Forums more hyped for a game than they were for MGSV. Even the most jaded people expected it to potentially be the crown jewel of the entire medium, the Citizen Kane of vidya. People were talking about quitting gaming, or killing themselves after it was released.
It really do think it was the most disappointing game of all time. I was jaded before, but now I'm literally incapable of being hyped for a videogame because of this shit.
The Wanted movie had nothing to do with the comic. The comic was about the fallout after the DC Justice League was defeated and super-villains ruled on some parallel Earth. The main girl, Fox, was post-happening Catwoman. I happened to like the comic.
The real question with comic Wanted is how he got away with it without DC noticing.
its been five years
I'm not gonna bother posting it but anthem.
Hell, all the promotional shit they did for that game was brilliant - yet the game did nothing to live up to it
>The main girl, Fox, was post-happening Catwoman.
For posterity.
same, its crazy how so many people had the same experience with Brink.
This looks more like a retarded porn than game commercial, no wonder it's banned.
Undebatably the greatest video game trailer ever
was GTA ever actually good?
>You're a retard, you can explore 95% of the game world without doing a single mission after the introduction.
New Austin a lot bigger than 5%
>being hype for Bethesda ever
Bethesda is god-tier at making braindead retards and zoomers pre-order the Dicksucking Goy Edition for all of their games instantly. Imagine putting some bland song over an even blander trailer and getting that much money from pre-orders.
who exactly got excited for this after Fallout 4?
It's German. It was never banned. Apparently nudity isn't a problem there according to the people in the comments.
It's Germans. What do you expect? They are brapfags and scatfags.
Where does the stereotype come from?
German here
>Half of the Imperial characters aren't in the game or were forced into DLC.
>Most of the Leviathan fight was cut
>Most of the scenes in Insomnia were cut
>Father and son scenes cut
>Imperial invasion of Insomnia was changed to being a fucking shitty CGI movie
>No escape fight near the Insomnia Castle despite being super easy to implement
Fuck Square Enix. Fuck them. I never bought a single product from them ever fucking again.
Dying Light unironically did that right.
This game looked kinda cool, reminds me of a show I watched as a kid called A.T.O.M. what happened to this game?
Not sure. Just kinda emerged out of nowhere. I guess it has to do with the historical Schwedentrunk and a historical joke lost to time, or alternatively it has to do with the porn demographics of Germany. It's a common stereotype I've heard of though, I am surprised you don't know of it. I've seen it shitposted (no pun intended) on here a lot.
fug it's still so good
>have an excellent audio novel/blog that is genuinely engaging and interesting spanning months and months
>alluding towards doing what is right vs doing what you are being told
>alluding to government corruption, ONI falseflagging chief and all the dark shit that ONI's done
>hyping up chief going AWOL and having his own personal story
>game comes out
>revives Cortana and just completely ruins the entirety Halo 4 story
>all that marketing has literally nothing to do with the game at all
Literally FALSE fucking advertising. Holy fuck, I want to punch Brain Reed in the face and all the cunts at 343i
the gameplay is pristine, even though the story wasn't what it was promissed
Honestly I knew something was wrong just from watching this trailer. If it had been a different series it might have piqued my interest, but there was something decidedly un-Dark Souls about it.
>not best trailer
I have no empathy for you honestly, anybody who had followed the trend in FF games + the development hell XV had been through could have predicted that it was bound to be a shitshow.
And now some people are going through the same thing with the VII remake. FF is dead, it's time to let it go.
So was the Watchdog E3 "gameplay" footage. Didn't stop many idiots from believing it and hyping it. Gamers are idiots, children and idiot children, what do you expect?
Why RO2? It's good for what it is. I don't think it's remotely comparable to Brink.
I liked it. It's not the best game ever made but it's not remotely bad.
It's going to be like GTAIV, when the next one is released we'll have nostalgia threads explaining why GTAV was an underrated gev while GTAVI is dumbed down garbage. Like clockwork.
>not the Stevie Wonder version.
c'mon user.
For a second there I thought they were going full bimbofication
Who the fuck is that cloak guy even supposed to be.
>The Insomnia assets were clearly in the game, as shown by the Platinum demo.
>The Behemoth quest was finished, but stripped down for no reason.
>All these cutscenes they literally finished but didn't put in because...?????
No seriously, what's the point of not including the shit they finished?
Never fucking ever
remember that one schizo tripfag who kept claiming that Kojima had some master LARP going on and that we're all fools for not seeing the obvious threads of his genius teasing us about MGSV-2
Holy fuck those digits. Anyways his name is Caramel
>remember that one schizo tripfag who kept claiming that Kojima had some master LARP going on
If there was only one. Every MGS/Kojima thread is filled with people like that. I think some are just having fun making up theories but I know that some of them are 100% serious, even though they're proven wrong every single time.
Look at the ridiculous theories surrounding Death Stranding.
Gonna watch every trailer ITT and try not to suicide.
Sure. I even had a full match in 2015. I think that there's still 1 community server operating at certain times. Game is really fun when accepted for what it is (which is not what the trailer advertised).
Jesus the story in this game was hot garbage.
Its insane how 90% of the story is n the cgi movie and the game has shit all.
That's frankly unforgivable in my book, that alone means that anybody who gave this game a positive rating is a fraud.
I didn't like the gameplay, I didn't like the world, I didn't like the characters but all that is somewhat subjective so I can accept others having a different opinion about it. On the other hand having the actual story of a full-price AAA game not actually been told correctly in the actual game because you're supposed to have watched some tie-in movie beforehand is simply unacceptable however you choose to look at it.
One of the first e3 shows i saw, and even with my limited knowledge about cgi i knew it was fake.
And when i pointed out displacement mapping seen in the shots and dense fluid simulations cant be done in real time even if the ps3 had 10x the power of the most powerful pc at the time i always heard some retarded excuse.
Talked with some guy and pointed how cgi movies take days to render per frame, and all he said in return was "the power of the cell" unironically.
People are such fucking corporate sheep, they will defend their favorite corporation to death.
>I didn't like the gameplay, I didn't like the world, I didn't like the characters but all that is somewhat subjective so I can accept others having a different opinion about it. On the other hand having the actual story of a full-price AAA game not actually been told correctly in the actual game because you're supposed to have watched some tie-in movie beforehand is simply unacceptable however you choose to look at it.
I love the part that when you see the ships fly to the capital you get like 100 sec silent movie trailer that if you didnt see the movie will mean shit all to you and leave you questioning why it wa so short, why no sound and why none of the characters you just saw were ever mentioned or seen again.
Hunt the Truth was KINO. Seriously why the fuck did they get Bryan Reedtard when they had those writers?
>Literally what happened to this game? Where is it?
Dying Light came out and DI2 was so dated by comparison they cancelled it.
They shifted development to another studio but fuck knows if its still being made or not.
Good move, Dying Light sold like 15 million copies, DI2 would fucking tank hard and at lest they shitcanned it less than halfway into development.
Oh hey that reminds me
Here's the inversed : a reveal trailer so bad it fucked the game
the final game had a lot less reused content from mgo3 and actually had a pretty long single player story (most people literally think survive still is co-op only because of this trailer.)
Precisely. I had the same reaction. I thought it was like FFVIII's intro where you have Squall and Seifer fighting while bits of future cutscenes are spliced-in, it's really similar in execution:
I genuinely and naively thought that was what it was at this point and I was quite hyped, I thought it was showing me teasers of things to come and it looked cool. Then I quickly realized that it was just some teaser trailer for the movie and that was all I was going to get in that full priced mainline series FF game. I was genuinely dumbfounded.
Oh shit Niko Bellic!
>What were they thinking
Nier Automata. this fake choreographed combat makes the game look not shit & actually functional.
then you play the actual game and enemies are bouncing 5 meters away from your hitboxes, finishers don't work & it has with the sloppiest combat of any action game and the worst RPG mechanics of any RPG both working against each other.
I seriously rushed home from work to listen to the new audio logs and new pics and looking at all the crazy theories people were making. It genuinely was amazing ARG
The incompetency of 343 is fucking infuriating
the endless cycle of Yea Forums
RDR2 dialogue and character moments don't hold a candle to Deadwood's.
How is that choreographed? You can do everything that's in the trailer in the game.
>the sloppiest combat of any action game
You haven't played a lot of action games if you legitimately think that.
Thats gameplay demo vs gameplay final build comparison not vs the bullshit e3 trailer you dumb fucking inbreed piece of shit.
You shills are fucking brain dead, jesus.
The game didnt even look 20% as good as the bullshot trailer.
I played that part of the game unpatched and it flows much better.
That's literally all stuff you can do in the game, just with the camera spinning around. The only thing they changed is the dodge animation, and I agree they shouldn't have made it easier/slow down time.
>when the marketing company you hire to advertise the game you're making understands the source material and its inspiration better than you do.
>Finishers don't work.
Yeah they do. They just have ridiculously tight timing. Automata's one of those games where you have to make your own fun. The game allows you to cheese it and make it a bore if you like, but all the tools for satisfying fights are right there if you choose to use them.
half the video is performing finishers. but they're just animations that play put in the trailer. in the actual game you can't do finishers past the first level because they're glitched. and they also don't look like when you do them because they're not programmed right. enemies explode on the first hit of the finisher leaving you in the animation, attacking nothing. you never get a good clean animation like 0:45.
the trailer also intentionally makes it look like your using many different DMC like moves when in reality almost every attack is just taken from a strange slapped together mash x or y combo & it intentionally obscures the fact half the attacks aren't gameplay and are canned animations. like the dodge isn't that cool in the final game the actual movement is a lot worse even the FX are worse.
even hitting enemies is wonky as fuck in game not clean and satisfying like the trailer tries to trick you into thinking.
>GZ is dark as fuck
It was edgy.
Stupidly edgy, as if it was written by a Linkin Park listening 12 year old.
It felt like MGS fanfiction way more than TPP did.
>We see fucked up shit in all trailers
Like what?
The hint at him killing child soldiers, which was obviously not going to happen?
Was this monologue ever in the game?
This looks like Halo 2 to me
It's not fair bros.
that's not timing. it's an enemy health threshold that wasn't scaled with the RPG shit because the devs are drooling retards. it's glitched to all fuck. most players forget it was ever even a mechanic outside of like 2 boss fight where due to another glitch the finisher prompt appears constantly.
I prefer this one desu.
This one still hurts
>tfw it was all lies upon lies
Why do games companies do this
>meanwhile VIIR looks as promising as this trailer
I got scammed by CA with this title, the last one I bought from them.
I dont even bother with pirating
>This wasn't exactly a trailer of what goes on in the actual game,
that wasn't even in the game at launch. It got patched in as a Nightmare the MC has like a month later.
FFXV is a fucking embarassment and fuck Tabata for ruining something that was good with his misleading trailers and Hold O Casual Pandering gameplay
>Satisfying fights
you have to be fucking kidding me? seeking out satisfying fights leaves you over-leveled and killing enemies in 4 hits because of the ass level scaling.
This games combat isn't functional & varied enough to justify getting out cheat engine to unfuck my ATK and DEF stats. Pod programs also feel awful & cheap.
wanna do a boss fight? sorry you can't. multiple invasive cutscenes & scripted events mid fight will ruin any potentially decent boss fight in the game.
Or you could just put the game on hard and not equip the attack up chips.
thank god i learned my lesson about hype with Mass Effect 3
Literally everyone eviewing the game form journalist, niche websites and no name youtubers recommend to get game user
>Starts off thread listing two high quality made games
This place is super gay
Why are they cereal mascots
I honestly really liked the cartoon they played i wish it was announcement for a Netflix cartoon or some shit
All of them.
GTAV is a great game, stop sucking Crowbcat's e-celeb dick.
Yakuza 6