Habbo Hotel... home...
Habbo Hotel... home
I miss that time.
I'm gonna plug the capitalism: extra capitalism version
pool’s still closed
>See some fuckers ERPing
>Report them
>Laugh maliciously
posting a classic
Ralph go away
Based mom calling out old memes.
If someone did that today they would be arrested and sentenced to prison for a hate crime. Trump would somehow be blamed for it too.
The good old days
>egocentric coalburning mutt still thinks its directed at her despite being proved wrong
this seemed like the coolest hangout ever
good time. i remember my friend throwing a fit at me and stop talking to me for over a week because my character was sitting next to his gf in a bathtub and was just talking about random stuff. good stuff
i dont know how to explain it but the room layouts were the comfiest thing ever
At least it was before Anonymous blew up a van
holy shit I remember this game. it was so fucking weird I didnt understand what there was to do.
I remember a different news report, with the same clip art black guy used on Yea Forums over a decade ago, except it said "Pool's closed due to AIDS" and it was in a predominantly black neighborhood.
Ahh habbo hotel.. Home.. until /pol/ took over.
Oh wait.
is this no longer possible to do in habbo?
based brain dead zoomer thinking this video is recent
>he didn't join the better habbo rip-off
>can't raid anymore
>can't ask people to raid or you get, "HURR NOT UR PERSONAL ARMY" faggots
>can't have fun on Yea Forums anymore
Yea Forums died a long time ago, fun is no longer an option.
>mfw I remember this game
God this game was great, fuck disney.
literally all the public rooms were removed years and years ago, like back in 2010, when they converted the game to flash. the devs were so incompetent with recoding the game they just decided to delete almost every room and minigame. they eventually attempted to bring them back a few years ago but nobody gave a shit anymore.
i know this might just be nostalgia but why did the internet just seem so much more fun? it felt like there were fun games like this everyone could just join in and play. i miss the social aspect
lefties ruined everything with social media
it was the wild west
funny enough i'm good friends with someone who was a moderator for this game, apparently disney shut it down because of safety concerns. i honestly wouldn't be surprised if they saw all the shit going down on habbo and pulled the plug.
the last "raid" I remember was when someone found Dobson's minecraft server IP and a handful of us started destroying all his autistic creations such as this fine McDonald's establishment.
Mods didn't like it and started nuking the threads
basically, yeah. Yea Forums used to be fun, but now when you want to have fun you get faggots screaming, "NOT YOUR PERSONAL ARMY" preventing any fun from happening.
God I hate that mentality, it's ruined the site. We used to be able to put a phone number and call 20 pizza's on someone, now you just get faggots saging en masse and shitposting about their normie shit.
public rooms are gone, and even if they were still around you wouldn't get the same reactions as they were back in the '06 raids because eventually pools closed due to aids ended up being a celebrated tradition
There were no rules, everything was completely anonymous, big businesses and normies didn't take hold of it yet so sites/games were a lot more innocent and quirky instead of trying to get money out of you.
>Tfw i was a big habbo fan when i was like 12 but i never liked how you had to pay real money to get the cool items
>Instead I used to play on the knockoff servers like Blah hotel because they let you have a big amount of credits every 10 minutes without paying a dime
>Spent entire afternoons with a Skype friend building rooms that looked like cities and mansions
Take me back bros. I miss those comfy times so fucking much. I dont even talk to her anymore, it just hurts so much.
Me behind the duck
People engaged in social engineering to maximize ad revenue, eventually only the most efficiently addictive websites were left.
"I come from that wild wild west side of the internet where you either dealt with something someone said or you killed yourself. Those were the only 2 options."
-Charls Carrol.
This , but instead of autistic building it was more RP
>be 16
>go to habbo hotel
>meet weird girl
>ask for her MSN address
>we chat
>"hey,u got a webcam?"
>proceed to masturbate to each other for 2 hours a day for 3 months straight
>she stops using MSN
>go to habbo
>find weird girl
And I used to do that a lot. Shit, it was so comfy to get crazy shutin bitches ready to show their tits for a bit of attention
its so ironic how social games are better when people are anonymous. they need to bring that back. but i think its just dead
I actually almost got a full Tron suit just from trading up. Good times.
Now post the edit if it were to happen now
Is it still possible?
No, now it's just normalfag women.
Why not
>tfw had a small dick and never could've pulled this off
You arent looking hard enough
And even bought a dog.
That bad huh?
It's all fun and games until the glowies use that footage to blackmail you.
Yeah they should've gotten small dick.
What they do
give me the quick run down of it all, user from the start of the Raid to his reaction to it all
>there are people in this thread on this BOARD who never got a 5 star dancing inferno.
imagine being at redstone computers
LULZ, a corruption of LOL
>2016 /pol/ slightly brought back the old Yea Forums feeling but it became something even worse after that
>pls go
>but it became something even worse after that
How's so?
I can remember a (girl) inviting me back to her room, we both got onto her bed and she rotated it so her head was on my lap
Got my first blowjob in this game, good times.
fucking kek
You should have done it anyway, we all had shitty webcams and internet back then that they wouldn't have made out shit anyway. I remember trying to video call people on what may as well have been 28.8K on a 160x120 camera. You couldn't make out anything. We may as well have looked like a mess of pixels.
Well, it all started with a old blond haired billionaire
>extreme far-left politicians in the UK wanting to censor sites hosted in America
Jesus, how out of touch are these cat ladies?
Trump may have flip flopped and who fucking knows what he's doing but god damn if that night wasn't magical
>having a maze scam room for furni
>Using friends phones to change the fuck out of their accounts for furni
>Having all the e bitches you could want giving you furni and being in comp for you attention
>Having prime and premo furni and rooms and clubs maxed out
>Closing the pools
Habbo hotel was unironically more fun to me then RuneScape at the time. I was 11 at the time having 13-20 year olds sendinge nudes to a Netscape email for furni. Bitches love furni.
can't wait to see this epic greentext post on /r/Yea Forums in a few minutes lmao
unironic question, did anyone else participate in the rpg rooms that Habbo hotel had?
12 year old me had a lot of fun beating other autist's in fast rp typing
Except in hindsight all the raids did was garner attention to what was originally a secret club. It set the foundation of what was to come.
Pure a e s t h e t i c
I would post hownuru but I figure the answer is obvious.
need Yea Forumslack up gotta close the pool
>be 8 years old
>somehow end up in an ERP situation
>laying in bed with my new "gf"
>"do you want to bobba?"
>"do you want to bobba?"
>what is bobba
>"Hehe nvm :)"
>we both afk in bed
>eventually they just log off and I block them
>he doesn't know what bobba is
>thinks anything and everything has to do with 'm-m-muh election"
tranny burgers need to be gassed
who played fugin Whirled?
>custom minigames
>fully player created avatars
>pokemon avatars got constantly bullied by furries and the like
>edgy avatars
Who remembers this?
forgot pic
>sites/games were a lot more innocent and quirky instead of trying to get money out of you.
Nigga wat, subscription-based online games were already a big thing even back then.
anyone here ever play coke music? it was like habbo but free. you had to make musuc and play it to get paid
>unironically still play habbo here and then
>actually meet guy on there 5 years back
>he lives near me
>end up chilling with him irl
>becomes actual best friend
>"how did you guys meet"
>"online game"
fuck we were supposed to go out for drinks today night he couldnt
I can't stress enough, yes. The amount of people that are over 23 is insane.
No, the issue is that mods delete all threads about any form of raiding, killing it before it even started
Someone actually tried to pull this on me
I didnt care because i was 12 at the time and knew if he was gonna publish this he would end up in jail regardless