Is there any point in playing between now and Friday
Other urls found in this thread:
if you want to play (your favorite class) one last time before it goes in the shed forever
you can stand in the middle of various cities and watch the gay discourse happen
or join the half-naked wierdo dancing right infront of the main aetheryte, he's been doing it for the last two days straightthe only thing he's done straight and im sure he'd like a friend
alternatively just farm the fuck out of the special currencies to prep when/if they add dancer frisbees and gunbreaker knifepistols, heres hoping the grand company ones don't look like shit
RIP DRK, again.
If there's something you really need to get in the next 3 days, otherwise no
Well I only have miner to get to 70 and thats me so il be doing that
>emotionless eyes
what horrible traits. I hope she changes a lot during the course of the MSQ.
Hello, may I have your attention please?
Only 100 more hours
>few friends want to start playing
>the world my current group is in is full
feels bad
I'm still reinstalling and haven't played since the first month of SB. What classes are going into the shed this time around?
t. was in the shed for SB so I quit
do not curse us.
Can't miss your weekly dose of disappointment.
i'm somewhat optimistic about drk because the only people who are really doomsaying it are saying shit like "actually tbn got nerfed because it's harder to break now" and that's dumb and they're dumb
>emotionless eyes
yes it's Minfilia alright
at least the costume doesn't suck anymore
>not wanting a dead eyed low-IQ autistic gf
It's like you WANT me to call you a faggot
Rip OP is probably going to be banned. My friend got a 2 week ban for posting an xiv thread on Yea Forums...
How is any tank dead for shadowbrings when they don't even contribute real dps anymore? Their potential dps stance output was the only thing that made tanks viable or not in the past, their defensiveness/mitigative potential was irrelevant.
>invest mp to, in effect, extend darkside
>mp investment only gets a return in savage or in large trash pulls
>better than current
TBN is stupid because a defensive ability shouldn't have an offense-based payoff since it makes you choose (see: why tank stances are being changed) but whatever
It's hard to fuck over DRK as much as they did in SB, so I'm a little hopeful.
Hi everyone!
This is my wife!
>not evading bans
>in 2019
lol just lol
Are you fucking retarded?
That is indeed the plan my friend
Your wife is cute! This is my wife, Yugiri!
could the dwarves have killed the Elves that lived on lakeland?
it certainly is more in dungeons but in raids it doesn't really matter
it got nerfed because syphon is dogshit
yeah ERP
haha imagine if you went to fuck alisae but you accidently fucked alphinaud instead haha wouldn't that be funny
with au'ra being demonic, could the next race be angelic?
There is no next race, and Au Ra aren't demonic
Where are the Honoroit lewds?!
>next race
Too busty
why do people still do this it has been four years
I know you did it on purpose but it still rustles my jimmies every time man, why you gotta do me like this?
Why would Gunbreaker be dps tho?
And why not make Dancer an healer?
but I won it like 2 weeks ago
Because fuck you
why would dancer a healer when it always has been a support
You’re going to be able to buy their armor after getting your trust high enough right
>BLM is at 67
I'm not gonna make it bros
yoshi p said so
do you mean playable or just ones that show up
i doubt we'd get more this expansion but with the rabbits showing up i'd like to see those dragon fucks from tactics, although i don't know how they'd work in the wings
i know the au ra are close to dragons already but i want a race that doesn't have those fishy facial scales
>4 Days
>Relocating forces you to redecorate everything.
And there goes any will I had in moving to a better Shirogane plot.
I got blm to 70 from 60 in two days. You can make it
Probably, we've been able to do it with most beast tribes post ARR, so I don't see why not.
>actually wanting to move to shirogane
good, i hope you move just so you have to suffer redecorating your property you fucking weeaboo
That’s plenty doable in 3 days.
>he has lots available in literally any housing district
what kind of dead dork server are you on
Post 'em!
You only have to hit 69. 69 to 70 is like 3 Castrum Abania runs.
You know some people are born mechanical engineers and are great at it and get paid mad money for it, and some people can't hold a job because the timer on the fryer on macdonalds is to hard to grasp, and get paid minimum wage for minimum skill.
We dont dumb down mechanical engineering so a unskilled person can do it. We dont increase the fry cooks paycheck to the mechanical engineer, that solves nothing, creates resentment and more problems.
That's life yo, not everything need to be handicapped accessible. There is a line in the sand you dont cross otherwise you end up like World of Warcraft. They crossed it.
They started putting in wheelchair mounts at the theme park, and removing regular seats for the sake of "accessibility "sometimes..the general population of people in wheelchairs cant access the same stuff as normal people.
That's the line, the game may never be accessible to everyone and that's ok, keep the game fun and interesting for the audience you have and maintain the company. That's life and the way the cookie crumbles. You can straw man my argument or scream at me, or call me names. That is just not the way life works and it cannot change in the near future no matter how much you try to push unrealistic expectations and slander the reality of life.
are the hair styles and face shapes still intertwined because that shit really turns me off from making my character into a furshitter
I already have a place in Shirogane, I just want one with closer access to a MB.
Glowing weapons were a mistake.
shit ward cope
What should I focus on? Beast Tribes and roulettes?
Clear out your inventory and armory to make room for shitloads of new dungeon greens. Also clear up your glamour dresser for new swag
No, fuck off back to /vg/
Fry cooks should have the paycheck of a mechanical engineer
based esl
Just do your roulettes and run the highest relevant dungeon available to you. Even with DPS queues it should only take a couple of days.
Not really
is it worth it to play this game if you have no intention to raid?
I know it's bait but
>some people are born mechanical engineers
yes. aesthetician wont even allow you to color fur patches/hair
The fangs protruding from their cheeks make them look extra goofy.
Pretty sure they were planning to add gria but due to design limitations of XIV they chose to turn into a OC race instead.
They wanted a draconic race to fit HW theme.
Gria wings would look like shit but removing them wouldn't make gria look like gria.
Upward pointy horns are a lot more limiting than the ones we got (see viera ears for example).
This shit is also seen on the fact au ra basically have 0 lore compared to other races with most of it being xaela fucking horses and drinking piss.
Would rather play roegadyn. hrothgar are literally retarded hunchbacks with running animation worse than au'ra's
Sorry for not paying too much attention to your post seeping with jealousy.
Try keeping an eye out for lots during nights and early mornings and maybe you'll see some.
>all this text
lmao sure i'm definitely gonna read all this shit
No point if you dont intend on topping the parse logs.
i already have a medium house on a congested server
retarded esl
fucking spaghetti coding strikes again
That's not reddit spacing sperg, those are paragraphs.
This is reddit spacing.
this looks "demonic"
Who let you out of the shed?
can do that whole pvp GARO event thats supposed to end on 5.1 and get the armor and titles since that shit comes from a third party and might never come back
I didn't know you could actually find Alpha out in the world, where else is he?
I came back to the game after quitting in 1.0 a few days ago, so i have to catch up before the launch. Can't decide on if ill go hard on warrior, red mage, or bard.
xaela have more lore than all the other races
>only 2 clans exist hurr
based intellectually dishonest ivalicefag
does leveling crafters/gatherers use up rested exp? want to do something but dont wanna use up all my rested exp right before the expansion
>the one (1) good friend I thought I had made in this game switched data centers without so much as warning me
>no other form of social media where I can contact him afaik
h-haha not like i give a shit bye
I never said Medium. You're being mad as fuck for no reason on the internet, you should work on that.
Sorry to burst your bubble but there wont be anymore races coming.
dont play bard.
stop falling for retarded copypasta
Even if you just do roulettes you should be able to easily make it.
Alliance Raid Roullete is like 10-20 min unless you get the later ones (which is unlikely cause everyone is running either syrcus or Labyrinth, unless those if you haven't already) for like 2 million experience.
Heaven on High if you want to grind.
Which Xaela tribe is LowTierGod from?
You cannot make real friends over the internet
It is kinda infuriating how much snowflake attention xaela got and how everyone else is kinda just "i dunno lol".
Probably to get away from you.
proving yourself to be an esl even further lmaoing at your life
What tomestone event items are worth getting other than the three diadem ones? I have 70 tomestones leftover now and can't decide if I should just grind out the earring.
Odds level GNB first
Evens continue msq with PLD
Is it bad? I've never really given bow classes a try in MMOs and was thinking of changing that.
>The gria have small bodies and dragon wings, a tail, and horns. The gria are more proficient in physical attacks than magick.
>The au ra have small bodies, a tail, and horns. The au ra are more proficient in physical attacks than magick.
Really activates your almonds.
>Things to look forwards:
2 new jobs
Nier automata raid
Anyway,is there anything else?
When will Yoshi P step down so FFXIV can stop trying to be WoW and can be a true Final Fantasy game, like it was in 1.0?
Common sentiment among copers who have failed to do so.
>new players forced to roll on crystal
Are you ever going to use the earrings?
fuck off retard
How long does it take to get a gatherer from 50-70?
Should I just give up on a gatherer before ShB?
the fuck? that's doable in like 2 hours
Dortharl the most violent of Xeala ended up being pretty comfy and loveable. They also became an lgbt clan due to being trans or whatever
But I haven't even been fucking talking to him lately because our timezones are so radically different.
Do you think he forgot about me?
At least I'm not some Balmung-nigger with a superiority complex picking fights over nothing.
New story
New music
probably some nice edgy faggot gear for edgy faggots on account of the dark theme
holy hell you sound like a needy little faggot
Content drought.
Sounds like garbage.
what do ya'll think is the quickest way to level 60-70 once SHB drops? roulettes and HoH?
Nothing wrong with being an ESL, anglos are shit.
its not bad, its just that Dancer takes its spot as a better support dps.
>go back to a game that almost bankrupt them instead of keeping the most popular mmo currently
what dc ya on? we can play
Did you even read my post?
Au ra are literally rebranded gria.
>No next race, extra character creation column
HoH is the only way to level a tank or dps since you are going to be sitting in hour long queues for roulettes.
You realize gb actually has the least projected damage with the potency numbers they've put out right?
i would play this game if the character customization was actually good. i'm surprised se hasn't addressed this issue.
>liking dancer
dial 8
Any chance yoshi could upgrade said code allowing upgrades to be added to this piece of shit game.
Graphics are so fucking bad in this game.
theres no point playing that trash any day of the week lmao
For some reason they just don't seem keen on making the races very unique until now. They took away Galka/Roe tails and added a layer of human to everything else. It could be worse (SWTOR) but it could be miles better.
the guy who made that post is the most delusional person i've seen in recent memory
They suffered from endless wank about how stronk and unstoppable they are. I look forward to how irrelevant they become as hrothgars and viera supplant them in the msq.
Thats my wife tho you fuck
Who cares? It's going to be the most fun, and that's all that matters
I think you're vastly overestimating how many healers will actually switch role.
>those ears flopping around
>guaranteed they won't do that in-game
yeah, optimally the datacenters would have equal distribution, but people keep making fun of crystal, hilarious those jokes may be.
DNC looks legitimately fun to play tho, what's wrong with it?
>Potency numbers.
Oh no they can't possibly fiddle with THE NUMBERS
>extra character creation column
That means absolutely fucking nothing retard
there's still more people on crystal than the other two. they're just all on balmung. this is why you can't trust statistics
He's probably going to call you a tranny
The healers that aren't switching roles aren't going to be doing roulettes. The roulette pool is going to consists of thousands of tanks and dps and a few healers that still haven't hit level 70.
>ff14 ads on SGDQ
they really are going all out huh
>there's still more people on crystal
i think the spec test preview they don't flop around at all either, which is dumb because they have a floppy ear option that stays ridgedly pointed off to the sides of your character at all times and looks like shit
All the roulletes.
Try to space them out, I started from the bottom of the list. Then when I was close to leveling (like 4 million away) I would spam HoH for the next level.
So I just did Alliance Raid +Normal Raid > HoH till the next level. MSQ + Trials > HoH. Then Dungeons > HoH. I dunno if it's "efficient" but I was able to hit 9 levels in 3 days.
>Dead game 70% of players are bots
wow classic has btfo out of ffxiv and its not even out yet sad
GDQ is putting 14 adds, you guys told me this wasnt a tranny game.
Imagine 1.0 marketboard system with 1million active players.
crystal doesnt even play the game so who cares
i don't know what audience they're trying to attract the games already full of nerds and trannies
>mad WAR mains still spreading this meme
The numbers changed since you last looked clearly dipshit, I wish I had the link on hand with the changed numbers proving your lying ass wrong.
no those are just RP names
Everything about the news races is shit, they never should have added them
alternating between hildebrand quests/mining & playing through some platformers
not really all that much to do frankly
They seem to flop around when running but not in emotes for some reason.
>there's still more people on crystal
>Primal roulette queue times for adventurer in need: 0-5 minutes during peak times
>Aether roulette queue times for adventurer in need: 0-5 minutes during peak times
>Crystal roulette queue times for adventurer in need: 5-30 minutes during peak times
sure bub
I remember healers crying bitch tears at the start of SB too. It will be fine.
Why wouldn't SE advertise on a western gaming event with 100k+ viewers?
What's the coalition between a new job in my favorite mmo that looks fun to play with crazy fuck heads like trans?
Have they said anywhere how much time has passed since the start ARR to Shadowbringers in game? Would be goofy if all this shit happens in like a week or two lmao
They just need to be on your datacenter
I might just mean that there is way less healers and tanks on crystal servers compared to other servers.
>hoping the grand company ones don't look like shit
You know thats not gonna happen, theres gonna be maybe 1 or 2 weapons that dont look like utter shit, but the rest will look like hot trash
Because trannyposters are as mentally ill as the trannies they constantly screech about.
Cute drinking doggo, here's mine.
I too can literally make up shit
better than cinnabuns, arby's and wrestlemania
Source or fuck off.
Just a salty BRD pissy they aren't meta for the first time since ARR.
? PV¦NK.? O M ?¦ = PBA ?, Gil & Eukera level & Gear 390 - 405 ( 5 slots ) is on hot sale!.Cheap & Safety Guarantee!?Code: 714 ,5% OFF ?!!!-oeccb
>hroth head shapes and hairstyles are locked to eachother, claws are race armor gloves
>viera's ears don't flop in most animations and their body proportions are the same outside of race armor
>neither can wear helmets
thanks yoshi
Nothing wrong with it. Just make sure you buff my BLM/SAM ass babe.
adventurer in need has nothing to do with queue times firstly. secondly character creation is capped by characters logged on, to which Balmung has more than any other server
Because this is Yea Forums, and if you don't like something you have to screech about how the only people who do are trannies who are killing video games
I can't believe someone would go on the Internet and tell lies.
Almost done with HW but my 30+15 days of "free" time are nearly up. I'll probably take a break for a couple months and come back in like September to continue. Will people still be doing the Shadowbringers content at that point?
>Existence is reasonable, let's make things better
Aether is obsessed with shitting on Crystal because they don't want anyone to realize that it is the actual tranny datacenter because of faerie.
Why do you always have to blame WAR?
this is half of XIV population
no and they never will, we're trapped in a time bubble and it's always going to be five years since the calamity
It's like that when adventurer in need is DPS too, though.
Nice try but I have an alt on Crystal and that's exactly how it is. Even queueing for expert or leveling as a DPS takes a fraction of the time on primal/aether. I literally sat in queue for over an hour on crystal when I queued as DPS for leveling roulette, that hasn't happened to me before the split since near the end of HW when the game was incredibly dead.
It's been like a year or two at most
You don't get it. We got along great and then he just fucks off suddenly.
Thanks user but you can't, I'm stuck on Crystal
It's just banter mate we laugh at wow for being dead and they laugh at us cause of a small but very vocal tranny community on our game.
even the fan mod is better made
>I literally sat in queue for over an hour on crystal when I queued as DPS for leveling roulette
No you literally didn't sit in leveling roulette queue for over an hour even if you were playing at 4am.
They're just roleplaying as allagan clones
>hrothgays are forced to get haircuts the old way, by buying Fantasias
those ears look like plastic
>have 2 characters on primal/aether for years
>primal players always shitting aether
>aether players dont even know primal exist
Whys primal so obsessed
5.1 should be out around then so of course.
how many months of HRT do i need before i can get top DPS in ffxivlogs
Is DRG still gonna be good now that they're removing piercing debuff?
Adventurer in need is the role guaranteed to get the shortest queue time because that's the role that currently has the shortest queue for that roulette.
>secondly character creation is capped by characters logged on, to which Balmung has more than any other server
Yeah, and they're all ERPing. Nobody on Balmung actually plays the game, that's why crystal queues are dead as fuck in spite of Balmung having 15k population to make up for every other Crystal server being a literal ghost town.
You know you can literally go make a character on crystal and see for yourself right?
No it's not
Adventurer in need doesn't update very often. Whenever you see it as DPS it will likely already be saturated with DPS again.
That mod looks like shit.
And they're still better than the actual Viera, how sad
1-3 I main MCH
4-6 I main RDM
6-9 I main GNB
0 I unsubscribe forever and fap to tranny porn
Haven't paid any attention since 4.3 and just pre-ordered SHB. Is BRD in the shed for 5.0?
You got it all wrong user, you gotta get top parse first, then sell content to pay for your HRT.
it depends on how good mnk is, really. nin has the eternal melee slot so it's between those two for the other one
ok no there's at least like two for every 50 FC members on any given server in NA
i guess 4% is still small but it's a lot more than the general pop
Yes I literally did. Queued up, alt tabbed, forgot about the queue, went and cooked a lasagna, came back, and my queue popped with over 1 hour on the wait timer.
Adventurer in Need literally updates every time you open DF.
Crystal is so dead that i'm still waiting in queue for leveling roulette after 3 months. Meanwhile if I got onto aether i literally have negative 20 minute queues so the moment I enter the dungeon it is already complete.
>finally kicked the Garlean's shit in and destroyed the Ultimate Weapon
>excited to go for the expansion vontent
>lolnope more Primals and other crap to deal with
>still just some level 51 WAR loser with a sprout
I should have hopped on the XIV train sooner.
dont let the dumb crystal bros get away with their lies
>moving the goal posts
also, adventurer in need means nothing for queue times. it pops up for dps all the time on guildhests but its still 15 minutes
>currently playing Femroe
>been a roe of either gender since 2.3
>main tanks, and have cleared all savage raids
>getting bored of roe
Thinking of swapping to Hrothgar. Thoughts?
No it doesn't
BRD is in the shed basement
No, they do not look better.
>Haven't played since 4.3 or kept up.
The shed literally doesn't exist to you.
0-4 Bard
5-9 White Mage
do what you want its cosmetic dont rely on the opinion of others jesus christ
sniff that chocobo, adventurer
take the lala pill
remember to respond to everyone with "whatever..."
That's me, I spent an entire day doing post ARR content just to get to the start of HW. It's a massive energy drain to go through dozens and dozens of random quests that don't matter.
no helmets or hair options, you'll change back
2.1-2.5 content is known as the absolute worst stretch in the entire game. Stick with it, once you get to 3.0 content it's pure kino from there.
Yea Forums - Tier whoring is more important than having fun.
haven't played since like.. 2014 or 2015 at the latest. had my Bard at max level, whatever it was back then. how difficult would it be to catch up with everything gameplay and/or story wise? and I guess everything else too
>Main BLM
>Think of switching it up, try MNK
>Level MNK to 50, but I find it kinda boring, not that much damage and all this utility is kinda boring
>Try SAM
Yes, it does, retard. It's not some status that's manually updated, it's determined by whatever role currently has the shortest queue for that roulette. That doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be fast, but it's going to be as fast as other roles the majority of the time.
Because guildhest roulette is fucking dead user. Nobody fucking runs guildhests.
I've been on Crystal the entire time it's existed, and I've never had the issues you're describing as a SAM. I think the longest I've waited is queuing for Kugane Ohashi at 5 AM, and that took something like 40 minutes. Kugane Ohashi is sort of an exception because no one has a reason to queue for it and it's locked behind Hildibrand shit.
options suck, save your money/free fantasia if you've been hoarding it and wait to see if they improve customization down the line
2.1-2.55 is the worst part of the game, sorry friend. Just soldier through as best you can
Yea Forums are shitters who have to play a high-tier to have even a tiny chance of winning
>40 minute queues
what the fuck
whats funny? been playing bard since 2.0, all you dumb fags thinking you wont get groups or something are delusional
I plan on switching to Hrothgar, but i'll need to make an alt 1st to see how they look in lighting, emotes and try out gear from MB and people. also, need to know whats customizable in the aesthetician
Hard? Do you have any physical deficiencies that makes it hard for you to use a computer or a console? Then no it's not hard you just have to spend some time playing through the game to catch up.
Legit didnt knew was filtered, I guess I always write cucked.
ARR's story is longer than any actual FF game, right?
>tumblr filename
>40m queues
better hurry up and dilate now so you can function for your parsepad run later
Literally everything else is a few minutes at most, and it's instant if you're a tank or a healer. If you have proof otherwise, post it.
I've been on crystal since before the split on an alt and leveled it before and after the split. You probably don't realize it because you don't play on a real datacenter, but compared to Primal and Aether the queue times are absurdly long. Anyway I'm setting up a screen capture system right now to prove you retarded Crystalfags are making shit up, since I actually have an alt on primal and crystal
sure buddy...haha
EXACTLY where I'm at. Pushing through but I really want to try another tank class, although WAR has been hella fun
cuck is filtered?
Femroe is more rare and you'll stand out more, along with being able to wear every helmet, a thousand more hairs, and Hroth are just...they're all going to look the same due to face/hair linking.
Must be an american thing to chop your dick off and run around like a fag.
>spent an entire day doing post ARR content
That shit took me like two weeks. What the fuck?
Cucks might be cuck with an s?
Please don't ever come to my data center.
>Want to tank
>Love sword and shield
>Paladin shields are tiny dinky little things
oh ok, stuck playing warrior
Who's Unei and Doga?
They hate big dick dps because they don't help pad their gay ass logs.
Imagine requiring an entire group of people fluffing you to get any enjoyment out of your damage dealing.
Why would anyone? Like everyone else that fled your awful D/C after the split, nobody wants to be on Crystal for anything but RP since the DC is dead as fuck, has awful queue times, and shit players.
why the fuck would anyone willingly go to crystal lmao
The fuck gets filtered with keks?
First goes the foreskin then the whole thing.
Hardly difficult, just a bunch of cutscenes to sit through maybe 2 weeks to reach shadowbringers if you play super casual
It's updated automatically but not constantly
Allagan clones from the Crystal Tower storyline
moving the goal posts AGAIN. you must play on Primal
Everyone looks the same anyway.
every release has 5 major patches worth of post game content, this is true for heavensward and now stormblood
I started this game on Primal, and I intentionally transferred to Crystal to play with friends that I'd be separated from in the split. I'm one of those few people that have done Omega and Ozma on Crystal. I don't regret moving for a single second because I'm not a fucking insecure idiot. I'll be able to continue clearing content.
Guess self-mutilation is built into their culture.
I thought it was cuck, cucks still works.
>all this utility
>one (1) buff
>all this utility
MNK DPS is only 300 DPS behind SAM, too
They aren't small, they're just not retardedly huge like most weapons in the game
>They purposefully added an entire extra FOUR columns for literally no reason
Imagine being retarded.
Post your favorite patch trailer.
That stuffs not true though, you're just posting it over and over hoping someone will believe you
paladin is cool tho
But all good players only play on aether and primal. We all should strive to be the best we can be like Mr Happy.
Yeah, as a matter of fact I do play on a DC with less than 30 minute queue times, how did you know?
God fucking damn it. I hope it won't be terribly long.
Wanna suffer together? All my other friends are gonna be running SB content and leaving me in the dust at this point.
I'm pretty sure it's KEKS
Who the fuck cares abount potency. XIV is an easy PvE game with 100% scripted encounters. As long as everything is even remotely around the same ballpark then it doesn't fucking matter
fuck I'll never understand this playerbase
wow im surprised you were able to get a queue for normal omega on crystal, good for you buddy!
>Want to get Mnk and Blm to 60 to finish off garo sets/titles
>Just can't be bothered to log on for the last 2 weeks
When are they removing them again?
what the fuck is up with that shed?
ok i just resubbed to this gamer and hit 70 how much longer ins the MSQ gonna be from 70
Yeah, you'll be able to continue clearing content, at a significantly slower pace since all your queue times are 10x longers, your pugs are unable to clear even normal mode trials, and your PF is fucking dead except during peak hours right after reset.
Please respond
femroes are really fucking uggo though
There's no point in playing since they're changing class mechanics and skills and you'll have to relearn your class anyway
The Nier automata raid is going to age like fucking milk and continue to clash with the rest of the game.
What the fuck were they thinking with having a permanent cross over
They have debuffs too, nigga I dont wanna make your number bigger, just mine.
Maybe if you do all the side content/level all the jobs.
It is true though? You know you can literally go make an alt on primal/aether yourself to test it, right?
If the Allagans are so smart why are they dead?
heres your daily watch bros, so close
>I'm stuck in Crystal
that's exactly why
Paladin will always be cool but it bugs me that with most shields you can't even tell someone is wearing one, they are either too small or are designed in such a way that they blend in or have some really obscure shape.
It consists of 4 arcs and has preparation story for HW, SB and SHB mixed into it.
You can finish most single player FF games in 100 hours, you will not finish ARR in 100 hours.
Mmo content as whole ages like milk
It doesn't have any debuffs though other than the one that literally every DPS has
>someone else in my exact same predicament
these quests are fucking terrible
World of Warcraft Classic by Blizzard Entertainment.
If you don't have ultimate weapons you aren't allowed to bitch about datacenters because you're literally exactly the same as the people you are bitching about not being good.
Not if you play SAM or BLM or any other jobs that isn't on fire and has to be redesigned twice every expansion.
is end game fun in this game? or all you do is raid like one day a week and wait till the next week for lockouts to be removed?
Who else -abandoning the MSQ to level dancer/gunbreaker first while the new zones shit themselves and people inevitably get stuck at a broken story quest- here?
I like the launch trailer better
but user they will reveal that post-apocalyptic earth was the civilization that summoned the primal that would become hyde/zod
Literally anyone with common sense transferred off the Balmung containment zone while they still had the free transfers going. Not his fault you were too stupid to do the same
Weenis Taint on Malboro, i'll have some time to grind the quests tomorrow
The latter
t. never stepped foot outside of ex primals
they werent? WoL killed the the survivors
Should I be worried about beast tribes, trails, and crafting now or later? I've long since given up hope about making it in time for ShB, but I haven't even finished post-ARR content yet. Should I just focus on getting to Stormblood at least?
wait I haven't been keeping up are they really doing that
>guy in NN swearing that he will never be a "DPS tank" when he plays tank because of all the times he ripped hate as a DPS
Fucking hell, these people
i've watched this like every other day solely for the music, soken outdid himself for this expansion
This ending and line was fucking pure kino
as a company that likes to make money like Activision, SE will eventually force Yoshi to make decisions he doesn't want to make, for the sake of increasing profit and minimizing losses
That's pretty much how a lot of the hotheads like this guy on Yea Forums here play
>combat gear on crafter
it was a different time
If you have ultimate weapons you aren't allowed to bitch about other people bitching about datacenters because datacenter raid rates only affect people pugging content, if you're doing ultimate you're most likely doing it with your circlejerk so being in a server with 8 raiders or 8000 does not matter for you.
When I put my lelyne I want healsluts to target me, am I understood?
how bout i rescue you out of them instead after you teleport to them
Jokes on him, he's going to be forced to now
It does matter since more raiders means more groups means more people recruiting
I've been capped on all of them since a week after the start of Stormblood Early Access though
>What's the coalition between
Yeah, the Nier raid is going to be stretched throughout the entire expansion similar to all the previous ones and remain in the game
Do you even hear yourself? You really think an entire data center can't handle normal raids? Hello????????
You know, I don't mind carrying shitters through raids or anything like that. I helped people get their Savage mounts, their Ozma mounts, whatever. At least Crystal people are friendlier and way more thankful for the help. Primal always seemed like they were desperate for Aether's attention, as that user upthread said.
yes, do your msq because almost everything is locked behind it
focus on msq and then do side content afterwards
Damn. Why did I let myself get dragged into Balmung?
It's gonna drive me mad, I swear.
don't worry about it, all that stuff can be done some other time, but the new expac rush is an experience you can miss out on
MNK hasn't even actually been redesigned once since 2.0, they jus tkeep tacking dumb bullshit onto it in a desperate attempt to see what sticks
Back when your offhand was almost always the better option to craft with than mainhand at a given level. Then ARR just combined the stats of both together and called it a day by removing that useless feature.
BLUbros... Where are our news....
what is this tribal shit everyone is talking about here? total noob
good post
>hey i kind of like that yanxian merchant robe thing, how do i get it
>doman enclave at MAX
>mfw i neglected doman enclave since like the third week
In a way sure, but pugs are much more affected by it.
I am dammit
I should have them all at 60 by the end of Tuesday, just gotta blitz levels from 56-60 for ARM, BSM, and CUL and those 3 all have super easy leves in that range
Yes, I do think that, because unlike you I don't delude myself into believing that objective facts like Crystal being terrible at the game in DF or having absurdly long queue times isn't true, when it obviously is to anyone who isn't a shill who's lying on the internet because he's desperate to get more than 12 players on his shitty Balmung containment center.
Mr. Fagppy
You're getting an level cap raise in 5.1
They're looking into unlimited BLU, Yoshida is incredibly against it however.
Discussion was pretty much pushed back until after 6.0 release.
That's all you'll get from me.
level cap raised to 90
Let go or suffer. Don't do this, user.
Excuse me user but I'm pretty sure Monk falls under "any other jobs".
It's still on fire though.
>Want to run Dun Scaith to get a ring for my DNC
>20min queue + probably going to the 40+ because dumb fucks are doing the "remove all my stuff beside accessories to run ARR raid only" for some dumb earring
absolutely based
Haven't played an MMO in about ten years and just got a PS4. What do I need to know to get into this game?
it's such a long stretch of shit content, they honestly need to have who ever okayed this be shot.
Yeah, that’s what I did in SB. Leveled SAM while Raubahn was broken. I’ll get GNB to 70 and hopefully by then things will be less screwed up in the new zones.
Someone gave me the advice to do it on reset day since there might be more people doing the weekly Ultima quest then.
It got a redesign in 4.2 but they're undoing that and reverting it to pre-2.0 in 5.0
>transfer to aether because it's the elite raider server like the elite raider I am
>fail to get into a static
>fail to clear any actual meaningful content
>parse gray
>realize i'm Mr Happy
At least i'm better than those shitters on Crystal that aren't even trying to succeed
you're a pussy if you ever needed to switch jobs to join a static
beast tribe quests are just daily side quest. its nice to do while leveling alts since they're easy. you get mounts if you do enough of them
the game honestly does a pretty good job of explaining itself to you and there aren't that many traps for new players
i dunno if there's a free trial for ps4 but if there is you can try it out til level 35 and see if you like it
Can you press a button when it lights up? If so you're already ahead of 50% of the playerbase
What single player FF is actually 100 hours long
I don't understand why they don't just let BLU do all content, even if you have to queue with a premade. It doesn't make any sense to me
If you have early access, aside from cleaning out your inventory you probably shouldn't play starting tuesday. Especially if you're going to start on the new jobs. You want to squeeze as much value from your weekly challenge logs starting Friday.
It goes both ways.
Maybe 12 if you do all the hunts
Jesus christ all that white. Fucking hospitals aren't this white.
wasn't 12 long as shit if you actually tried to 100% it?
Yiazmat alone is 4 hours.
are beast quests/crafting/hunts/any of these weird side/daily filler content things worth doing if I don't give two shits about mounts or glamour?
I dont fucking care it's going to be the funnest class in the game
Not much, if you want to avoid being a douche don't play tank on your first run. DPS is safest but Healer will get you shorter queues into dungeons.
Otherwise just enjoy the ride and don't be in too much of a hurry, there's a lot of shit you'll run into on your way to the end.
In case anyone was wondering, this is the upside down Zalera glyph, making Solus' Ascian occupant definitely Emet-Selch itself.
And y'all are just gonna listen to everything the "angel of truth" says, aye? About Hydaelyn and Zodiark? Bollocks. Even if they are primals, they're not the one you need to watch out for.
You know, the entire population of spoken, on all of Hydaelyn have been praying for a savior. Beastman or not. That's quite a lot of faith floating around, if only there was like a giant crystal at the center of the earth to give light to those prayers.
Primals are dangerous to have around when summoned incorrectly like the Ascians have taught everybody. Dangerous because they feed on aether and have voracious appetites when summoned in such a way. And you know there just isn't enough aether to go around if you're some sort of aether powered superweapon summoned to protect the entire planet. That wellspring of aether from the mothercrystal, well you can't just go sharing it like that. Those primals will have to go before they suck up all of... YOUR food.
Tell me, what exactly does the Warrior of Light look like again? It's almost like they've simply manifested as some amalgamation of Eorzea's collective unconsciousness (the players). Say that's kind of like how the appearance of a primal is determined.
When the Warriors of Darkness came to the source, they said they left their bodies behind on the first. They seemed quite solid then, did they bodysnatch like Ascians? Nope, they just manifested aetheric bodies from their crystals of light just like... primals.
Say um... what exactly did Louisoix do to send us through time anyway? It was almost like being summoned. Reborn into a new realm. And you can't remember much about yourself either, you've just got this crystal and a voice from inside the planet.
Yeah I'm pretty sure the Warrior of Light was turned into a Primal at the start of ARR and we've just never been suspicious about it.
hunts drop gear upgrade tokens, or at least they did because i quit doing hunts because i hate them
I'm calling you delusional, you're calling me delusional. We're at an impasse. But I'm not going to lose a single second of sleep tonight over my decision to move to Crystal willingly. I'd suggest you transfer your alt elsewhere so you can stop gnashing your teeth at nothing.
Tactics is pretty long but I dunno about 100hrs
wow i couldn't make it through the first sentence before I stopped giving a fuck
crystal will forever be at the bottom of the fucking trash can
They've literally gotten some buffs by the e3 presentation, it's safe to assume it will be more on par with the others now
where will the eScape remix from the job actions trailer be from bros
Yeah, the reason it was being discussed was because he was complaining about the incoming tank changes. Like nigger now you can do both do you just not understand how the new tanks are going to work or what
So how much longer before XIV joins the ranks of EQ2 and adds /pizza ?
There's no reason BLU shouldn't be able to queue for everything 1-50.
If some dumbfuck thinks its funny to hit Self Destruct on every p
Of course if you only play with your circlejerk of friends, you're not going to notice things like 30 minute queue times. But if you're seriously saying those don't exist on Crystal, when they objectively do, you're delusional.
It might be a PvP theme.
if you're lazy and cheap, but want to level crafter, the moogle and namazu is a great way to level them up eventually. otherwise, they're filler
So when do I get to fuck Alisaie?
Why are male elezen players so good at healing?
Hyur healers are meh, Lala healers range from serviceable to downright embarrassing, female Au Ra are garbage at everything in general, and catpeople of either gender are fucking deplorable, but a male elezen has literally never let me down.
technically optimal BLU play on trash packs would be to do your moon flute burst ending with self destruct, returning, then sprinting/moon fluting back.
what are the chances of the new raid not being as miserable lazy as deltascape
Beast tribes give a lot of XP.
Holy shit Crystal is finished.
Can I try to add you too, user? Can't guarantee how often I'll be on, but hey. Having friends around should make it at least a little less awful to grind.
The extra height allows the giraffe to survey his allies better for optimum healing.
>You want to squeeze as much value from your weekly challenge logs starting Friday.
Thanks for the reminder. I'll probably only do my DoH and DoL until friday anyway.
This is honestly the stupidest thing I've read this month.
>doing hildibrand quests
>get to battle on the big keep
>literally nobody else doing it all day, more to the point almost nobody has it unlocked for it to be picked in the roulette
I want to know who to castrate for putting an 8-man behind a long series of side quests.
>implying this would stop Yea Forums degenerates
Male elezen are complete dogshit.
Lalas are almost always good
Aura are either orange parsers or 1k samurai dps
Miqotes: See Aura
roes are dogshit unless they don't look like a typical barafaggot
midlanders are shit and will leave the group after being passive aggressive
highlanders are trannies.
you cannot refute this, these are absolute facts.
I sure am bummed out that Y'sthola died in SB.
>Like the group I play with
>Don't find the game fun anymore
>They don't want to try other games between updates
>No motivation to play new expansion except to see them having fun
How do I stop having autism and start feeling again. How do you keep yourself busy after you max out your character and beat the game.
dont worry you have to do the entire thing to unlock the one they added in stormblood
literally just buy an ARR boost its even on sale right now you ding dong. It's not worth playing through unless you really like smelling chocobos
How feasible is it to do savage/ultimate content without a static? My work hours prevent me from scheduling specific play times but I'm tired dungeons and normal raids
PvP rework to make it actually worthwhile and enjoyable when?
in what fantasy worlds do you live in? female au ra are always good and female cats are 50/50
>roe with the barago title
Do male Au Ra healers exist?
on aether/primal? very doable for savage ultimate might make you want to die though. on crystal? not a chance.
Savage is very much puggable if you get in during release, if you wait too much to start you'll be left with only the shitters.
Ultimate... hahahahaha no.
savage is entirely puggable
ultimate requires no real life responsibilities to clear
I don't understand how it's stupid? It sounds like a pvp theme, that's all I said. Unless you somehow think it's from a dungeon.
Probably the next potd, they like to use random remixes in there.
But seriously no idea.
>Highlanders are trannies
No way, trannies roll midlanders because they're cuter and more demure.
It would depend on how fast you play I guess when comparing it to single player games. If you go beyond that then XIV has a ways to go to catch up to 11 in total story length, but that's just the nature of a MMO.
the first two floors of savage are usually puggable, shit gets sketchy on later floors
ultimate i wouldn't bother
sorry i'm not on Balmung. you'll have to grind through that shit on your own friend
Savage? You'll do fine in PFs as long as you do it at the beginning of the week.
Ultimate? Not until Ultimates have such a ilvl disparity that they are worthless as content.
Shit, that's a thing? I thought the MogStation just offered stuff to instamax your jobs.
To be honest, that chart just tells me that NA is complete shit. But I knew that already.
Post lodestones
Midlanders are SO passive aggressive, they're always the worst tanks and healers too.
Yes if you haven't used your fantasia before the servers have gone down you might want to get on that.
>b-b-but they have the lowest damage!!
Literally who the fuck cares. If you are not going for world first it doesn't fucking matter. I cleared Gordias on AST before they got buffed to hell, every job is viable it doesn't fucking matter.
99.99% of all male Au Ra are tanks, I swear to God.
there is someone
in this very thread
who is angry that someone plays on a server
and thinks only in hyperbole
>don't play xiv in years
>want to resub and play and level before the new expansion
>takes forever to guess my login credentials because my actual email was taken
>don't know which of dozens of throwaways it could have been
>get locked out for too many wrong attempts
>wait a while
>finally guess it on ID alone
>log into the site as well and go to resub
>everything works great and I can finally play
>go to login again through the game launcher to play
>account access restricted due to suspicious activity, fix it by checking the email associated with the account
>still don't even know what email I used for it, and I've checked every single email I could possibly think of and none of them have anything about my account
>all this happened after they let me pay for the sub
I could probably issue a chargeback to save the sub fee for one whole month, but as far as playing the new expansion I'm fucked aren't I
Do male AuRa exist outside NPCs?
arent ultimates always synced to an ilvl? are they removing that?
>haven't played since the first patch in ARR
>Shadowbringers piques my interest now that every other MMO is literal garbage
>think about getting back into it
>my server, Zalera (Crystal), is at the bottom of almost every metric
Ugh, I'm gonna have to transfer to get anything done huh? Why couldn't I have been on Aether or Primal?
Are all those JP Ult clears via PFs, or do they tend to form statics to get consistent with certain job comps?
Not him but it's sort of 50/50. The sort of trannies that want to make a self insert that looks like them or the type that try to pass themselves off as a "butch lesbian" will play female highlander or roe because those ones look like actual trannies
70 percent of them are specifically DRKs
Well damn. Good luck, user.
i've seen a few of them and like 90% dress in the skimpiest possible clothes
Defend this, yuropoors
are you using a vpn?
>server population so low that dps gets fast queues
Thanks for proving the datacenter is dead
how is red mage in the expansion?
I will main GNB even if it has 90% less dps than DRK and PLD. I literally do not give one single shit about how much damage I do I just want a goddamned gunblade from FFVIII, it's all I have ever wanted ever since I was 10 years old playing VIII for the first time and no amount of bitching from your whiny ass will ever change my mind.
They said they aren't removing it.
They specifically only can be done unsynced.
Isn't that just the default UI? Should have resized the minimap and made sure it wasn't locked north
just contact support.
basically unchanged
I want to FUCK Vidofnir.
too busy playing wow
how many hours before early access should you be up bros? can you patch the game before 5 am pst?
so its dead if there's long queues and dead if there's short queues?
sounds like queue time is a bad metric for population then :3
>Is there any point in playing between now and Friday
I still haven't cleared 4.4 MSQ, I'll probably catch up an hour before the expansion drops. Clearing the raids fast is a fucking mistake, I would have been diligently doing the MSQ if I was still a shitter.
Is there a good guide out there for starting from scratch? I feel like the ones I've seen just have overviews of the systems but not leveling strategies.
There is someone in this very thread who's so mad about his slow queue times that he lies on the internet to trick new players into playing on his server
Yeah it's almost like she's possessed or something
No, you'll just make fun of me because I missed this savage tier and only have welfare gear.
I'd like to see a UCoB-only list before UWU came out. UWU is so much easier in comparison it's not even funny. It mainly sucked for the early proggers to realize what the multi-phase gimmick of that fight was.
No nothing like that. Its probably because I guessed wrong so many times it just auto detected that I might be an account stealer.
What would I even need to get help from them? Wouldn't they just ask for the email to prove its my account?
Why 70%? Why not 99%? Not there are any bots in WoW.
But that doesn't change the fact the game needs an in-game bot reporting system.
Almost entire the same, they get one extra spell after Flare/Holy and a new weaponskill you will almost never use
In my experience, you have about two months or so to clear Savage in a PUG before it becomes a real slog to get through. Even then, people will continue clearing that content all the way up until the next tier. You should try to make connections with people in those PUGs, though. You don't need to play at specific times every day for people to notice you're online and ask if you want to help. It's even easier if you're given a Discord and can hang out in it.
Nope. Better get your clears in now before they change all the classes and make it impossible to clear jk it'll probly be easier with the class changes
i dont care if bard is in the shed bros, im so happy they are removing the reliance on crit and dragoons, and letting barrage auto proc refulgent arrow
if i had the photoshop skills to shop something like this in such little time i wouldn't be wasting my time arguing with shitters on Yea Forums
this is basic process with most things you log into, why are you posting about it
>>still don't even know what email I used for it, and I've checked every single email I could possibly think of and none of them have anything about my account
Just check your SE account options?
go to mogstation and look at your account information under square enix settings. Unless you're an idiot that used a fake birthday you forgot.
thats good. thanks.
skipped almost all of the expansion and thinking about comming back now that the asia theme is done
>didn't clear ucob before 5.0
Can someone give me a rundown on how blue mage works in this game?
I'm kind of intrigued by it since its new (to me, it didn't exist last time I played) but not new enough that it'll likely be bloated like the brand
new jobs will be. Is it fun to play? And is it a hard lock on dps or is it like XI where you customize it by which blue magics you use?
Isn't this retard a cutscene skipper? What would he know about the story of SB lmfao
I'm new to the game. Where do I fuck?
It's difficult when the optimal way is to level them all at the same time.
Alphinaud's boipucci.
The simple answer: a mathematic miscalculation in the Crystal Tower that triggered a cataclysmic earthquake
The elaborate answer: They were an end-game developed society but without a strong leader after Xande died of age. They became weak and apathetic: nobles killing each other for petty power disputes, people suiciding etc. Then Amon decided the only way to save Allag was to ressurect their dead emperor, who ended up coming back as a bigger nihilist than Kefka and decided to go on a genocidal spree because even death lost meaning to him. It resulted in the devastation of Meracydia, the death of the real Bahamut and most his brood, the emprisionment of several primals, the pact with the void and with the creation of the Crystal Tower. Said Crystal Tower was supposed to channel the energy from Dalamud to create a portal big enough for the void to come through, but ended up being too much and boom goes the empire
Allagans were just turbo savant-autists. As far as we know they're not even entirely dead. I'm still waiting for the Iron Sky plot twist where some of them were alive all along hiding on the moon or something
I play on a NA server.
I wish, but it won't let me log into the account anymore even on mogstation.
because it pertains to FFXIV and anons here that might have had similar experiences could give me hope or solutions?
sb was shit and predictable, everyone knew what would happen to yotsuyu it was embarrassing
Dancer and Gunbreaker won't be playable in pvp until 5.1.
Screencap this post.
>tfw you wanna play as a male Au Ra cleric motherfucker
>every other male Au Ra is either an edgelord supreme or sissy
And now it'll be easier courtesy of the tank/healer changes!
Is it a dumb idea to level just BOT and ALC for RP reasons?
who cares
CT bosses were all Allagans?
Why? Every other job they added came with pvp enabled.
You have to become one with the NPCs and unleash your true mongolian lizardbro.
Only then will you transcend the shittiness that is player Au Ra.
>I'm still waiting for the Iron Sky plot twist where some of them were alive all along hiding on the moon or something
That's where Zodiark is sealed, so maybe.
do it bro, i support you. just roll a raen
Oh and also how difficult would it be to level one in time for the expansion pre-release?
you'll absolutely NEED certain other crafters up to a certain point for cross class skills, but i think 30 something is the highest
You mean BTN? Leveling a DoL is always a good idea.
Primal isn't that dead tonight apparently despite all the casual DPS returning to prep for ShB.
>FF14 pvp
>report an entire FC like that a few months ago
>still exists
They really aren't doing shit about those, are they?
You should definitely level up Miner and get every other crafter to 50, then do whatever.
Just met Hien, when do I start hating Mhiggers? He seems like a top-tier guy.
Can't you like just check your account details on the mogstation to get your email?
Thinking of using a fantasia soon, how does this character look? Other than the fact it's an Au Ra, I wanted this kind of hair.
You can level a blue mage in a few hours if you do the job swap bug. Get a range job like a bard and one shot a monster then immediately switch to blue mage when it dies. If it dies instantly you never enter combat and there's a delay between the kill and receiving experience so blue mage gets credit for the kill.
As soon as you drive the Garlean prudes from Eorzea completely and preserve the legality of marrying her and her brother simultaneously despite their age.
not him but you can get some really nice gear with wolf marks
Common as fuck.
disgusting and bland at the same time
Downs syndrome and >>/vg/xiv
Hien isn't a dirty mhigger. He's an honorable Doman
eyes are too dark
Hell no dude. Mongol lizards for life. Except the Goro.
I will do what I can. I gotta break out of this cycle.
change the skintone, could be cute
He's not a Mhigger, he's Doman. You'll hate them as soon as you get tired of them talking about their pride.
Heaven on high is brainless, but easy
user, not even trying to be mean but this might be one of the most forgettable characters I've seen in this game.
>everyone has to look a like a speshul snowflake!
you sound like one of those faggots that cakes their character's face in obnoxiously bright face paint to "stand out"
It won't let me into mogstation either
True I just wish pvp wasn't so pish
I don't care about uniqueness. If I wanted to make a mutant I could.
I assumed so, tried to make it look as close to this as possible.
a janny has been notified and is on the way to delete the thread now, thanks fag
are you asking for a doom-themed raid
because now i want that
i think gunbreaker is getting a move called fucking rip and tear too
>not a croissant
0/10, try again
skip to part eight for rotations and stats and shit like that if you need them
anyway the general strategy is to get all your classes to 15 for crossclasses by just doing every recipe in your book, and then pick one to get to 50 for the second crossclass. grind it out as far as you can stand it (to like 20-30) and then use leves the rest of the way. there are some leve guides out there but picking the highest xp one is usually correct. wvr, alc, and gsm have the highest priority crossclasses so get them done first, the rest can be done in whatever order (although i'm basing this on shb changes, so it may not be accurate)
Lyse is the Mhigger and you should have been hating her ever since she stopped pretending to be her superior sister and Papalymo had a stroke.
Hien is pretty based and needs to marry that precious cinnamon bun Cirina immediately and give me mutant grandkids goddamnit.
Hien is exclusively for buduga cock
>liking croissants
man of taste
>that autistic flailing
DNC animations make me so sad.
Amon and Zande were. Not sure about Phlegethon but maybe.
That's gonna be in 6.0 when we go into The Thirteen and save it from the Void.
If Doma is so great why isn't this glorious Scottish Samurai that looks like Freddy Mercury on a really haggard bender in the game?
>even death lost meaning to him
Actually it wasn't because death lost meaning.
Post reincarnation xande was afraid of dying, he tasted it once and didn't want to go through that shit once again so just he wouldn't miss the living pleasures he decided to sacrifice the whole world to the cloud of darkness.
If nothing exists, he won't miss anything so he can die without fears.
A buddy of mine's character is a Male Aura Astrologian.
i dont think i'm gonna make it. i'm running out of leves and i dont think there's time for them to recharge
>janny caring what we post meme
Imagine playing this faggy erp game NOT on crystal. How big of a loser do you have to be lmao. Actual kino datacenter.
He's Hien's dead father.
face 3
doesn't fit what you wanted o make
Face 3 I think, the one with the fat horns
Wtf is a croissant (not the french pastry)
The Source sucks! GO FIRST WORLD!
Why not start with yours?
What content will be accessible during the early access?
Some of them like Glasya Labolas, Phlegethon and Scylla, yes. But it's not their real allagan form: they've been transformed into abominations by Amon's experiment
Scylla for example was a powerful allagan sorceress who was promised immortality and power by Amon (who was her Rival), but Amon just tricked her and turned her into a monstrosity with hound's head
reprise actually lets red mages align their rotation now instead of having to sit on manafications for 20 seconds because it came off cooldown when they had too much mana. otherwise the class is the same in single target save for an extra finisher after verholy/verflare. aoe rotation got a decent revamp so running dungeons on rdm shouldn't be as awful as it currently is.
>losing aero 3 staff twirling animation
why yoshi
The login screen and the waiting queue.
Oh that is what you meant, I thought you mean the horns. I was trying to go with a robotic face for a character designed after a robot and that face I thought was the best.
>running dungeons on rdm shouldn't be as awful as it currently is.
Fuck you, I like scatter spam.
If I wanted to think I'd play a different job.
>Wouldn't they just ask for the email to prove its my account?
If you say I lost it and can provide payment information to prove otherwise that might work. Like old card numbers.
Oh shit Make it Rain event is ending in a few hours.
Eh... I'm done with it.
>did ixion fate yesterday
>servers were shitting themselves the entire time
launch is gonna be a shit show isnt it
I managed to make 1.1mil from it so im chuffed
Launch is usually okay. Early Access is where all the fun happens.
RIP i thought I had until shadowniggers.oh well.
Will the real shadownigga show up in this expansion?
Her name is Julyan Manderville