Vote kicking is for faggots
Vote kicking is for faggots
Don't be a faggot who gets kicked by vote faggot
A smash thread died for this
i vote kicked someone today, and it was near the end of a 20min level
should have helped the team and picked up the tome.
Online games are for faggots
>You cannot initiate a vote kick until 5 minutes have passed in the duty
and bully hunters
Wait! You don't have the trophy for beating the final boss, of a raid that opened last week? Vote kick time!
Ah, I remember when Combat Arms got vote kicking.
t. little faggot who regularly gets vote kicked for being an obnoxious shitter
>typical drumpftard gets upset when popular vote gets him removed
trumplets are pathetic incels
in some games you literally get vote kicked for being better than other players.
This. Votekick is a necessary function to weed out the filth.
!votekick OP [1/5]
Votekicks are for faggots, shitpost too hard or play too well and some noodle-armed virgin initiates it
>troll a shitty game(CSGO, Vermintide, etc)
>quickly change my name to someone else's
>call a votekick on them
>it passes more than half the time
Shitty matchmaking games are only good for this, if you aren't doing the same then you're playing the game wrong.
I always did.
>completely shit on the enemy team in socom 2
>see the vote pass for kicking me
/voteban OP
Well this escalated quickly
>Buttmad server admin or his gf
>Being too good with hitscan
>People forgetting that you can hear footsteps
only in bad games.
>actually push the objective in tf2
>get votebanned
uninstalled it right there.
OP here, I got votekicked for taking too long being the last player in horde mode. Then I came here to angrily post about it. In hindsight, most votekicks are valid, but goddamn
lmao this happened to me too. people really just want to do a deathmatch stalemate for hours on end instead of getting good enough to stop a scout from capping effortlessly
Someone tried to votekick me in TF2 for not healing him exclusively.
Seriously wondering how people solo queue team games. I'll fucking wait 20 minutes for my friends to come back instead of trying to roll dice on retarded kids, anime autists, and poltards who will most likely shit up the entire game or ragequit.
!votekick OP [2/5[
There are only 3 tomes, someone else could've done it
this is where most people's complaints about games like dota came from.
You would have to be crazier than a fish with titties to even attempt playing dota 2 online with less than a 3 stack of people you know.
1v1 is the best for MP unless you have co-workers or classmates that share your schedule.
Yeah even then I hate having a rando a lot of the time. Most of the time my friends will simply wait for the last guy to get on because randoms are so fucking retarded and shitty.
yeah I just do solos in rocket league when friends are all busy.
only 3 people were up
I wish there was a 1v1 RTS set in the DOTA world. I like the aesthetic, but I hate MOBAs and I've played most of the alive RTS games.
convert to islam infidel.
Vote kick is very good function because it allows to remove shitters who only ruin game and call it "trolling", trolling is an art, being a shitty player is not trolling.
Yeah shitters who abuse votekick for petty reasons are cancer to.
Competitively, yeah. Though 10v10+ is the most fun if you stop giving so much of a shit about winning.
>all those compfags who don't understand how to have fun
I pity you
You sound like one of those people that scream into their mic, then proceed to say in a forcibly calm voice "im not mad, you're a bad troll". You're not fooling anyone, you're my living artpiece
Not with randoms. 16v16 was fun when you had servers with regulars in them. Matchmaking kills the experience because the retards don't get filtered by the community.
Especially with randoms
>he doesn't know how to have fun messing with low skill randoms
>he isn't pleasantly surprised when someone on the enemy team displays some level of competency
>he doesn't know how to have fun just screwing around in general
Competitive matchmaking in general is cancer. You're not guaranteed to go up against another full party of players, you might get half and half. And even then, matchmaking algorithms are garbage and it could be a shitty game anyways. The only competitive that is good are tournaments where premade teams go up against eachother.
>join server with friends
>as soon i load i see message saying one of them was vote-kicked
for what purpose
I don't give a shit who is on the enemy team although I prefer non-shitters because stomping isn't fun. I just don't like retards on my team because they should go fuck off to FFXIV or some other special snowflake game
!votekick OP [3/5]
Stop playing exclusively to win and learn to just have fun user. There's more to multiplayer games than winning. If everyone in the server is shit, then that means you have a chance to try out some objectively inferior playstyles. If your team is shit, then the server turns into a mini dynasty warriors game where you single handedly turn the tide. Granted, this happens way too often, but nothing's forcing you to always win.
You say it like making people scream over mic is really a hard thing and is a trolling. Literally all you need to do is to be a shitty player or just griefer/asshole.
The real art of trolling is like planting a own created seeds of pure chaos. You carefully create these seeds you plant then in the right place in the right time and carefully wait and watch how pure chaos is born and people are going crazy because they have no idea what is happening.
The greatest art of trolling is when the single post changes the entire forum, a single thing done can change the entire community
Imagine I M A G I N E being the annoying Gibus Scout that keeps non-stop tryharding and doing a beeline to cap the intel on 2fort and turbine and then complaining that people are having fun instead of capping the fucking flag. Fucking off yourself, you failed abortion.
I don't like dynasty warriors and I'd like to mess around with playstyles and strategies with friends who will react and enemies that aren't afk kids
!votekick OP [4/5]
Is that what you tell yourself?
consider not being a braindead animal that immediately types what he thinks, inbred.
just que for casual then
Sadly games that have vote kick features don't really have any grand community to destabilize. You're essentially in a pocket dimension, there's no time to plant seeds, so the most you can do is ruin their day or make them doubt their abilities.
I've contributed to the destruction of a few communities on gmod and tf2, so I know what it's like.
>play singleplayer game
>npcs kick you out of the party
you're a faggot too for posting this so what's your point?
>mess around with playstyles and strategies with friends who will react and enemies that aren't afk kids
Half of those playstyles aren't viable against a coordinated and skilled group. What a shame, nothing can break you out of the competitive mentality. Enjoy your everlasting salt and pursuit of the good match that will rarely come
>Half of those playstyles aren't viable against a coordinated and skilled group.
That's why it's so exciting when it actually works. Playing against a dumb kid is worse than playing in training mode because he may just kill himself
You're playing against 10 dumb kids while your team is trying to figure out how to push the objective. You're juking 10 retards, and a single mistep could end you.
However, playing against a team of friends, that won't fly. You will die, this is without question. There are no laughs to be had, there's no noob to run in circles around as he flails around trying to kill you, there is only death and tryhard faggotry.
The vote to kick OP has expired
>There's more to multiplayer games than winning
t. shitter who plays to lose
I play for fun and still manage to pull out victories. If you're even somewhat skilled you should be able to do the same.
>b-but my team sucks!
I believe you user, I really do.
!votekick OP [1/5]
!votekick OP [2/5]
It's because the maps where you get votekicked for playing the objective are fucking TERRIBLE when you play them seriously. 2fort only requires a couple of engies jerking off in intel room, hightower only needs to have a competent player to stop the bomb when it gets onto the elevator etc.
It is a natural evolution of people saying "this shit is unfun when we play it like it was intended"
>!votekick OP [3/5]
>start a casual match of Siege
>ganged up on and votekicked by 4 buttbuddies who are all probably yucking it up in their Discord call
Votekicking was a mistake
As opposed to?
>a 2 man group is immune to vote kicks
Gotta use the system against them
That sounds like it would be a great plan if I had friends to play with. I hate how no developer has thought that maybe griefers would use the votekick system to grief with
It honestly amazes me. I usually get a single friend to queue with me in those games just so I have vote kick immunity. They don't even play most of the time, they just run a script to avoid afk detection while I go about my dirty business.
yes, only faggots get vote kicked, thats what its for.
so stop being an autist and learn that games are for fun. you cant get vote kicked in ranked games so you're obviously tryharding in games that arent even ranked and ruining the game for others. Entirely justifiable vote kick.
Stop being so bad at games OP
This is exactly why I quit playing. Absolute brainlets would just fuck around and do nothing on certain maps for hours while the real big brains would just rush the objectives down so we can play on an actual good map instead, but it got to the point that the chads playing the game would get kicked by social retards despite the latter not even """"playing"""" on a social server.
>worked some guy up into a rage
>vote kick initiated
>join Skial 24/7 Hightower *NO CAPPING*
>try to cap so we can go to a different map
>get kicked
i always do that just because i can
try not being a faggot nerd next time lmao