Shitstained: Ratual of the Scam hate thread

-atrocious graphics, I've never seen such an ugly game in years and this had an over 5 million budget.
-awful chara design, Miriam is so bland and she's gonna be the face of the franchise, lol.
-bugged/unoptimized engine: bookshelf crashes, chests not giving their rewards, floating stuck item sacks that you have to wait 15 seconds to get, general clipping problems(Twin Dragon, etc), lag issues, bad enemy AI.
-uninspired OST and shitty sound direction(ARISE! MYSELF AND MY SHADOW! ad infinitum and the annoying sword familiar).
-unbalanced as fuck, you can basically beat the game using upgraded flame shot/water splash which are 1st area shards.
-the last 40% of the map was uninspired, unrelated to the castle thematically and re-used too many assets with lame level design/enemy placement.
-game progression was badly designed: you are stuck with 1 boring familiar until the early 20s then suddenly you can get 3 better ones at the same time until the final one much later with the book in-between.
-Circle had better designed bosses, only Zangetsu is an actual cool fight.
-unresponsive controls, doing the fighting game commands is frustrating.
-uncreative(just a castlevania game without using the IP) and relying on pop culture memes when it could have been its own thing.
-Word building, story, lore, dialogue and characters are bad and uninspired. And we're getting a franchise out of this.
-Bad JP and EN dubs, Miriam's personality is different in both dubs.
-Some weapon names look like mistranslations.
-Annoying quests that require rare enemy drops or specific respawnig chest drops.
-Hard Mode requiring a cheat code and no harder mode between it and Nightmare.

IGA confirmed hack and laughing all the way to the bank thanks to no skill gamers that want to play the same autismo farming/grinding kusoge forever.

BTW the sequel will re-use the assets, hahahahahhahahahaahha.

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Post yfw you didn't back this abomination

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Should i canceled my switch preorder? I'm getting scared vros


Nah keep it, it's going to be your only game till Switch 2.0.

Do it. The game is shit in literally every way and is the metroidvania equivalent of Mighty No 9. We said the game would be a collossal piece of shit and it was, based tortanic chads was right again ahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahaha


You only posted opinions

Iga pls leave

Smm2 comes out, and all the other trash Nintendo games

Yes and then get it on PC dumbass. The game is great.

LOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Nintendies look forwerd to that shit??????? OMFG LOOOOOOOOOL so pathetic, go play actual games fkn babys

I played it like 20 hours this weekend. It's good, but not great.

I don't have a p.c only switch and ps4, I'm saving up to build a decent one since I'm no longer a neet

game is literally FUCKING SHIT tortanic bros were right all along fuck this shit

Microsoft and sony and pc all beat the sht out of basedtransdo

It's a 6/10 pile of barely playable shit

Don't make me rape u faggot, say you're sorry

Get the PS4 version. The Switch version lags and freezed/crashed on me a few times.

actually it's good

Why did you make a thread with your shitty repost from the active thread where it got ignored??

Posting like a retard to falseflag isn't going to make this XBLA Indie Game any less trash.

The combat is seriously fucking clunky

>Miriam is so bland and she's gonna be the face of the franchise
How is this surprising? It's a rule that female protagonists have to be the blandest bitches ever.

Everythign about this game is fucking clunky. Funny a vast majority of Yea Forums predicted it will be shit and they were right lmaoooo


Worst graphics in any video game ever. And the soundtrack is so shitty too

Why is it typical of this board to almost solely make threads or talk about things they don’t like instead of things they do?

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U mad Shitstained shill. Your XBLA tier shit will never be loved by actual gamers fuckoff


Shitstained shills got awfully quiet all of a sudden.........

Ive never even played the game and my question had nothing to do with it. Nice deflection.

Then why are you here if you seemingly don't care about Mighty No. 9 2.0

>28 / 2 / 14

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I just beat the twin dragons, got the photograph...uhh do i just explore now or something?

talk to alucard

Visit OD. He can turn it into a pass that'll allow you to board the train.

Nigger the "stuck" items are given to you if you just leave the room. How fucking dumb are you?

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You sell the game because it's a huge pile of shit that we were right about the whole time.

Two posts per user on average. There is literally nothing wrong with this

more like cuck op posting 20 times.

Cope Iga


as dumb as you are for replying to him


Still doesn't adress the other million things wrong with this pile of shit "game"


The only reason people like Mighty No 9 2.0 is because of nostalgiafaggotry and waifufaggotry

Why would anyone so desperately need people to agree with them? A lot of people like this and wanted to see this sort of game.

It's because these kinds of people don't like anything

Wow, this must be the most pathetic thread I have ever seen in my life

because this board is full of brainlets who get swept up in marketing hype then disappointed when game doesn't meet the absurdly high standards they've set for it
it keeps happening to them over and over again and they never learn for from it. getting angry at the games is easier than admitting they are brainlets, so here we are


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People need validation in their life. Usually it's for more significant things like getting a tough project completed, achieving something they were passionate about, falling in love and so on.
For this user it's validation for his hate of a video game. Let him have it, he's not diminishing the enjoying of others either way.

So in short, you hate everything about everything.
I'd tell you to play a different game, but that wont help when you're determined to actively hate everything.

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Yes. but not because the game is bad. It just runs the worst on the switch.
Because everything runs worse on the switch.

>shit up every thread
>bad graphics meme
>the rest of the points are very subjective or outright wrong
Just admit it, you're defeated graphics-kun, people like/love the game and nothing will change that.

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>unbalanced as fuck, you can basically beat the game using upgraded flame shot/water splash which are 1st area shards
this is the biggest problem for me. I've just been killing everything except boss's in one hit like an asshole with the true arrow. it use's almost no mp and the game showers you in mp anyway it completely ruins the game. the point of these games is to explore the map and get stronger but when you get given a one hit kill weapon right off the bat it completely kills any desire to keep playing.

You could just...not use that shard. Or play on Nighmare mode.

>You could just...not use that shard.
if i have to gimp myself to make the game fun it's a bad game.
>Or play on Nighmare mode.
why is that mode even in the game? it's a 1 hit death artificially difficult bullshit mode.

>the metroidvania equivalent of Mighty No 9
speaking as someone who bought the game, this about sums it up

For the most part I'm not having too bad of a time with it but, as my hunch was proven, the crashes and freezes are unacceptable. Even when one alt tabs to look up where to find drops (which I don't mind doing) the fact is it's a 50/50 shot whether I can pull the game back up again.
I'm glad I didn't spend any money on the game, which is a shame because the freezing/crashing bugs are really what just make it unplayable.

The game is really fun with good areas to explore and lots of items and abilities to play with. You can also sequence break and get late game items early on. Miriam is cute and dignified. Never had any crashes or bugs and the controls are quick and responsive(see how fast you can repeatedly backdash cancel). The graphics look better in motion but vary from uncanny to kinda cool looking. Hard mode adds new enemy placements and enhanced boss movesets.

>if i have to gimp myself to make the game fun it's a bad game.

I bet you're one of those guys that get every heart on Zelda games and complain about being too easy.

eternally BTFO, have fun seething while I'm having a blast and busting loads to Miriam's thighs, blunderfag.

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>it's a 1 hit death artificially difficult bullshit mode.
It's literally not tho?

If you take game advice from posters like this you have worse problems than buying possibly bad games lol

well done, op. really good compilation of known issues. post this every day. they must be reminded.