Why aren't you playing the sleeper hit JRPG of the year? The Fairy Fencer F art team spent a vast amount of time researching Asanagi's catalogue to research tsundere characters.
Dragon Star VARNIR
Snoy exclusive and censorship
Also didn't Idea Factory promise to never censor again after MonPiece?
As a puritan, the censorship allows me to focus on the gameplay.
A JRPG with no distractions is the best kind of JRPG...like Dragon Quest XI.
Maybe when it eventually comes out on PC but not before.
Looks neat, but there is also a lot of good stuff coming out. Is it regular Neptunia combat or does it offer something different?
It's coming out on PC in September. IFI has been expediting ports because their PS4 sales are taking a hit
>their PS4 sales are taking a hit
I should fucking hope so
I'v been playing a shitload of this but something has REALLY halted my progress.
>play first time, get True Ending(all imoutos alive)
>play NG+, planning on using a save to get all the other epilogues, the Normal and Insane endings
>turns out imoutos don't get hungry in NG+ when your last game was a True Ending
>because they won't either turn into dragons or go insane, I cannot avoid getting the True Ending again
>the only way to break away from this is to start yet another NG+ and choose every choice that makes the insanity meter go up, forcing the insane ending with all imoutos alive
Why the fuck would they do this? Also.
>that scene in Faria's events where she gets drunks and gets on bed with you, gets upset you won't ravage her on the spot(she's like 13)
>that scene where Charlotta straddles you and starts putting magic on you and MC is desperate to get her to get off before she notices his boner
>that absolutely adorable deredere moment you have with Karikaro in the forest when it starts raining
I liked it. I just wish it was longer like FFF.
Laponette is best girl.
It's like they don't fucking want money.
It's not like Neptunia or Death End re;Quest, there's no free movement. You just select skills and targets, like an old school RPG. Except you're flying so the battlefield on both sides has 3 layers.
This game has more lewd innuendo than average. And it's still quite lewd.
Might be cool. Will check it out.
>Is it regular Neptunia combat or does it offer something different?
It's turn based combat. I was scared as well.
They're still dealing with PS4 exclusives from before Sony went retarded. We got another 1 or 2 years before new lewd projects are developed with switch and PC in mind
>Corberia's chaotic insane rant about how all she cares about is to kill witches
I am disappointed that we didn't get a scene with her gasping for air while you finish her off.
Also I wish we got to learn more from Bendica. The entire game felt so rushed, like its length had to be cut severely.
>because they won't either turn into dragons or go insane
I haven't even gotten to that point, because I spent the entire game farming as many "dragons" as possible...with every character...while also going AFK constantly to adjust skills.
>The entire game felt so rushed, like its length had to be cut severely
It had a delay, which was most likely due to censorship, but I like to pretend it was to administer new content.
I tried to get them all as much as I could but ended the game with quite a few missing. Gave me plenty left to do during NG+. I would also regularly go into menus for 20+ minutes just to micromanage my skills too, that was a good part of the game for me.
Did you take a long time to figure out that the check mark indicates if you've eaten a dragon already or not?
The censorship boiled down to a CG image being cropped and Laponette's steamy scene had extra steam, nothing else. The game has full blown lolikon innuendo with MC falling in love with Faria and admitting he will have to tell all the other sisters about it.
Did Compile Heart get taken over recently by edgelords? I feel like their games have gotten a lot darker recently.
>PCfags don't buy shit
Didn't one JRPG company get singlehandedly saved by porting over their game to Steam?
>CG image being cropped
You wouldn't happen to have a picture of this CG, would you?
Why would CH release this game on PC? PCfags just pirate and it would be a net loss.
Google it. They basically cropped the bottom of a Minessa image because it looked like she had no panties. That was it.
They must've been saturated from making so much Neptunia. They went from picture relate to making:
>a game where girls are kidnapped, forced into living in a virtual world with erased memories an toyed with to the extreme. Main heroine gets her face crushed by an enemy bash attack and one of the antagonists goes around slashing people just to see people get angry
And now:
>in the first chapter of the story, you see a ~10 year old girl burst in a pool of blood while a huge monster spawns from inside her, with her family watching. A central mechanic of the game involves managing how much time you spend away from homebase because, if you don't return regularly, a bunch of little girls will go insane and you'll have to kill them to relieve them from their pain and suffering.
>Idea Factory/Compile Heart
I don't play shovelware.
Nah, just a lot of work on edgier games since the lewd games released shortly before hand. Castle Panzer and 4GO happened, then you got MS2(after MS1s shock success) Death End(totally new game from Galapagos), Varnir(special anniversary game where all the main artists get their hands in it. Arc of Alchemist was shit but not edgy and Yuusha is shit but Nep.
This year they have Azur Lane coming out and it looks pretty good and a new Date-A-Live. The edgy stuff is just what they wanted to try their hand at making that worked for what they wanted to try.
>Death End - New battle system mechanic that hasn't really been tried before(knock back and genre switch)
>Varnir - testing out if a persistent flag marker would work for storytelling(madness).
>MS2 - Not really trying new things out just a sequel
Their games are improving a lot every time. They even care enough to make a custom in-house engine.
Another 6 or 8 games and they'll be putting out stuff of the same quality as Atelier or even Tale of.
Madness does not influence the game at ll until you get to the final chapter. Other than a 3D, layered battle system and devouring skills, nothing in it was original or fresh.
Knockback in Death End re;Quest becomes a more and more insignificant part of your damage as you progress, and knockback resistance increases as well. Past midgame, most enemies don't get knocked back for shit unless you summon an Entoma Queen.
So like all other compile games? Hope they do a tales of arise and do better in the future.
I played the game a while back. Felt good early on but the game ends up overstaying its welcome. The battles later become just annoying and it's easy to get locked up in a bad ending.
Like I said it's just a small thing they were testing and it's mainly an anniversary game. In Japan this and MegaMira were to celebrate 25 years of IF/CH. It wasn't anything too extravagant like Death End or Castle Panzer were.
>Another 6 or 8 games and they'll be putting out stuff of the same quality as Atelier or even Tale of.
Looks fun but I really don't trust compile heart
Is it more than just a neptunia clone
Its coming to steam in september
The best part about CH's recent edge-fest is all the crazy girls.
why is she so fat
Its not a Nep clone at all since the battle is a more of a standard turnbased style of combat with field movement limited to three layers instead of free movement like Nep is. It's also more of an edgy story than a comedy like Nep is.
That's because Nanameda Kei is amazing
Consider how much they've improved since the original PS3 Neptunia.
Crazy is sexy, I like it.
Because Sony turned their back on Japan by trying to appeal to Californians. Nobody wants to put games on the Censorstation.
One one hand, nobody likes having their work tied down an censored because of foreign interests. Even if you consider IF/CH games low quality, I have no doubt that the people who make them enjoy doing lewd stuff.
On the other hand, not putting their games on the PS4 is a huge middle finger to all their current fans and supports, most of which are on a Sony console.
This seems to be a case where the game was probably coming out under contract before Kusony went full retard. Either way I'm waiting for either a Steam or Switch version.
I can't wait for MS2 to come out on Switch. I really enjoying 1 but I never finished it so I'll replay the touched up version before I start 2.
Switchfags also don't buy anything not from Nintendo. PS4 is the only platform where people buy games.
>PS4 is the only platform where people buy movies
>buy games
ftfy. No need to thank me.
The game released uncensored in Japan. It was one of the last releases that got through uncensored.
Im waiting for the Steam version but I heard this was similar to trillion
Didn't they retroactively censor Mary Skelter 2 in a post-release patch?
only in china, which if you ask me, is not enough to pin the blame on sony
Maybe I heard wrong but I thought China launched with censorship but JP was censored at the same time via an update, which also broke the game.
I'll grab it once it's on PC because
Compile Heart has been on top of it with their non-nep games.
How's Super Nep RPG?
No, that was the China release that got fucked from that which came out shortly after Varnir's Japan release.
The second week of October was the last safe week before shit hit Japan.
>sleeper hit JRPG of the year
Have you already stopped shilling the previous IF dungeon crawler? What happened?
Canadians fucked it up. Story is fun and the music is great but the gameplay is poorly done and the menus are irritating since cursor memory isn't active, let alone an option to turn on.
Well if you say so, but I still hate Snoy
I'm not saying to like them, I hate them too, I'm saying that CH didn't retroactively censor the game and that Varnir was one of the last games to make it safely through before shit hit the fan.
I have a backlog and CH games go on sale pretty quick.
Hell, I still haven't beaten DERQ.
Plus I heard it has something similar to Dragon Quarter's D Counter bullshit, to where if it fills up you can say goodbye to the true ending until NG+
Never believe anything those shitheads at IFI say, remember they're ex-NISAs
CH hiring Nyamota when
he'd probably ask for more than they could afford
It's impressive to imagine that games such as picture related were coming out on PS4 completely unhindered up until recently.
I had no problem getting the True Ending the first time.
Canadian here. Technically a Quebecer made it, the niggers of Canada who have a separatist party. Though that's not really a defence for the rest of Canada as autism Mass Effect and Warframe were made in Canada too.
>Plus I heard it has something similar to Dragon Quarter's D Counter bullshit,
I like to call that the pleb filter. Git gud.
No game from IFI/CH is worth more than 15 dollaroos.
Also, censored shit.
Also too much IFI shilling is very telling they're getting a bit desperate, thankully not as bad as those retards from TK at least.
>kiwami 2's photoshoot sessions
That's disappointing. Guess I'll wait for PC or Switch
Not him, but the thing is that canadian team had made only one game before Yuusha, and it was a terrible mobile rpg. And guess what, Neptunia RPG is basically a shitty mobile rpg, but sold at fucking full price just because they can.
TK is not shilling by the way, the Ryza hype is genuine and she has an absurd amount of lewd fanart.
I don't think anyone really cares about her game though.
PC in September
Oh right, forgot that Atelier is from them too, sadly.
No, I meant their Dead on Arrival 6 threads.
KT absolutely is shilling Atelier. It's not just Ryza, there were a ton of Nelke and Lulua threads around their time of release on Yea Forums.
DoA is one of those things I just can't wrap my head around. The characters are bland(every other fighting game has better looking females), the gameplay is irrelevant and the graphics look like shit. If you want to stare at girls in bikinis you could play any porn game instead or just 3D hentai videos. There's no reason for DoA to exist.
Yea Forums honestly loves Atelier. I made quite a few Nelke threads myself.
The difference is that Atelier is loved.
Also, there was a lot of anti-kusony threads because of the censored Lulua cover for PS4.
Forgive me Compilebros. I thought I was in an atelier thread.
No, it's fine, Atelier makes everything better
>male MC
What's the point?
>muh edgy self insert from my chuuni fantasies
Zephy is pretty cool and has a good character design. That and CH male leads are actually pretty well written most of the time. Fang, Takt, Zephy, Alex and Jack are all solid characters that aren't just bland self inserts.
>forgetting based Zeabolos
>you won't ravage her on the spot(she's like 13)
So? This isn't even our world with our rules and we were doing it for thousands upon thousands of years, it took backward religion and misinformation to make it "illegal" and it's still perfectly natural and observed all the time in various tribal communities with no ill effects on ANY party involved.
You people are always so strange, you play games where you hapless kill people all the time (The greatest of all evils) but you've let yourself be brainwashed into thinking sex is somehow bad or WORSE
Fuck I knew I forgot one, Trillion always seems to slip my mind. It wasn't intentional.
The point is the only bad or poorly done Male MCs from CH games are Io(too generic and his character is only really saved because Otton has him to play off of and Moero Crystal's MC(highly forgettable).
How was Dark Rose Valkyrie?
The problem is that when you murder someone in a game that's just fantasy, it's make believe. But if you are attracted to an anime doodle then you're a criminal waiting to commit a crime.
You probably just lack the opportunity and hopefully someone locks you up before it presents itself.
This image is retarded
If sonybro is black then why it would be pathetic for him to watch blacked.com
Company? No. Series? Yes. Valkyria Chronicles was saved by PC port of VC1.
>But if you are attracted to an anime doodle then you're a criminal waiting to commit a crime.
>You probably just lack the opportunity and hopefully someone locks you up before it presents itself.
This isn't true at all.
However if you kill people in video games you're preparing to commit a mass shooting. Fact.
You're wrong and the opposite is true. The evidence is my feelings.
and then the sequel flopped on pc too
Fang has more personality than most MCs in most forms of media.
I agree 100%, my point was that something of this nature was explicitly written in text as a canonical event in a video game published by Sony. And it was a cute and sweet scene too. Age gap is the purest form of love.
Incorrect on all counts.
My favorite part about OQ is how fucking mad Takt made some people because he wasn't a doormat.
Garbage, even by Compa standards.
>Age gap is the purest form of love.
And yet there's 0% chance of Brigitte being in love with Reinhardt. The world isn't fair.
how much was censored?
I despise this fucking Sony bullshit, but is its something minor like a name, a dialogue and the game is good, I can deal with it.
Unlike when they remove a fucking sexy minigame or remove CGs like Mugen Souls.
Affirmed and reinforced.
Two CG images changed. A bath scene had extra steam and Minessa's butt was cropped out of an image.
Agreed on both counts. Personally I put Alex a touch higher though his personality is a touch weaker since he had some of the best line delivery I've seen in a long while.
Takt was a surprise to me too because of that but a very welcome one.
Arata served his purpose well enough, but he wasn't the most memorable part of his game at all.
Because it is a worse Death end re quest and I dropped that 3 hours in.
why is reine in this game?
>he doesn't know the Nep bitch does Date a Slut designs
Is Omega Quartet worth playing? For me it seemed like such a low-quality title.
What game is Alex from?
I really enjoyed Death End re;Quest when I played it but surprisingly I am not too nostalgic about it. Nothing in the game was too outstanding, really.
Except this literal angel right here.
Anjou was the one that stood out and he was a great character.
Death End re;Quest left a bad taste in my mouth for the actual gameplay near the end of the game because my attacks had such a high chance of missing somehow. I still beat the final bosses, but maybe I was too underlevelled.
Never trust IFI.
For Super Neptunia RPG they said it was only 4 CGs that were modified, but it was more than that.
Quintet? No it sucks.
you got more details?
>Is Omega Quartet worth playing?
It felt like playing the very first Neptunia. Yes, it's that bad.
You could just play the demo at the jap store, by the way.
I remember just being creeped out by the lip sync
As I've said previously I don't see how any of the text might have been considerably altered, considering I actively looked for parts where the text mismatched the spoken lines. Nothing that altered the story.
As for imagery, you barey have any CG images in the game and nothing is lewd. The 3D models are very revealing and don't differ from the Japanese videos, to my knowledge.
>It felt like playing the very first Neptunia.
It's no wonder it's nearly permanently on discount. Damn.
Yeah it could be a little unforgiving at times but nothing too bad.
Omega Quartet is pretty fun but does have its share of issues with the extra battle mechanics as some of them aren't explained super clearly. The characters are fun and it's pretty much a mahou shoujo game.
Alex is from Castle Panzer(May be an English release Never Ever case there though). The game is pretty playable with minimal Japanese language skills but you will hit road blocks every so often and get stopped since you need to get a higher stage rank to get the right crafting orbs to upgrade the castle. Otherwise it's rather playable. It's also a SRPG hence the stages and ranks.
The very first CG, for example, is cropped from the bottom.
>It felt like playing the very first Neptunia.
Are you sure you aren't mistaking it with Dark Rose Valkyrie? OQ is nowhere close to what the first Nep was.
Why did all of IFI pc ports run like shit?
Positive. With the return to the classic turn based combat, it was really much like the first Neptunia, not even close to mk2 at least. It had better graphics and animations than the first one, yet, but it still felt like a goddamn ps2 game.
I don't know user, it sounds like your issue is that it's a classic turn based RPG and not so much the game's quality on its own merits.
Never had anything against RPG turn based combat, but the only difference is that in OQ you don't see the characters jumping towards the enemy to hit them in a super awkward animation, the rest was pretty much scraps from mk2/V, but in such a low quality management plus the classic combat done poorly, that it was much closer to HDN1 than anything else.
Never got to use the Move controllers now that I remember, probably didn't miss much, couldn't care enough to see videos either.