SGDQ 2019

now: doom final
next: outland
later: hobbit

links: 2019 schedule

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Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Happy Doom Guy.webm (554x520, 1.81M)

Remilia avatarfag needs to fuck off back to their dilation station

runners were good but the game was ass


When's Touhou?

Attached: 1538327214193.jpg (700x700, 308K)

9/10, absolute lads who made Yea Forums autists SEETHE

Don't respond.

>shoutout to my coons
Does this frenchie have a nigga pass or

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Can twitch ads be skipped with an ad blocker? First time watching something for a number of years.

Imagine being able to have that much fun playing video games.

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Please stop posting my dick, this isn't funny anymore.

Waiting on Streets of Rage ratings.

B: Devil May Cry, Spyro the Dragon, TMNT 3,
C: Sonic Generations, DKC2, LoZ: Minish Cap,
D: Portal 2, Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland,
F: Super Mario Bros 2,

Attached: 3 - kA9wzSy.jpg (6859x6196, 1.29M)

>reddit done quickly

I want to see that thug2 run but 4 am fuckin hell

Reminder you can have this much fun if you dont spend so much time being toxic :)

>TNT Evilution
I'm surprised they accepted this run. I think it's the only IWAD that hasn't been run yet at a GDQ. It's a difficult run but it's not very interesting.

Remember to stay comfy, to ignore shitposters, and to enjoy the runs!

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You real or a bot?

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Ublock origin works just fine for me

>Final Doom
Not sure I wanna keep watching.

Attached: 1529885756212.webm (1280x720, 1.24M)


time for a good game




They've started piping ads through the actual video feed. I get ads on streamlink now.


I'm up next guys, wish me luck!


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Every year there are more tranny fags on Yea Forums, make it stop bros.

He looks half algerian or some shit, he's the French 56%.

Holt shit Vulajin looks like a fucking hobbit. This shot makes him look 3 feet tall.

Touhou and Touhou plushies are outlawed.

Streets of Rage S rating

just use streamlink
ublock origin typically works but every once in awhile twitch changes something and ads show up again for a bit

>made Yea Forums very mad

wut. there was like three guys shitting on them and then half the thread was backlash against the haters

>Dying 5 times to the boss and still call yourself an Speedrunner

Attached: Z28VHeX.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

Manly tears?


>runners were good but the thread was ass

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>Sonic 1
Why does Yea Forums hate runs with fun couches, even if the run is bad?

Possibly. Socialize with people and you'll get perks. Chicks might even let you cash in that V-card.

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-01-12 23-48-09-31.webm (485x533, 1.14M)


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Is this really the consensus? Putting Streets of Rage in S tier

I'm running UFO this Friday, wish me luck!

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they changed something recently, ublock origin no longer works (for me at least)

>Gay pride WoW shirt

Post your favorite smug while we wait for the next run

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Is Streets of Rage fun Yea Forums? I've only played the second one

I want big tanooki balls on my face

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nu-Yea Forums is so obsessed with trannies that they get angry when there's not a tranny on-screen


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if you like beat em ups sure
otherwise no

>Has more friends, is more interesting, is happier, taller, and more jacked than everyone here.
Explain yourselves

Attached: v-jelly.png (942x847, 1.06M)

>"loli" demon
loli is kino though, especially tomboy loli

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ugh this gdq is a whole MOOD


he works at blizzard

I come to watch autism in its purest form. I would watch tv otherwise.

it was at least an A, not enough meme potential for SS or higher


the couch sucking him in

Reminder that they could have named it Eternal Doom to keep in line with established naming convention for the series, but they did not.

>Sonic 1
>bad run


Attached: 1547151522609.gif (478x218, 1.41M)

yes you zoomer

why is this clown ass nigga sitting on a fuckin couch

baby man



Evilution is good for like the first 11 maps or until whenever the first space level is and then after that it's mostly shit with a few gems until the last few maps which are also good. definitely worst IWAD

You mean you want giant tanuki dick in your butt?

He looks like a baby lol.

ikr? And I am fucking HERE for it!


This dude looks the size of a fucking action figure.


No one:

Absolutely no one:

Not a single soul:

You: UgH tHiS gDq Is SuCh A wHoLe MoOd

reminder this is the indian guy who got bonesaw banned

>sponsored by kaiser permanente

Why are tall people so insecure?

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I'm white

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He looks so tiny.

when it gets unbanned.

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Send user lewds [email protected]

Is there porn of the raptor yet?

no wonder wow is dead

That too

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SGDQ is on already?
Is it a gaming event this year or another political platform with agenda pushing like last year's? I just want to watch some vidya
Here you go user :3

Fuck, that's a great game but I'm not ruining my sleep schedule for it

Even worse

>my favorite article of clothing is the gdq hoodie

man what a cuck lol


I'm 6 foot and 1/8th inch. I'm just fortunate to be above the cutoff line

How long until this break is done?

they both have fucking terrible teeth

is the "mountain dew" gamer meme real?

Attached: sauna.jpg (500x652, 69K)

english please

just not my thing dawg


its a bad set, its making him look smaller than he is

the camera adds 10 pounds

5'11 vs 6'00

S: Streets of Rage
B: Devil May Cry, Spyro the Dragon, TMNT 3,
C: Sonic Generations, DKC2, LoZ: Minish Cap,
D: Portal 2, Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland,
F: Super Mario Bros 2,

Attached: 27 - dAEFFN1.png (1191x1684, 2.01M)

Thank you very much, looks good

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oh hey, Lydia had her donation read

>wow GDQ is on? Are there trannies? Please tell me about the trannies and what about the political agendas? I need to know what to think so I can fit in, is it cringe? How cringe is it? How cringe are the trannies?

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>Mount Pain
>Last Call

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We in boys? here it is, god damn!! FUCKING DOOM!!!!!!11

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Grease golem spotted

Nice facebook meme

Jesus that neckbeard looks so fucking dirty

Have sex.

The prize goblin is wearing the same jeans as last year.

Guy in the interview is wearing a gay pride pin because he works for Blizzard. You fucking tell me.

Imagine having to hold back a retch while hugging sent.

who are you quoting?

the ads are transmitted as part of the stream now. turned fighting game streams into a fucking cancer

He looks really small even next to prize goblin.

No one is safe from him.


lol yea, sure buddy

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Holy shit it really is.

reminder this is canonically the strongest chrono trigger character.

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What counts as Z tier, in terms of older runs?

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you never sent lewds back
[email protected]

>prize goblin still wearing the same dirty ass pants from agdq

Why is this guy so unfunny. He needs to stop doing these """"jokes"""""

he left gdq for blizz?

It's hardly been consistent. Sure there was Ultimate Doom and Final Doom, but you also had Doom II: Hell on Earth and Doom 3/Reaction of Evil

nobody actually wants the prizes

this guy

I expect Dime to choke on Stronghold and Metal at least once. There's so many turds in the latter half of the WAD.

avatar-fagging is a bannable offense

Seek Jesus

The sequel I've been waiting for more than the game itself, thanks

Attached: prepared.png (88x69, 10K)

>prize goblin is still here

because the rest of him is just as filthy


They're just posting strawman BS, just filter them.

caveman's tomba run ft. chibi

I can't

cute kaos user

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Good time to go sort my unsorted cartoon porn.

no it isn't, even though the rules say so, people avatarfag unscathed all the time. like this pinoy fuck on /int/ that's been doing it for ages.

Now you're just being a prude

Handing him that huge book isn't helping.

These runs from AGDQ 2019: Sonic The Hedgehog 1 / GTA:VC / TASBot

divinity original sin 2

Are you guys unironically enjoying this?

No one be racist, sexist, or transphobic, okay?

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>implying the famous line didn't bring it up to at least B tier

as i grow older i realize how unironically cringe, unfunny and pathetic these events are

honestly, it makes me want to stop liking video games entirely, all these nerds and fanbases are like this and to be honest it's fucking pathetic

and i'm the biggest fucking loser for watching them all fml

that awkward crash one with the suicide jokes


Isn't it weird how delayed the clapping is?
It's like nobody is REALLY paying attention. Only like 1/5th of the crowd listen to keywords like "this part coming up is really hard and... he got it" to start clapping. Everyone else is just braindead until the run ends, and half the time they second guess if they should be clapping or not. It's like someones got a gun to their head
Feel's like it's been like this since 2015.

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>reaction images are avatars
Hi newag, I think you're on the wrong board. This is a place for video games.

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>famous line


that one was incel kino


lol that vaati looks like shit.

Even though Divinity 2 was a trainwreck it wasn't even rated Z.

i'm not an incel who thinks being a piece of shit is the only way anyone can have fun so yes i am

Actually based.

>that Crash bandicoot segment from Sword of the Berserk
I'm tired of failing, fuck this part

Attached: edf.jpg (680x454, 72K)

>sonic 1 not SS tier

What happened here?

Alright. I'll do it for the bunny

mostly white noise while I draw shit and shit post with you guys

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That was fucking great

He was too fun for GDQ though, hence the ban

you're just now realizing that GDQ lost its soul 4-5 years ago?

More like doctorwithniggers

just because the rules aren't executed against every single offense doesn't mean mods wont ban you for if you're annoying

Having the runs is more fun than this. Good night, Yea Forums!

Based fluffy bun

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inability to detect social cues

so did i miss much? i went to bed around dkc tittys

How do you ironically enjoy something?


it was not this bad at the start when it was arguably more autistic.

eww, no thanks

How is SGDQ being sponsored this year? Italy closed their ports to human trafficking ships.

>showering last night
>random thought of deleting my entire porn collection crosses my mind
>actually give it a proper think
Course I ended up NOT doing it, but hey, that was a start.

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who /full degenerate up all night/ here

I would really prefer if you'd be quiet.

no we're just enjoying it. Its not about the event, user, it's about the men by your side

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I'm having fun and there's nothing you can do about it.

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>What happened here?
fucked his run and accidentally overwrote his quick save. just gave up and mercykilled his own run.


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Based bunnyfag

>AoS at the bottom
What the hell happened here?

you're either a newfag or playing dumb

but the thing is I've never seen it being enforced, in fact these threads just now have avatarfags like that remiliafaggot.

You missed DMC and Streets of Rage, two of the best runs this marathon

Also missed Minish Cap, but it was a two-hour boring pile of shit.

Bun posters unite

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That's not how charities work retard.

2 >> 1
don't play the others.

you gotta be careful of those shower and post-fap clarity thoughts. Your wisdom increases, but you'll kick yourself next time the urge takes over

what was that man doing

Doctors Without Borders ran those ships

dont worry, we're all inclusive here

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I mean I don't think any of the runs so far have been great
But I really enjoy GDQs in general. Last AGDQ was fantastic.


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>comfy in bed
>Bloodstained almost at 100% map completion
>bunch of dude lmao
>lots of fun entertaining runs
>Yea Forums is completely assblasted about no trannies to obsess over
I'm having a lovely time

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this guy had a donation incentive to do a passive run and completely ignores it, keeps killing enemies then he apologizes everytime.

This is true

I hope that German roastie gets 20 years for aiding human trafficking


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>runner's voice

Bros it's my birthday. 22 years old and I'm still a loser virgin NEET. Am I gonna make it?

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>I'm not an incel

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>prolix on mic

fuck, get ready for constant donation reading/announcer intrusion

The run relied on savescumming with quick saves, but the runner accidentally saved too many times and ruined the crucial save, which rendered the run unfinishable. The runner tried to restart but he was too far in and GDQ forced him to stop.

No. Happy birthday.

haha epic meme fellow gamer.


Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-06-24 00-00-32-42.webm (634x461, 1.43M)

Be honest, how long have you been on Yea Forums and how long have you been watching GDQ?


bad tech from the runner

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happy birthday

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um sorry sweaty those were humanitarian rescue ships

>forgot the key

26 year old virgin here. Don't worry just have fun, happy birthday

you don't want it, it's degenerate.

>Uh, seriously dude? You know SGDQ supports human trafficking, right? Not a good look.

Attached: 1523612163813.jpg (378x378, 31K)


>already fucking up on map 2

It could always be worst. Is this retard still announcing? The guy who ruined FFIX?

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Top 10 of all time

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>I think you got this
>wait what
Gets me everytime

i've seen it enforced on Yea Forums, the most god-forsaken board on this site, so i'm positive it gets enforced when reported elsewhere

sorry that's me


jesus she looks like she's in her 40s at least. white women not even once.

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>Loser virgin
You'll be just....
Broke ass motherfucker can't even afford your own beer.

Am I the only one who thought the chick on the right wasn't anything special?

Hope you enjoy user, if you need more balls and are in the thread later just ask.

>not allowing it to trigger your ASMR tinglezzz
You must transcend the wet slappy slosh sounds.

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>pokemon runs without werster

fuck that shit

save/reload on pc game speedruns just feels wrong to me. always really bothered me on half-life runs, also tweaking fps on the fly to break shit

>this middle guy doing commentary

Attached: embarrassing.png (334x393, 128K)

Man this couch sucks

I had to mute. I just can't do it.


Do you need a nap, babe?


Yea Forums has some of the most incompetent mods of all who let half the board be a cesspool of memes and shitposting. also it doesn't get enforced on Yea Forums, /jp/, /int/ or Yea Forums.

Nice body would fuck her


dilate and have sex before paying the toll

Did I miss Runescape?

>hype af run followed by boring monotone explanation run
time to sleep

Jesus the middle guy needs to shut the fuck up

took me a second


boring couch
boring runner
good game

It's called balance

dios mio...el abomicion di francisco por favor de los americanas...

>incorrectly uses wojack image

Imagine being this fucking ledditor

That chick is a tranny.

i checked the schedule earlier and didn't see him.

thank god, he really did fuck up that supremely comfy run. and fuck kungfufruitcup, that cunt's KABOOMing ruined a comfy windwaker run as well

Good riddance.

This runner looks like he's playing absolutely awful at this game

how are yall spending time between runs?

Attached: time wasting.jpg (197x33, 2K)

how did they ruin ff9?

>pinoy fuck on /int/
can i get a quick rundown on that guy

The only thing you can see about her body is that it isn't overweight

zfg chat best chat

Attached: Capture.png (303x65, 6K)

do only autistics and edgelords unironically like doom?

>audibly nervous guy explaining team TNT

yeah it was at NASA


she's more mommy-tier than anything else. Not my cup of tea, personally

they support refugees so fuck (((them)))

if this runner was wearing a suit he'd look just like review brah

Doom speed runs suck ass

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>open 10 tabs
>blow load on first
>just close the others
Why do I keep dong this?

Reading manga

Attached: 1550605196523.png (923x1080, 691K)

zoom zoom

The game is good, but the runner and couch are boring.

clip pl;s


I would love some more, big hefty balls are the best. I enjoy some fur content like that as well.

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faceblindness is a sign of autism, user

what happened?

fourth time watching SGDQ, fourth time donator. My cancer passed away from animal. Money goes to kill the games, kill the donation. Hype!!!!

doom normal shotgun is so good

her cock?

>Nanachi hasn't been in a chapter in ages
Fucking based

Attached: 1554062807362.jpg (1062x1144, 602K)

Reading kino novels

>uses wojack image

Goodnight everyone. Sleep well.

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Shitposting on Yea Forums

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Dunno if it's autistics and edgelords exclusively but one famous Doom mapper shot up Columbine

One of the prizes are fucking arcade cabinets.

for weak ass enemies maybe.

boom boom


you gotta edge, user

Attached: 1248911080375.jpg (852x480, 32K)


>invulnerability sphere
Dare I say... invulnerability... ORB

A wal-mart near my house is selling non-assembled arcade cabinets. It's really not impressive, bro. It's wood and a shitty PC.

Super shotty's clacking reload is pure.

Not him but it's better than shotguns in 99% of videogames

He wasn't famous at all, until he shot up the school.

They tried pushing Eiffel 65 as a meme for a good few hours.

Goodnight bunnyfag

Has anyone here actually played this wad? How is it? I just finished Plutonia and while I enjoyed it the chaingunner spam drove me fucking insane by the end of it.

lmao nigga its a toy

friendly reminder you dont have to donate to be entered to win any of these shit prizes

lot of new people, are all the old runners gone or something?


Is this the weakest day one lineup GDQ has ever had?

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A or B, user?

Attached: choose_wisely.jpg (1024x923, 103K)

Not at all, most shotguns in videogames are viable for most things. Doom's regular shotgun is only viable for weak enemies. Even Doom 4's shotgun is much much more useful.

23 y.o neet, fucking hate it. We are all going to make it user happy birthday


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do you want the event to be the same 20 people running the same 20 games every single time or something?

was probably a 10 hour meme run of autistic menu speedrunning so im not sure how you could ruin that

Doom is based, eat shit.
Maybe this? I'm more into TF stuff but if you're looking at avoiding furry stuff this might be your thing (trying to judge off your reaction images too).


B. underboob.

That's 12". The prize description says 12'.

A. B looks retarded

>$25 minimum bid for a shitty $100 prize

Underboob is nice, but A.

>High resolution screen optimized for vector graphics
How about using a fucking vector display and give collectors an actual reason to want it.

There's nothing wrong with guys explaining tech. I'd rather know why the run is a run than hear a bunch of dumb people screaming "HOYP" over and over again for two hours


12foot game cabinet what

spikevegeta and puwexil are like the only people who have remained relevant since the old days on to today

B. Imagine her walking with this hnnng



>most shotguns in videogames are viable for most things.
Yeah like losing nearly all its damage past 15 feet

A, B looks like shit

i think edging is a meme. i've never tried it but i've been ridiculously, extremely horny before and whenever i've cum in that state it just feels like my brain is so focused on nutting like my life depended on it that it completely forgets to make it feel good at all. the best orgasms are when you've fapped 3 or 4 times in the past 6 hours and you have to iron-man grip and fap as fast as possible until it feels like you're having a heart attack and your dick is on fire until your dick nearly destroys itself trying to shoot out a few more drops of watery cum. it feels incredible and i get hard just thinking about it


whatever pep-pep

spoken like a true stream monster

Playing Arc the lad, reading john grisham

No you newfag

Goodnight bun

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arcade cabinets are piss easy to make and now since you dont need to have custom boards for each game, you could build one with an old PC for well under 200$ if you want it to be nice

I mean a lot of regulars are gone, did they quit?

Stronghold is the best map in this WAD

A. anyone who thinks B is better objectively has shit taste.

>There's nothing wrong with guys explaining tech.
by this logic all runs are good since they all do that. There's a difference between entertaining commentary and boring as fuck commentary. The former can still be informative.



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B looks more ethical, so would be B.

Doom is shit, faggot.

no, they don't want the event to be the same 20 people running the same 20 games every single time

are people unironically enjoying this and if you are how high on the autism spectrum are you

B would be better with pajama pants

>most people donate with a name for attention whoring via money on streams

>most donations are large and anonymous

not suspicious at all!

They got banned. They weren’t woke enough.

The guy running doom has been playing at GDQs for years.

what other old runners still come to this shit?

>boomer game

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this is so fucking bland

Banned for verbal crimes against trannies and/or having JonTron in their steam friends.


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It's alright, generally more fun to play than watch with how repetitive it is

a fuck ton of them

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not sure if its the weakest ever, but its definitely one of the worst.

>1 hp

I'll see how this one is, thanks. I'm not picky and can fap to boys,girls,and furry stuff.

Attached: 13b.gif (931x682, 426K)

Streets of Rage was good. Rest of them are pretty boring.

You would think that someone would have investigated this by now but I guess Yea Forums knows best, clearly this is a scam by the jews.


Trihex still goes

LMAO! I just noticed the shadman one

how about you name some instead of larping as an old fag

jesus christ

Reminder to end your god damn life if you don't think Doom runs are the coolest shit.

goodnight nanachi

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It is, especially to garbage like MSF, however there's nothing that we can do, unless some tranny from the staff decides to go nuclear.

i didn't even realise you could run in doom until e4m2

No, thanks.

If it’s hot, I can fap to it. Yea Forums has broaden my taste.

>You would think that someone would have investigated this by now
Why? There's tons of shit that last for decades before being investigated let alone if they're investigated at all.

Wow, they actually read my shitty $15 donation.

>actual speed run happening right now
Now this is actually entertaining.

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Rate this SGDQ so far compared to other years

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Now that's a good run

Attached: 1553306432993.jpg (1137x640, 54K)

I watched the Doom 64 speedrun world record recently.
I was afraid of the game as a kid. That atmosphere bothered the fuck out of me.
But hooooooooooly shit, that was amazing.

How could they be upset about a tiny vocal minority that single handily destroyed any joy and fun of this event and replaced it with pronouns for mascots

its not that the game is bad its that the commentary is absolute shit you dumb niggers

holy fuck is this actually the state of scp

>giving money to a scam

i'm pretty sure that one where he co-commentated odyssey was the first time in a while. he wasn't at agdq and he's not at this sgdq

This guy's not a very good runner, can't even single segment

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Quake runs are better.

but it's incredibly obvious. people donate with their name to streamers so people see their name.

anonymous donating MAKES NO SENSE.

Other than a shitty map02, this is going pretty well. That 1% map09 exit was something.

I love Doom but this puts me to sleep. Doesn't help that TNT is the worst official mainline Doom.

: )

>paying the enemy

Game is good. Runner/couch sucks ass.

Lol this is just some shitty mod. It's shit.

I bet you listen to Alex Jones, dipshit.

No probs user, I'm happy to help a balls loving patrician.

>Giving money to smugglers that smuggle people into Europe

the trannies didn't do shit, GDQ is a huge corporate event now and they have 50000000 sponsors that keep them locked down and unable to do anything fun. bonesaw getting banned had fuck-all to do with trannies and that was far more of an indication of the absolute state GDQ was going to end up in

Played Doom for the first time this year. One of the best experiences I've had playing a game. So much fun and the gameplay never gets old. SO many fucking WADs too.

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pj, mecha richter, vulajin, darkwing duck, zallard, mike uyama, peaches, bjw, ivan, andy, coolkid, claris/miles, caveman, trihex, iceplug, usedpizza, kirbymastah, authorblues
there you go cakeboi, there are a few of the oldbois who still go to gdqs

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meh. nothing amazing, but nothing terribly cringey either. in a way, being meh is worse than being filled with cringe

but alas, it's only been like twelve hours, there's still plenty of time for shit to get good or go off the rails

Did you used your mom's credit card?

So since we're in DOOM mode right now, what did everyone here think of Sigil?

maybe B

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calm your moobs, future failed shooter

It's not real

What a scripted run

It was okay.

That Streets of Rage 1 run was hilarious and you niggers were crying the whole time. Don't pretend that Yea Forums likes fun, whenever there are fun runs Yea Forums has an autism attack.

What a compelling argument.


It's good but focuses too much on cheap monster closets. The ammo management is a nice touch, but the levels are sometimes too small. Overall it's decent but E1 is still the best episode.

Has anyone ever gotten a reader to read out a donation with something like Hugh Janus or Mike Hunt as the name?

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>people shitting on DOOM

Kill yourselves you fucken overweight neet faggots.

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Is slut posting still a thing?

How does everyone feel that they are adding platforming elements to Doom Eternal?

Dime has a crap ton of world records and it regarded as one of the top doom runners.


puwexil is pure though





You have 20+ years of WADs to play. Have fun, user!

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x fucking d my dude

it was interesting, i think romero still has a knack for level design. i think his focus on making it even harder than E4 made it a bit less fun to play than his best maps are, though

Bullshit, Yea Forums loved that tetris run a while back. Same with the Jak and Daxter one.

like erp?

>runner and couch talk about game, try to explain aspects of running it
>no fake hype
>guys talking are kinda nervous like they don't get out in public much
>runner is competent
I like this run. Feels like these guys just like the game too.

This couch blew it away man. Fatbody is always fun.

Maybe he's just sloppy for being at a marathon, wouldn't be the first time.

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DOOM map making is a very fun hobby. I recommend you guys give it a shot.

How about you make a compelling argument that proves GDQ is a scam

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Should I do a Touhou Speedrun sometime soon for GDQ? The only ones that could actually be speedran are the Fighting Games, the Phantasmagoria Games, Highly Responsive to Prayers, Shoot The Bullet, Double Spoiler, Impossible Spell Card, and Violet Detector. The rest of them most likely wouldnt be accepted due to being autoscrollers.

But the question is, which one should I do?

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>not the gif version

If it breaks up the monotony of the arenas, I'm okay with it.

Fun's subjective

Is this supposed to be a parody of the cringy donation coments?

this guy gets it

Yes like in the last gdq

I don't have it

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He seems to be having trouble giving so much of a play by play. He occasionally lapses into deep focus for a bit and has to rouse himself out, and I think it's messing with him.

Holy shit I thought this was happening next week. Anything decent so far?

>barely anyone talking about trannies
>victim persecution complex fags like you have to exaggerate when the vast majority of the thread isn't about trannies

DOOM on ultraviolence difficulty is a very unforgiving game. If anything you could argue it's not ideal to show off in a marathon, but all that considered there isn't really too much going wrong this run.

TriHex is not that involved in GDQ but he was also on the old SDA forums around the same time as Spike

That run was forced niggardry.

nice jump


>>barely anyone talking about trannies

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I'm not a two-who fan but if you end up able to run live make sure to yell something autistic on stage

i recommend this WAD

I'm tired of doom runs but this is in the background because the commentary's nice.

not really, streets of rage was alright

Nope, just having fun playing Doom.

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Nice try, I never said gdq was proven to be a scam, I said something not being investigated is absolutely not an argument as to why something is legitimate by default.

Not bad, son. You looking forward to Zallard's runs? I love that blindfolded shit he does.

Truth, these are always peak comfy runs

postin' best Doom tune

I would prefer to see a photogame speedrun, but that's because they're my favorites to play.

>first we gotta shoot this nigger
Woah, can he say that?

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Bros I need help finding a game that was like doom, ran on floppy disks but was about shooting pig masks/men on a city, anyone remembers which one that was?

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It happens literally every year. There's always at least one run where the couch/runner are just fucking around just enjoying themselves and on cue 10 anons start posting "cringe forced yikes!" It's so apparent how many people here don't actually go out and see how normal people interact. It's one of the best parts of the GDQ threads.

the platforming looks fun but I don't like the dumbass arcade direction they're going. the floating weapons and powerups look stupid and the UI is ass

still gonna buy it though

Yuuri is my wife

>hehe expecting me to defend my allegations? Nice try!
Okay keep memeing about human trafficking and all that gay shit

i haven't seen any yet, there is an user who emails out pics of his dick in chastity though

>ctrl+ f "trann"
>17 results
>484 replies
>and a bunch of those 17 are fags like you with the whiny victim posts
The state of you.

That's fair, guess it's not as bad when you put it that way.

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Duke Nukem 3D

haha he said the comfy word

duke nukem

Doom is unpredictable he has to actually react to the game not just repeat actionsa, that's what makes it a good speedrun

Why do nerds and awkard people have bad diction? Or does their bad diction isolate them and make them go to these hobbies?

I only read words - the commentary

Duke Nukem?

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You serious?

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Um this um run is pretty um awesome all things um considered.


How was DMC?

your wife is a dummy

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Man I recognize these names. Uyama once got in a fight without someone I know on IRC and threatened to beat him up

I only played on Hurt Me Plenty but I'm told that any higher and it becomes pretty bullshit with every mission having a cyberdemon just to fuck with you. I get that shooting sigils was the whole point but man he overused it.

That being said, it was overall ok.

What allegations? I never accused them of anything. Stop using strawman. Admit you made a mistake instead of ignoring my post.

Duke Nukem?


This commentary is horrible.

Lack of practice of using their mouths, probably

my nigga, doom has an honest to god timeless OST

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Dick Kickem

Wish you can disable/change the UI. If not, will be looking forward to the mods.

The maps I remember weren't on Duke Nukem, I think what I had was a hack of some sorts. Shit, it's been over 20 years and I barely remember anything about it.

i'll make you practice using your mouth

I'm here to eat ass and chew nukem. and I'm all out of ass.

Mental weakness, too many people watching

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best demon slaying music there is

The End of Doom is underrated

Thanks for all the replies anyways bros.

Truly the worst timeline, i was expecting gdq for nothing

best demon slaying
listen to the remixes
eternally captures the meaningless of doomguy's endless onslaught and conflict with hell and humanity's stubbornness for progress