>stupid fucking question >posts tits to get (You)'s
Why do people do this???
Stupid fucking question >posts tits to get (You)'s
gib velma gf pls
I want to fuck Velma so bad bros.
Same, bro.
You're talking about people who don't get a lot of attention in life and even when they go online to a forum where they may be quite knowledgeable on a subject they're still ignored so, post tits get (You)'s
Guys, I'm so lonely. Every waking moment is pain.
Stop blogging retard nobody cares
>Not being big brain enough to get (You)s from being an analytical shit
I feel sorry for you. It's a nice feeling
Stop being a virgin
failed normalfags make me sick
Just post Velma ans shut the fuck up
If you really pine for 3DPD get out there and do something about it
You can't just "stop" being a virgin
I see what you did there you cheeky bastard
>Click off Yea Forums
>Not sure for a sec if I actually clicked off Yea Forums
I always read things like this as a complicit endorsement of rape.
>Just have sex, get out there and just do it. whatever it takes *wink*
Jinkies is suck her junkies
velma is overrated. its only internet nerds and niggers who go for velma. both will go for a homely dorky white girl.
Daphne is the stacy, the go-to prize. thats why fred is always with her
Fred's a closet fag. Maybe that's why you relate to him.
velma literally knows who the monster is every fucking time, meanwhile daphne gets kidnapped every fucking time
if I just wanted someone good looking to stare at I'd just go on the internet like right now
Is this real or an edit?
Fred is with her because she's the obvious choice for an acceptable beard. It's also the reason he takes Velma along when they split up so things would be to awkward if Daphne wanted to "fool around".
nothing more manly than wearing an ascot to your horse race you fruit
Velma is more likely to play vidya with you
All real girls who look like Velma, without questions, are insane in bed
participate in sexual intercourse
Fred might look like a chad but he just felt kind of boring personality wise.
Shaggy seems to be more exciting considering you cant read him like a book compared to Fred.
The same goes with Daphne and Velma. Daphne is more eye-candy and the gal who only goes along with the gang since staying at home is far more boring. Velma is more passionate in what she does over-all, making her more relatable in the end.
I just like to pretend that I have friends
Stop being a pussy and go outside. Develop hobbies that aren't shitposting on Yea Forums.
>Make a thread for (You) farming
>Everything is addressed to OP
And you would have gotten away with it...
My headcanon is that Daphne is secretly banging Shaggy, that's why you see Daphne as the usual girl in Shaggy + Scooby + girl only teams, while Fred has fucked off who knows were.
When did Scooby Doo got so lewd?
Fred is trapsexual
This can't be a real screenshot. Velma is way too busty and juicy to be broadcast.
Velma is smart which is sexy and I like glasses
Holy shit. I remember seeing that scene on the Scooby Doo VHS, but whenever I look for it people say I'm insane.
OP can't get (You)s
>It's a Velmafags have to rely on posting fan art to make that frumpy dyke look attractive episode
>whatever it takes
daily reminder for ryan gosling incels
Women only piss you off if you spend more than an hour with them. Find a hobby.
Bit you can see her huge tits IN A SWEATER
you dont want a vidya girlfriend user.
trust me.