I've played Mario, played Zelda, played the Rare games, played Goemon and tried to play the boring Pokemon games. What else is there? How can a console that so many people swoon over have such a small library? It's barely 30 games worth playing. What the hell? Does the N64 have some surprising hidden games beyond wonder project j2, shiren the wanderer 2, and sin & punishment? Is there anything else? If not this is easily the worst 5th gen console around.
Where are the N64 games?
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Was it autism?
This is how you know it's working
N64 is great. PS1 is the trash of 5th gen
The PS1 has more great games than the N64 has games
did you try out quest 64?
Objectively wrong
Get friends
they wanna play on a system with games
The N64 is the pinnacle of local multiplayer you super nigger. How much of a blind seething rage do you need to be in to make a post this dense? Is not enough to make you feel embarrassed about seething over a near 25 year old console?
Friendless loser
they wanna play on a console with games and a reasonable controller and also runs at least at 30fps
Saturn > PS1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> N64
Oh you didn't grow up in the era of these consoles. You could have just said so and saved everyone the time.
try Tetrisphere and Wetrix
>How can a console that so many people swoon over have such a small library?
Yea Forums is nintendogaf, most people here grew up with the N64 or GC as their first consoles, that's why they're so passionate about Nintendo and think the Shitch is a good system
I did and that's the problem, the N64 has no games left to play
n64 has like 20-25 great games and then a mostly shovelware crap library. play ogre battle or something.
Get friends you fucking virgin
This, Saturn especially blew the fuck out of the N64.
>pinnacle of local multiplayer
>the same 3 Mario Party games
>a couple of FPS that barely manage to run at 15fps in single-player mode and half of that in multiplayer
>no fighting games during the peak of the genre (a genre literally made for multiplayer matches)
You really didn't, no one but retards who never actually played an N64 think the controller is weird. It's perfectly normal once you actually hold it, which is why you rarely hear about the hori pad that had moderate circulation during it's lifecycle. That controller was much more "standard" but no one really gave a shit because once you actually used an N64 controller it made sense
South park
Tonic trouble
Top gear rally 2
I think there's a party game on it that went on to outsell every fighting game. I can't remember the name though. Help me out.
They're eternally butthurt they missed out.
The N64 controller is notoriously fragile and the sticks are prone to failure due to the pestle and mortar design that digs out the plastic bowl in the stick module. It's also a poor design that pales in comparison to the ps1 controller, ds1, saturn jp, saturn 3d pad.
Git gud
Turok 2/Rage Wars, Star Fox 64, F-Zero X, Hexen, Quake, Doom 64
tell that to nintendo who built a shit heap of a controller and forgot to get any games for the console.
That much is true, but the lol3hands retards expose themselves like they can't help it
For the love of god get friends you sexless virgin
It's still a bad design ergonomically, it's not a good controller in any way. There's a reason modern controllers have more in common with the Saturn 3D pad than the Nintendo 64 controller.
stop projecting please it's getting weird.
>no u
FPSes on that thing were amazing. Plus anything by Midway. Or the wrestling games. Or some of the multiplayer focused stuff in general.
I'm sorry lonely nintendienon, if you want to get laid that badly try socializing with people in real life. If you're struggling meeting anyone there's plenty of ways to reach out. You won't have sex on the internet.
the majority of good n64 games were split screen multiplayer so more people were able to enjoy it even without owning the system or any of the games. It's small library was because nintendo made third party developers jump through hoops before their game could be published
the majority of good ps1 games were single player, it was the console for anti-social/shy kids but sony let literally anyone publish games for it so its library was fuck huge
the majority of good dreamcast games required an internet connection very few people in the 90s had and this killed it for the north american market
It was one of the first experience millions had with 3D, for many probably the first. It also had some decent games, less than PS1 but enough to be memorable.
the good news is there's so many PS1 games that there's more multiplayer games on the system than there are n64 games at all.
Have sex
I'm sorry, I'm taken. Don't be so desperate.
>there's more multiplayer games on the system
Unfortunately none of them were good
Have sex
Nonsense, a game of team buddies is infinitely more fun than golden eye. You talk like someone who has never even played the system.
>no fighting games during the peak of the genre
>mortal kombat
>killer instinct
>smash bros
>flying dragon
>Bio Freaks
>war gods
>that powerpuff girl game
shut the fuck up zoomer. The console basically launched with killer instinct and there were new fighting games released on a yearly basis for the entirety of the console's commercial life.
It doesn't even have street fighter? How pathetic.
It's so fun I've literally never heard of it lol
Of course not, you grew up playing the same 3 games your friends had because you've got no real interest in vidya, you're a casual from start to finish.
Why can't we go one fucking thread without you painfully unfunny platform warring faggots showing up?
Projecting pretty hard here
you should take your own advice kid
i'm not sure if this is a bait or a serious post
it feels like a joke, but drones are fanatical enough to defend a $70 cardboard, so you can never tell
You grew up thinking some shit game named team buddies was good because you couldn't get your hands on Goldeneye. Sad
Wow cool a bunch of 2d hentai crap.
Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage
>it had no fighting games
>*posts fighting games*
>64lets still defend a movie game
so sad these people never played team buddies.
He meant good ones, dude. I love the N64 but it has shit for RPGS or fighting games.
It did have Goldeneye and Perfect Dark though which shit on literally every PS1 FPS.
>no street fighter
They were supposedly working on it, but nintendo was pushing the exclusivity meme while capcom was making that mad arcade and sega saturn money.
>so sad these people never played team buddies.
I regularly check this site because it was not made recently and doesn't have zoomers touching it
>How can a console that so many people swoon over
Only americans coping with the fact that they parents didn't buy them a PS1.
I had both, I didn't know what else to play on N64 after a couple of weeks.
Must have sucked growing up without friends
>when you get btfo so hard in the last thread you make a new thread
PS1 fags out.
Ask me how I know you didn't play it