let's be honest, there's no reason to get one unless you're incredibly poor and can't afford a semi-decent PC
Let's be honest, there's no reason to get one unless you're incredibly poor and can't afford a semi-decent PC
I see we are all in agreement
I sit at a PC all day for work so I don't want to come home and sit at my desk some more and playing videogames. I have a comfy herman miller, but I only use it for work. I spend my money on guitars. Not everyone's life revolves around muh grafix.
>semi-decent PC
Won’t it be the complete opposite thanks to Trump’s tariff?
No because most PC parts are manufactured in Taiwan and Korea, while most of the big 3 manufacture their consoles in China since it's cheaper.
Halo Infinite is all I need to get one.
you know it's on PC right
plug your computer into your TV you clod
I mean if literally EVERYTHING is getting ported idk
>he thinks the primary reason for PC is graphics, not performance/mods
>I sit at a PC all day for work so I don't want to come home and sit at my desk some more and playing videogames.
Why are consolelards so fucking retarded?
>you know it's on PC right
When has an official Halo game built for Xbox ever been good on PC with no mods from fans?
Wrong. They will sell at a loss so you get $1000 PC performance on a $750 console
graphics and performance usually go hand in hand.
Stay mad, Halo is one of the only reasons to get an Xbox, doesn't matter if it's on PC, never did.
I mean they're doing a non-halfed ass one right now for the first time, and mods exist regardless
it's probably going to be an $800 PC for $499. If you can afford it, a $1.5k pc if far more of a worthwhile investment
Windows 10 isn't PC
>playing non-RTS games on keyboard/mouse
no they do not, a PC running at XBX level graphics with 120+ fps instead of 30fps is a lot better than a game that looks far better than XBX running at 30. Sure you can do both too
you can't be this retarded, pc supports every controller
Fucking boomers
Back to Discord, Xtranny.
I'm speaking against xbox
You're getting a pile of shit port that will never properly be fixed, enjoy that.
halo infinite isn't a port btw, it's made alongside the xbox version
Of course they do, stop posting retarded shit to get replies.
And chances are it will play like shit, they're already doing the Infinite flights late on PC while the Xbox is getting it first.
FPS is best on KB+M
actually a PC of equal specs would be cheaper in the long run anyway.
xbox is just trash,it isnt even an attack,its just true.
how will it play like shit?
or it this just autist screeching
I see disingenuous posts like yours all the time but I'll reply this time on a whim.
That "semi-decent PC" costs more than the consoles and gets outperformed by said consoles. For PC to be as outstanding as it can be, you have to spend more than consoles are worth.
Consoles offer better value and convenience than PC when it comes to gaming. This Scarlet shit hasn't released yet so we don't know how good of a value it'll be, but every other Xbox launch prior to this (specially the 360 and BoneX) prove my statements are correct.
You must never played Halo PC, Halo 2 Vista, Halo Online, or Halo 5 Forge.
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What you're not considering is that many people I know generally only play on consoles. At this point my xbox is more of a social thing, whereas I do the rest of my gaming on my pc.
>halo online
>99% of servers are "BR team battle"
no thanks. The balance on Halo Online was complete ass, BR was OP because of M&B, vehicles were made of paper, and any gun that wasn't a BR or power weapon may as well not exist.
that isnt what the master chief collection for PC will be,with alot of effort going into it,steam is now larger than psn,they cant afford to fuck it up.
well whats "semi decent" if its 500 then maybe,anything over 800 will smash consoles and anything under 400 you shouldn't even try
The Scarlett is advertised as having Full backwards compatibility. I guess if you've been consuming Xbox for all its 19 years when it comes out it could keep you on board (assuming you somehow aren't a loyalist buying by name alone)
The fact that MCC was still busted when they ported it to PC tells me they will fuck it up.
if they do fuck it up,that could put the nails on halos coffin.
Halo's fanbase is on Xbox, if it fails on PC, who really cares, all this will do is expand on an existing audience making it bigger, Halo audience on PC has never been that big.
actually so many people gave the devs free pizza that they had to tell them to stop.
there seems to be alot of halo fans on PC with its announcement only being met with complete hype
200K is small compared to the rest of the fanbase and the rest of the fanbase is getting on the Xbox Scarlett at launch, if shitting on the competitivefags didn't hurt Halo 4 and 5 sales it won't hurt Infinite's most people liked Halo 5 mp, those bitching about this so-called classic Halo are small, their argument falls apart when they defend Bungie for the same shit, I was annoyed that 343 tried to make Halo their own but that didn't stop me from shitting on Bungie by trying to make Halo, not Halo after Halo 3.
where did you get only 200k from its at least 1 million when looking at the views of trailers alone.
The Halo subreddit, they're the ones that sent the pizza.
well the pizza senders arent the only ones,it was just an example.
Xcucks BTFO as usual
I, too, hate playing new big budget video games.