What did this fat retard do again that pissed off literally everyone? Is it because he shill’d for Fallout 76 or am I missing something?
What did this fat retard do again that pissed off literally everyone...
>Claims to be a lorefag
>argument for supporting NCR is just children-tier "Democracy good"
>Barely touches on 1 or 2
>Obnoxiously dresses like sherlock holmes
Sure there was that, but for someone whose main schtick was being a fallout lore master, he consistently got things wrong, and doubled down on it. Some of this confusion was from him playing FO4 with mods installed and taking changes to the game world created by mods as canon, as he didn't know the difference.
There's also the whole hypocritical thing of him being puritanical when it comes to mature things, but has CBBE mods and nudity installed anyways. Honestly I don't really care too much about this point. If his main content was accurate, I'd give less of two shits of everything else, but he can't even get that right.
He’s shills for the literal commie subhuman factions in almost every game he plays
Yeah, and being a hypocrite and flagging people's videos.
This faggot wears a fedora unironically and pretends to be a gentleman. He deserves everything he gets.
>Barely touches on 1 or 2
He literally did an entire series covering the entire story and side quests of Fallout1
And is currently working on the series for the entire story and side quests of Fallout2
e-celebs are not videogames
where do you think you are
people found out he was an anti gay anti porn right winger that loves playing Fallout 4 with porn mods
I dont know a single thing about this man I just made assumptions and wondered if anyone would call me out on my bullshit
>porn mods
From the few videos I’ve seen of his, they don’t look like porn mods.
Well consider yourself called out I guess, but for real though The shit is mostly that he enjoys FO76 and he also made homophobic remarks, as well as a video that made fun of a fat chick wearing skimpy clothes by saying something like "This is what happens when you have too much personality." back in like 2007 or so.
Except for enjoying 76 that sounds based and red-pilled.
Wait, did he piss of SJWs too? Most of the shit I’ve seen about this fuck have been from /pol/ type with grotesque looking thumbnails which I refuse to click on because the videos look like they’ll have that png remain on the screen during their entire rant about the fat fuck
>do doo do do do
>Claims to be a lorefag
and not to mention apparently he had some mods installed that changed a lot of textures so he would blatantly give out false info and make uniformed inferences about settings because of it. The most famous example was the Sunset Sarsaparilla HQ that he determined there was a BoS conspiracy happening because one of the textures had been changed bearing their logo.
I fell down the rabbithole of Oxhorn hate a week or two ago. Saw some literal-who video bitching about him, dimly remember thinking Oxhorn's obnoxious so I took a look, and then I found the ass made a hundred fucking videos stirring up shit for them Youtube clicks, which apparently worked since it got me to look at him. Even though Oxhorn's a retarded shill I still value that bullshit more than Youtube muckraking.
He’s not. He totally backpedaled not liking fags and said his views have changed. He’s a complete Bethesda shill (how can you not be to delve into the DeEp LoRe of 76). And he’s got this really fucking weird superiority complex. He even gave his viewers a talk on what it means to be classy.
ohh is that it. Yeah the guy is basically friendly to conservatives.
So sjw are attacking him.
If you mean shitlordbuilds and that grasshopper avatar guy it's all mainly just mealy mouthed shits looking for views. The only person with an established presence that covered this is tro and that was mainly just him describing just that but in a long and unnecessary way.
>he's a pretentious cunt who larps as a 1800s gentleman ignoring the hypocrisy that he is a fat fuck who plays video games for a living
>he flags videos he doesn't like
>he is one of if not the largest Bethesda shill with some social relevance
>his fans are all obnoxious children who treat his word as gospel when it comes to fallout shit
>this guy gets posted once when 76 is released
>dozens of hate threads annd videos pop up after
guys you fell for trolls they are just stirring this shit
I mean it's not great, that is true, but it is a lot of fun to play and really enjoyable with friends.
Yes he did. He's a Christian, Conservative, who made anti-gay remarks and made fun of a fat chick, while being married having a kid, while smoking cigars and drinking scotch.
go back to where you came from
whats wrong with that?
Oh I never said there was anything wrong with it, just informing them what it why SJWs hate him. I personally find his content enjoyable. Because his voice is easy to listen to while working on stuff.
if i had to guess this guy is being attacked by NMA faggots for streaming 76.
The accusations of him being a shill are pretty weak considering his first reaction to 76 was not what he wanted and his first review talked about the bugs a lot.
this fat guy needs a wedgie
He criticized Obsidian once (he also criticizes Bethesda, but fuck that, don't you DARE ever criticize Obsidian. They had less than a YEAR to make New Vegas, any complaints about New Vegas are all BETHESDA's fault)
He likes Fallout 76. Actually waited to see how the lore was in it before screaming autistically like people who bitch about "MUH BOS CANT BE IN VEST VIRGINIA" and when we found out the lore reason he said "Oh, alright, that's believable"
15 years ago he made some edgelord jokes about gays people dug up and have trying to cancel culture him over
Pretty much anyone who dislikes Oxhorn is a SJW
Hes a mildy succesful youtuber that hates the gay and made fun of a fat chick. Fuck off back to >>>/incel/
This literally happened one time but Obsidrones have been bitching at him ever since. Very telling when they all focus on that one Sunset Sarsaparilla folder but ignore all his other videos like him complaining how Vault 21 has a picture of James from Fallout 3, or that sign shop on the strip has FO3 assets, or Robco is mistakenly listed as the creator of Mister Handies.
Technically they're mostly New Vegasfags, but SJWs and New Vegas fans cross over a lot.
imagine defending oxhorn
I didn't know people still cared about anything this guy did post WoW content.
I have no idea who this even is.
However, in canon it's absolutely shown the NCR was the short-lived optimistic dream of President-for-Life Tandi and the politicians who run the NCR even at the end of her life were increasingly nothing but self-serving mobsters and criminals. By New Vegas' time they're forcibly conscripting chumps to go die for the sake of expanding their cartel's sphere of influence. Meanwhile the Legion is remarked to be a less politically corrupt and less crime-ridden society (probably because profligates get publicly crucified as a warning to BEHAVE) once you got into the interior of Caesar's lands.
He made funny WoW machinimas back in the day, that's all I know about him
>e-celeb obsession thread
fuck off you embarrassing little faggot
>"Oh, alright, that's believable"
So he's retarded
>"Oh, alright, that's believable"
Didn't they use fucking satellites to communicate with a bunch of random people to recruit them into the BoS?
Based christian Oxhorn. SJW and trannies hates him
75% of the hate is people who are jealous of his success.
5% are hyper-autistic obsidiots pissed he had a texture mod
20% are commies pissed off that hes' a pro free-market Libertarian? Right-winger? Not a socialist, and very very pro-capitalism.
Oxhorn ran a good channel before he switched mostly to livestreaming. His lore videos are still A+. Lord help the man when TES6 comes out and bethesda pays him to play that, because it's pretty obvious after rage 2 that he's on their payroll now. I cannot see anyone like oxhorn playing rage on their own accord.
Right, but the downside is that the Legion is a cult of personality based entirely around one person that is likely to collapse as soon as he dies.
Hello oxhorn
when are people going to realise the anti-beth shit is being peddled by a few hardcore trolls and people are falling for it.
Chris Avellone is a punk ass bitch, and that is also a direct attack on you as an individual.
Keep the good fight, my fat buddy
tbf, most of the shit he covers is just shit he gets from the wikia. The fallout wikis write most of the dialog for him. All he has to do is record gameplay footage and audio of him reading the articles.
>jealous of his success
I just don't see the need for lore videos when you can get everything from his videos and come to the same or better conclusions just by playing the games naturally. I have nothing against the guy personally.
nah, bethesda has been shitting the bed lately. Blades is pretty scummy, TES6 is takign too fucking long, F76 is blatantly zenimax lording over bethsoft and forcing them to put out CrateNite: Lootbox edition with a fallout coat of paint, I'm not hearing good things about the value of TESO, Bethesda isn't in as good of a place now as they were with FO4 in 2014.
That said, Yea Forums is prime marketer territory. Shit, there's even marketers on /o/ now. There's some journalist who hates cars named Doug Demuro, and he keeps paying some dude to keep a thread of him bumped at all times. /o/ being a slow board, it's not that hard, but everyone hates him because it's blatantly obvious he knows fuckall and only has his job because he's old money. So if shit like that is happenening on even a nobody board like /o/, imagine the marketing potential for Yea Forums's 2nd biggest board.
Ox is by far and above the most successful fallout youtube channel.
alot of the stuff he covers I often miss my first time around. Like how the Institute watches you with synth crows in FO4.
Fuck off schizo
you are the fag from fog. People have been saying this shit since fallout 3 and oblivion.
Its the same shit.
>most successful fallout youtube channel
i'm not from i'm not from /fog/, Doug demuro really is paying some dude to keep a thread on /o/.
See? Look at the time stamps. Most replies are just bumps from page 7 or below.
If you look hard enough, you'll find reasons to fabricate hate, but that's all it is. It's a lot of people struggling desperately to manufacture hate for somebody who's only mildly hateable.
I've seen a lot of his videos, and while it's easy to make fun of his fake 'concerned voice' and overall douchey persona, there just isn't enough resources to generate the shitstorm the internet wants so badly to create.
And that's it in a nutshell. It's just the internet trying to manufacture hate, drama, and hopefully lulz, the way it always does. But this time there wasn't enough to work with to actually destroy this subject's life. lol
why do they hate him then
He used to be a THOT PATROL officer. Now that we live in clown world, this is bad somehow
Every game Bethesda has made since Morrowind has been a downgrade from the game before it
Not to mention the legion doesn't actually produce anything. It's a culture that gains through conquest. Once it's run out of things to conquer, it will fall.
>Legion is a cult of personality
It's a cult but more akin to a proto-religion than Personality, like Jesus or Mohammed his followers will continue long after his death
Oblivion was an upgrade to moronwind in every single way, cheif among them getting rid of michael cuckbride and his coke addiction and shit lore.
Oblivion had:
-Better environment
-Better combat
-Better weapons
-Better lore
-Better main quest
-Better sidequests
-Better enchanting
-Easier to use magic
-Better moddability
-More stable engine
Moronwind had:
-Better magical effects
-more weapon variety
Moronwind took a fat steaming shit on the lore Daggerfall put forth
>Uhh ummm All endings are cannon! Yeah! It was an um... a warp in the west? CHIM! That's it! Yeah! Cause, it was all a dream? No, it was THE dream, the megadream, ha ha we're all pawns in the godhead, and he's waking up WHOOOOO BETTER WATCH OUT!
>So the numidiam from the previous game? Well this is the guy who gave it to tiber septim! And they made ANOTHER one! and this one's going to give everyone mega super AIDS! and its in a mountain volcano like a james bond villan! DUN DUNDUNDUN DUN DUN DUN DUNNN DUNDUNUNDUN DUN DUN DUN!
fucking cuckbride.
This fat fuck is still alive? I only remember him from inventing swear words.
he was a dumb fag when he was younger and believed in christianity thus hated fags and was possibly a racist, he was also writing retarded blogposts and preached masculinity as well as anti drug shit while popping one cigar after another and boozing like there is no morning
but hes older now and everyone is fine with his mistakes which he also apologized for so who cares
My name is Michael Kirkbride and i'm a dumb asshole who sucked about 12 dicks last night!
>makes lore channel
>makes bad lore videos
>his drones repeat what they learned
>people don't like it
How is this a mystery
you cant judge 2007 internet behavior by 2019 standards -a sjw gay
oxhorn is from the og days of youtube, and he's been making regular fallout videos for years. These zoomers are a cringe factory. sage this "am I fitting in yet" thread
The Warp in the West had nothing to do with CHIM, retard. It was a satisfying and unique way of dealing with multiple endings of Daggerfall and leagues above just choosing one canon ending and sticking to it. Kirkbride's writings, although stupid at times, elevates TES above regular generic fantasy setting.
>It was a satisfying and unique way o
>an upgrade to moronwind
>in every single way
I'm not going to type out the long winded response you want. I'm just going to point out how you didn't mention the biggest reason you like oblivion more. The graphics. Keep in mind, you favoring oblivion this hard for that reason gives away your age. You're not allowed to chimp out now without confirming your autism.
I look forward to you gracefully agreeing with me.
The Numidium going on a rampage and fucking up time so hard that reality itself shatters and has to be pieced together, with all the different Daggerfall endings becoming canon is a pretty satisfying way of explaining Daggerfall's ending and it also introduced a lot of cool lore. Anyway, you're sperging out about it as if it was Kirkbride alone who was the sole authority for deciding all the lore
every single location was like a calming, beautiful painting.
Just ignore the potato people.
it would have been alot cooler if they diddn't go in the next game, "Well here's Numidium 2! And here's the guy who sold it to tiber septim! And he's a god with a maguffin that's a billion times more powerful!"
Why? What's wrong with building on already established lore and Dagoth Ur using Akulakhan?
>binge watch a ton of this cunt's fallout 4 videos
>i end up liking the way he narrates things and has a positive spin on everything
>it convinced me to try out the game, i had played it a very long time ago and since then it was just the normal bethesda game bad meme
>install it with mods and guides like on his videos also
>bethesda game is still fucking bad holy fuck
>jesus christ what the fuck this game is absolute dog shit
>i just did that quest in that video and NONE of the shit he's saying is even IMPLIED, he's just coming up with tons of BULLSHIT
>start up another one of his videos later since i was still subscribed
>same thing, same walkthrough, same lore, same speculations
>i now realize its all fake and see right through it
>he's either lying out of his teeth just to shill or for views on youtube or is actually fucking retarded and believes what he says
>neither is good
This guy is a based homohater. Trannies and fags literally neck yourselves
It's not expanding on the lore, it's the "I made this" comic.
He’s a hypocritical suspenders wearing cringelord. Just the way he talks ffs makes me want to reach through my screen and strangle him. He talks this big game about how pr0n is bad and yet always plays as a female and has a bunch of sexy mods installed. Also his whole PC master race stick that’s up his ass is annoying. I mean he’s baaaaaad with it. I’ve seen some master race faggots but he’s the fucking king of the fags. Also shit just look at him. He’s like 400lbs, a fucking neckbeard, and wears suspenders. Don’t even get me started with the way he narrates his videos.
How is it not expanding on the lore? It's giving the Numidium an actual interesting background beyond being a giant magical golem and expanding on it by exploring Dwemer lore.
>it's the "I made this" comic.
In what way?
lol at the ERAtrannies hating at oxchad
They reached out blindly to known military outposts across the country. You know, like any actual military would attempt to do after a crisis.
>made homophobic remark
Oh no not hate against the 2% of the population that commits 40% of all pedophile acts?
It's still hilarious to me that the goober neckbeard who made those awful WoW machinimas over 12 years ago decided to become Sir Topham Hatt while uploading footage of him talking over Fallout gameplay for hours at a time. It doesn't make any fucking sense no matter how it's sliced.
That being said, they're great videos for background noise.
His fake concerned voice is really cringeworthy to be fair.
I bet he's a closet fag. T b h I'd fuck his virgin ass.
>am I fitting in yet
I thought the BoS weren't an actual military though? They were an isolationist paramilitary organisation?
>>argument for supporting NCR is just children-tier "Democracy good"
Maybe he also chose them since they’re one of the few factions where you don’t have to be a literal fucking boot licker or allowing a fucking technocrat to control the world. New Vegas only managed to finish ONE main faction in the entire game, and that was NCR. House was in the mid stages of his development, while Caesar’s Legion was dangerously underdeveloped. Hell, the fucking Yes Man ending was supposed to be a Vegas ruled by Benny and the player but they literally ran out of time so they scrapped it all together into what it is now. NCR is the only good faction because every other faction never got their potential good sides past the rough draft stages.
For example, you were supposed to birth Caesar’s heir as a female courier in a scrapped Caesar ending
a century ago he'd be a puppeteer or something. he's just kinda clownish. he's a decent dude though, has a proper job, wife, and kids. and he's a real oldfag people will remember
he's a wow refugee
>he doesn't want the immortal unknowable anarchist god-computer controlling the McMojave™
okay faggot
Is there a way to get an assault Tron gf?