Game is far better than all others in its genre and it isn't even close

>game is far better than all others in its genre and it isn't even close

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wendy's is fucking awful

Wendy's isn't a game retard

Wendys sucks

What's your favourite burger joint, Yea Forums?

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What's your order friends? For me, its the 4 for $4 double stack with sweet and sour sauce, and coke.

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Carl's Jr./Hardee's is p. good

god I haven't had Wendy's in years

that's not church's chicken


I'm not Yea Forums, just a tourist. My home board was /mlp/ but it sucks now it's really slow and the anons are shitty newfags.

Fast food? Carl's Jr

Local? Gotta be the burger joint close to my old high school Gus' Drive-In

Fuck off, Wendy's.

My wife cooks me real food every night.

>Game is literally enjoyed by people 65 years and older

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Wendy's is greasy trash. Out of the big 3 BK is the most tolerable because it's the least greasy.

for me? its the tripple peppercorn mushroom melt burger from wendy's, with a side of fries, green tea, and a small chocolate frosty

Attached: wendys-peppercorn-mushroom-burger-500x367.jpg (500x367, 33K)

Your wife's boyfriend takes me out for ribs every night.

If you saw the way most Wendy’s are run you wouldn’t be eating there

My local pub has really good food, albeit it's a little on the pricey side. Their best burger is basically just a Big Mac but with good quality ingredients, and it's pretty godly.

Fast food is so gross. I haven't eaten it in years.

Wendy's used to be good but that was back in 2011. After they changed their buns their burgers went to shit.

Burgers are for plebians, kebab or shawarma is far better

>liking Wendy's
I bet you also enjoy femdom and feet you degenerate

McDonald’s has best fries, habit burger best burger, in n out best shakes.

>wtf I love wendy's now

Good thread, OP.

But FIVE GUYS BURGERS AND FRIES™ is the hallmark of American fast food franchises. Fresh, quality beef whenever you want it. When you think of quality, you think of Five Guys.

Five Guys Enterprises LLC (doing business as Five Guys Burgers and Fries) is an American fast casual restaurant chain focused on hamburgers, hot dogs, and French fries, and headquartered in Lorton, Virginia, an unincorporated part of Fairfax County.[8][9] The first Five Guys restaurant opened in 1986 in Arlington County, Virginia, and by 2001, the chain had expanded to five locations throughout the Washington, D.C. metro area.[2]

In early 2003, the chain began franchising, beginning a period of rapid expansion. In a year and a half, permits had been sold for over 300 franchised locations.[2] As of 2016, Five Guys had over 1,500 locations open worldwide, with 1,500 locations under development.[2] The company was the fastest-growing fast food chain in the United States, with a 32.8% sales increase from 2010 to 2011.[10]

Five Guys was founded in 1986 by Janie and Jerry Murrell; Jerry and the couple's sons, Jim, Matt, Chad, and Ben, were the original "Five Guys."[1][11] The Murrells had a fifth son, Tyler, two years later. Today, all five sons, the current "Five Guys", are involved: Matt and Jim travel the country visiting stores, Chad oversees training, Ben selects the franchisees, and Tyler runs the bakery.[5] The first Five Guys was in Arlington's Westmont Shopping Center. Buns were baked in the same center by Brenner's Bakery. This location closed, in favor of another in Alexandria, at the intersection of King and North Beauregard Streets, which closed on September 21, 2013.

Chick fil a is the best because they openly hate gays

go to taco bell and like
order a beef XXL stuffed burito with seasoned fries in it. costs 4.50, pretty dang good and filling

an alternative is getting the 1 dollar mini chicken quesedilla (its real fucking meaty for a dollar, its crazy). it has chicken some cheese, and chipotle on it. but order it with sour cream and seasoned fries on it and boy howdy thats a lunch

order 2 of those to be safe

Attached: best fast food burger coming through i hope you like firey diarrhea shits because you're gettin (960x890, 165K)

Shake Shack

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>changed their buns
That explains it. Their burger meat is still so superior to burger king/mcdonalds that it isn't funny, but the bun is just some weird mix of "absorbed too much grease" and "fake-toasted-top is sealed so the grease isn't going in". I don't know how they did both but they did both.

Fuck off Wendy's is the based


I miss when fast food places were trying to out ridiculous eachother. The double down, the eggnormous sandwich, those dorito covered cheese things. Good times

this and Krystals is a sin
dont get it. sorry baby, but sliders are doodie poo poo and should be discarded

>Eating fast food
Have salad

Have lunch

Fast food burgers are never better than authentic places devoted to making them but here's your tier list:

S Tier: Go to a real burger joint
A Tier: Smash Burger, Five Guys, Fuddruckers
B Tier: Mooyah, Steak and Shake, Whataburger
C Tier: Burger King, Shake Shack, Wendy's, McDonald's
D: Tier: White Castle, Sonic, DQ

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You don't have to like White Castle burgers, but don't you dare speak the name Kr*stals.

For me, it's the McChicken

>Burger King and McDonald's burgers over Sonic
Que? Where is In and Out? What about A&W?

Thank you Wendy's marketer, very cool!

Dine late

Fuck I forgot both of those. Shame on me.

In and Out is high B tier but D tier overall because everything that isn't their burgers sucks
A&W in C

>get a mcdouble and a mcchicken
>put the entire mcchicken in between the meat patties of the mcdouble


My kitchen.

sonic does something weird to their burgers, i dont know what it is, but it tastes like how gas smells sometimes. Its not the best taste in the world. but they have mozzarella sticks so they are generally forgivable.

I think arby's is unanimously the worst food chain though, their only saving grace being their mozzarella stick

mozzarella sticks are fuckin choice bro

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As a Texas user, I experienced both sides of the Whataburger and In-N-Out war.

I have had every major fast food burger.

But the true king is Freddy's.

It's not even close.

None can stand to contest Freddy's.

I genuinely wish I could convey to you how perfect their burgers are if you've never had one.

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>people willingly advertise corporations that they make no money from because they think it's funny

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Why don't fatties cook their own food

>Shake Shack at C tier
>Shake Shake ranked with regular fast food junk burgers
>Shake Shack below Five Guys
I would love to know why

>food analogy

>Yea Forums has the shittiest taste in video games
>Yea Forums has the best taste in food, even better than the cu/ck/s

Crazy how this site works. It's like that time I had a better discussion about Star Wars on /m/ than I've ever seen on Yea Forums

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At the one I worked at we got these shitty toasters installed. You ran the insides of the bun over the wheel and then dropped them down the toaster. The gross thing is, despite working the night shift and cleaning/closing every station in the place, I never saw the insides of the toaster get cleaned. That's not a knock on the store since the rest of the store was very clean.

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>game stopped selling spicy nuggets and therefore lost all of its worth

I haven't had fast food in years but my job has been breaking my balls nonstop so I'm going to get some McDonalds soon. A big order of chicken fingers, fries, and a large lemonade.

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Post Wendy please

no you

>A Tier: Five Guys
Last time I went to LA I had to try Five Guys due to all hype I've heard from you dumbasses. It was fucking rubbish.

>noooo stop talking about things because some suit on another continent may benefit from it somehow

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>kojima hasn't tweeted a burger in years

>five guys over anything
credibility lost, five guys is fucking garbage. overpriced, no flavor, soggy buns.

Yep, Chic-fil-a. The perfect fast food franchise.
>pays employees $17/hr
>restaurants consistently clean
>service so fast that you'd get your food before you even sit down
>perfect variety of other condiments

>Chicken sandwiches so good that you'd suck somebody's dick for one

There's a place not far from where I live called Crave Real Burgers. Some of the stuff they serve could only be considered an extremely slow-acting form of suicide.

In fairness, A&W as a restaurant is kinda niche. You have to have been up north. Papa Burger with fried cheese curds and a fountain root beer.

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not video games
delete this thread

I go with the double cheeseburger and the asiago ranch chicken sandwich, large fries, large frosty.

Yea, but they're, like, homophobes, sooooo that's gonna be a big yikes from me

>ordering the 4 for 4 and getting the burger instead of the spicy chicken sandwich
Pleb move

If liking feet is wrong I don't want to be right.

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you should know that each board is the best at talking about off topic shit way more than what the board is actually dedicated to
It's easy to have better taste than a board that consists of 2/3 of all threads shitposting about fast food. Was it always this shitty? Really started to get into cooking and was disappointed in seeing how much the board is not cooking.

Another Texas user here. How dare you blaspheme Whataburger's good name. Also, Freddy's isn't even the best "cheese curds and frozen custard" burger joint. That honor goes to Culver's. That said, Freddy's is pretty good.

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Wendys might not be the best, but the baconator ist krieg

yikesssssssssss cringe and bluepilled as fuck

And it absolutely fucking triggers trannies and gays still, years later.

You'd commit a homosexual act to get a chicken sandwich from a place that condemns homosexuality?

spicy chicken isnt on the 4 for 4 I dont think

There's a few of them doubled up with KFC where I live. Papa Burger's a fine sandwich, but they just can't manage to make fries that don't taste cold and wet, despite constantly asking me to pull forward so they can make fresh ones.

If it wasn't the only fucking restaurant on my entire college campus I'd probably still eat there frequently. The food was good but after eating it every day for 8 months straight I can't touch it again.

Nigger I work there and make $10

Man, this place felt like a meme after living in the South, user. Their fried chicken was absolutely ass tier. Only thing I remember liking about Culver's was the ice cream.

Also, as a neighboring Louisianian, I can relate with Whataburger and put in a respectful nod to properly run DQs.

For me, it's Buffalo Wild Wings

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So this is the advertisement Hiro was talking about

Got a problem with that, faggot?

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>amerifats get distracted by irrelevant OP image and discuss FAsT food instead of vidya
everytime LMAO

monster hunter

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They're more based for it.

>tfw no shake shacks in my state

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This was in reply to

one time I bit into one of their chicken nuggets and there was cartilage in it. never ordered from wendy's again.

but their frosties are tasty.

I only go to Wendy's for that greasy triple stack of theirs. Otherwise, im a Carl's Jr. fag. Honorable mention are McDonalds mcdoubles, and plain spicy chicken sandwiches from Chick fil a or whatever. And I order multiple burgers depending on the type. I just cant imagine just eating one burger if youre a man.

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Only if I can drink Big Red with them.

And somehow every single time I really can go for some or I'm near it it's on a fucking Sunday.

Yoooo, you're right, how did I forget to give Carls the daps? Carl's/Hardees

what the fuck is happening in that photo nigga

>Going to a butter burger and frozen custard place for fried chicken when you have access to Bojangles
Why would you do this Louisianon?

To be fair, how many superhero squad RPGs are there?

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You’re obese aren’t you?

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Real talk, what the fuck is up with the cheese at five guys? I swear it's just kraft singles and completely ruins the burger.

Move to Texas and get Pluckers instead. Greatest wings anywhere

Seems like it was only one restaurant in Commiefornia that did that, my mistake.
t. Targetchad who will eventually be getting paid $15/hr


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Carl Jr's and Hardee's in B tier
Krystal and Jollibee's in C tier
Culvers in D tier

Depends on the location. Avoid city 5 guys or city any kind of franchise for that matter like the plague. Water and air quality fucks with fresh foodstuffs hard plus cut costs by big companies on transportation into cities guarantees they’ll be tainted and impure.

Small town 5 guys is the fucking shit.

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Wendy's iced tea is awful, their burgers an firmly okay

I lived in Illinois and also, here in Shreveport, it's gotta be Southern Classic.

It probably is and for that style of burger I can't imagine a better choice except maybe gouda.

who /baconator/ here

do people actually eat the food at starbucks

>No one in this entire thread even mentioned Jack in the Box because their burgers are so shit

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Haven't had Jack In The Box in ages. It was the only time I've ever had a burger that actually tasted of disinterest.

I used to then I realized I was shortening my life span

Dunkin Donuts in Texas fucking suck. When I went to New England on vacation I was shocked to see them everywhere but then I tried some and the quality is just infinitely better up there.

wendy's twitter good
memes good
wendy's good

>open your mind quaid
>open your miiiiiind

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>Why yes, as a Wendy's consumer I am into femdom and feet. How did you know?

some stuff there isn't too bad but most is fucking garbage sugar they call food


frostees are god tier
simple, to the point, and cheap as hell
what more could you want from fast food ice cream

They're pretty decent if you swap the ketchup for mustard. Something's weird about Wendy's ketchup, it ruins everything it touches.

How about a regular slice of cheddar, instead of that plastic shit?

It's all good user I'm sure you'll get one someday. Unlike those elitist pricks at in-n-out Shake Shack is more than happy to expand out west

What's a Shake Shack?

Fuddruckers is really hit or miss depending on the place itself.
It is nice getting a nice beer to go with the burger though but does fudds really count as fast food?

>Smash Burger in A tier
Even Burger King can make a better burger. Jump off a cliff you degenerate.

Burger king needs a complete overhaul. Everything about their food is just bad.

>crinkle cut frozen bulllshit fries
maybe they just cut them this way fresh
but i fucking doubt it
haven't had em btw I just can't recall having fries that shape ever actually be good in my whole life.

Yeah it is

Cheddar's a pretty bad melting cheese and the flavor's wrong without the mellowing effect of colby.

>properly ran DQs

No such thing, and if you even consider DQ for a meal it really says a fuck ton on your meal palette.

In short, DQ is absolute dog shit tier and your tastes are a mirror of that. Never talk about your food opinion again you asspie moron.

isn't kebab mostly made from murdered women

Wouldn't someone who gets irrationally upset at a harmless opinion like you are be more of an aspie than someone trying to have a nice thread on Yea Forums?

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I only buy Wendy's because she's cute.

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you know its bad when they were giving away 10 chicken nuggets for $1


Just a bigger dude at 6'1 and 211lbs, got weighted today. One burger alone doesnt do it for me, not even if its with fries (which I usually skip). But go ahead, and be a bitch like a woman pretending she eats like a mouse.
And dont bring up some weight/height charts, because I know what they say. Im supposed to be at 180 or something, but no, I'd look like fucking mr skeltal.

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I've never had a positive impression of Burger King

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We can all agree that In-N-Out's fries taste like cardboard, yes?

And since that is 50% of their menu, it puts them in D tier at best, yes?

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>s tier
>70% of Subway chicken is onions

Wow I thought the basedboy thing was a meme but they’re actually real and here. Don’t you have a dick that needs to get sucked you fucking taint licker?

Never post again

What the fuck are they even doing with those fries? I mean god damn

Tell more

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>burgers seek asylum in canada
>prepare their native food to make a living
>people complain that they can't afford separate accommodations
very unjust, canada

I used to like them plenty when I was younger, but I also liked wendys then and I still like it now so I only assume it's bk that changed because their shit is way less good now. Not mcdonalds tier bad but still way more bland than it used to be

Best burger chain joint on this mudball of a planet.

Nothing comes remotely close, and I mean nothing.

>And dont bring up some weight/height charts, because I know what they say. Im supposed to be at 180 or something, but no, I'd look like fucking mr skeltal.

I am 6'1" 180 and I have a noticeable stomach. You have to be in the 160 range (I used to be) to be skelly at our height

All of that may well be the case, but I maintain nearly any other option would be an improvement. Maybe it's just me, but kraft singles, much like lucky charms and spaghettios falls squarely into the category of food I loved as a kid that I can no longer stomach.

>Subway in S tier
Subway is F tier and you know it.

>out west
bruh pennsylvania is dry of good burger chains

Real shit

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When I actually ate fast food regularly, quad BK stackers were my favorite thing to get. I only really eat out when other people want it now, though, and nobody likes Burger King.

>letting others make your burgs
Alright Yea Forums what burg do you make at home the most?
>soak ground beef in worchester, fresh garlic, onions, pepper, small amount of mesquite and season salt
>provolone cheese or bleu cheese
>arugula and spinach
>sweet onion and thick slice of tomato and bread/butter pickles
>mustard seed, olive oil mayo and habanero hot sauce
always medium rare
How about you?

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>wendys will never make their spicey chicken sandwich like they used to

it was fucking based back in the day

>says they close at midnight
>go there at 11
>go there at 10
why even bother

They're the best crinkle cut fries I've ever had.

>subway top tier
>chick-fil-a bottom tier
this is the worst tier list I've ever seen, so bad it has to be bait

someone please edit this with all the different Wojak variants

>not getting the 5 dollar biggie bag

I mean that's fair, ideally they'd be using a quality american cheese from a local deli or something
>american cheese
Yeah, the kind that's just cheddar, colby, and calcium phosphate rather than the like 20 ingredients in Kraft.

mcdonalds because its the closest

5 guys for taste

Rally's. Fucking love the Big Buford, especially since I get one free every time I go there.
>cheap as fuck food
>and all of it is really good
It's like fucking heaven. A fucking shame there's so few of them where I live.

Nice thread? Perhaps, but that long before you opened your faggot mouth and started talking like a doped up moron on DQ being remotely quality when just a google search would reveal the disgusting stories and settlements they’ve had to pay just to stay in business.

Literally the bottom of the fucking fast food tier. I mean you’re already eating straight garbage when choose the fast food option but DQ sets the bar fucking high for inedible food and nasty ass diabetes in a bowl.

Again your opinion is fucking shit and you should just far into obscurity

if you off yourself right now they'll be plenty of wojaks in hell waiting for you

No shut the fuck up

Wendy's is trash

In n Out >

I miss it. That's still what I get whenever I do have Wendy's but it's not the same

>tfw I live next to King of Prussia where there are TWO shake shacks

Excellent feel

Yet you aren't freaking out at Jack in the fucking Box man up there and I know all kinds of horror stories.

You can find decently run versions of any franchise. Even shitbird KFC. (not that I'd bother for them, but yeah)

My opinion > your opinion

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I use a chuck/ground beef mix with a little tenderizer, muenster cheese. and homemade pickles.

I’m kind of over having all the toppings on my burger. I’d rather have a small salad on the side.


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That's a nice meatloaf sandwich you got there

>2 80/20 smash patties cooked on cast iron
>2 slices american cheese
>dill pickles
>shredded iceburg and tomato slice on the bottom half
>toasted brioche bun

wendy's nuggets are okay but everything else pretty much sucks imo.

I prefer to grill my own or get one at a diner or something, but as far as chains go I'd say five guys. what is your guys' favorite set up for a burger you make yourself? mine is

>85% lean seasoned with montreal seasoning
>medium well
>kaiser roll lightly toasted
>cheddar melted on top
>red onion
>pickle chips

>Ctrl+F Raising Cane's
>0 Results

Yea Forums confirmed for having no taste.

You must not have been to Popeyes recently.

the biggie bag is $1 more for skimped out bacon

White Castle

Well I have a large frame dude, and I lift. Dont know what else to say. I am not, nor have I ever been a lanklet. And I'll keep eating like a do, because thats what I want to do.

>game is an absolute faggot on social media, picking fights with other brands to attract the WOKE niggers of Twitter
They talk all this shit, and their burgers are worse than Burger King's whopper, a restaurant that no matter what location seems to double as a crack den and homeless shelter

Why is In N Out unquestionably the most overrated fast food restaurant? Do they load everything with soi or something? I just can't fathom why Cali soi boys fucking love the mediocre place.

It's trash, bro. They have good sauce and that's literally it. The toast is hit or miss. Rather MEH tier overall. The coleslaw is butt, the tenders are doublebutt and yeah, no menu variety.