What is the video game equivalent of The Last Jedi?
What is the video game equivalent of The Last Jedi?
Halo 5
Same could be said of the last few RvB seasons
Other M
the EA Battlefront games, funnily enough
came to post this
Paper Mario Sticker Star
KH has always been prequel territory.
Mass Effect 3
And Andromeda is Solo
>Andromeda is Solo
I don't even know if that's good or bad.
Breath of the Wild
Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts.
>Both took vastly different approaches when compared to the original.
>Some liked it because of it or thought it was fine for what it is and what it did try to be.
>While most simply despise it because of it and hates it for what it is and what it didn't try to bem
This, but unlike TLJ, MGS2 was expectation subversion done right
Skyward Sword
Is this just a thread where people post games they don't like?
It even destroyed the entire future of the Paper Mario series, just like TLJ did to Star Wars
But KH3 ruined the series beyond repair.
It just is.
Halo and the Star Wars series have run completely parallel in quality is my conspiracy theory, as long as we're talking about their respective stories.
>Combat Evolved = A New Hope
A true classic, simple but very effective. Some would argue it's the best and the entire original trilogy is very close in quality.
>Halo 2 = Empire Strikes Back
Probably the objective best out of the three. You'll have to be a massive contrarian to think it's the worst
>Halo 3 = Return of the Jedi
Still good but has some admittedly awkward elements. A lot of great elements and some shit ones. The good still outweighs the bad and we remember it fondly.
>Halo 4 = Force Awakens
Both soft reboots of the first entry in the series which plays it very safe while providing a springboard into something new. There are some fans who will defend to the death that this is the best entry, but many did take issue with many choices made. With the reception of the next entry in the series, people's opinions towards it have softened somewhat.
>Halo 5 = TLJ
A complete squandering of the new developments in the previous game and with baffling decisions throughout. Caused massive controversy and you're either somebody (a psycho) who loves it and genuinely believes its the one of the best in the series or you fucking despise it.
>Reach = Rogue One
Everybody dies with some fanservice.
KOTOR 2. Like TLJ, it was made by people who don't actually like Star Wars and wanted to tear it down while shoving their personal philosophy down everyone's throats.
So did the prequels.
this garbage
Jesus christ it’s been two goddamn years, when will you fucking people shut up about this movie? No one cares anymore and you need to move on with your lives. This movie did not fuck your wife and burn down your house. It didn’t destroy Star Wars, Star wars has sucked since Return. Just fucking end the discussion.
At least the prequels were their own thing for the most part.
This simply doesn’t fit in regard to Halo 2 and 3. 2 is the one with the awkward elements and a mix of good and bad new features, but it’s still a great game. Meanwhile 3 is the peak of the series and the refinement of all the features, and you’d have to be a contrarian to say it’s the worst of the 3.
mouse shill detected
The awkward elements in 3 were all the stupidass equipment; bubble shields, flares, all that crap.
In the end you will beg for mercy mouse shill
Cyberpunk 2077
The best one in a long time? I agree.
Came here to say this
Fuck off lol
Metroid Other M
Is this actually some shitty fan film being made, or just a meme?
I dont know if I'd call Halo 4 playing it safe. Parts of the first level makes it seem that way, but it goes in a completely different direction after that.
I don't agree, gameplay-wise it was bad but it had an interesting enough story and characters. That's more than can be said for TLJ.