>game has a spellsword class
>it's absolute dogshit
why is this the case for literally every game
Game has a spellsword class
Other urls found in this thread:
Because you need to pick a side, either swords or spells. Jacks of all trades will always be a compromise.
>Game has spellsword class
>It's completely fucking broken
I couldn't play Dragon Age: Origins any other way after I found it
Because you can go 100% sword or 100% magic but spellsword to keep it balanced can only ever go 50% in either or even 75% 25%
cute crab.
Play Dragon's Dogma.
so you didn't play dragon's dogma or morrowind or DCSS then?
the spell knight class is pretty good in Dragon's Dogma. The Magic Archer is also amazing but it's more like 90% mage and 10% archer
It's very good in Bravely.
That crab will get a fat shell if it keeps eating that.
>game has a gunslinger class
>it's inferior to every other damage dealer
It's pretty broken in Bravely Default, especially with Black Knight subclass.
Then why do humans always kick the shit out of more specialized races?
Same trouble D&D has with characters that need more than two stats to function, they simply can't optimize like a specialist can.
A fighter only needs STR and CON with a smidgen of the other stats as a way to beef up their saves, a mage needs INT and CON. When you have something like a physical sorcerer or a paladin, you wind up needing STR, INT/WIS, and CON, and you've still only got the same amount of points to go around. Everything you do winds up being a weaker version of what someone else has.
Play Octopath Traveler.
Tales of maj'eyal has a gunslinger class that I hear is pretty good. I don't know how much of their strength comes from the Awesome Toss exploit though, which allows them to attack about 35 times in 1 turn and hit things through walls.
>Game has a meme class that seems rng dependent at best and completely useless at worst
>It’s actually the most broken class in the game by miles if you use it correctly, so much so that speedrunners routinely abuse the class to save shitloads of time from combat since it’s made utterly trivial.
>The only class that even comes close to being as busted is the one that gets two attacks per turn and has absurd mobility and dodging.
Post more crabs
Usually because you have to spread your stats thin to make sure they're equal or the spell list is shit. The best spellswords just have spell lists of self-buffs that make you stronger than a full warrior while they're active, but also weaker than one when they aren't, and ideally don't require much stat investment to cast or function.
Etrian Odyssey gunners are generally some of the best damage dealers in the games they appear in
came here to post this
Spellsword/Battlemage never ever. The ONLY game I've seen it done well is Dragon Age Origins/Awakening. It really depresses me, i'd love to see a spellthief, witchhunter, or battlemage in ANY good game.
i like watching crabs eat people food
Meanwhile, in FFV... Or BD. Or DD. Or PoE. Or Morrowind. Or CoS. Or PF...
In Final fantasy V they were really neat, especially with rapid fire+dual wield.
There are other broken classes like chemist or blue mage but spellblade is definitely up there.
As a caster, you shouldn't be going out of your way to get into melee range. The only exception is if you're also tanky as fuck.
Spellswords are super common in roguelikes. The highlighted classes are all of the users of both martial techniques and fantastical powers in tales of maj'eyal. Adventurer is a cheat class, ignore it.
Which games have them? I've only played 1 and 4, but I own 1-5.
Because balance shit. If you have to choose between spellsword, warrior or mage. Then of course spellsword will be many to be jack of alll trades and master of nothing, and in many games most of best stuff is only accessable by being specialized in one thing.
battle mage from legend of grimrock 2 is great, really the mage-warrior class works best as a support/buffer
Pretty sure Red Mage is pretty based in every Final Fantasy game.
they get silly levels of broken in EOU and EOU2, then nerfed in EONexus but still broken
untold 1's story mode, untold 2's classic mode, and nexus. Also the original for 2 if you want to play that, I've heard it's sort of different from the remake.
EO 2 and its remake and EO Nexus. EO Untold has a gunner in the story mode party.
Are you illiterate?
The exception that proves the rule
>Gunslinger class is the best AOE DPS in the game, even moreso than the class that’s supposed to specialise in it.
>Also gets some of the funniest lines in the game
Shame TORtanic was so shit. The writing and some of the stories were actually pretty great for what they were.
Humans op pls nerf
I think I prefer them to be mediocre rather than ultimate cheese machines, honestly.
I like spellswords because I like magic and I like swords, not because I want to minmax.
the combo sucks against undead tho
learned that the hard way
that's fucking retarded, there's absolutely no reason why you can't make a magic based melee class that is also just as good and viable as the pure sword or spellcaster
wow managed to do it with paladins and death knights
battlemage is always either absolute shit or absolutely broken, no in between
Because you're referring to stories written by humans.
red mage is garbo, literally weaker than WHM, BLM and any melee job
most creators are retarded and don't know how to design spells AROUND the fact that the class is melee, instead they just typically take shit tier abilities from a warrior and mage and slap em into a class.
Magus arcana from pathfinder, the spellsword was pretty decent because you could actually stack int like a mage and still have good sword attacks. It wasn't the best class but it was pretty good for what it was
Balancing. A character that could spell cast well enough to compete with mages and fight well enough to compete with warriors trivializes both the laters. So then you balance it by making the character inferior in both regards. But now you have a character that can't fight so well, and also cant spellcast so well. The only logical conclusion is that this class shouldn't be bothered woth as a proper team comp will always produce greater results.
The expection is a warrior class who has access to good utility spells. But even then it needs to be balanced somehow and really only fits into a campaign that is more adventure then combat focused.
Say what you want about Oblivion, but I often find Spellsword and similar classes to work pretty well if you balance your Attributes right. I like to play a Crusader-style class sometimes, and I find balancing Blade, Heavy Armor, Restoration, Mysticism and Alteration is pretty easy. Restoration can be used offensively in Oblivion, letting you level it up quickly when you combine it with Restoration, Mysticism and Alteration buffs. Lets you do most of your damage via the sword, with support from buffs for you and debuffs for your enemies. If you also add Illusion you can do things like Frenzy, Calm, Demoralize and Command to further fuck with your enemies while you cut them to pieces. I would recommend against Destruction because it increases the chance of preferring either Blade or Destruction and letting the other one slide, which would be bad for your class. Conjuration may be helpful if used in the place of Illusion, but I find Illusion to be more useful overall.
TL;DR Spellsword can work in Oblivion if you are smart about it.
Because normalfags, unironically.
Because humans do specialize. Into everything. You have warrior humans, magic humans, artisan humans, builder humans. Humans win through specialization and then cooperation.
They're decent in dragon quest
Red Battlemage is awesome in FFXII, although BM was also super stronk in that game
>currently playing Red Mage in ffxiv which is literally just a spellsword
>lowest dps of all the casters
it's just not fair
This. Runelord looks weak on paper but actually stupidly strong. Every auto can do 15k elemental damage.
Dragon's Dogma has a very good spellsword.
Also Magic Archer, which is the coolest class in the game and if you think otherwise you have shit taste.
>gunner does less damage than archer even though you don't unlock it until the very end of the game
ffta2 lets you use spellsword abilities with bows and they get affected by turbo mp
That game was shit
> game has gun class
> its inferior to sword wielders or arrow shooting, flute tooting bards
the way it should work is a warrior who uses magic to buff himself and for short range attacks. just giving a fighter regular wizard spells is what makes them suck.
In what game are humans ever the outright best choice for any specific role? In no game, that's which game.
>gun game has shotguns
>they're inferior to rifles even at short range
Why do swords get preferential treatment but not shotguns?
Utterly fucking retarded mentality.
You give a dps melee spells that enhance its melee and also gap closers and some mobility.
To compensate their competitive and high damage you give them low health and armor.
There, now the class is a glass cannon and is just as viable as warrior and mage but the tradeoff is it's more difficult and riskier to play.
That way you may have fights that are easier with a warrior, some easier with your runeblade and some easier with the mage.
Balance 101
divinity original sin 2 tank/buffer works great, the spellsword class normally sucks because it tries to go for pure damage
Red mage is worthless in every game as a main class (has some useful abilities to learn sometimes, but once you learn them you dump it fast) except for FF11. In vanilla 2002 FF11 they were shit as well, of course, but they realised that a jack of all trades would be worthless in an MMO so they made it actually good at something that other classes aren't and it became good. Proof that only having a specialty can save a class.
Works fine in every single dragon quest
Then explain why paladins are ridiculously overpowered in almost every game they're present in, both vidya and tabletop.
Why don't devs just take a warrior and recolor its particle effects to look magic, that satisfies the fantasy while still keeping it viable
They're not, honestly the only game I can think of where they're actually good is in fucking wow
they're absolute shit in dnd for example
That's a cute crab
Ruining promise for the sake of balance.
>they're absolute shit in dnd for example
Only if your DM is a champ that intentionally shits on paladins so people stop playing that boring, borderline metagaming class. I understand recent revisions have made an effort to curb paladin, but that doesn't change it's been the go-to "I win" class for ages.
I would but the game is actual ocular death. Who thought throwing a dozen filters on top of pixel art was a good idea?
>they're absolute shit in dnd for example
I don't think you ever played DnD.
Why are incels so obsessed with spellswords?
I like how the girls look like belly dancers
Emphasis on the spell. Rune Fencer when, I want proper harmony.
Humans have shit stats in everything except INT and WIS
They're cool, kys
Read up on the lorebooks for Samurai, they're spellblades as well since they empower their sword-swings and iaijutsu with aether. Ki is just aether/magic in the setting same as Monks and their chakra just being aether
maybe compared to goblins. Almost every civilized race is higher in those fields.
The real advantage humans have is the fact they're a bit smarter and stronger than goblins and breed almost as quick.
RDM's most useful in FF1, where the idea of how fast a job "onlines" is a concept. RDM is strong early on where he can use the same armor as a fighter, a silver sword, and has access to most magic that casters would have, and the only thing that makes him somewhat less useful is a tiny health pool. Later on, he's eclipsed by every other job but still can deal ok damage through good weapons (Vorpal granting high critical hits that ignore Absorb) and still has access to Life and Exit, which only two and one other class can use, respectively.
RDM in 3 is kind of a poor choice due to weak melee attacks and pure casters having more spell charges, he's not even that great for forced mini sections, and spell damage is dependent on stats in 3. In 5, he's only really good for his dualcast, which can be given to any other job.
But their sword effects aren't as flashy and cool so I don't like them
Look closely, user, Midare Setsugatensho is some of the flashiest stuff in the game. And their LB3 doesn't blind everyone in the vicinity
??? What are you talking about paladins have always been inferior fighters, inferior divine casters, and inferior faces. People literally only play them for the flavor.
I liked it in Bravely Default
I never understood the point of RDM, it's a party based game, why not just have a BM and a WM in your party? 9/10 you are going to have a WM anyways and you will have full access to the entire spellbook of both instead of a few for all with worse stats because of it.
Fell Seal they are absolutely busted.
Once again, Fell Seal has them be gods of death. Long as fuck range, can slap on dual wield and spam status as well if you want to. Also Bloodstained has interesting gunslinger setups and La Mulana has an interesting take on the gun.
Literally DD’s occultist
most humans
>game has a gunner class
>in practice they're just extremely long range debuff bots
could be worse I guess
AoEII handled them in a cool way
Final Fantasy Tactics A2 got 2 and they are great
>Combat character that demands you utilize both magical and martial combat skills, but possesses unique attributes that neither half can take advantage of. Often marked by their strict adherence to INT/STR structure, while possessing glaring weaknesses elsewhere.
>Solid blend between a Warrior and a Mage, being able to use magic to supplement their physical prowess, or to defend themselves with melee when their magic is no longer applicable or necessary in a fight. Best in games where you can end fights relatively quickly, or in games where drawn-out fights demand you regularly switch tactics and need to cover multiple bases at once.
>The bastard child between a mage and a warrior, possessing lesser stats than their more extreme mirrors, while also having more abilities by comparison, but less of the ones that matter.
Horrible (common):
>A character who the developers arbitrarily slapped numerous standard Warrior and Magic skills onto with zero unique attributes, and literally only exists to to fail at both being a mage and a warrior, and is useless in every single engagement that would demand either.
Dude life lmao
checkmate OP
RDM's point is just to fill the "jack of all trades" niche, it can do a little of everything but not a lot. Obviously a specialized caster will be better if you want black or white magic and a specialized Fighter will be better for straight attacking, but if you're wanting to do other things with your party or if you don't think you'll need a specialized class then Red Mage is a good pick.
paladins frowns upon your heresy.
Paladins were not inferior in early versions of D&D, they literally required the highest stats and could do everything decently.
In 3rd you have a point, but that's because everyone who wasn't a caster was pretty shit bar ToB classes, but even then you could alternative class feature your way to something decent.
4th Everyone is good and usable, Paladins can even get in on the Divine Mafia and are very versatile.
5th They have huge burst damage and extremely good class features + everything else they normally have.
Hybrid spellsword type classes are underrated. I wish more games had anti-paladin type classes like a Blackguard in D&D.
How so? I never bothered using him.
>intentionally shits on paladins
reminds me of when i used to dm ad&d long ago and one of the players picked paladin so he can be "invincible" when he gets his holy avenger, and i kept pitting him against evil clerics that would turn him
paladins are gay as fuck and are massive faggots in every game dick sucker.
WoW is retarded, you're retarded
Spellsword was the optimal build in DaS2 because you got so many level ups you'd hit the soft cap on your pure phys damage about 2/3rds through first playthrough. By branching out into INT/FAITH you could optimize your damage through elemental dual-scaling and spell buffs, or by picking up one of the INT/FAI requirement unique/boss soul weapons with special attacks like the MLGS.
Plus you got to use magic on the side which was pretty dope
Because humans dumped everything into INT, and compensate the lack of everything else with machines
it works okay in skyrim. blast them from range then stab them if they close the distance.
>game has gunslinger class
>it’s just a fucking reskinned wizard
>Gunslinger class is a glorified archer but with less skills and damage with some gimmick like "100% accuracy" tacked on to try and make it seem better than it is
Can touch people, get a scythe, resurrect skeletons.
Why are they always shit too? Where's my undead dragon? Where's my undead Angel? Where is my undead god, preferably one I killed myself in a boss fight?
>game has a bigass gun
>it's superior to every other weapon in raw damage output
Anything that can get stronger than the generic, popular class like rogue or DPS mage is not allowed. I've noticed this trend across other genres, such as any gun more viable than a generic assault rifle is not allowed, and any MMO meta other than holy trinity is deliberately designed against.
why can't you use magic on your weapon?
if you're going to cast a spell that shoots fireball, why not make it cast from your sword while you're swinging it?
or your fucking fist?
Because all video games come down to your health and damage vs their health and damage.
Dealing 1 physical and 1 magic is less effective than dealing 2 physical damage when you take into stacking damage increases and damage resistances.
Because then that cuts into the mage class, who should be allowed to do everything magical according to those hacks. It also technically cuts into the rogue class, who should have exclusive rights to pour poisons and other effects on their weapons.
I think it comes more to the fact that Generic Assault Rifle and Generic DPS Class (mages are not exactly always so by the way) are also the easiest frameworks to design and are probably one of the basics for all the other ones in the game. So, naturally they are more reliable and less gimmicky, which makes them good by default.
i didn't know that the drain spellsword subtracts your own life as well until i fuckin died from it
The biggest problem for me is that the more gimmicky classes don't even shine in their niche. In a lot of gun games, shotguns don't perform better than rifles up close, and a class like a necromancer can still easily get beaten even if he caught his opponent fully surrounded while hiding behind 7000 power liches. It's like the developers know that this will piss off the masses who play generic rogue or exclusively buy rifles, so they always have an easy out.
What mysterious 'fuck necros' games are you even talking about? I can't even think of many games that let you even play as a necromancer, let alone enough games for trends like this to even start appearing
>Doesn't even need to aim.
>AoE doesn't damage teammates.
Fuck magic. In games with them it ends up as a spamfest for the strongest spells. Especially cancerous in MMOs with choke points.
Necromancer classes sound so cool on paper but any game that has the ability to summon the undead are boring. It's literally just summon 5 skeletons and watch as they kill things for you. I guess that's the whole point but they don't feel engaging at all.
Games I've played with necromancer on the top of my head is GW2, Diablo and Path of Exile. Found Necromancer to be boring.
they're cancerous by default. Maybe they'll be good in 20 years when technology can support a proper MMO that isn't complete dogshit
They won't ever EVER come back. MMOs are a dying breed, there is no need to make a 15 million dollar mmo when a 1 million dollar app can make 50x the profit of an mmo through microtransactions.
I know a game where magic, while still being unavoidable for the most part, can fail on a percentage chance and the requirement for casting requires a lot of money and intelligence checks to successfully learn and memorize them momentarily
magic costs both mana and your memory of the spell before you forget it completely and/or run out of mana before you need to wait for more to cast
also AoEs affect everything within range
items that are lying on the ground, or even the ground itself, that are tagged as "flammable" will start a fire and may spread to other flammable objects, if you fail to consider not using that firebolt spell on that one goblin
I'm hoping in 20 years it'll be doable for some random fuck to make a Bannerlord 2 MMO mods, or for one of those scamstarter MMOs that promise faction warfare to actually be finished. They don't need millions of players, a few thousand concurrent players is all a single MMO server needs
>20 years
>Bannerlord 2
How can there be a sequel if the first one still isn't out at that point?
Or alternatively, it's so broken that whether you use it is a speed-running class.
I'm looking at you, Final Fantasy Tactics calculator.
Because most game devs are forever stuck to the same old ass stereotypes and still default to the mage/warrior/thief trio. Same as why most fantasy verses default to either Tolkien or DnD and always have the exact same races, similar lore and monsters.
It's also hard to balance classes properly when you actually make something different so people prefer to stick to basics because it's easier. The irony is that it's actually really easy to balance a spellsword with some thought put into it, either by adjusting enemy strengths and resistances or by adjusting the magic/physical split for dual classes so they have more defined roles.
Adding to this, you also have the problem with warriors getting flashy shit by default, because otherwise it would be "boring" to play pure warrior, so they get abilities that are basically just reskined magic. And since mages obviously get magic, the spellsword is left with nothing because it's not allowed to get spells that go beyond what a warrior's abilities can do. If warriors were just that, then all you'd have to do is have spellswords be warriors with access to magic but a mana pool much more limited than mages. Warriors often also get to have enchanted or straight up magical gear, so once more spellswords have no niche. If you had a universe where only spellswords could use magi-infused melee weapons then maybe they'd have a niche.
>a universe where only spellswords could use magi-infused melee weapons
You could find a middle ground. Something like a warrior can still wield a zappy sword, but a spellsword can push his mana into it to activate its real power, casting a lightning bolt through the sword inside the body of an enemy he just stabbed.
Dragons dogma had the flame body thing going, when I first played around with that I really wished they made it so you stabbed the beast and coursed magic through your sword instead, rupturing it from inside.
just make it so magic warrior has worse base stats but can buff himself to be stronger and more versatile than regular warrior. the class can do everything but not everything at once and has to manage resources so it doesn't run out of steam.
there are plenty of jrpgs where magic warrior is a good class, it's just wrpgs that are stuck unable to do anything but copy dungeons and dragons.
>>game has a spellsword class
>you're only using magic to buff your sword, so you may as well have just specced into pure combat skills and been more effective
>limb gets crippled.
>Game lets you just remove it.
and most of them end up half assing that anyway and becoming yet another basic bitch adventure game with bad combat and a generic stat progression system
Do crabs regrow limbs?
>classless system
>you can make yourown class!
>everything plays exactly the same no matter what you do
An easy way to make it work is also by having the game feature something like a pokemon physical/special split. A mage is special attack while a spellsword still deals magic/elemental damage but it's counted as physical, so depending on the enemy a mage might not be the best choice despite being able to hit with the monster's weakness. Depending on how much elemental/magical weaknesses boost damage the spellsword would end up as a preferable alternative to just going raw physical with a warrior, and with access to multiple elements he could have good versatility.
A system that could also work is by having the spellsword have to "charge" his power before unleashing it. Basically have him gather mana passively while fighting and then once it reaches certain levels he can unleash a nuke for shittons of damage, at the cost of consuming said magic. The class can then behave like a warrior with less armor and more dps and evasion focused, with most survivability skills from the warrior swapped out for skills that allow you to gather energy faster during combat.
>Game lets you play as a cute elf girl
>No option to prostitute yourself
Gaymens you have failed me for the last time.
Goblins aren't real.
Humans are far physically weaker than many other large animals. Lions, bears, large dogs, even other great apes like chimps and gorillas can easily kill us.
But humans are intelligent enough to smash two rocks together until one gets sharper, and wise enough to know that if you attach that rock to the end of a stick its easier to stab things with.
Warriors are the fodder of every universe they're in, with their only strength being in numbers. Any plebian can work out and learn the sword, not every pleb can become a mage or as skilled as a rogue. Because of this, warriors should lose all of their "not-magic" magical skills and get several AI companion soldiers that follow the PC in a tight, quick formation to compensate for the lack of individual power
>b-but I want to be a special warrior who cleaves large swarms of enemies in one blow!
Then what you want to play is a spellsword or muscle wizard. The world would be a better place if warriors stopped infringing on other classes specialties.
Warriors should be
>quick to level
The only exceptions are races that are naturally strong like Ogres. But even then, they do not use special skills, they use raw strength.
I don't think i'd call death knight a spellsword type.
They're just warriors with different flavored abilities.
Aside from unholy, since half it's total damage came from magic.
Well at least that's how i remembered it from wrath, don't know what they did with them after.
Fuck off jew, a heroic overpowered warrior is metal as fuck. Go rub your hands somewhere else you snake faggot lizard fuck.
A better idea would be to try and break away from the overused DnD foundations and stop using it as a reference for fucking everything western.
Heroes are canonical human exceptions, because
most heroes have some kind of god's blessing or mcguffin power. This is not the strength of the warrior, but the power magically bestowed upon the warrior.
>hurr durr some heroes have mcguffin power
>all warriors are mcguffin heroes now
Retard logic, you just can't accept that even in a fantasy world, Chads still beat up nerds. 1d4 hp wit -2 CON bonus, don't forget your inhaler.
If anything I was going against DnD. Warriors in DnD can become god slayers simply by getting strong.
The problem is if you allow warriors to get that strong just by pumping iron, you have to explain why the armies of the world aren't just as strong. Why is a human warrior, who just started pumping iron 2 months ago, stronger than veteran warriors in an army? What good are walls if a few regular soldiers can smash their sword pommels against it to blow it away?
*sleeps before you even get near magic man*
nuthin personel
>Warriors are the fodder of every universe they're in
only shitty ones based on dungeons and dragons. the classic hero from mythology is a warrior.
pic related; Fodder, apparently.
And what made him so much more powerful than his peers? Nothing, yet he is stronger than the rest. There is a flaw in the idea of a warrior
LVL 5 warrior passes saving throw, kills lvl 20 Wizard in one round. Get fucked booknigger.
I wasn't saying you were going for a DnD angle, I'm saying everyone else does and it's retarded. It's why we end up with what should be the most bland basic shit getting boosted endlessly, because both normies and the average DnD nerd can only ever choose buff sword guy, 1hp staff caster who can't move, or quick shadowy rogue with a dagger. It gets so bad that even when you have specializations, the only ones worth it are the most basic bitch ones, which are just fancier versions of the base 3.
Warriors are mighty. Plus in a world of magic there are usually things that are resistant to magic, and need raw physical power. Muscle Wizard sounds dope though
Well it does help that AoE II is well designed.
It's probably why the hipsters jack off over the bard so much, it's the first time they see something that isn't a strict stereotype yet is still just bland enough for them to enjoy.
Because they are almost always “mid-tier swordsman who can also cast mid-tier wizard spells” instead of a swordsman who uses his magic to complement his sword skills and vice versa.
>warrior does more melee
>sword magic does melee + magic damage
>mage does pure magic
Sword magic is good for situational stuff. Would also help against ghosts because I imagine magic probably doesn't hurt a ghost like silver.
They got around the jack of all trades thing by making DKs fucking busted to shit
>citing mythology
>where 99.9% of warriors are either actually half-gods, full blown living gods, receive active help and blessings from gods
>use magical weapons, armor and/or artifacts of huge power that only they have
>often part of prophecies that literally spell out their victory
>i-it's just raw strength bro, anyone can be a mythical hero warrior
No, fuck off. Without magic warriors are just people, and even with magic many of them suffer terrible tragedies or straight up get fucked by the same people or items that helped them become legends.
>Game has a gunslinger class
In mythology most of the OP wizards are either demigods, half-demons or have blessings from some greater being too.
It’s regular humans in general who are fodder.
humans have god tier stamina
This is the case for just about every human that becomes obscenely powerful, they stole/borrowed power from some godlike entity or ancient artifact.
But there often still exist mages who spend their lives practicing their craft to wield fairly strong powers themselves. They never reach godhood, but they can usually kill a group of warriors themselves provided it wasn't an ambush. Any 'warriors' that become as powerful either have magical gear or they use magical 'skills', making them not pure warriors
Hexblade warlocks are pretty neat
In most of fiction that comes to mind rn humans are barely able to use magic and when they are it's often a lot weaker than that of other magic-wielding beings like elves. And that's precisely my point, basic warriors should be just well-trained dudes with weapons and armor, just as basic mages should be just average guys who can chuck some fireballs and shit. But because people are afraid of going beyond the classics, they instead have every warrior be a mythological hero or Conan lite, and every mage be a casual city buster.
Yea but there is something cool about a simple man standing ground with the exceptionally gifted
Morrowind's spellsword is all spell no sword
just go pure physical or pure magical
trying to mix both is always big gay
I wonder if hexblade warlock will be a thing in baldur's gate 3 since they're using 5e
fucking this, wizard fags need to chill out
ikr, same with oblivion. Anything physical can do magic can do better
The patrician choice is pure warrior with entry level basic healing spells.
Agreed, but it's done so much that it has to be done extremely well to satisfy me. They need to have at least as much testosterone as Conan, and sadly most heroes these days are skinny sissyboys who fight for the power of friendship and love. I just can't get behind that
>your spells actually involve your shield.
Or am I remembering wrong.
Best I've played:
Diablo Hellfire bard:
+mix of attributes, second to sorcerer in maximum magic
+can dual wield, and attack three enemies at once with dual swords
+can also dual wield caster weapons to maximize spellcasting ability
+has enough mana to make magic shield viable
+can melee and cast spells with the same gear
-does not swing as fast as warrior
-can't block
-does not cast as fast as sorcerer
Hexen cleric
+middle of the road armor and speed
+arguably best flechette
+serpent staff is a good and cheap ranged attack for closer distances
+firestorm is quick and accurate and has a reasonable cost, although also has a max range
+wraithverge is one of the most brainless and overpowered weapons in any game
-mace is the worst first weapon
-weakest character when no mana or artifacts are available
I think you're thinking of dragon's dogma
in dragon age origins what the arcane warrior does is basically buffs that make you untouchable (which any class can do)
Not true in Dokapon Kingdom.
>I wonder if hexblade will be in baldur's gate 3
Hope so desu, I only got to run it in a couple sessions but it felt fun
Reminder that this crab is still alive.
You're thinking of Elona.
Surprisingly enough, being a 'spellblade' (or psiblade, I guess) in System Shock 2 is extremely effective.
Adrenaline Overproduction + Psi-Enhanced Strength + Laser Rapier/Crystal Shard + Melee perks one-shots almost everything. If you're worried about taking explosion damage from killing robots, you can also use pyro field to cancel that out.
Sounds neat, i'll probably try that when I play because my friend keeps telling me to play it
And the dancers.
>not firing off magical projectiles that explode into a mass of swords on impact
the only gay one here is you
that's magic
That's still pure magical. Magic doesn't mean it can't have physical properties
Mystic Knight is fucking sexy
>spells to buff your perfect blocks with spells
>spells to increase the range, strength of your weapon
>enchant everyone's weapon in one cast
>magic sigils to damage enemies who come too close
>magical cannons that can interact with your other spells to become a gatling turret
>game has gunslinger class
>have to reload absurdly close to the enemy to get a buff that lets you deal any meaningful damage
Yea, after they molt
He probably had a parasite or something in his arm.
Vanguard is like the Mass Effect equivalent and it was the best class in 2. Don't know about 3 because I didn't touch that mess.