What video games did you play today?
What video games did you play today?
I was going to play more Splatoon 2 but then I didn't so I read manga instead.
I played a bit of ffxiv while waiting for laundry and then I was busy packing and moving out to my new place.
Having a month of overlap between rentals to move out is nice.
I played a permadeath run of Cadence of Hyrule.
I started a new permadeath game of Bioshock and played for about twenty minutes, then I played a game of Battlefield V, it was ok, and then I stopped.
Yo-kai watch 4!
Kuniyoshi reference!
I-is that Estelle? I haven't played Trails since TiTs the Third but goddamn. She got plump as fuck in Cold Steel.
No More Heroes 2 after not playing it in years. Haven't died yet and I'm about to fight Jasper Batt Jr. Pretty sure my bitter run won't be as smooth.
Played the Iceborne beta today with some friends.
Crash Team Racing
Switch port is surprising solid, I haven't noticed any performance issues beside the very long loading times.
Yes it is
I should've learned jap when I had the chance
Did some grinding in Runescape, then played some Battlefield 4 and a little bit of Rainbow Six Siege
Ocarina of time 3D
Nothing yet. I keep putting it off and probably will all night because that's what I always seem to do.
Fallout 3. I forgot how great it was, still holds up fantastically today. Atmosphere is A1
Darksiders II. Can someone explain to me why fighting two enemies are a million times harding than fighting a boss. Why did apocalyptic mode make it such a chore to fight multiple enemies?
Barkley 2 and Baba is You
Rock and Stone!
My zoomer cousins came over and we played Contra for hours
>Barkley 2
What? I thought that game died in development hell.
Demo's out, baby.
FFXIV and shiren the wanderer
Wow this looks nice
Borderlands 2 and Devil May Cry
Calvard when?
is the battle system similar to ni no kuni 2?
I beat a replay of Shining Force and a permadeath run of Cadence of Hyrule.
Trying to find more fun shorter games because I'm gonna get Yakuza Judgement in a week or so. Any recommendations?
Momodora 4.
hydra castle labyrinth
Oh shit. If the SA guy was right, then that game is dead in the water, but at least we got a playable demo out of that shitstorm.
Warframe; spent the day grinding for things to sell for plat so that I can buy slots for more warframes.
i just sat here staring at my screen
8 ch has a whole thread about it, you should know better than to expect this place to tell you about it
Octopath Traveller. It’s pretty neat
Reddit is calling your name
I spent around 4 hours today playing Factorio. I got my blue science automated and expanded the shit out of my oil production
Cuphead, Smash Ultimate and Muse Dash
Well I'm about to play Battleborn just to see if it's as bad as everyone says it is. My cousin owns it but practically shoved it in my face begging me to take it once I pointed it out on his shelf. There's no way it can be that bad, can it?
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
I haven't even played a single vidya in over a year yet I still come here to shitpost everyday
Everyone says this but when I look at it, all I see is Final Fantasy for poorfags.
Yu-gi-oh Duel Links, DQ8, and Smash online with friends
Red dead 2, doing my best to get to as close to 100% completion I possibly can before the epilogue
A lot of XCOM 2, finally got my hands on it and good lord is this shit brutal. The first UFO attack nearly put me out of the game, and the Avatar Project is ticking down so quick I feel like I'm not gonna make it much further.
Final fantasy 14 and dragon ball legends
I played CTR and a bit of Dying Light. Can't believe I skipped that game until now, it's fucking fun.
Guild Wars 2, Smash bros with friends, and then some DnD because tabletops are fun too.
Final Fantasy XII
Have hit x rank yet, user?
>Smash Ultimate
>DOA Xtreme 3 Scarlet
>What video games did you play today?
Fallout 4.
I've never played it before and wanted to give it an honest try after I bought it on a whim on sale and hadn't touched it in months.
It's good in some ways, but awful in a lot of other ways. I'm having fun killing Super Mutant and Ghouls and I like the Weapon System, but I hate a lot of other things: the dialogue system, the shallow factions, the lack of roleplaying (I'm just this 'guy' y'know?), and I'm really dreading the building- but haven't gotten to it yet.
I'm having an 'OKAY' time so far though.
Based Japan had Soul Reapers even in ancient times.
Beat Ruiner for the first time. Undecided how I feel about the ending. Then started my yearly playthrough of Sleeping Dogs.
A bit of Sword of Mana, thinking I'll drop it to finish DQ IX