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I always killed him.
Looks like radscorp food to me
I killed him because he's a p*wder g*nger.
You can't just threaten the good folks of the little settlement that saved me and think I won't shit fury on you.
Also this guy. I was going to put a bullet in his stomach and leave him for dead but he just got up and ran away, guess it's my fault for thinking a powder nigger was speaking the truth about anything
*Unholsters my double-barrel*
I still kill him.
Walking into the Tops and gunning down everyone is objectively the kinoest way of dealing with Benny. Speech checkers need not apply
>"get my legs smashes"
>set him on fire
>he immediately stands up as if nothing was wrong with his legs
that's when I shoot him in the face with the caravan shotgun, fucking nigger
>just just learned this year what the deal with nipton was and the lottery
>also just learned about primm pass
What do you need?
The real question is, do you kill Vulpes or not?
>know he is going to come talk to me
>avoid nipton every time because of this
He dies anyway
kill him
>not stealth killing his guards, threatening him, speech checking him while he's terrified, and then killing him
Nah, Vulpes is alright.
My nigga.
-t. Torched all three casinos with flamethrowers
ow, the edge
have jet
>Reverse pickpocket C4 onto him
>Follow him as he runs into Rad Scorpion nest
>Detonate for loads of free XP
how can you not the guy screams in your ear
[over my dead body]
See ya
boone best boy
>Not killing Benny after you sleep with him
Uncultured swine
>being a gay
Always, even if I'm killing NCR.
Benny is the bottom
I did!
Liam O'Brien does such a good job with this character.
There may not be a single person on this earth that didn't hear his speech, end the conversation, pause for a second to consider, then immediately blow his brains out.
>have terrifying presence
>some dude in his fursona outift starts talking like he's the Joker, going off about some nonsense on degenerates or something
>tell him I'm gonna give him a good skull fucking
>''L-Legionnaires save me!''
>proceed to wipe him out along with his band of cosplayers with my shotgun and a couple sticks of dynamite
at least after they patched it they made his legs crippled
that's not boone you goober they're scripted to die that way from the radiation barrels
but that's gay af
>no gore
>that time the dog and a Legioncuck get magic bullet'd
Thought this was suspicious.
it's just a hacky way to make sure cottonwood cove is actually empty after you drop the barrels, they're all scripted to just run straight toward them and die, I can only assume they hoped you would either have killed them all trying to get there or sneak out afterward and not see it happening.
>no experience
>[Explosives 24/25] I am going into battle and I need only your strongest explosives!
>[Failed] My explosives are too strong for you courier.
Wtf was wrong with him?
>not sparing Swank so he can spread the word
Nothing. The courier would have blown himself up if he got his strongest explosives.
>roughly half the powder gangers were niggers while they were a minority or nonexistant in all other factions
Was Obsidian, dare I say it, based and redpilled?
only thing worse than NCR scum is Legionaires or legioNIGGERS as i like to call them
Who would win in a 1v1, Joshua or Lanius?
Joshua has the power of god on his side
fuck off underaged powerlevels autist
Aren't his legs crippled in vats?
>people didn't like DM but liked OWB
its almost like people enjoy funny dialogue and getting to bring your favorite guns more than shitty guns and poison gas everywhere
both are good tho
>everyone except you is a monolith
>tfw favorite aspect of OWB was all the underlying horror
I can't play OWB anymore without unironically cringing. It hasn't aged well at all.
HH > LR > DM = OWB
the terminal entries for each area were great, along with the suits with mr skeletals trapped inside
Is this about autistic ways to play New Vegas? I always make sure to go straight from Doc Mitchel, get the room in Novac, skipping Nipton and everything I possibly can until I pick up Veronica. Then I go for the Hidden Bunker and get the power armor unlocked.
I also do the Powder Gangers quest and clear Cottonwood cove before I kill Benny and get the faction rep reset, for all that loot.
He has a nice hat so yeah
>try doing a non independent run
>all this talking and stuff
Did he appear naked for anyone else? I found him just running through the Mojave in his underwear.
Thank you based user, was surprised it took this long for someone to post it.
>played the shit out of F3, F:NV, even played F2
>can't get the same feeling with F4
>try to give a game a second chance
>game won't even launch properly
I will curse Todd
Yep. Aller powder n****** must fucking hang
Are you referring to the shirtless powder ganger outfit?
I let him get killed by radscorpions or eaten alive by geckos.
Seems more painful than a simple bullet...
One time he somehow managed to find a cazador, which I remembered is basically a massive version of a wasp with one of the most painful stings in nature.
So that was fun.
The only good thing about F4 is stomping around in power armor with a ripper. If you're in a place with a lot of feral ghouls you'll actually feel like a space marine
Hmm. Maybe.
delet this
Damn, sauske has been through some shit.
is it me or the very existence of creation club is breaking F4, I mean that as it is fucking up trying to run the damn thing