Tips for new players?
Tips for new players?
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are you new or do you want to start a thread?
I haven't played in a long time, I used to do tutorial courses for new players on the sales
Just bought yesterday and tested it out. Was in Deadlands but completely lost the area by the time I was done. Moved 1 sector over and another new player hopped on the Howitzer and clapped 12 friendlies which is when I stopped for the night
yes, clapped
>Clapped: the act of getting completely and utterly obliterated during times of combat.
>slang for fugly, or extremely unattractive.
Don't go loading yourself up with good equipment if you're just starting out, because odds are you'll die and it'll be lost. Just start yourself with a rifle and one or two extra clips. You'll eventually learn the items and when its worthwhile to carry them (inventory space is limited and you get over-encumbered easily).
Even if you're simply manning the front lines with other randos, don't hesitate to communicate. Communication is key in this game, and other players will respond and cooperate.
Just stopped playing
The new logistics is fun for a clan, but for a single player sucks ass. To get a single vehicle is so much of a hassle, they nerfed the yield of refined mats really hard.
But it's gonna give you moments no other game can give you. I wish the fighting was better.
My friends don't really have time to play right now, is solo play really not that friendly? WHen I played last night, I didn't see very many vehicle factories and getting logi was an ordeal in and of itself
If your wardens hit up 501, 82dk, or RN they can teach you well. Wardens are a mix of a bunch of different nationalities and murkans.
If your a collie SOM is a good group that is consistent. Collies have alot of russian players and murkans.
Use your mic and ask for help or use ALL CHAT on a map. Usually both sides will help you man.
Dont forget there is also GAS , they switch sides every other war. So does odin, but they are mainly sneaky squirrel / intel guys.
The Colonial national guard
And user, dont forget to commend your logi drivers who may save you a super long walk.
Yea Forums group when
also colonials>wardens
colonial marines >>> everything
Based Designer backpack and cool coat faction > collies
>blue niggers living in shitty winter mountains based off baguette making surrender monkeys
ONE is a good warden clan too, fuck ODIN they dont wear their tags and go from discord to discord getting their ears on shit and ruining shit like navy invasions. Also they better change this logi shit next war. Fuel is such bullshit right now.
> Burger boi 101st reinactors that cant aim because of their greasy fingers
> Frumpy green backpack
OP here
I watched a Warden run around Colonial lines lobbing grenades and racking up kills. Took 5 rifles aimed at him to finally get a beat on him
He dropped 16 grenades and nothing else
I feel like that's clever but a real dick move
Sometimes I wish this game was first person.
It would be 1000x times better.
Come and play hell let loose instead.
I can run Squad fine on Medium-Low, is that enough for Hell Let Loose?
Should be plenty, think that HLL has lower requirements than squad too but not certain.
It's faster paced and less autistic in any case.
he is american
I too am on collies but I literally have no one to play with
Honestly we should set up Yea Forums squads and just call them Vards or Vollies, but I donno if Yea Forums plays this game so much.
How does it compare?
I like Foxhole but dislike the "combat" so much.
>mfw when I wrench an abandoned Warden truck in a captured FOB and there a couple stacks of grenades in it
Play under 2 hours and refund.
Foxhole is top down, isn't it?
Hell let loose is a classic fps, hardcore but a bit lighter on the logistics thing.
Not sure I like the new logi
I actually want to discuss it with someone who isn't in the official forums right now
I came back for the War Machine update and the flatbed trucks and containers and everything is super cool as fuck. But then when I'm trying to re learn the logistics I realized that there's so much trouble in getting to ANY vehicle done by yourself. The refined Materials yield is really low for really big requeriments; something like 125 refined mats for 5 armored car pieces (which now must be transported to a motor pool workshop for assembly, that means 5 finalized ACs), but the farm is timecapped by the autofarming components. There's a single farm that, when full of farmed components, it yields something like 700 components, which, they're roughly 35 Refined Mats which, they are produced something along each 30mins.
SO, to get 5 ACs, you need two hours of farming scrap components, and then waiting for them to "cook" for refined mats, which can be another hour and a half it seems. THEN you have the pieces, and you HAUL THEM to a motor pool for assembly. SHITS TOO MUCH.
>It's to prevent spam of the AC things
Well, the combat is only interesting when the big toys roll in. The infantry combat revolves around shooting to the screen corner without feedback or knowing the fuck are you doing. And in the end, makes little difference without dem Armored stuff or siege stuff.
TLDR I THINK IT'S FUCKED unless you're into an autist clan of 4 or 5 people running errands.
autist logi clan member here, don't worry, even with 6-7 people we're struggling to supply basic shit like GS and shirts to regions with no refineries or factories.
we're just switching over to stockpiling for BT at this point, it's just stupid how rare they made rmats and petrol, not to mention advanced ammo factory requirements, holy shit
>Farming mats
>Not waiting for the clans to sleep so you can steal their shit in their forts.
Also they made the refineries communal so you can search on the map which one have the most Rmats and take some.
I just noticed this and feel like this is fucked up. The yields are capped, so doesn't matter if you work in teams or not, it's gonna take a fixed time to get shit done. Also that shit is gonna get blown and squandered in seconds, so i'm wondering if it's any good anyways.
Are you a Warden? what group are you in?
if there's a Yea Forums group of any sort I'll join
Based logi player.
Dont even care what side your on, I agree with everything you've said. BTs are going to like run on orphan tears and constantly be abandoned.
Is collie logi still buttfuck retarded? I remember out of the 40 hours played the only weapons at Collie FOBs were rifles and I had to scavenge better weapons and gas masks from wardens.
I love he'll let loose except the engineers are shit. SHIT!
both sides are retarded. Blueberries got all the shit in the world yet they can't fight for shit and collies end up stealing everything from both sides anyway
Have a bump
I'm going to the meatgrinder right now, let's try something
Still I want to read logi stories, don't want this thread to die
-Don't take more than two clips of ammo
-Don't rush out and die every few seconds
-Don't run in the middle of the god damn road
-Listen to people that are around level 15 and/or above Ocdt and not some sergeant that commend whored himself to power trip
-Try and do resource gathering or logistics with every play session
-Don't ask for shit in world chat unless you're helping on getting that shit made or transported
>logi """"""stories""""""
I have a normal story though
>towards the end of the first war with nukes, collies fukken smashing collies after the jade cove incident and it's just a matter of upgrading the town halls to win
>getting some bmats at farranac to deliver and join the fight at callahans, all of a sudden chat is going crazy about a surprise landing at the spearhead with 2 BTs, we get pushed all the way back to ambrose in a matter of minutes
>quickly join the ragtag militia to fend off the blueberry onslaught, we fend them off at ambrose for a solid 2 in-game days with rifles and AT grenades.
>by the time we get reinforcement and supplies, they already fortified the peninsula and slowly crawl our way back up to spearhead
>blueberries are running low on supplies but we're still having trouble pushing, they have plenty of shirts but not many weapons so at night they would suicide charge us with grenades and even took out one of our BTs.
>after about 5 real life hours we've retaken the spearhead and kicked the blueberry menace off the coast, by the end we had amassed an army of 2 BTs, 2 light tanks, and about 50 infantry
>it was ultimately all for nothing and the war ended a day later.
Is it worth playing?
I dunno if you ever played before the patch, around when they introduced relic vehicles.
We used to run 2 full BTs with guys who'd come online as soon as tanks were done, and we'd always have SOM around, but cruising through Warden megaforts in a line of 6 BTs was some of the most fun I've had, period.
Tell me of the Jade Cove incident, boomer user
who /battlebuilder/ here?
>lugging around 100 bmats buildan and repairan shit
>building cool sandbag forts
>being proud of your sandbag fort being the centerpeice of the defense with like 6 men in it
>watching in horror as a grenade lands in the center of it and kills everyone
I wanna do that, gimme some tips
Wardens nuked their own town and lost all morale lmao
Get a truck, load it up with BMats, save the pushing people with your truck support
Yes, it's the most successful attempt so far to simulate a large-scale war in which every soldier is controlled by a single player
>first war with the nuke update
>wardens were pushing hard and had colonials on the ropes by the mid-point of the war, all seemed lost
>despite this colonials still got the first nuke off and hit a warden special ammunition factory, wardens were set to retaliate
>on farranac coast the wardens had heavily fortified jade cove, it was the center of their operations at farranac and had a special ammunition factory, another nuke launch site was a few minutes above it
>fighting was fierce at jade and while the colonials had gotten close multiple times, they never captured it
>right before the wardens were gonna launch the nuke, colonials attacked jade cove again and were making decent progress
>the warden clan in charge of the nuke panicked and decided to aim the nuke at jade cove despite the protests of LITERALLY every other warden, blue on blue fighting occurred as non-clan wardens rushed the nuke site but were gunned down by the clanners
>by the time the nuke finally launched, the wardens had retaken jade cove. The missile killed dozens of wardens and knocked out their factory, wardens were killing each other all over the place so the colonials went from on the ropes to pretty much having won in the span of a day.
Where the fuck are the anons from earlier saying Wardens are better than Colonials?
It was a betrayal like nothing else
What was the clan named again?
I think it was Warden North Star
It was an ebin troll from a shitter Warden clan. Warden still wins the most wars, so...
>Shotgun still not nerfed
>Leading people to victory as a commander
>No commends at all
Being a commander is super frustrating, COMMEND ME YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS
Also apparently theres a nuke now? Sounds stupid, I signed up for World War 1, and was promised trenches, now we got nukes, boats, shotguns, and dumb shit.
I miss when this game was f2p, every server was full and battles were intense, and the game wasn't struggling for players
Warden here
Wardens have won almost all of the wars, better uniforms and sexier vehicles, but for some reason it seems they suck at combat and there's everytime some collie running commando with a shotgun taking out 4 people or 5 before falling.
Jade Cove was a betrayal and the WNS are to shoot on sight.
>new players?
That game still gets them?
There's a sale right now with the new update
It's everything it should be, done wrong. I guess it's early to tell or the balance still needs some tweaks.
Is there an up to date retard's guide to logistics anywhere? The basic training has no signs or any other indication of what to do, and all the top steam guides are years out of date.
what u wanna know how to do user
Holdfast is more fun and has several varied gamemodes like Pirate battles, Land siege, and line battles but is struggling for players which is sad
I was also there
UEmperor & Cerberus are war criminals and I'm glad they got ostracized out of the game.
>We're sorry there's still no tutorial for the game, but that's what your fellow community members are for.
I'm getting PTSD flashbacks to Planetside, but this is still much more info than what basic training gives. Thanks user.
Real nigga shit part 1
- Stop walking in front of emplacements while defending. You know how many retards get shot by their own AI emplacements? Far too many so don't be one of them. Also, in a related tip...
- Stop fucking building emplacements BEHIND the sandbag walls. What's wrong with you? I know you THINK you are being clever doing staggered defensive lines but that doesn't work when they are both in the same screen, fucko. All you do is block line of sight for our emplacements, risk the AI shooting our own guys AND making it a pain for US to walk around. Seriously, there's far too many retarded engineers walking around, pic related.
- Watch your spacing. It's cliche but it's true. People in groups tend to walk really close together which make it harder to avoid any area attack and defend themselves and this is specially a huge problem with bridge fights. If you are in a bridge assault and the group ain't organized, forget it. Back off and reinforce OUR side of the bridge instead, find some cover or a house to fire from. Why? Because in every single bridge assault there's a dozen guys all blocking each others' firing lines, preventing vehicles from getting through (or worse, preventing them from retreating at critical moments) and since no one ever crouches or goes prone, at best you'll only have a couple guys truly able to fire without shooting others in the back. It's not worth it and it's a massive, embarrassing waste of resources.
- If you are a medic, don't save mongoloids that are in way too risky a position. There's always some dunning kruger posterchild that pushes too far, gets himself downed and then cries for a medic. Let them choke on their own blood. As a medic you are far more valuable stopping the bleeding of other retards who didn't pack bandages and the best way to do that is to patrol your line from a relatively safe distance, only helping those who retreat or are in solid cover.
I would but I don't think my computer can run it
sandbag are cheap and excellent cover, 100-200 bmats is enough to build a minifort of sandbags impervious to small arms fire. bunkers, AT turrets, and walls are more permanent defenses meant to be built after the fighting has moved up.
>dat spacing
I get the feeling they might scale it back a little bit, they NEED to make vehicles easier to get. how are people going to do logi otherwise? the game literally runs on it
What are the numbers on the new mines? How often does an oil well make a crude barrel when on Diesel? and Petrol?
Best ask the playerbase in game. You'll get more info out of them than the underage frognigger users on Yea Forums
Real nigga shit part 2
- Sandbag forts are trash. People love doing these dumb sandbag walls with another sandbag line to use as a "step" but they never work right and any vehicle driving into them ruins them. Just stop wasting everyone's time and use foxholes. Foxholes hidden in vegetation are incredibly powerful as an ambush position.
- Rifle grenades are insanely good. The launchers themselves were actually nerfed this patch, made more expensive, but that's because they are godly. You can use them to hit unsuspecting enemies, hit vehicle crews dumb enough not to retreat far back for repairs, fuck up machineguns, clear bridgeheads... people are far too dumb to use smoke grenades so in the vast majority of cases, it'll be up to someone with a brain to deal with obstacles like those with rifle grenades.
- Radios are super useful and really cheap. If you are hunting enemies or defending any position with retard team mates then give yourself a radio or take the time to build a watch tower yourself. Being able to look at the map and see exactly where the enemy are is huge.
- AC machineguns can destroy other ACs. If you are in an armored car and you know what you are doing ie keeping your turret pointed in the direction where the enemy is most likely to come from, you can easily destroy enemy ACs and be a huge boon for your team during early-mid game. Halftrack machineguns can do this too.
- Shotguns are king during night time but rifles are best for everything else. Revolvers and carbines are good but should be reserved for medics/crews. Submachineguns are inferior to shotguns. Storm rifles are shitty rifles.
>is solo play really not that friendly?
The community is pretty good and you can typically find people to work with or get them to work with you. Trying to do all of logi yourself is tough, but even if you just focus on a single part of the process, you're helping someone else down the line.
Hell, even call for help in the chat if you're trying to get a logi chain going for something critically needed. It works more often than not.
The new fuel situation is fucking retarded. NOBODY is stocking petrol, it's all diesel. Either nobody understands you need both or nobody is realizing how difficult it really is to get petrol. The fuel split should have never happened. A majority of vehicles should be diesel anyways. Trucks, ACs, tanks, half tracks and flat beds are all diesel vehicles. The fuel is much more efficient for a heavy load vehicle. It doesn't make any sense that there's such a split. The devs are focusing too much on realism and not enough on gameplay.
>building up stocks when there's barely any tanks
I only ran logi transporting infantry supplies to fobs, how bad is the situation in production?
Yea Forums group when bros
>Revolvers and carbines are good but should be reserved for medics/crews.
You clearly never ran into Nemesis.
good thing I'm an infantrychad that doesn't need to worry about dumb shit like that :^)
No one cares about your superstar wannabes, faggot. Point is, they need the weight capacity for other shit. You, BootFuck McSoldier, has no reason not to carry another weapon.
>Armored Cars? Nobody uses those lol
>Why would I prepare for halftracks?
You mean your faggot """"eceleb"""" streamer?
Why does 1 can of fuel weigh most of my inventory
that's 100 liters of diesel
this game needs a mandatory two hour tutorial. Prove me wrong, You can't.
I dunno how it is on the wardies side, but at the colonial home base there is always a clan helping new people out
That's all useless basics and I very much doubt they show people how to build good emplacements or how not to fight like a dumbass.
/foxg/ when?
Mordhau + Foxhole
It would be epic
There was one but user is too autistic to play games like this. It was soon filled with people shitposting or posting screenshots of weak points in their own faction's defenses.
Maybe bump it up to 4-5 hours just to be safe.
t. former NC planetman, Planetside 2 is going on 7 years without a functional tutorial
>7 years
it feels longer than that somehow
It probably does, considering the gameplay's been completely stagnant for most of that time. What's a content update? I've never seen one of those before in my life.
>mandatory tutorial
>not just throwing new recruits to the deep end
t. scrubs
>I LIKE when retards play poorly
I bet you feel right at home
>Why don't recruits just KNOW how to play?????
Wonder what happened with this autist?
People kept sperging when anyone posted a screenshot of map defenses as though they were leaking super sekret shit.
It's useless but it's tiresome when everyone is trying to be the ebin super spy for lulz