So Im playing MMX5 and what was the deal with the W in the background of the zero fight? I have heard theories about Dr. Wily creating the sigma virus and wanting to make destruction in the future X will wake up in. But its hard for me to see Dr. Wily do this cause I see the classic series as like a saturday morning cartoon and I don't see Wily as being TRULY evil. THouhts?
Megaman Thread
Supposedly, the canon explanation is that Wily only made Zero to destroy X, but something went wrong and he accidentally left a virus in him that caused all the disaster which followed.
Yea I don't see Wily wanting to outright kill Dr. Light or anyone else really. Just kind of prove himself and rule the world.
Almost beat X5, how is X6, X7, and X8?
Not a good stretch of games.
X6 is the same formula but horrendously mechanically flawed.
X7 was a bad, 3D mistake.
X8 is solid, but you probably won't make it that far, and its not worth suffering through 6 and 7 for unless you specifically want to form your own opinions.
Shit really? I love the PS1 pixel graphics 4 and 5 have. 6 is the last to do that so I hope its better than 7 or 8. I heard 8 is pretty good.
It stands for Wario.
Is they make 10 X games, the 10th should be called Megaman X X
Why is this game so meta?
there are 12 X games already
What are the BN games like?
As far as I can remember, Dr. Wily created Zero as not only the ultimate robot to fight Megaman, but also to fight against Dr. Light's creations in a world populated by Light's creations. Zero's body is the physical manifestation of that, but the Wily virus is an extension to wreak havoc in the same way he used to take Light's robots and reprogram them to fight for him (Particularly in MM1 and MM6).
Within Zero, the virus serves to optimize his functions and grant continuous improvement, which is why he grows stronger with it "infecting" more of his systems. Reploids, being created based off of the dormant Megaman X design, are all derivatives of Dr. Light's work, and thus the virus causes them to run amok when exposed to it. He doesn't actually care about the destruction he causes because of it, merely making it as a way to prove the superiority of his work over Light's.
And looking at the entire X series, I would say he was amazingly successful, with the exception of his physical robot being completely unaware of his purpose or design. Even so, the fact that Zero exists means that he carries the virus, so as long as he survives, the Wily virus will continue to disseminate and infect everything. The only way to remedy this situation would be to decommission every Reploid (Which are all self-aware and would see it as equivilant to genocide) after destroying Zero and rebuilding them with completely new systems to ensure the virus no longer remains or reverse engineering Zero's designs and making all reploids based off of Wily's designs, which are immune to the virus.
I would like to get hold of the SNES non-X Mega Man games.
Also, this was priceless. It is not truly incest since they are robots and are only related because they were built by the same scientist.
I wonder about the logistics about reploids being sexual.
How many times did Zero canonically die during the X series? Two times?
So wily never intended to actually cause hundreds of years of death and warfare? just to give the middle finger to light
>I don't see Wily as being TRULY evil.
Did you miss all those intros from the classic series where Wily's bots start bombing cities?
He sure as fuck has killed a ton of people. The guy's a one man 9/11.
It was simply collateral damage. Wily's entire thing stemmed from him wanting to one up Dr. Light, even world domination was simply an extension of that. The entire Megaman series is predicated on nerd duel between two scientists.
Even said as much in the crossover; he values Light's humiliation over death unquestionably