I get it: it isn't perfect. And no game is! but if you look past the flaws, you'll find balance, peace, and a moving experience.
I get it: it isn't perfect. And no game is! but if you look past the flaws, you'll find balance, peace...
Other urls found in this thread:
you'll also find a korok seed
Playing this handheld and laying in bed is the epitome of cozy
I dont get it , you dont even need to play the game to pass it. You can skip most of the dungeon and just fight ganon right of the bat.Were is the game it only feels like a empty world with side quest wind waker and twilight princess were good but not great but at lleast the is content you need tto progress organicly in the game to fight a epic battle against boss here there is no goal , no soul this not a zelda game .Its a mockery and a souless cash grab.
perfection is just a matter of perspective.
Still the best trailer for any game ever in terms of actually showing you what the game is about.
Graphics shown are indicative of gameplay.
Gameplay is indicative of how the game actually plays.
Even if you don't like the game, this is the definition of advertisement.
Agreed. Everything in this is 'in engine' and are all places you can go in the actual game. A rare example of honest advertising
I like the E3 2016 trailer way better than the more popular Switch January Direct 2017 trailer, so good choice user
this....hours fucking fly by, i love the stupid game
>I get it: it isn't perfect. And no game is! but if you look past the flaws, you'll find balance, peace, and a moving experience.
But, that just as easily describes staring at the Microsoft XP desktop for one-hundred hours.
Not bashing the game though; it's the best this decade outside of a few jank-core titles, like Warband, and maybe Dark Souls.
How is the game "moving"? It is good, but moving in what sense?
probably the only decent open world game there is.
could've been perfect with dungeons
>Trying something different is a cash grab
So stupid. That means sekiro,paper Mario ,Pokemon mystery dungeon, etc.. were all cash grabs. Go play your N64 while your bull fucks your GF .
Nier Automata
>You can skip most of the dungeon and just fight ganon right of the bat.
i mean if you can actually speed run 3-heart Ganon i respect your skill but if not feel free to give it a try
>nier automata
kek whatever you say mate
anons wtf do you do aside from main story
barfy weeb shit kys
Definitely the least "moving" game in the franchise. Probably in the whole year it came out too
It's great because it's one of the only worthwhile games on the switch
Music + vistas
Reddit formatting
Play the game
The dungeons are shit. Arguably the worst in any Zelda game. And the shrines are hit or miss.
But the overworld is the best of any Zelda game and it's overall the best Zelda game in general.
but how?
literally nothing to do aside from mundane shrines, finding them is kinda cool though.
Also cant/shouldnt really fight enemies bc weapons break
again wtf is there for me to do aside from take pictures with the camera?
The greatest irony in people who criticize BOTW lies in the fact that they forget what makes games good. You don’t need progression that comes as clear as day in the form of items. You don’t need dopamine rushes that come from items that boosts your stats marginally to act as some motivation to play the game. You play Breath of the Wild because it is fun by design. You’re curious to see what challenge that shrine has to offer. You wonder if your inferred method of approach will work. You see something off that catches your eye. No I didn’t need another 347th Korok seed, but finding it and solving the nifty puzzle made me interested enough to solve it and enjoy it.
You don’t need an obvious reward or dopamine induced mechanic to make a game good. So many modern games may require that, but that wasn’t always the way it was. BotW is a great game because you can approach it however you desire. It is just fun by design. And I really pity people who can’t see it that way.
There are some neat side quests. But the best way to pl;ay the game is just wander around until you find something interesting
There are alot weapons later in the game just upgrade your slots and you will never feel like running out of them
Exactly this.There is always something that comes up to you as you travel curiously around the land which makes the game feel very organic and fun.Possibly the best game that gave me the sense of adventuring in a vast journey.
Wandering around, fighting enemies, taking pictures, finishing side quests, finding all the shrines, enjoying the scenery, enjoying the music. Ya know, playing the game
I like to ride the horse aimlessly doing any nearby side quests when I feel the urge
But it's... not. It's the definition of "Go anywhere, everywhere's the same". The game reuses so much content, particularly enemies, that it's more convenient and more importantly less repetitive to simply ignore it, and when you do that you start focusing on bigger shortcomings like how many times they copy pasted the combat shrines, or how many times they copy pasted the korok puzzles, or how fucking ugly the world manages to look. If you wanna see open world design that leads back into itself, look at New Vegas' Legend of the Star.
the game is littered with sidequests, seed puzzles, shrines, ruins explore, places to climb, armor to find...just fucking go where you think you might find something, and you probably will
I genuinely don't understand how people can love a Zelda game with no dungeons.
>it's good because I say it's good
stop trying so hard user, go play God of War 2018 (funny how LITERALLY EVERYBODY forgot this game existed while BotW gets daily threads) or one of the many other walking sims on your obvious console of choice
There's at least 6 dungeons tho.
The shrines are the dungeons
>If you look past the games issues, there aren't really any issues!
If the Witcher 3 is going to get shit on for its arguably bad combat, breath of the wild is also getting fucking shit on. At least the witcher has an interesting story and the main character being a Witcher to excuse its baby puzzles
I need more BotW2 info bros
Don't worry about your weapons breaking though. The enemies will drop weapons. If they don't drop good weapons then go looking for enemies which do. Try and get all the towers (they are some of the most entertaining combat puzzles in the game). So on.
>if you look past the lack of balance
>youll find balance
i love the game but you just sound silly OP
Nintendo can do no wrong.
Its no doubt a zoomer game. Zelda just isn't Zelda anymore.
Why do people keep shipping these two when its obvious the game wants him to marry the fish?
the four champs are dead
What fucking irritates me is how lame link is.
they made him so gay and effeminate is unbelievable, like i get he wasnt the most manly before but this is just ridiculous.
I miss 90s anime OoT Link.
Also the music in this game is like they are smashing random keys on a casio.
The only really good thing is that is has a level of interaction between player and enviroment that is pretty much unrivaled now. and hopefully this will be a standard for future open world games.
Everything else? pretty fucking meh if you ask me.
Doesn't feel like a zelda desu. I beat it once and got all shrines. Now i'm sick of it every time I pick it up. I can pick up and replay any other zelda game and it feels like a new journey. The narrative and sense of progress is gone, it's just wandering around a really cool world getting collectibles.
Zelda is the main love interest of Breath of the Wild
Inb4 the brainlet faggot who thinks oot grottos are dungeons shows up
i played through maybe half way through this game and then forgot abut it. now i wanna go back and play it but idk what the fuck ive passed in the story. should i just start over?
Wait for real? Like, you're really saying oot's dungeons weren't dungeons?
I fear that you are looking at game mechanics as a means to reach the end credits rather than enjoying the journey. People mention that there is no reason to fight enemy camps; but that’s fine by me, it certainly didn’t stop me from doing so anyway. I would wipe out enemy camps just to see the many different methods I could achieve that goal. Can I smash them with tree trunks from a mile away? Can I finally have the patience to succeed in undetected melee stealth? Blow them all in water with a leaf?
It’s not a matter of “do I need to” it’s a matter of just enjoying your time playing it in different ways. But maybe that type of game isn’t for everyone.
>muh diversity
retard. idea diversity from dungeon to dungeon makes everything feel bigger and more interesting
There is no such thing as a good open world game with level scaling.
This and it was BOTW's biggest problem. The first few hours are really fun and even challenging, but you get to a point a few dozen hours in where everything is a breeze. Replay value is pretty poor too.
One of the things I hope they improve in the sequel for sure.
You know people on Yea Forums don't play games to have fun, user. Especially not something critically acclaimed. Like how Yea Forums loves clunky eurojank until Witcher 3 comes out as a game of the decade tier experience, then suddenly "the combat is bad!"
I'm not saying it's bad, and I don't agree with anyone who calls it "Ubishit". I should know, I played the game for 50 hours.
With that said, as a paying customer who genuinely gave the game a chance, am I not allowed to share some of my criticisms regarding the game? Am i not allowed to imply that other games were just better? The main argument I hear in these threads is that it does everything better than Ass Creed and Red Dead REdemption and Far Cry, and that's fine. Those are soulless AAA cash grabs, of course someone can do better. However, I think you're missing several great games from smaller developers who outshined Zelda in every possible way.
>I think you're missing several great games from smaller developers who outshined Zelda in every possible way.
such as?
>am I not allowed to share some of my criticisms regarding the game?
You are and you can, but just make sure you're not shitposting the same tired meme criticisms that get disproven in every thread. BotW isn't perfect, and it's a damn shame that its actual flaws get overlooked because some retard telling lies about the game wants to fish for his (You)s instead.
Honestly the only reason BotW gets so much praise is because it was the first open world experience for Nintendo fans. I mean think about it, PS3 and Xbox players have been getting open world games for over a decade but for Nintendo, BotW was the first big one. The only other one I think of was Xenoblade X but that's a really niche game.
I found that there is a very unique emotion as you travel this large world alone and you collect bits and pieces of memories that never quite tell the full story. All this while you are guided by the girl who unintentionally destroyed millions of lives because she set up barriers for the men that wanted to protect her, yet wanted to help her unleash her truest power. Its a fascinating story of a goddess that essentially dabbles in unbelief and yes even atheism. And she pays the price for her arrogance.
So yeah. This is what got me. The contrast of the story and the atmosphere is kind of indescribable. I dont think i did a very good job of descriving it but hopefully u get it.
It wasn't anywhere close to my first open world and it's one of my favorite games, so that can't be it.
Good Lord. Another obvious example of someone who hasn’t played the game.
>You are and you can, but just make sure you're not shitposting the same tired meme criticisms that get disproven in every thread.
This makes me sound like you're being dishonest. I've seen every single criticism of the game get handwaved away as "jealous snoy trannies lying about the game." It feels like the fans don't want discussion. They just want a hugbox without anyone disagreeing.
I love how you can tag things to explore straight from the binoculars and it always works perfectly with elevation. It's just so convenient and it stops me from either getting distracted by every weird rock or saying I'll come back later and never finding it.
Please tell me you're just pretending to be retarded and that you're not actually implying that the hundreds of endorsements, awards, and perfect reviews from a wide range of dozens of game companies, reviewers, etc, are all because they've never played an open world game before.
I think it did open world more engaging and fun that is why people like it.Despite copying pasting monsters and puzzles it felt more exciting and groundbreaking thanks to its core gameplay being fleshed out.
I'd love to share it, but I can tell you right now that if i post its name, it'll get called shit and I'll be called a faggot for liking it.
Should I still post it?
What? I made some conjecture but I didn't say anything factually incorrect, just my theory. And I have over 150 hours in BotW so don't be so defensive and assume everyone who has something negative to say about it has never played it.
>hundreds of endorsements, awards, and perfect reviews from a wide range of dozens of game companies, reviewers, etc
These same stupid assholes love games like Gone Home and Uncharted, so I couldn't give a flying rat's ass about them. I'd be far more willing to listen to a fan of the game that can articulate why they like it, without being a shit flinging console war fanboy.
Don't be a pussy
You should put a bullet through your head
Alright, if you insist.
Reviews and scores are literally worthless though. Literally just part of marketing.
If you put that many hours into the game and honestly can’t see why it stands out so much from the other “open world” games, then you honestly aren’t even worth debating.
>This makes me sound like you're being dishonest.
The fact that this was your immediate retort after I told you that you CAN criticize it is exactly what proves you're just another shitposter who isn't capable of posting honest critique. Also, stop with the obnoxious pity card; you're not a victim, quit being a little bitch and defend your criticisms if you have them.
One of the only worthwhile indie games
>best dungeon wasn’t even a dungeon
That game is shit, you faggot.
It's not like people just own one console and nothing else. At the very least everyone has a PC.
why are you in every damn thread holy crap. Terraria is a great game, but it has nothing to do with BotW. It isn't even in the same genre
>add in a reward for exploration besides korok seeds and spirit orbs
>let you access the divine beasts without going through a very specific story entrance, let me springboard my way into the elephant
>like 2 more moves per weapon class
>add a dodge roll
Every fucking time. Go play a new video game, bro
lmao this game is shit and everything is a reskin with shallow combat and exploration.
the very first zelda game was open world ya pleb
>angry at link for being hot in this one, as he has been before and how he should always be
Fuck a triangle if you like his polygons from the 64 so much.
>angry at the music, which is one of the games greatest strengths
It's meant to be minimal. It blends into the noise of the world and accents the things you see and do.
the journey is repetitive thoug, there's so much of the same shit and so much stuff you've already done ten times over.
It starts to become less of a journey and more of a chore, which is what many people have a problem with
>With that said, as a paying customer who genuinely gave the game a chance, am I not allowed to share some of my criticisms regarding the game?
You sound fragile as fuck right now, honestly.
>You’re curious to see what challenge that shrine has to offer
I was curious, but then I found that they offered no challenge
I didn't give a rat's ass about Zelda but I felt BotW Link was a very compelling character. I actually wanted to learn more about him and his friends from the past.
I actually find Zelda annoying so I'm concerned she'll weigh down BotW2.
To people saying the world felt empty, I really want to know what open world games you're playing that are "not empty" and what that entails. Though if you mean "open worlds are inherently empty feeling and I prefer a game like Majora's Mask" I could understand.
Something like Just Cause 3 or anything by Rockstar is an example of an actual dismally empty open world game.
Damn, from your posting style I fucking knew that's what you were gonna post. Fuck off, Doug.
You asked for a game series that I thought was just as good, and I gave it to you. If you think it's so shit, why not come up with some criticisms as to why?
>quit being a little bitch and defend your criticisms if you have them.
Fine, but watch as you discard every single one.
>the 30 FPS that constantly drops to 20. This shouldn't even be an issue when the switch is docked
>having zero cooldowns on food, which means fights have no weight behind them since you can instantly spam food
>being able to freeze time during combat also makes enemies too easy to beat
>having limited weapon inventory space, while having an unlimited around of item space. The two conflict with eachother and don't honestly make any sense
>charging 20 bucks for a basic functionality such as hard mode, when OTHER games can include a hard mode for free
>game actively punishes completionists by filling the world with too many items that don't have use, aka 600 korok seeds that don't have any use whatsoever
>shrines that often fall into repetition, such as combat shrines. 20 of them for example have almost no change other than the HP of the guardian within
>fast travel makes exploration null, since it means you don't have to plan routes or explore or anything. IMO this should've been restricted to shiekah towers
>bosses like the blights, lynels, moduga (however the hell you spell his name) hinoxes and even ganon himself are too easy and don't scale up with your skill level (I swear, Hinoxes don't even think to cover their eyes until they're down to their last sliver of health)
>shiekah slate abilities should be restricted and not work on enemies, since timestop can make a fool of any enemy. Even endgame lynels can be humiliated with the second of time it freezes them
>enemy variety is honestly poor, and too many of them follow similar routines.
>To people saying the world felt empty, I really want to know what open world games you're playing that are "not empty" and what that entails.
see When I go exploring, I find something worthwhile every single time. even if it's an accessory I already have, I can sell that for money. Try selling a korok seed after you have no more need for them.
You know whats funny?
I finished the game a while back. Thinking that I was done with the game, but then I was told by a friend that there were masks you could get with special properties that I didnt even know existed. Now my goal is to find the masks.
>If you think it's so shit
I was the fourth user you responded to, I don't think Terraria is shit at all., I'm just baffled over why you're always in these BotW threads seemingly every day. Are you actually this obsessed?
Link to the past oot and windwaker have great dungeon and feel like a complete different games when you play breath of the wild.
>there's so much of the same shit and so much stuff you've already done ten times over.
Most shrines aren't even the same so this is wrong by default.
oops meant third user
Climbing tower , repetitive sidequest bland npc .Is this bait?
Either that or predictable and boring. Though some shrines do become samey after a while
Actual dungeon ...
Look at this extrinsic fucker. This game isn't in your nature, go play something else.
Why am I in these threads? Because after playing the game, I'd love to talk about it. I just think it could learn alot from a game I enjoyed to hell and back. Sure you can argue that "oh they're not the same genre". That doesn't mean they can't learn from eachother. That's like saying
>oh, Uncharted can't learn anything from Mario!
Which is an untrue statement. Uncharted could learn how to better manage its assets and processing power to achieve a more stable framerate, even if it comes at the cost of graphics. Mario does this just fine by utilizing a stylized artstyle.
I think most BotW fans agree with most of those points but they're relatively nitpicky compared to the substance of the game, aside from the shit framerate and lazily designed shrines.
The shrines started feeling like one of those "100 games in 1 system!" toys you might get as a kid only to find out 99 of them are variations on Space Invaders and the 100th is Tetris. If you're basing most of the game around the shrines at least make them cool or more varied visually.
Still would put it in my Top 10 but I'm hoping it would eventually be replaced by something that does everything BotW does and then some.
>predictable and boring
I disagree. I thought most of the puzzles were way more clever and better designed than the average Zelda puzzle from past titles, even if they were still on the easy side.
>I think most BotW fans agree with most of those points
>Try selling a korok seed after you have no more need for them
At that point the reward is finding the Korok. The average player is not going to find enough Koroks to render the seeds useless.
honestly I think you have an unhealthy obsession with both Terraria and BotW, it's actually quite creepy
The reason weapons break so easily is to encourage you to use your runes in creative ways to interact with the environment. Like spreading fires, launching projectiles, setting off explosions, even summoning lightning. Combat is a lot more than just swinging your sword around in this game. Brainlets just can't comprehend this.
only a handful of the shrines really make you think
Most shrines are either easy and repeat the same thing (combat shrines and blessings).
>thinking you can call others autistic
>Fine, but watch as you discard every single one.
I actually don't disagree with some of those, although I do feel that they're nitpicks. My point was that there's still a lot of shitposting and lies about this particular game, which you took offense to for no apparent reason. I'm just telling you not to be so sensitive about it. If you have critiques, post them and discuss/debate accordingly.
>The reason weapons break so easily is to encourage you to use your runes in creative ways to interact with the environment. Like spreading fires, launching projectiles, setting off explosions, even summoning lightning
There aren't any runes that can summon lighting or create a fire you dipshit BoTW fanboy.
I fucking love this game. Just got to the second village. It’s my favorite game since The Witcher 3.
Say what you will about this game, I can't think of another open-world title that feels as integrated with the player character as BOTW does. Like, just being IN the game is fun.
They were easy, yes. I just said that. They're still an improvement.
>At that point the reward is finding the Korok.
But what do I get as a reward for filling his puzzle? I didn't even try getting all of them my first time around, and I already maxed out my inventory. Only after I looked up online what you get for getting all of them, did I feel stupid for completing more puzzles. Tell me right now why I couldn't sell the korok seeds, or trade them for something useful.
I can't enjoy video games now? Gee, I'm so sorry I'm not playing a movie like Uncharted that has "artistic value".
>bombs quickly deal so little damage they aren't worth using
>physics damage quickly deals so little damage that magnesis isn't worth using
>knocking enemies over cliffs just makes looting them a pain
>fire isn't awlays available and doesn't really do that much damage to middle tier enemies
>lightning is an inconsisent gimmick that isn't all too effective anyways
God I hate BoTW
>If you have critiques, post them and discuss/debate accordingly.
>he says while multiple posts always come up, calling me a "nitpicking snoy tranny" among other insults
How am I supposed to debate that kind of crap? Why am I supposed to be the only sensible one, while everyone else gets free reign to shitpost my honest criticisms?
it improves very little, the shrines are monotonous and repetitive which makes the game feels like its empty especially when shrines are the bulk of the game
>I can't enjoy video games now?
obsessively posting about the same games over and over and over again almost daily is not what enjoying videogames entails.
>"obsessively posting about the same games over and over and over again almost daily is not enjoying video games"
>he says while browsing Yea Forums
Not him but we've had BoTW for 2 fucking years straight you can't only be saying this shit now
>There aren't any runes that can summon lighting or create a fire you dipshit BoTW fanboy.
I didn't say that. I said you can use them to interact with the environment, niggerface. For example, you can launch metal items to the enemy during a thunderstorm to attract lightning which can also cause fire. You can then spread the fire through many different other items. I don't know why I'm even wasting my time trying to explain this to someone who clearly hasn't played the game.
>always find new things to enjoy in Terraria
>have tons of brainstorms of how these things can be implemented into Zelda
>both games have major content updates/sequels on the horizon
>try to talk about these games
Being able to sell Korok seeds wouldn't make them more interesting. Then you'd have the ALBW problem where every hidden dungeon just had rupees as a reward.
You're compared a Zelda game to a fucking grinding-focused 2D Minecraft clone.
Shrine puzzles are, in fact, less monotonous and more varied than we've seen from this series. Dunno why it felt empty to you, but it felt like actual content to me.
>especially when shrines are the bulk of the game
The bulk of the map is:
Shrine quests (environmental puzzles outside of shrines)
Enemies and encampments
Korok puzzles
Resource gathering, including hunting
Navigational challenges such as climate hazards, climbing puzzles, horse taming, etc.
Other scattered secrets to find
Plenty of activities as far as I'm concerned.
The six main dungeons each have different music though. Hyrule Castle's music is some of the best dungeon music in the series.
>I didn't say that.
You implied it retard. When you say shit like "you can runes in creative ways" and then immediately post shit like "spreading fires and summoning lighting" in the following sentence you make it sound as if you can specifically do those things with the runes.
You didn't go into detail after I called you out on it you flaming faggot
Play the fucking game, I think I'm like 60+ hours into the game and I have like 4 memories or some shit lmfao.
The only shrines that could be said to be monotonous or repetitive mechanically are the combat shrines. The other 85% of the shrines are completely unique challenges or are just rewards for unique challenges in the environment, sharing only their aesthetic (which I would agree could've been more varied).
Here we go gain with the self-pity and victimization. I can quite blatantly tell you're ACfag, but I think you need to grow a spine.
>intentionally glossing over the fact that you do this every fucking day, usually repeating yourself
Lol cherry picking dumb shit. The world in BotW is full of soul you cuck.
And a shit open world meme that they'll waste next ten years of Zelda on.
>Then you'd have the ALBW problem where every hidden dungeon just had rupees as a reward.
Then give them another use. Perhaps a piece of clothing from the korok wood. The game isn't shy of references to other games, like the hero's tunic and majora's mask, so why not take that opportunity? It could even be cosmetic, if you dont want to require a major piece of game content locked behind the equivalent of grinding. But it would still incentivize people to want to continue finding koroks. it's not fair to punish completitionists because they play a game differently from you. their enjoyment is just as valid, and Zelda has no right to spit on them with a golden turd.
>You're compared a Zelda game to a fucking grinding-focused 2D Minecraft clone.
Grinding? Cripes user, you have to be kidding. The game basically gives you every tool to progress. It's on you to learn them.
>that same assblasted OoT nostalgiafag in every thread
Don't you get tired of posting the same image over and over? Don't you get tired of getting triggered by that guy who rightfully compared shrines to grottos, since they are?
>Here we go gain with the self-pity and victimization.
I'm guessing you didn't see the image hereThis is considered fine to you? But someone taking offense to it is wrong?
>source: dude trust me
Not my fault you're a dumb gorilla that can't read.
Lmao this kind of thinking on Yea Forums (especially in fucking 2019) is ridiculous. The only people who only ever experience just one platform are poor people and children so which one are you pathetic poster?
I've had every console and a PC since 1996 and my favorite games were mmo's in the early 2000's. BotW is not my first open world but it definitely gave you freedom like no other "open world" has.
Lmao, bruh... those examples weren't even REPLYING to you, yet you got offended by them. Thanks for proving my point, you sensitive cuck.
easy and boring. can be repetitive
>Shrine quests (environmental puzzles outside of shrines)
Pretty cool actually
>Enemies and encampments and resource gathering
Literally every open world game does this, it's not really that unique in terms of the genre and isn't something that should be notable in terms of what content the game has
they're just fetch quests usually nothing interesting
>Navigational challenges such as climate hazards, climbing puzzles, horse taming, etc.
A pain in the ass
you just cant construct a proper fucking sentence. kys retard
dude people recognize you in these threads because of your obsession with terraria, you seem to be here everyday, without fail any thread critical about botw you're here to suck terraria's dick for the billionth time.
I can say that at least 100 of those images were used during discussions I had with BOTW fans. I've yet to find even one fan who actually took my criticisms in stride and didn't blindly attack me. And that doesn't mean "you have to agree with me". I'd just like a back and forth conversation without a console wojak or a shitpost image, or metacritic scores. Is that so hard to ask for? Look, in this very thread I haven't called any of you insulting names, I'm not swearing like a child who needs to validate themselves by looking mature, I haven't used the term "ubishit" or "shitch" or any other console war term. I am doing my upmost to deliver a reasonable set of posts to outline my criticisms of Zelda. and what better way than to recommend things that I'd like to see from it, things I see from my favorite game of the generation? IS this so deserving of a witch hunt?
Again, I disagree. I don't think most of the shrines are boring at all save for the combat ones, I never claimed enemy camps and resources were unique to Zelda (although BotW does go about these activities in fun ways with its chemistry systems and experimentation), I do think there are *some* good sidequests in the game, and I greatly enjoyed how navigation itself felt like a puzzle at times.
I'm glad you agree with me on shrine quests though. There should be more of those in BotW2.
Yes, I do like Terraria, but don't I try and encourage good discussion? would you rather I fall into the shitposting dichotomy and start throwing console wojaks around? Is that what you want? Or do you perhaps want a highly regulated circlejerk with no dissent whatsoever, like this was r*ddit or something?
>I've yet to find even one fan who actually took my criticisms in stride and didn't blindly attack me
does not count?
they seem to agree with you and aren't attacking you. Are you sure you're not just ignoring instances where anons are reasonable, and only remember the anons that were hostile and/or shitposting?
Get help, Doug Harris. Your behavior isn't normal.
he is asking you why are you fucking here, you autistic fuck
do something with your life
>does not count?
Considering that he discarded the majority of the comments as nitpicky, it's kind of hard to take him seriously. And of course, if we take ratios into account, that's one post out of the other 150. And with gems like these It's kind of hard to find any merit in the BOTW fandom.
Dont have a switch, but I do enjoy adventure games. So if I look for a adventure game with combat systems in similar vein as Zelda, Dark Souls, Dragons Dogma etc
Is there anything decent out there?
saying something is nitpicky isn't discarding I don't think
They hated jesus because he told them the truth.
>but don't I try and encourage good discussion?
no, and it's sad if you genuinely believe that you are. All you do is whine if people don't 100% agree with your opinions, as if your viewpoint is objective fact.
>nintencels seething from getting blown the fuck out by a based terraria fan
How absolutely embarrassing. No wonder nintendotrannies are a laughing stock on Yea Forums.
Nobody's discarding anything you say. Nobody's even attacking you, dude. You've got to have a mental disability at this point, there's just no other explanation.
nice try doug
Doug, stop. Just stop, man. This isn't good for your mental health. Think about your priorities in life.
It's okay Brad. Stop talking to your imaginary friend Doug. Take your meds, schizo
BOTW looks like a soulless chink mobile game though, even the music isn't much better.
every time I hear that term, it's always followed up by a barrage of shitposting images and the number 97. So I'm always on my toes, ready for that inevitability.
>All you do is whine if people don't 100% agree with your opinions
Whine? I'm simply very passionate about games that I enjoy. Infact, I'd say it's very respectful to Zelda if I'm comparing it to a game that I hold in such high regard that I have quadruple digits in how much playtime I've put into it. If someone was shitposting or didn't care, they'd compare it to a bad game and start calling people trannies and nincels and all sorts of colorful, yet tasteless names.
For example, while I appreciate this guy's enthusiasm, I can't support the namecalling. We have enough threads crying about politics, we don't need to drag that into the thread.
cool but stop trying to tell me my game is shit and bringing this one up all the time instead
>For example, while I appreciate this guy's enthusiasm
That guy is you though.
nice victim complex. I still don't know why you come to these threads every fucking day and I've never got a reasonable answer
That's easily disproven if you go by this thread alone. Criticisms of the combat and shrines are met with insults like "haha you're such a stupid brainlet". And like I said before, previous threads got you called either a snoy tranny, or an incel, or you just got told to dilate. Now I won't deny that people did shitpost Zelda, and even if it was in retaliation for shitposting by BOTW fans, I don't support them, nor do I condone them. No amount of shitposting justifies counter-shitposting, otherwise we all end up wallowing in shit. I just want genuine, respectful discussion.
>tfw you lived to see a game blow this board the fuck out so much it made one poster in particular go permanently insane
I would never use "nintendotranny" even ironically. And Nintendocel? Come on, I already listed a shortened version of that term, why go the long way?
>I still don't know why you come to these threads every fucking day
i don't come in every day, but when i do, it's to discuss Zelda.
your tunnel vision is focused on the few shitposts when there have been anons that agreed with your points. Let's be honest, you don't care if people agree with you, you just want to cause an argument with shitposters.
oh my god, you are so right, do you hear that? You ignore the bad parts of games then they will be good! Because all you have left are the good parts. Look on the bright side, how come no one else is doing this? Holy shit literally every game in existence is a 10/10, this is revolutionary. I'm going to replay ninja bread man.
>i don't come in every day, but when i do, it's to discuss Zelda.
it's been 2 years user, there's nothing left to discuss at all. Everyone's had the time to form their opinions on this game and have settled with their stance on the matter, including yourself. All that happens in these threads now is people repeating the same tired arguments over and over - your posts are only begging for yet another worthless debate amongst people that already have their opinions set in stone by now (including yourself)
games that you enjoy are generally enjoyed because you like them in spite of their flaws, since no game is truly flawless.
Hey, no game is perfect. So what if the combat is worse than zelda games from 20 years ago? No game is perfect.
>and a moving experience
or another flashback instead of anything interesting happening
>the combat is worse than zelda games from 20 years ago
>I just want genuine, respectful discussion.
If you wanted that, you would be having one. It's not like there haven't been multiple posters here willing to have one with you, you're just either too dishonest or too retarded to see it.
Hey, no opinion is perfect.
Sometimes a game is so good that you can ignore the bad parts and still enjoy the game. Shocking news, I know.
FEW shitposts? user, how many threads have we seen where it's nothing but people jerking off the metacritic scores, posting smug zelda shitposts, posting angry console wojaks, and stirring up fanboyism? A reasonable post should be the norm, not the exception.
>it's been 2 years user, there's nothing left to discuss at all
I beg to differ, especially with the sequel on the way. And considering that Terraria is getting its last, but extremely major, content update, that's all the more stuff that I think could influence BOTW2. Imagine a legit golf minigame, or a grave biome, or being able to fish during a blood moon. If Terraria can do all these things, imagine how fun it would be if Zelda tried its hand at it. Just thinking of the possibilities excites me. Infact, thinking on it, did BOTW even have a fishing mechanic? Granted, I won't exclude being able to jump into the water and grab the fish, but being able to park your butt near a fishing hole and just enjoy a little fishing would be great for those fans who like comfy things, while opening up a new venue for resources or progression. Imagine using a fishing rod in battle. Terraria has an entire mod around this concept, and it's really damn fun. And I know Zelda has plenty of worm bosses like Moldorm. Imagine that. That would be 10/10 kinography right there.
Then allow me to show off a few recommendations and cool ideas I'd love to see the Zelda team go into, as outlined here.
based, if i ignore all the bad parts out of your post i can give it a 100/100 on metacritic.
Anyone else think normal mode > Master mode?
I've beat the game on both difficulties and as someone that generally likes a challenge, Master mode is just not designed well for the game. Enemies are even more ridiculous damage sponges with regeneration in a game where every weapon breaks. Enemy placement is now Dark Souls II: SOTFS tier. You're actively discouraged from engaging enemies, not because it's too difficult, but because it's not worth the loss in weapons. Normal mode is a better balance.
97, no post is perfect user
I just want the bike ;(
Sounds like it'd be a chore to get through
I played 5 minutes of master mode and immediately dropped it. Thank god I was emulating, i'd be pissed if I spent money on that.
>starting bokoblin took an insane amount of hits and regenerated all his health the second I stopped wailing on him
who the fuck thinks this is good design?
Are we still doing this? Let he fucking game die like it should have day one. Fuck Nintendo
>I've beat the game on both difficulties and as someone that generally likes a challenge
You supposedly like a challenge yet you still played the game as if you were beating your head against a wall. Moron. Master Mode DISCOURAGES bruteforcing, you are supposed to exploit elemental combos, environmental damage, backstabs, disarms, stealth, and above all else, shield parries. As well as long-lasting food buffs. If you know how to play the game none of this is an issue.
In Master Mode there is a white-maned crusher Lynel on the Great Plateau from the moment you start the game. You can kill it before you pick up a single rune. I start new games and do that every so often for fun.
Get cucked
>He couldn't beat the lynel
8 dungeons vs 100+
desu BOTW 2 should have 16 legitimate temples and I will be happy
You mean BOTW was the first to do it right
solid criticisms
>Master Mode DISCOURAGES bruteforcing, you are supposed to exploit elemental combos, environmental damage, backstabs, disarms, stealth, and above all else, shield parries. As well as long-lasting food buffs. If you know how to play the game none of this is an issue.
user, I did all of these. Trial of the Sword and other sections of the game would've been a nightmare otherwise. It's clear how Master Mode wants you to approach your surroundings, and I'm saying it wasn't enjoyable. It made the game feel more tedious than it needs to be. At some point I just said fuck it and started ignoring as many enemies as I could because it's not worth the time, not even for their weapon/item drops. The combat is the most uninteresting part of the game. I want to explore without a million Sky Octoroks everywhere.
Playing on normal mode with self imposed restrictions is a much more enjoyable experience.