Hmm...These marks on the ground.... Witcher Thread gotta be....
Hmm...These marks on the ground.... Witcher Thread gotta be
I enjoyed Wild Hunt very much, combat was meh, but fun none-the-less. Blood and Wine was my favorite of the 2 expacs
Movie game with more padding than an American football player
3's expansions > 1 > 3 > 2
I really disliked the first game. the combat system was ass.
I mean, it was kinda stupid yeah sure, i'll give you that. But when I transitioned from playing 2 from 1, it felt awful. Like they just got rid of everything from the first game and made a new one from scratch.
> Implying the third game doesn't have terrible combat as well.
If 3 is "good" combat by the series standards then I hate to think of what 1 must be like
yeah I fully intended to play through all three games in a row but I got tired of Witcher 2 just before the first big monster fight.
the combat in the first game is rhythm-based, and it gets kind of monotonous.
>playing Witcher 3: Wild Guy
>Velen is fun
>swamp section is brilliant
>Get to the city
>expecting the storyline to continue
>"No, we gotta save this other guy. Go talk to these five people and do five quests each for each of them involving talking to five more people with five more quests each,"
Did they change writers between areas?
I think 3 is excellent but they got some things wrong.
everything is just a bit too colorful for a grimdark series like The Witcher.
while the music is by no means bad, its certainly lacks the feeling and atmosphere of the first one. Marcin Przybyłowicz really made The Witcher 1 feels special.
Its a bit too simplistic and the over-use of Signs is not very lore-friendly. A bit more in-depth swordplay (while nerfing the signs) would´ve helped much.
>Movement and world
The world building is great, but Geralt felt a bit too stiff and didnt have much interaction with his enviroment really. a bit more interaction between the player and the enviroment to enhance the immersion would´ve been great.
Also quests are a bit repetitive after a while. Fast Travel also kills the game.
Games usually start off great and then fall off quickly.
the sign of rushing a game to meet deadlines and tired developers.
That's the exact same shit that happened in Vleen.
> You're looking for Ciri
> And the Bloody Baron is the only one who knows where she is
> But he won't tell you
> First, you have to do his entire questline
> But to do that, you have to do literal entire sub questlines like the witches of the swamp
> Which has its own sub-sub questline
> And then, 5-10 hours later, you finish, and the Baron only gives a vague hint as to where Ciri is
It's just a problem inherent to the game itself. It's a typical AAA open world game with all the padding and filler that comes with it
Sorry meant Adam Skorupa and Paweł Błaszczak instead of Marcin Przybyłowicz
I just got to Bloody Baron and I like the game so far. There is a little bit of jank (odd camera at times, targeting system blows chunks, I really don't understand all the crafting and non-useful items). Tried installing a couple mods and using Script Merger but couldn't get that shit to work cus I'm stupid and impatient. Considering the story is so long I doubt I'll finish the game, I just don't have the attention span for games anymore. Thanks for reading this good bye
>I just don't have the attention span for games anymore.
Read Books
Future's now old man, move on Cyberpunk
Quit when I hit the city too. Felt so accomplishing
that works fine for the introduction of the story though. You're tracking down your lead, getting information by doing favors, and setting off to follow the trail. The problem is that typically the next stage of the story would involve some kind of escalation which is totally absent. TW3 just repeats that same getting starting formula, not once but twice and then escalates briefly before abruptly ending.
I am. Just finishing Consider Phlebas (sci-fi) and a small book on the philosophy of mind.
Let me enjoy it while it lasts.