Vidya gore

Vidya gore

Attached: EB27D825-3C95-48FC-B6AE-8D4CFDA8B7E0.jpg (537x413, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm no doctor

I'd take a picture of the back of my phone but I cant twist it around


do you know what a mirror is?

I mean, crap man


Attached: miyamoto 1.png (828x914, 597K)

I mean, crap, man! Look at that! That's, like, it's Harddrive on the ground back there. You don't see that every day. I mean, that doesn't really even seem possible if you think about it — with Wires and disc drives and Plastic... I mean, I'm no doctor, but that was like one clean chunk!

Attached: miyamoto 2.png (833x938, 715K)

Attached: miyamoto 3.png (830x696, 444K)

Attached: miyamoto 4.png (809x248, 27K)

you know the rule

Imagine being this retarded

I don't get it

Attached: goog.gif (540x463, 596K)

are you retarded?


is this real

Attached: 1561088301609.jpg (720x720, 45K)

I mean that doesn't even seem possible when you think about it


No. It was an April fools ruse.

Attached: 1366742735605.jpg (477x297, 30K)

You. Know. The Fucking. Rules.


Attached: aaaaaaaaaaa.jpg (480x360, 15K)

>I don't give a fuck who miyamoto is! But, I only care if it's signed by miyamoto!
This is a piss poor troll.

Attached: 1538081411645.gif (400x265, 932K)

Attached: kung pow.webm (294x125, 2.87M)

It's an autographed Game & Watch by some old guy.

The previous owner of this handheld had it signed by Shigeru Miyamoto. Some fag didn't recognize it and cleaned it off

I guess you could say it got bored.

And so do I

I hope you get banned.

Attached: ill take 3 megabytes of webm.webm (696x392, 2.97M)

Attached: xbox dev kit dead.jpg (1152x1536, 331K)

Attached: Gigabyte applying thermal paste.webm (540x540, 392K)

GameStop Employee: Yeah, with that graffiti, the most I can give you is 75 cents.

Your reading comprehension is terrifying...

Ho boy.

Time for the game stopper boys.

Attached: 1560345283029.jpg (1795x709, 1.14M)

Attached: console gamer builds a gaming pc.jpg (2448x3264, 545K)

Is this a real tutorial on applying paste? Have I been wrong all these years putting it ABOVE that chip?

Attached: 1551395324928.gif (280x280, 799K)

How about you read my cock

We don't buy games with writing on it.

Fucking lol

Liar. Go larp somewhere else faggot.

Attached: 1441820010937.jpg (600x801, 104K)

Attached: student doctor.jpg (1007x768, 62K)

You fags a desperate for anything right now

not on the game.
on the package.
not gamestop.

I would, but my library doesn't have microfilm anymore.


It wasn't proof, fignuts. It's a visually similar image. They take games with writing in them.

you wish wh*tiod
keep projecting


/r9k/ is a hellova drug

Attached: 1550985568898.png (899x811, 350K)

The fuck is this term?

This actually works in linux.
my sandybridge machine also had a shitty win7 program for it

Attached: signed xbox dead.png (1671x800, 1.71M)

I don't get it

I don't understand

Miyamoto was the one who made the instructions you brainlet. He is joking around

I'm not sure if this is related to vidya gore but I'll post it in this thread anyway

Attached: minecraft sanity damage.gif (600x450, 3.01M)

is the joke the serial / parallel port?

>all the people replying that don't get what's going on

>three shitsty
based bungie

who cares about some retarded microsoft fanboy's autistic quest for signatures on his xbox?

that shit looks cool, whats wrong with it?

youd have to be an idiot to send this console in, its safer to buy a matching xbox and just gut it.

I remember this. Post the rest of it.

The joke is that the monitor isn't connected to the MSI graphics card.

all retail is dying.

Attached: amazons-giant-delivery-drone-blimp-video-designboom-2.jpg (818x460, 61K)

oh right. i do something similar on my work pc, i just let the gpu render while i run everything else of the integrated


Attached: 1522967837154.jpg (306x273, 7K)