Why is every job getting gutted in FF XIV Shadowbringers to cater to the WoW refugees coming in?

Why is every job getting gutted in FF XIV Shadowbringers to cater to the WoW refugees coming in?

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>yfw ishgard gets gassed instead of a place that deserves it like limsa or ala mhigo

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>Why is every job getting gutted
Lol. RDM, NIN, BLM, PLD, and GNB players are all ecstatic. Maybe you should stop playing a cuckjob.


that class is going to be fucking smooth as fuck and you know it. Everything BLM got is to improve it's mobility, and it was already one of the most kick ass highest DPSing jobs out there with its shit mobility. Now that it has even more control over it with instant cast single target foul, sharp cast on a shorter cd, and longer AF/UI timers it is absolutely going to be in a sick spot for the expac.

SMN and DNC players are happy too. OP must be playing DRK or something.

For the sake of this, ranked all hydatos weapons in order of how good they look, minus glow. Can’t remember every name
Rose Courvete
BLM weapon
AST weapon
MCH weapon
NIN weapon
MNK weapon

>Tom Holland ad
>anime cm
>NY bilboards
>gdc sponsor
Why is SE spending all this money on marketing? Could it be they're feeling threatened by WoW's next patch and Classic?

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I think their budget just got freed up by XV

>sharp cast on a shorter cd
Which allows us to get even more annoyed when the tank doesn't do a proper pull count. I can't wait.

It's because they finally pulled the plug on the abortion that was XV and can now afford to divert funds to marketing XIV better.

They're not being gutted and FFXIV devs barely acknowledges the existence of WoW like they do with say Cyberpunk2077. They only try to specifically cater to Japanese audiences and almost nobody in Japan plays WoW so they don't cater to them.

It’s the other way around. WoW is shit right now so they’re going all in to profit from it.

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Ahahahaha. Just get a zeta weapon bro.

Lorelet here, haven't even started SB yet but I have a question. I remember reading here that there are no chocobos on the first, is that true? Or did I read/remember wrong? Cause I was watching the ShB trailer again and during the CT part, a little before the Viera dancer, I noticed some chocobos under some tents.

No, they are just making a lot more money recently. They cut the XV updates and XIV is bringing in more money than ever.

>Could it be they're feeling threatened by WoW's next patch and Classic?

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>Could it be they're feeling threatened by WoW's next patch and Classic?
Next patch, absolutely not. No one is looking forward to that.
Classic, maybe but only for a short while.

>wah, my job is getting nerfed!
>the new jobs are too strong!
>fuck Yoshi!
Literally every patch. You're the idiot who isn't learning his lesson and keeps playing a content based MMO.

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Limsa has some nice characters in it like the rogue's guild and ones I want to fuck like that pale catslut H'naanza.
Ala Mhigo has nobody left.

There are chocobos but they're not used as much. The main mount animal on the First are amaros.

mch weapon is good though

There are no chocobos on the first, correct. They ride these weird flying ugly birds instead.

Now if only they could add more full-time staff to Yoshi's skeleton crew but no one in Nipland wants to work in an MMO.

I don't really think it has to do much with Wowfugees. The average playerbase for this game has never been great, and has only been in decline since launch. Overall, VERY few players can clear stuff like Ultimates for a multitude of reasons like "Not enough time to dedicate", but the biggest reason is people are just shitters. The devs know this and raids have gotten easier. Neo-Exdeath was as hard as a raid boss will ever be ever again, and even that was easier than Twintania pre-nerf or OG Bahamut.

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God I wish I could work on this game.

I have Bellerophon, Torigashira, and Brunello and think they're all terrible. Also have Rose Courverte. Eureka weapons are just a dumpster fire. Literally the only good one is Xiphias.

There are. Watch Crystarium preview videos.

>Could pay more people to work on the game and bring more content
>Blow it all on buying out time's square and hiring literal who's only americans and children know

>no new healer
>healer kits getting absolutely decimated

there aren't going to be any healers left are there


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Portable onahole Lalas for dungeon running when

alive game

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Maybe they should do a public beta test instead of relying only on internal QA.

Does SE ever do sales for the Mogstation, and no I don't mean the jump potions, because paying $30 for a mount is retarded.

I wonder what they can release around late august to keep players busy?new game+ wont be around til 5.1 Hopefully that wont take nearly 4-5 months like what happened in HW

Ah ok, thought I was crazy, thanks for the clarification.

SquareEnix changed it's management in 2015. Since then, there's been improvements across the board. Increased advertising for Dragon Quest, revival of old IPs like Mana, almost all games getting localized to the west, etc. It's just taken this long to start feeling the effects because changes made in 2015-2016 won't be seen until the games (or expansions or marketing) planned back then won't go into effect until years later. Well, we're in that years later period right now. And FFXIV is also getting the benefit of better management and higher production budgets.

In short, fuck Wada.

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More alive than WoW right now lol

do i even bother resubbing to this game?

I'm a healer forever but I never do savage.

>People datamine the beta and spoil everything
Way to go, cunt

It is literally the most popular MMO on the market at the moment. Someone on a dead server posting a status after peak hours doesn't change that.

Everything is different.
Elvaan/Elezen -> Elves
Sylphs -> Fairies
Tarutaru/Lalafel ->dwarves
Viera -> Vis
Hrothgar -> Ronso
Hyur -> Humes
Mithra/Miquote -> Mystel

Chocobo are replaced by those weird bird things.

>Just saw the "updates" to DRK
Literally who asked for this? I get gutting Dark Art spam, but removing the DPS aspect of DRK and same swapping when off-tanking might as well be a spit in the game to everyone who actually found what little joy the job offered. And who the fuck wanted DRK to be a cooldown based pet class at max level?

I can help you out, bro. Meet me at Halatali in one hour.

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>answering your own question

They ride amaros: ixals of the 1st

Fuck you. I hated the fact that WoW had PTR dataminers ruining surprises for fucking everyone. Piss off.

People datamine and spoil already.

I mailed sch since 2.0 and I'm switching to nin because sch got nothing fun. I'll still level sch second in case I need an instant queue for roulettes but I'll mostly be using it to queue for dungeons and then immediately leaving when I have nothing to do so the 30 minute timer doesn't matter

Sure they do, now the new healer can have exactly the same kit.

>SCH loses a couple toys
Time for you to grow up and play your role properly like the other healing jobs do. You're not DPS. If you want to DPS, pick a DPS job.

>It is literally the most popular MMO on the market at the moment.
It's doing the best it has since 2.0, but that's still 5-7x less than WoW.


It certainly is

yeah me either. i tried getting in to it during deltascape and getting a group to stay together was harder than the fights

What's this talk about a NG+?

You foreigners like Japanese stuff right?
Buy more Japanese stuff please.
Here is Dad of Light a Japanese movie. you like Japanese stuff right?
Please watch movie.

Thank you for understanding.

Know what white mage really could use?
A skill that procs a 200 potency heal on every single medica and cure III that they cast for 10 seconds on a 60s cooldown.

Because this game really needs 3000 heal potency in a 10 second span.

The current plenary is fine, what the fuck is this shit?

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>pet class
It isn't. Fray ignores you completely and is just a glorified DoT.

Also if you want to play a DPS-like tank, play GNB. They clearly want DRK to be the entry level "baby's first tank".

Only healers are, and barely. Tanks are getting amazing changes, DPS are all fine.

And with a public beta they can do it weeks in advance

>A couple

>Tanks are getting amazing changes

>but that's still 5-7x less than WoW.
user last census had WoW at 1.5m active subs and hemorrhaging at an alarming rate. This game just broke 1m active. You should go check your numbers before you state them as factual.

Yeah right before the launch instead of months in advance. I don't want to have to cut all contact with the internet and stay out of XIV for months just so I don't get spoiled. You ptr fags should go and jerk each other off in a secluded room.

I just stopped after taking more than 3 weeks to clear the first 2 fights. That stuff is not for me lol.

t. DRKuck

>amazing changes

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Baffles me that they didn't retool it into some sort of AoE shield/mitigation. WHM still has jack shit besides 10% mitigation that's tied into their Largesse replacement on a 2 minute cooldown.

Which census was that?

Alright jeez, I'm just trying to think of a solution to what OP is complaining about.

Coming in 5.1, replay the story as you are without disrupting your current progress. Nothing scales up or anything, you literally just redo all the quests and dungeons as they were before. It's just for people (like me) who want to relive the story. It isn't a challenge or anything.

Does America rule this game?

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>replace all models and attack names with placeholders in ptr

problem solved

Unfortunately GNB doesn't look as fun as HW DRK, I will forever miss it

Gotta give players their Ishgard housing

Don't play with me like this, user.

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>how do we stop the game becoming more like WoW?
>uhhhh what if they add a PTR like wow lmfao

not with our shit commiefornia servers

Stop playing the cuck tank for babies then

Just encrypt the data lol

Come to Malboro. Save us from this fate

They might when it's developed by Americans.

I know that MCH is getting a rework, but is Bard getting anything new? I haven't seen any changes yet.

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The point still stands. You're a healer. Your job is to heal. You don't need a full DPS kit. Play your role or switch to another.

>Largest playerbase
>Can't even match JP's clear rates

>Preferred server
>Creation unavailable
Explain this shit

it USED to be the veteran tank

We have better parses.

Japanese have much higher clear rates so no. Americans just log on to ERP and pay Square Enix a monthly rent fee.

I haven't been paying attention beyond the initial particles showoff which looked great minus removing Dark Arts. What are they doing to DRK?

For some reason I thought there were no chocobos at all, and got scared that the CT was actually the one on the Source, just much further in the future or something (dunno if that even makes sense, unless they add time travel too).

More procs, not based on crit anymore, less party support but stronger personal output. It'll get replaced by DNC.

I picked up DRK in 3.0 and have mained it ever since, only now am I finally sick of SEs shit enough to drop it. It's over bro, we lost. I am gonna trade my Greatsword in for a Gunblade and pull my devil trigger all God damn day. At least I can have fun again and not feel like killing myself every time I queue up.

>the era of Protect is finally over
I wonder how many protect requests, and tanks standing around doing nothing waiting for the buff I'll get

They clearly want plenary to be a skill that rewards gcd use, but a +200 heal proc that you can't control is pretty shit.

Pretty sure this will be one of the skills that people will ask to be changed once we can play the jobs. It barely has any use other than a boost to medica II initial potency.

no it really didn't lmao, DRK's been in the shed since release


I think the Warrior of Light sucks!

not really, they're probably going to be kicked out of the meta since they lost foe's and the crit buff on songs
it took six years but it finally happened

Your parsefaggotry doesn't amount to shit when nobody wants to do it because of your FFlogs culture.

Whats a good lookin whm weapon for glam?

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drk was released in 4.0?

And now that is GNB. Play that.
Shut up retard. DRK was THE MT in HW. PLD was in the shed all the way to 4.0.

Say that on week 1 raiding when you wipe at 3% with everyone doing as much dps as they can except healers.

Ads are much better now than they were back when HW and SB released. No more cinnabons and arby's or even wrestlemania.

Nice strawman, but no. Healers dealing DPS is fine, and encouraged, but SCH was an inconvenient outlier that upset the game balance. It doesn't need a full DPS kit. It's a healer. If you want to focus on damage, play a dedicated damage dealer.

nirvana z

It is the same Crystal Tower.


The captain serpent cane.

BLM set looks so good holy shit

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Mistiteinn, nirvana zeta, rose couverte (non glowy one) and ifrit are my favorites.

>Want to do the story, but DRK is the only thing I have geared
>GNB looks like the most fun tank of the four next xpac

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>that long skirt

And WAR was still top dog. So DRK and PLD can both go in the shed. Play a tank for chads

>since release
yes moron, as in the release of the class?

How long will it take me to reach current content.
I just defeated Ramuh in the story.
Also I'm playing a Samurai, but kinda want to go back to dragoon, but Samurai is so much stronger.

Which is pretty counter productive since the tools that actually do reward GCD use (or at least, mitigate the drawbacks) are all tied into the Afflatus abilities.

people like bluefever already leak things anyways

A misconception is that server status is directly related to a universal population threshold applied to each server individually. The only use it has is to signal where they want people to play. It says nothing about the server capacity or current population, or anything like that.

Removing literally every single fun aspect of the class in exchange for a shadow clone that you can't even control that does a fixed rotation. But at least you don't have to click Dark Arts before every combo finisher, amiright?

>Play a tank for chads
I am though user, I am going to main GNB. The chaddest tank of all.

We are time traveling to some extent at least because the warriors of darkness who we met in Heavensward left the first over 100 years ago, when Minfilia as the word of the mother took them back to the first and stopped the flood of light that was 100 years ago.

>tfw Machinist is now another brain dead ranged DPS

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God damnit I hope 8.2 saves WoW so they could get the fuck out of here.

You're almost at Heavensward and then you have two full expansions which are each the length of a standalone RPG

After Shadowbringers hits

Who knows but Eorzea is standard fare Final Fantasy so it has chocobos and everything you would expect.

Yes but very rarely, usually around December but they do them other times too

Is it just 1-2-3 city without any mana management and blood weapon being boring instead of "go ham"
Did they remove the blackblood gauge

tsukuyomi, genji, masakaki, mistilteinn

Fellow black mages, I am in need of glamour ideas for 5.0 since I am switching off of rdm and going for Chad mage. I am working on the anima wep at the moment

>but kinda want to go back to dragoon
You should play Dragoon for the Heavensward story, it's kino

I want the long skirt for female too bros..

If Yoshi wants healers to focus more on healing maybe the encounters shouldn't give you enough room to DPS 90-95% of the time in even the most healing intensive content in the game.

But really, all SCH needs back is Energy Drain and Quickened Aetherflow. I don't even care if the potency is nerfed into the ground.

drk was good in hw though so you're wrong

It's taking me every ounce of will power to not skip the fishing quest cutscenes in the 60-70 storyline. What a BORE. The only person saving it is the hitlady.

If you don't sleep and you skip every cutscene and you have tank queues, you might get to Shadowbringers before launch.

Don't do that, though. Take your time. Enjoy the story. Even if you want to raid, savage won't come out until a month after ShB officially launches, so early August. So you have quite a bit of time to level up, get through the story, then gear your job before savage hits.

The pvp weapons are all pretty good.

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Will look good on lalas and awful on everything else.

Why does she look so down?

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You still have to line up a combo, it just isn't reliant on LE RNG BASED AMMO SYSTEM anymore and if you legit think ammo was anything other than cancer you can go die

It seems like there is gonna be a lot if focus around Ishgard or whatever the snowy place is called, in the story when I last played, so I can see why dragoon would he cool.

meh, I want to be a swamp witch, not some sharlayan fag, that's for ast

>Is it just 1-2-3 city without any mana management and blood weapon being boring instead of "go ham"
Yes. Souleater is your only combo and Blood Weapon no longer grants Haste or massive MP returns when used with Quietus (triggers only once). Abyssal Drain now has a CD and is a flat 200 potency heal.

Also the new Fray summon is just a glorified DoT, and Delirium is now a watered down Internal Release that let's you spam Bloodspiller without cost for a few seconds.

Enjoy your Diet WAR.

>ninja's shadowclone generates extra resource for dancer

Dancer was made exclusively for big ninja dick.

>turret class in a dodging game

>Artbook leaking
Uh oh.

$18 mogstation outfit.

not BLM at all. looks like it belongs on a corsair.
the phoenix wright prosecutor thing has potential
pig disgusting WHM looking dress
Overall Score: 4/10

What's worse about the skill is the duration and cooldown.

I'd rather it have like 20s cooldown and let us boost just our next gcd heal with a 200 proc, 10s of heal procs is just unrealistic, there's nothing in this game that will make full use of it unless there's a akhmorn type attack every 60s.

Build for impregnation by Au Ra cocks.

>NIN main still thinking he'll get the dances
Maybe if you can top the meters in the group, then the DNC will deign to dance for you. Good luck with that.

all classes have been "good". you're probably one of those people that think the story of it was good and suddenly the class was amazing.

go back to playing SAM, shitter, nobody wants you around here, leave tanking to the real men

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WAR is still mostly the same as it was before. Gets a few neat little extras like Nascent Flash, nothing too flashy in its new moves which are recycled animations that look better than FC and Decimate anyway. Inner Beast has that "omph" that Fell Cleave simply lacks. Vengeance still has the reflect and Holmgang exists.
Same unga bunga job it has always been and always will be.

Isn't BRD's procs no longer relying on crit a good thing too? Keeps it consistent between raid tiers.

>get it on ebay for $8
Get fucked Yoshi

That's from the collectors edition.

Either I managed to speedread the MSQ or this is revealed in SB/post-SB, hopefully the latter. Only done up to the end of post-HW.

>Build for impregnation by Au Ra cocks
That's Alisaie

And that's why it's so good.

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You get some extra dialogue with a certain NPC if you've finished the 30-50 Dragoon job quests while you go through it.

Are Au Ra cocks canonly the biggest?

>Isn't BRD's procs no longer relying on crit a good thing too? Keeps it consistent between raid tiers.
It doesn't matter. It literally cannot matter. DNC is WAY too overpowered. Meta shit be damned, it will be mandatory in EVERY static. BRD and MCH are stuck in the shed no matter what because there is no fucking way in hell they are going to come close to shit like BLM and SMN in damage enough to get their slot.

>user last census had WoW at 1.5m active subs and hemorrhaging at an alarming rate. This game just broke 1m active.
Source? Because the last "census" on various sites said FFXIV was sitting at around 700k active, not over 1 million.

And even by your own numbers, WoW is still leading.

Alisaie is for my chad midlander penis, not your woefully insufficient "little sun"

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Not since Hrothgar happened.

The thing that makes me confused about the advertisement is why?

You have to go through ARR-HW-STB to even REACH or START on SHB,

Even me who started last month barely finished HW and I've been slogging through STB just to reach endgame with everyone else but the story is so damn boring I end up skipping cutscenes.

They should just make it like WoW and other MMOS which allow you to skip to the endgame immediately

Do you think there will be a sale when ShB hits to celebrate the launch?

>Her world has been flooded by light and everything is going to shit, pushing all life to the precipice of destruction
Idk, probably having a shitty weekend

No, their's are the smallest. Look at how tiny their women are.

>Abyssal Drain is now a cooldown
Holy shit how did I miss this. At least Unleash got un-cucked but I'll miss pulling a pack from range and spamming my sea urchin.

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>dps is more important than burst
spot the sam main

Hrothgar are probably bigger.

DNC's DPS is increased by the faster their partners spells/weaponskills are. It makes sense to tether to the NIN even if they might not benefit the most from the buffs.

Dumb WoWfag. SE literally just announced breaking 1m on the lodestone recently. Why are you posting in a thread for a game you don't even fucking play? Go back to your dying game.

no they just desperately need attention and validation in some way since the girls are bigger than the "men"

That's terrible. I honestly loved mana management with dark arts, and blood weapon being infinite mana for infinite dark artsing and blackest nighting for infinite quietusing for even more infinite mana. People that bitched about dark arts are fucked in the head. That shit was fun and active.
Removing the haste from blood weapon is triple stupid though. I wish it wasn't too late to cancel my preorder.

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This is a good template

their women also fuck horses

Fuck you. This is a Final Fantasy game. The story is the focus. If you only care about grinding levels then go back.

Not them but here, first column. These are player driven census and does the best at discounting bots and free trial players.


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>They should just make it like WoW and other MMOS which allow you to skip to the endgame immediately
Fuck off you Reddit spacing idiot.


You already met the warriors of darkness, it was when Alisae showed up for the msq in Heavensward. The time travel was confirmed in the ShB launch trailer from E3.


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It doesn't matter. It no longer is going to scale with mobs. Abyssal Drain does AOE damage but will only give you a single 200 potency heal when used. That's it. That's all it does. It is fucking trash now.

is that gay amazon mount promotion still going on?

What's the fun tanking class now?

based retarded wowfugee
the "endgame" doesn't matter at all in XIV and is pretty much just to give something to do between patches
if you don't care about the story you might as well not even play unless you're a roleplayer or some shit

There should be more hybrids.



like female hyenas, female xaelas also have feminine penises

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>wowfags are tired of their game being baby'd down to completely braindead fucktier retarded levels - somehow even further than it has been in recent years
>flock to XIV to escape
>SE starts dumbing down their game because it's what they think this new audience wants

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>Because the last "census"
Your info is outdated, this is the one was a little over a week ago: luckybancho.ldblog.jp/archives/53486418.html

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>completely missing the point
I'll try to simplify it for you.
They're advertising an expansion. an expansion that requires hundreds of hours to access. This isn't going to bring new people in.

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what jobs are being gutted and in what way? im a new player so im curious

Wrong. Yoshida&Co has acknowlowledged wow and took inspiration from it with 2.0 (at that point wow wasn't as shit as now) Blizzard acts like a dick and pretends to acknowledge no other mmo and acts like the big dog no matter what.. but have a lot of people playing ffxiv, at some point gw2 and other mmos and they draw a lot of inspiration from other mmos to try and stay on top (when they were) and now to regain their spot. It goes both ways no matter what a wowbabby claim or by all means (You) the only difference is that Blizzard is a dick about it while Yoshida and Square are nicer about it.

I just can’t seem to bring myself to play this anymore. I’m halfway through stormblood and I feel like there is nothing more to get out of it. Just grinding for cosmetics so I can pretend I’m unique or something. I should go work on my drawing instead of doin dailies bullshit.


Yeah I meant the "time-traveling 100 years" part, I could never forget Minfillia finally fucking off or Urianger actually doing something. Thanks user.

>Spends all his autismbucks on lewding her instead of procuring the cutest of wholesome drawings
He's a fag

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I preferred when DA was ued less like in HW

BLM/RDM (prog)

The extra gauge DNC gets from having a faster partner is a less than 0.5% DPS increase for the DNC's already low pDPS. It's a very small side benefit.

On the other hand, the DNC partner gets a permanent +5% DPS buff. Giving that DPS buff to a job like BLM or SAM that will in all likelihood do 25% more DPS than a NIN will completely obliterate the extra pDPS the DNC gets from partnering with a NIN.

DNC is going to just slap their partner onto whoever is topping meters. No ifs ands or buts about it.

That is an ugly as fuck image. That artist should be shot.

>I'm playing a game
>but it's so boring
>and I keep doing it
Maybe you're just a gaming addict. It's not like there is a point where "it starts to get fun" because you're supposed to have fun during all of it. Imagine a future with a 7th expansion, then Shadowbringers is the one you're skipping because it's not fun, right? But now you want to rush to something which you will call unfun?

Personally I would quit rather than play games I don't enjoy just to be part of a hype train.

because they must kill the job for people that don't like it every expansion, it's now nu war

It already has so you're wrong but
>implying it's bad that they're making a game for their audience and not WoWniggers

its YOUR FAULT the game is so fucking shit right now. FUCK people like you that only want instant gratification, I despise your ilk so fucking much.

It dies on ShB release the only good thing it had was bloodspiller and TBN

yeah, drk was the most fun dungeon tank because of that shit

now it's just a worthless less fun WAR

Oh no no how do we stop him

Replying to myself since I forgot to say... even if Square and Yoshida are more open about the rivalry, competition and acknowledgement they'll still take advantage of any backfirings on Blizzard's end just like Blizzard would do to them or other mmos over the years (and still try with 8.2) A rival is a rival whether you're a dick about it or show sportsmanship.

most of the art is also shit

what do you mean?

job homogenization. all jobs play the same now

Do you think anyone's told Alisaie about Haurchefant yet?

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It lasts until the 1st.

They're removing Protect.

>every expac SE makes the classes even MORE shit to play below max level than before
Little surprise people wanna hurry and get to the end desu.


How long until SAM and BLM realize that they aren't going to be meta this expansion either?

No problem enjoy the ride.

You're new. Reach endgame before coming here. Or just quit while you still can.

Do you think she's pestered Alphy to sketch (you) for her?

She never even met him

PLD/WAR (( They'll need to buff GNB for a patch or two first, then it'll be PLD/GNB ))

Attached: 1526278432710.jpg (1024x905, 71K)

Yeah because WoWfugees only care about endgame.

BLM will be meta so long as it is the top DPS. The meta DPS comp this time around is almost definitely going to be DNC/NIN/DRG/BLM.

He's dead so there's no real competition
With him, that is

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>implying Alphinaud does not already have his own WoL-shrine
>implying he does not violently masturbate in it every night before crying himself to sleep

Attached: 1560559603378.jpg (600x690, 187K)

GNB already got buffed

Special reminder that either the WoL was written specifically to be a female, or, they have the most beta cuck soiboy personality in the existence of video games.

>never makes a single choice for himself
>stands around waiting for others to tell him what to do
>0 initiative
>basically super autistic
>dependent personality disorder
>has the power of gods and yet 0 ambition and 0 motivation to do anything unless others tell him to do so first

It's honestly better once you realize the WoL is just a very strong but weak willed woman with a dependent personality disorder

Attached: sheasmirk.png (128x127, 25K)

then why is op saying its made for wowfuges

That implies he hasn't already made lewds of WoL

considering endgame is where all the game opens up, then yeah its right.

tfw no Eltonel art of Fordola getting her ass violently filled

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Unless summoner is still allowed to do almost the same dps as blm but with a raid buff and a fuckload more mobility.

SCH and DRK are getting absolutely assfucked

why is haurchefant just so based.


No they didn't. Pure delusional fantasy, FFXIV is based on FFXI which is based on a fusion of FF series and EQ. WoW is based on EQ and a fusion of Warcraft series.

Japanese companies focus on the domestic market. They're not opposed to foreigners but they never focus on them in the way western devs do. They're also not trying to create a WoW Killer because WoW is barely even alive in Japan.

It's serious delusion to think that a Japanese company like Square Enix cares about WoW or western players in the way that western players wish they did.

you dumb nigger you have to be a certain level in wow to access the new expansion shit too, if people want to they can skip to current content just like you can in wow with extra money

Because he is doomed

All poster jobs get ruined and dumbed down.

How are those flaws more acceptable on women? Do you hold women to lower standards?

>Sidequest where you just hang out with Alphinaud
>Proposes you both relax in a sauna
Collecting data

[SAM / MCH / MNK -- if SMN] / [DRG / BRD -- if BLM]

tl;dr, three buffers and a greedy DPS to soak up all the buffs.

>Do you hold women to lower standards?

Aymur is probably going to be the one I use forever.

PLD is blatantly the strongest tanking job in ShB

The 2nd slot is still up for grabs though

I've seen summoner complaining about losing tons of mobility but who knows how much of this is true since they love whining

>level skip and story skip potion
>classes are designed so that current gen gamers and gaming journalists are able to play them without failing miserably
>honest healers
>remove even more mechanics
>every class within a role plays the same
>dungeons are hallways with trash
>reused mechanics
>only 4 fights in the game provide any sort of meaningful reward, the reward is glamour at best
>ultimately the only thing to look forward too is the story
Gee I wonder why it caters to wowfugees

Attached: ThinkSweat.png (101x111, 7K)

Nigger are you fucking high? Yoshida flat out said "I wanted to see what would happen if World of Warcraft was Final Fantasy."

I don't understand why people don't like the DRK changes. Seems like an upgrade to me.

Wow, he's just like me.

Attached: 1532548334544.jpg (1920x1080, 366K)

Lets not forget:
>heres a job trailer
>look at all the shiny new skills
>theres actually only one new skill the rest are just potency upgrades
>oh and by the way gunbreaker is literally paladin with a slight difference in its gimmick which is tied to its job gauge
>dancer is the only actual different job

Maybe if you're a wow player.

ffxiv is literally cata/mop era wow with no world pvp and a ff skin

>the mods on the OF are now deleting threads complaining about delirium
jannies be jannies

Attached: 1541472772819.jpg (575x503, 67K)

abyssal drain is gutted, plays exactly like war with inner release, bloodweapon attack speed is dead

it's a shittier war clone now

One rotation
No more abyssal drain funpulls
Didn't give back Scourge, turned it into a shitty "summon" instead which just uses the regular resurrection animation instead of something original

>dark arts is now on a weapon skill that does damage so you don't have to manage it
You people fucking disgust me

Do you think she's ever asked Alphy to sketch her naked so she can give it to you?

yeah yoshi's played a fuckton of other mmos, including WoW

Didn't exactly the same meta discussion about how everyone is going to feed the greedy dps buffs happen at the start of SB then everyone just realized that not bringing a greedy dps is the best option?

Those PLD numbers from the media tour aren't making it to live man. There is no fucking way they are going to let PLD have the best utility, mitigation, AND DPS. That is fucking dumb.

unironically what's the problem with any of this except maybe the skip potions
the game doesn't pretend to be ebin ultra-complex gigabrain shit

>Seems like an upgrade to me.

Attached: warriorplayers.jpg (235x215, 9K)

really? what's the reasoning behind it?

>Constantly surrounded by curvaceous women with large breasts
>Is an international legend for whom suitors would pile up in the streets
Probably too insecure for that desu

They totally would desu


Watch this you dumbass

Because they took away what made it unique and just made it a fucking watered down WAR. DRK has NOTHING left and is by far the most braindead tank to play.

So the reason this game doesn't have any buffs that feel good is just because people funneled them to whoever had the highest dps?
Nice yet something else casuals ruin.


yeah only war is allowed to have the best utility, mitigation and dps

Attached: WoW.png (1360x768, 495K)

You're right, give it a month and WAR will whine their way back into that position.

>4 days


they removed role action limits a while ago so they figured there is no reason to have it if all healers get it anyway, but now there is less of a penalty for dying since healers no longer need to waste an extra gcd to recast after rez

the game is only getting stupider and easier

so basically you want the game to not be a game? It amazes me that I'm actually experiencing an age where tediousness is being eliminated from everything. Its literally made me realize how important tediousness is.

its coming out on friday no?

"That one "oh I forgot I could do that" skill"
For me it's cover. I'm a bad Paladin.

people meme but the removal of dark arts blows the fuck out of literally every other negative
fuck that button
they can add the HP drain back to AD easily but an expac-level rework like this was required to unfuck remove DA


Attached: D9yxDrkVAAEtGyA.jpg (657x1200, 137K)

>class went from having three combos to two to one each expansion
>went from a decently skill-intensive job in HW, to a braindead one, to one that requires even fewer actions per minute (dark arts had 8 uses per minute, new edge only has four)

>oh and by the way gunbreaker is literally paladin with a slight difference in its gimmick which is tied to its job gauge
except it's actually SB DRK

You got that in Stormblood.
Oh please. GNB already has WAR beat in utility and mitigation.

Honestly given the utility, mitigation, mobility, and healing of the tank jobs? The damage should go like this:

Never played an MMO before but I recently saw the spiderman ad and shadowbringers sounds kinda cool.

I'm wondering how this works, is all the dlc availlable from the beginning so I can skip the old content which nobody is playing from what I've been researching. Or do I HAVE to play the old stuff to reach this cool new dlc? Keep in mind Ive never played an mmo and twitch just has so many streamers doing different things like picking rocks and stuff. Closest "mmo" experionece I ever had was destiny with raids and stuff but they allow you to skip to the latest dlc. Just wondering if this is the same way.

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God this sucks. World firsts are literally going to be done in hours.

how old are you, serious question

Free trial up to level 35. You can BUY items that let you skip content.

SMN has a much higher opportunity cost on moving in ShB, assuming the e3 build isn't bugged and pet autos not having a chance to trigger R4 is intended.

Right now, if SMN wants to move it uses R2 and does 20 less potency than pressing R3. And SMN uses R2 a lot anyways in order to get weave windows. Very little is lost by using R2 now.

In ShB, R3 does 80 potency more than R2. So using R2 for movement is now a lot more expensive. On top of that, R4 procs (as of e3) only ever occur when you use Egi Assault, where before they were random off of pet autos (and slightly more common). R4 is an instant cast spell so it's extra movement, but now you can't hold them ever because you need so many weave windows and you need a fucking weave window to use Egi Assault to get R4 to get a weave window...

Egi Assault was a mistake. Especially if the e3 build wasn't a bug.

Plenty of areas you make use of it in raid. Too bad they removed the mitigation on it in ShB.


27. but im new to vidya.

people still do a lot content just enjoy the entire game even old parts.

The Netflix series was great though.

no need to rush or play thing you dont enjoy

its a story focused mmo. dont skip anything. just play the game as is from the start

>Can't get hyped for this xpac
>At all
>purchased it months ago and can't get a refund
Fuck MMOs. Fuck FFXIV. And fuck Yoshit P. Enjoy my money you fucking gook I can't take this anymore.

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What's with these Japanese cucks always slapping bold Square Enix copyright on their screenshots.

the spiderman ad didn't even show the game, go away

First of all, you have to be 18 to post here. Secondly, yes you have to play through the old content first. There are story skips but they cost real money and will not get you to the current expansion.

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according to yoship wol would canonically be a female mooncat

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The only thing wrong with Dark Arts is it contributed to you doing about as much or less DPS than WAR and PLD despite pressing more buttons, and was just a flat potency increase instead of affixing anything interesting to your abilities.

It'll need to be buff again, trust me - AST and DRK faced the same problems, AST more when it first came out. Only RDM came out pretty much at where it was needed at, and didn't ever really get any changes.

Treat every expansion as a full fledged RPG that you have to complete in order.

If you've never played a final fantasy title i guess you get a twofer, experiencing MMO's and an orthodox JRPG plot for the first time

>Aether is full
What the fuck

Good riddance, please leave.


>has lowest clear rate in content

Looks like Black mage is meta for another expansion dont forget to feed me my buffs shitter dps. *tips pointy hat*

Attached: black mage.jpg (1129x1129, 122K)

They respect the content.

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>muh forced feminization fetish
Whatever nigga


>DRK has NOTHING left
Aesthetics desu!

Viera invasion soon bros

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>Hyped for this xpac
>Can't focus on playing anything else because I just want 5.0
Fucking YoshiP enjoy my money you cunt

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Friday 12AM, so basically Thursday night.

I was just curious user.

Anyways, there's a free trial. Try it out and judge for yourself.

Nah man, hear me out. There's not actually anything wrong with the game being streamlined and easy. The story is as good as its ever been, as is the music, and it's not like WoW where they're visibly out of ideas and ruining everything just for the sake of it. MMOs aren't really an inherently "hard" genre since reflex has to be taken as much out of the equation as possible unless you want to alienate high-ping players entirely; you can't have a lot of shit that actually makes for interesting challenge since trying again is often tedious and assembling groups for high level play is difficult; this is incidentally why 24-mans are ezmode. XIV is in a comfy spot of having something for just about everyone.

If shit goes off the rails during the patches you'll have a point but as it stands the game looks to be the best it's ever been.

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Remind me, is there a lore difference between suncats and mooncats?

Don't mind me, just being the worst dungeon ever made
>5 months of this

Attached: neverreap.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

>Brown and bloom

Attached: Ala Mhigo.jpg (2560x1440, 873K)

Lol no. They lost all aesthetics when they kept this over Power Slash. I'll be playing the real aesthetic tank tyvm. I am done with DRK forever.

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Why do they get an ass?

not everyone is in it for the story, user

I skipped every cutscene and don't regret it. It's not like you can't just go back and watch them at any point anyway.

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why the fuck does ghimlyt dark not give guaranteed job loot like every other SB dungeon?

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>can only have dark aura in combat

Attached: 73461350_p0.jpg (800x800, 227K)

How about a timezone with that, champ

Suncats are patriarchal.
Mooncats are matriarchal.

>Adept thighboots
will they ever be topped?

How come DRG is still meta? You don't need it for the piercing debuff anymore. Is Battle Lit that good?

So when do we get the full patch notes?
This is my first expansion

Attached: D9yghhbUIAApUzD.jpg (1024x576, 98K)

Nah, the problem with DA was it mandating double weaves to use it on C&S, DP and Plunge (lol). And this is on a job with a SkS buff (BW), so unless your ping is godlike you'll clip if you double weave your DA+C&S during BW.

That was a legit problem with SB DRK.


Dumb WoWfugee. Only LEVELING dungeons Heavensward and up give guaranteed loot for your job.

Seriously, why aren't there any thighboots as good as adept?

What do they decide to prune and what to leave out? Its slow and the only threads people are participating in are ones criticising the job changes in ShB.

She probably figured out who all your retainers are just so she can buy equipment and supplies she knows you made.
>there's a cutscene where everyone finds out and she stammers out an excuse that she felt one of the easiest ways to help you save the world was assisting you in making gil

of course

I too like watching netflix, eating or masturbating while playing.

It probably won't be, honestly. Unless DRG does more pDPS than BRD, BRD will be taken over DRG as Battle Voice is better than Battle Litany now.

But, we don't know what pDPS jobs do yet. So DRG may yet live, if it does like current SMN levels of DPS.

BL and Tether. Stack them with a DNC's Saber Dance and AST cards on a BLM or something and watch him ascend to godhood.

It's a story-driven JRPG first and an MMO second. New players are expected to either pay a shitload of cash to skip to Level Cap minus 10, or play through the entire story, with the vast majority doing the latter by design. Said story is a HUGE reason for the game's enduring popularity because it's actually pretty good. Skipping it is possible, but the endgame is relatively sparse, especially if you have no investment in the world or characters.

Attached: 1515646426626.jpg (2000x1125, 1.58M)

>tfw skipping the story cutscenes and other crap usually just looking on youtube for recaps sometimes
>read this thread getting angry that people are skipping the story
holy shit really? What's wrong with playing a videogame for the game play? It's a typical JRPG story where the good guy wins against the bad guy. Even shadowbringer is just FFIV.

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How does that make someone a WoWfugee?

Attached: 552.gif (195x229, 1.29M)

What am I looking at?

HW and SB went up at 6am EST iirc

The story is shit.
I think people who haven't played another FF game only give it praise.

Souleater looks awkward and I wished they'd repurpose some of the animations from pruned skills.

Because non-new players already know this and 99% of new players are WoWfugees. It is a safe bet.

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So 3 AM sorry.

While I also like GNB I just love my huge swords. What can I say, i'm a simple man, just give me a big-ass sword and edgy armor and i'm happy.

At least it drops the TO armor

it's not bad but could've been better

Demonic/angelic boots. No stupid belts.

Attached: D9yXTFkU0AA-10T.jpg (1200x675, 165K)

I love Good Morning Lalafell.

That's actually not a common thing people know, for it to not extend beyond leveling.
Because the only reason to do other dungeons trying to obtain an item, is for glamour, which is not something a new person would be doing. Retard.

>Pay for something
>Don't experience it in its entirety
I don't particularly care, you're only hurting yourself. People complain because people who skip then complain that they have to skip even more story, that they don't understand what's going on, or they don't like any of the characters.
Just keep your fucking mouth shut concerning the story if you're skipping it and nobody will care.

Hey dragoon I would really appreciate it if you could stop attacking the boss and come give me dragon sight. I play optimally so I make sure to stand at the maximum possible distance. The healer already knows that I am literally the most important member of the team so he stops dpsing so he can heal me because i'm out of aoe heal range. Also paladin dont forget to use cover on me so I don't get one shot by this mechanic that I refuse to move out of because it's not optimal.

Attached: black mages.png (544x680, 229K)

antitower and amdapor hard were worse and made me unsub, fuck gated shit

Attached: D9yJN6mVUAEMrGy.jpg (1200x585, 127K)

belts on boots are hot though

It's less that you're skipping the story and more your boosting to a point of the game where somebody who actually leveled there might make things go easier than having to carry somebody new to the game trying to understand their buttons, how to work with the team AND how to fight the boss.

What Im saying is if you are going to boost to the end at least just do it with your friends as to not slow a party of randoms down because you have zero patience.

>New players don't use glamour
Oh how wrong you are

Also they are too skinny and the angelic ones have that gold bit on their side that doesn't match with anything.

HW delirium was my favourite animation desu

How is Hildibrand going to appear in the First?

I think what I fucking hate about tanks is how mind numbingly static and basic their rotations feel. I actually like the way DRK kind of masked that and broke that up through BW mana generation, TBN pops and arbitrary dark arts mana burn. That made it feel more rewarding than a gay instant gratification button like inner release. ...and now the job is fucking dead.


Servers are going down at:
>2am PDT on Thursday
>5am EDT on Thursday

Servers are coming up at:
>2am PDT on Friday
>5am EDT on Friday

falling from the sky

>this is the DRK "rework" that they spent a year on

Attached: 2fps.jpg (910x854, 82K)

GNB is the most DPSlike of all tanks thus far. You should try it.

Attached: D9yJGjeXYAAqUE0.jpg (1200x675, 154K)

him and greg are probably already captured by a viera tribe

>what is prepositioning
>what is minimizing movement for mechanics to maximize damage output
fucking non-BLM brainlets

its rotation is still really static, though

More like a week.
>Can't think of any way to make it unique
>Fuck just make it a shittier WAR

I sure hope they give away another race change potion. They cant release new races without supplying one.

I have other games to play. I'm not going to spend 100s of hours maxing all classes.

Finish the SB quests and find out.

Attached: D9yF9fXUwAEQZ5C.jpg (1200x675, 124K)

they did that for hw right? i forgot

What's the recast time on the new dot? It looks kino.

Attached: DRK.jpg (853x480, 161K)

That's nice lad, but the subject was about the story, the thing they put the most work into.

t. nomura

Attached: D9yGez-UwAAKlF1.jpg (1024x617, 146K)

Yes, they did. And they really should do it again, since its 2 new races now.

I like Sindri lux since it looks like round sledge hammer.

Attached: D9yD3rIU4AAhFJi.jpg (1200x675, 167K)

Are people really happy about the tank changes? Was stance-dancing and threat management really that hard for most people to the point that they had to be removed?

Attached: 1545598820295.jpg (453x638, 108K)

Better than 1, 2, 3 followed by a Souleater every ten rotations at least my dude.

>Fishing will never be on the level of FFXV

Attached: 1513891145950.gif (480x270, 3.8M)

There is no point to playing the game past the story if it's not complex, moron. It should be made more complex with each expansion, not less. Otherwise, intelligent players will get bored and quit and the game will die like WoW.


its up!

Attached: D9yDNkyUcAEgttC.jpg (1200x675, 214K)

Here's a better question. If they were so easy and irrelevant, why did you need them in the first place?

they're just giving the people what they want. a simple threat toggle. now you can do full dps without losing threat!

Considering how many people fuck it up, it might be easier to play with shitty tanks but it drags everyone down a notch.

Should only need to max out yellow gathering scripts right? Red will be useless with white coming out?

Here's an even better question:
Instead of pruning shit, why not try to make it more engaging?

XIV fishing is already much more extensive. It's the chad DoL class

Attached: D9x-NBaUcAEFNrt.jpg (1200x782, 183K)

Nobody cares, you fat green fuck

You didn't stance dance, you went from once stance to the other and then never swapped to tank stance ever again until the fight was over.

It was a complete waste of everyone's time because the optimal way to play is to basically ignore the entire system.

>get shoved into Halatali for once
>tank keeps swaying the boss around, and doesn't turn them, also just rushes on ahead aggroing the mob while we activated the switches
>most of their alt jobs are in the 20s-30s range, except Paladin at 60
Did I just get stuck with someone who used a skip potion?

im not going to play shb drk

Because you fuckers still haven't awakened the crystals yet

Attached: BDPB_Airy.png (480x480, 269K)

>adds new skirt glam
>99% of the chestpieces in the game eats it up
It's hilarious how the basic sluts are forced to wear the same shit just to get the skirt to appear.

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Sure as fuck beats me having to do the tanks job for them and manage enmity for them because they just want to dps.

>skipped ivalice

So what's the schedule for launch, how does early access work? Is it like separate servers or something, or is it just "5.0 hits live on prerelease date but you can't play it right away unless you preordered?"
Also, when do we get patch notes? I don't see a live letter scheduled

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The Maple Cane

Attached: D9x_fs0UYAE79X9.jpg (1200x675, 143K)

"intelligent" players are not playing an MMO for deep and convoluted gameplay, moron. Only the most Dunning-Kruger sperglords could possibly wank themselves over this game's or any MMO's slow, simple button patterns.

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I have a mod on it and it looks better hiding the skirt

I only use the skirt because the skirt part goes away. I like the panties.

its the same as the expansion going live, plainly literally early access from the launch date

Attached: D9x8t4oUIAA-2Ii.jpg (1200x750, 108K)

it's just sadu that has a penis. it's no surprise because it thinks it's a man

servers go down on thursday for maintenance
patch download for 5.0 goes up
servers go up again on friday
everyone who preordered can play all of the new expansion stuff days early. the people who don't preorder still get all the quality of life changes and class changes.

Why not just making all DPSing one button?

Does SMM get better? I just hit 50 and I like the whole pet thing but I'm kinda bored of setting up dots and spamming ruin

patch notes always go up at least a day before release.

she thinks she was a man in another life not that's she's one

Attached: [HorribleSubs] YuruYuri S3 - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_11.27_[2015.10.17_12.07.34].jpg (1920x1080, 166K)

the second part, all the 5.0 changes get put in but you can't do shb shit if you haven't preordered
patch notes go up on maintenance day, they're gonna do a reading again at some point

Eh, it's not that bad. The problem was that it seemed to get selected for everyone 75% of the time, and this during a six month content drought while the dev team was in post-crunch suicide watch. Everyone got absolutely fucking sick to death of it, but it's still got some cool spots like the third leg of the dungeon.

Suncats: Females all use tribe name as family name, one head male that gets to do all the fucking until another male pushes his shit in and takes over. Males don't carry tribe name, just get a designator that either means they're a bitchboy or they're the guy doing the fucking. Big on their communities, even if they tend to be small. Tend to be more oriented to martial combat.

Mooncats: Females get named with personal name and family name of mother. No hard communities, semi-nomadic. Males are named "mother's first name + number in mooncat language" depending on the order of sons born. Guys especially just wander the land like wild tomcats, fucking any female mooncats they come across who are looking to get knocked up and don't stick around afterwards. Tend to be more oriented to magic practices.

>Make character
>Have to check the attack voices because that option doesn't exist in the damn character creator

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that's the basis of smn, yeah
you get a weird buff state at 60 and a pet dragon at 70 and you're going to get a pet bird at 80 but it's mostly still ruinmage

Attached: D9x8lfbUEAEQU2I.jpg (1200x675, 90K)

from a design perspective, it's a good change because fights can be based around tanks always having their tank stance on at all times, so things can hit a little harder.

>find a voice you like
>sounds like shit when attacking
fuck you fem hyur voice 10

Do not engage cutscene skippers and speedreaders

based autistic retard

Pushing Diversion was deemed too difficult for DPS players sorry bro.

I'm worried about this for rerolling hrothgar
I hope someone makes videos of all the voices on day one

Speaking of behavioral phenomena arising from lack of intelligence, meet Mount Stupid. You're on it.

Attached: mount stupid.gif (576x471, 15K)

It's pretty boring and it's mostly just autists that find it enjoyable, but it's free from levelling SCH, so that's nice.

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Hey, I main BLM and our class is so rock solid that they basically only tweaked it.
When you think about it BLM is pretty much the only job that straight up got more buttons, and two of them are just single target versions of flare and foul.

Casters dps did lose a lot of cross role skills, but I doubt most people ever used more than maybe four of them and by proxy use item slots on them. (what a coincidence)

It's good to be a BLM.

Attached: black2.jpg (759x906, 314K)

What happens now?

Attached: 1539827490134.png (253x345, 109K)

XIV's census also takes out a lot of people who are actually leveling/new too to account for bots.

become the master at lords of verminion

>she thinks she was a man in another life
And this thought should never cross any person's mind unless they're a tranny or have a futa dick

I just thought it was pointless and it took up hotbar space. Why couldn't sword oath just be on all the time until you change to shield?


are you actually retarded
DRK was the meta tank for literally all of HW and had the most complicated gameplay among the tanks by leagues for the same duration of time

t. stormblood baby

>There is no point to playing the game past the story if it's not complex, moron. It should be made more complex with each expansion, not less.

a story is not inherently improved by making it more complex, but your point is retarded anyways because each expansion does make it more complex with its worldbuilding.

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Why are the Eureka weapons so ugly?

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Most fun stressfree job?

>drkfags ACTUALLY believe this
that's a big wew

>citing xkcd unironically

it certainly wasn't pld and war wasn't a tank

So how is the MSQ going to work in Shb?

>Go to First ASAP
>Deal with that that shit
>Ishgard gets gassed etc


>Ishgard gets gassed
>People have to HOLD THE LINE while we do our stuff in the first before the cat faggot causes us to go into a coma

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I've always wanted to know who the hell the voice actors are for the voices.

fun is subjective
stressfree is objective so play red mage

DRGfags how do you feel about shb changes? excited for stardiver?



>When you realize Ilberd was actually completely right in his actions and he singlehandedly put into motion Ala Mhigo’s liberation

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Any changes to scholar?
I just learn anything in and out about Eos. Learn to heal, damage, and all that jazz. I will kill myself if they get fucked

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>we want tanks to do less damage and focus more on their own role!
>by the way, I'm just gonna take away these status effects you had, stances, aggro combo, and give you more abilities that only do damage
fuck you Yoshi P.

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I like combos

>yandere Alisaie

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Bad news bro...

T-Tell me bro
Got the rope ready

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Threat management isn't hard, just another thing that you have to pay attention to in a fight.
DRK is a real tragedy though. All they had to do was free up some space by removing DA, but instead they removed almost everything neat about the kit. Now we get to shoot shadow beams instead.

>stop DPSing and start tanking, retards!
>make tanks into melee DPS with no positionals
Yoshida P: Still not a genius

No he said he wanted Tank dps to depend on individual player skill and execution as opposed to which fucker had to maintank. Unfortunately he did this and then made playing all of the tanks so braindead that there's no difference between a good tank and a shit one anymore in terms of damage output.


Haha, nice bait user. Very funny.

drg seems like it's gonna be pretty chill since apparently everything lines up nicely now
plus it has combos for everything, like it has a 3part aoe combo because why not

Yet people defend his dumb fucking decisions all the time

Case in point: BLU, The new "Role Quests", the Homoginzation of healers/Tanks in Shb

*futa Au ra cocks.

so is this game worth getting into? I have a few 70s

>Finally beat UCOB
I did it bros. Now I can play 5.0 without regrets

What the fuck? So only new players can play on crystal if they want to play on NA servers? How the fuck will people on the other data centers play with their bros.

Patch notes are released once the game goes down. So we should be getting them thursday morning.

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>is this game worth getting into
>I already have a few jobs at level cap
you tell us

I like this better than the current Plenary, but its still a bit underwhelming.

I should, I don't have the tournament minions. Kind of neat the UI changes.


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You're already into it, you tell us.

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god i'm so glad to be done with this fucking gay weeb expansion

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Or unless they come from a tribe that believes in reincarnation

you can answer that question for yourself then because every expansion is more of the same

90% of job quests were a fucking slog and if they're going to make shit ones the new system is far better. Only one job quest that you'll have to suffer through, and a role quest which I hope to god is actually a glorified tutorial that forces you to get better at your role.

Learn to read and comprehend.

I wanted her to be an ara ara fire woman, but we got this gross shit
at least tsukuyomi exists i guess

Fucking hell do we really not know yet what's the new primal mount?

Now we can finally move onto the FF XVI expansion.

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Is that really all it is? I had been wondering since NG+ was announced what kind of incentive there would be for doing it. Is it really just to "relive the story"? I mean yeah I like the story too when they aren't throwing boring filler at you that is, but we can still rewatch all the cutscenes at the inn. Who the fuck actually want to play through all those fucking story quests again?

Isn't it frogs or some shit? They showing all the pepes lately.

>and a role quest which I hope to god is actually a glorified tutorial
Fuck off. Actually fuck off. The game should not have anymore god damn tutorials and handholding quests at 70-80. Jesus fuck.
I'm sick of the game assuming my brain has long since dripped out of my fucking ears.

>BLU will never be fixed
>Ishgard getting fixed is being moved back to 5.2

Welp. Guess I'm just gonna do the MSQ in 5.0 before I unsub

Should I even buy from the Market board? The minions look cute

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>ara ara fire woman
Literally sophia.

those god damn elf thighs I can't take it anymore

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Tradition is not an excuse for having a mental illness m8

>going on an adventure with the Scions
About fucking time. No bullshit makeshift parties with literal whos. It's time to finally do shit with the OGs.