>implying this wasn't better than Steam
Implying this wasn't better than Steam
I did not have sexual relations with that woman
It was garbage, you were extremely lucky if you actually got what you were looking for. Piracy is so much better now
It wasn't because internet speeds back then were so shit for the average person and everything was a virus or CP. Torrenting was so much better around 2005
Half the fun was finding shit you weren't looking for.
>"Oh neat! Music video"
>Young user downloads it
what was it
>that split second memory when Smash Mouth comes on the radio
*downloads Limewire*
*uses Limewire to download Limewire Pro*
I...I used iMesh.
>Download some sims expansions.
>One of them was actually Metal Gear Solid.
Fucking neato!
>look up "Gundam Wing Intro"
>open it
Luckily it was just shitty ms paint looking hentai
>blocks your path
thank god it's 1000x better
>downloading 9/11 Truth video for the 8th time
this shit fucks my computer up to the point it blue screens
also dont talk about it before some fuckwit baits out the entire scene and get's it taken offline
>trying download a random dbz pic
>download ended being a pic of a 8yo girl wearing a navi hat doing anal
>"Oh they're my age so these videos are fine!"
I really wonder what FBI kun even thinks about what people downloaded on limewire. I assume they ignore people and just go after distrubtors/makers.
or ever
just google "pthc" and find out
lol this shit gave me old computer so many virus I ultimately tossed the hard drive in the garbage.
I'd crash this plane with no survivors if it meant that ultra nigger scramoutcha lost his dick-measuring platform.
Also, shit like smloadr are what's worth keeping unknown.
Next to Bearshare, it was the absolute WORST P2P program. Morpheus was even better than Limewire.
The undisputed king was torrents. Sci Fi Network used to upload free episodes to filesharing sites...because they were too cheap to host large servers.
imo limewire fit that uncomfortable spot between kazaa/edonkey and torrents
Great, i'm on the list again, thanks user.
Lmao google actually gives a warning. I wonder how many times its worked
>Weird Al Yankovic Parody.mp3
>It obviously is not but it was not half bad
I never knew who actually made those mash ups and now they only live in my memory.
What does it say? "You're looking up Cheese Pizza you retard"
>Warning: Cheese Pizza is Illegal.
It just gives you a link that says this, and if you click it, it will just bring you to a page where you can report cp and whatnot
Imagine having millions of people watch your father rape you
Almost always a 5KB sized virus. Even the translated manga on WinMx had fakes.
My cock is hard, now what?
I was more of a frostwire guy
I am sure lots of dumb kids on Limewire back in day downloaded Cheese Pizza or accidently viewed it. I'm curious what the law even does in those circumstances of if they even cared.
>all those songs listed as being by Weird Al that weren't by Weird Al
I must've spent hours legitimately looking for cp as a 12-year-old because I was just trying to see girls my age get fucked, not realizing I could've gotten my parents in serious trouble. One day I actually found a video with a girl whose age was pretty questionable but even as a horny 12-year-old it felt fucking weird and wrong so I just got rid of it after watching it for 5 seconds. Never again.
>Limewire didn't give me computer AIDS everytime i used it
Really funny haha
I'm not clicking that
The absolute madman
Party van on the way, enjoy your ban
I suppose nowadays kids look at those weird "Nudist/Naturalist" websites that skirt the law.
To be honest, I used kazaa lite back in the early 2000s to get mine. Between that stuff and snuff films my mid teens were really fucked by today's standards.
>this 'Ray" fella must have some nice music, i mean it IS rated gold
e-mule, limewire, kazaa and bit torrent gave my childhood an open window of entertainment and the only price was the occasional unwanted snuff and questionably aged nude girls
Good thing I only looked for pokemon porn
I loved the black background and green text in Winmx. Felt like I was from the future. Spent a lot of time in the chat rooms.
>tfw managed to get the GTA games through Limewire back in the day
>literally just exe files of what I assumed were the right sizes
I'm honestly surprised that I never bricked the PC.
I'm more surprised by the fact that I never bricked mine even though my antivirus would go absolutely fucking apeshit on a daily basis
100x this
>Downloaded games through popular P2P programs
>Crazy enough to willingly download an EXE file and open it on a family/personal computer
cringe and bluepilled
>Ares Galaxy
based and redpilled
the poor guy who googles that and gets the warning
I'm sure once or twice the party van rolled up to a stuttering twelve year old who hadn't even realized he did anything wrong. Maybe even a dad getting carted away because his son is too chicken shit to fess up. If my kid pulled that one on me it'd take a week for him to take taste of leather out of his mouth after how much of an introduction he gets to the belt.
I feel like the cops prioritize the manufacturers far more than the consumers, though.
Wait, did they catch the guy?
This man is based
Was looking on kazaa for horror images because I was an edgy kid. Found one called horror.jpg that was like 60mb. Tried to download it but gave up after a few days (dial up was just too slow) always wondered what it was
I got Virtua Cop and some visual novels, never a virus, that I know of...
Where do you get your pirated/scene/cracked shit now Yea Forums after the golden age of p2p shit died?
I usually just use a filter on pirate bay with the skulls, rargb, or use my sekrit klub forum that has google/mega drive links of shit.
Hi Zach
shit replied to the wrong post
I'm David but hi
nice try
Nah they literally just shoot fish in a barrel. They wait for Facebook/Google/Microsoft to report it and out they go.
Failing that they just sit in BitTorrent and wait for connections.
the archive sites need to delete this before they get in trouble
report it on there
I downloaded Dragonforce songd from that.
>legend of zelda by system of a down
I somehow never did.
yeah I remember newgrounds too
What stupid shit did you lads do when you were younger? I'll start.
>looking at porn of grown-ups if fun, but I want to see kids my own age
>tfw I actually did this too
good to know I wasnt the only stupid kid
He's a gamer after all, we are the most masculine and daring human beings on the face of the planet
I got a buttload of CP from there.
Shiiiiit I don't think I'm coming back for a while~
Oh please. Torrents are the epitome of soulless.
I thought it was emule not donkey...?
How do I look up laws regarding minors without getting FBI'd
At least it was an 8 year old
All the cp I have ever come across was fucking babies.
Just look up age of consent through any search engine that isn't Google.
stik it n my pusy
Why is there a black van outside my house lads?
The internet was such a better place back when it was a lawless, unorganized wild west.
This thread fills me with hope. Perhaps I'm not the only one who laughed at "You are here forever" jokes but then realized it was real.
That's just me. Come on out
The FBI raided my house when I was 13 at 6 in the morning. I did the same thing a lot of kids did, which was look for kids their own age on it. They thought my dad was the one downloading it, but it was me. I fessed up. Feds sat me down and talked to me, told me it was bad, and asked if I was fessing up for my dad. I told them no, I was looking for it. They took our computers, wiped them, and returned them 3 months later. Nothing else came of it. They indeed go after the makers, and don't care as much unless you're sharing it.
Free rock cds and beer.
there was a porno of a redheaded babysitter getting fucked I saw 13 years ago and will never see again
I'm mad now
How did normalfags go from being able to operate limewire and other shit to not being able to download adblockers and blindly sucking corporate dick years later?
>Downloading limewire pro through limewire
Subversive Israeli elements sabotaging American education to dumb down the populace to make them I easier to control.
nobody cares autist
Internet is too mainstream
Gatekeeping is impossible
Alright I'm coming out
>"I did not. have. sexual. relations. with that woman"
Where do you find this kind of thing now days?
Limewire is dead and buried, what else is there for this kind of fucked up shit roulette?
Dark web.
Bro its fine
eDonkey was the network (ED2K, to be particular); eMule was just a popular client, if I'm not mistaken.
I'll be monitoring this thread for reasons.
>not DC++
Don't listen to this dude he just wants to keep the beer and classic rock cds to himself
Dark web has been compromised for years.
Maybe decentralized internet will bring back that old feel.
I was doing my internship for my Network Admin degree and I had a fix a students computer.
Right on the desktop, 8yearoldsucksbig.avi
the amount of cp on there was funny
I am forgotten...
>tfw as a mexican everything that happens to the americans arrives to us 7-10 years later
Is so fucking weird tough, instead of limewire we pirate everything on facebook groups and whatssap groups and most people don't give a shit about piracy or porn but still what an odd feeling.
They did try to fuck everyone over once, I forgot which piracy site it was, but I remember the fbi wanted a single case where they were going to charge a fuck ton of people at once. However, the judge in the case told they they were going to have to have separate cases for every single person. The fbi bailed on the idea after that.
>browsing for "Japanese girlfriend games" (no-one called them VNs or even hentai games back then)
>find a porn video called "XXX Hot bald cunt action", 300 megs, 144p
>download it
>download takes a week
>it's a Vin Diesel movie
Outside of the honeypot Dark Web, everything has been cleaned up now that web tech and moderation has been amped up since the early 2000's.
i hope this is true
welll, if all else fails just lower your standars low enough, Go to SDLG and download anything you need
And then kys yourself
Classical Gas by Eric Clapton, yeah
I actually found a porn with my friend and his girlfriend in it. I had his cousin check it to make sure it was them and he got weird and silent and didnt say anything about it. I fapped to it like 5 times
How did your parents react to the whole situation?
There was this amazing Acapella Simon Theme remix that I've never been ever able to find again. I was looking for Yngwie Malmsteen music and they labled this by him. truly hell
Tell me more user.
there are other similar programs and services, but shit's full of russian hackers, chinese bitcoin miners and south american ransomware that it's not worth it.
especially for music, where you can literally just rip any song straight from youtube.
You must be at least 18 to post here
Didnt exist in the era of morpheus, kazaa, limewire, etc.
God bless you, this is my pavlovian response to seeing that green citrus. That and remembering whacking it to Ava Devine as a kid.
It's still on the archive site and my morbid curiosity wants to click it, knowing that it's probably not a wise idea.
Seriously, what is the image, user?
Cheese pizza
not worth to get vanned for that
it's literally just a picture of a cheese pizza, you goof
Like actual or Valve tier "anime human beings in a school"?
>looking for music
>download album, in .zip format
like real Cheese pizza
tasty pizza
like a stock image one
>be going through university
>want to write music, hear about composition software like Finale and Sibelius (basically MSWord for Musicians)
>$300 yeah nah fuck that
>decide to pirate it
>only internet is parent's 28k dial-up
>can't use Limewire on the lab computers at the University
>go to parents for the weekend
>start downloading Finale on Limewire
>takes 10 hours to download all 35 megs of it.
>cant do anything else on the PC for fear of slowing down the download or crashing to blue screen
>spend the day helping folks do some yard work to pass the time
>have to re-dail every 4 hours because dial-up
>download is finally done 16 hours later
blows my mind sometimes knowing I can download any 10gig free2play game on steam and the download is done before I get back from getting a beer from the fridge.
god you are so fucking retarded
Are you European or some shit? Jesus Christ.
>downloading dbz episode I missed last week on toonami
>It's raygold
After the 3rd time I said fuck it and learned about torrents. First game o ever pirated was Postal 2, and it took me 3 days to figure all of it out. I was 9 at the time.
that's really something aint it?
makes you wonder what the current kids version of that will be
thread theme
It literally was just a pizza. I need to stop being so paranoid.
They'll all be dead or enslaved by the time 30.
probably "wtf it took 5 minutes to download all 250gigabytes of Fortnite 2: Gatcha Hentai game?"
jeeze grandpa why the fuck are you playing that game, it doesn't even have lootboxes in it.
Could you actually find the cheesy special on these things? they are before my time. i was big on computer shit on the 2000s but limewire, google, napster, myspace all went by me.
Instead it was internet Explorer, Gamespy, and NewGrounds.
For me is Kazaa.
What happens next?
>Nostalgia for fucking limewire
Am I reading this correctly?
Ironically you would only find it if you weren't looking for it.
cp doesn't actually exist it's just oldfags fucking with retards, aka, (You).
Aussie but broadband internet was ludicrously expensive for just one person until about 2005 or 2006.
The only way we had broadband when I had it in 2002 until 2006 was to share the "lightning fast" 512kb connection with your 2~5 housemates and have gentlemen's agreements not to hog all the bandwidth all the time.
My greentext is from about 2001 or 2002 when 28~56k dial-up was still the norm. You had to re-dial every 4 hours because of limitations on the way phone lines or modems worked or whatever.
I still miss the modem dialling sound.
My mother was devastated, and holds it over my head to this day. She's a narcissist though, so she still holds a time when I broke a plate when I was FOUR over my head, so.
My dad was mad at me, and installed some parental locks on the computer (which just taught me how to bypass them), but got over it.
The dank web sucks, you can find weird crazy shit but everything is buried under copy pasted zero effort bitcoin scams that make it no fun at all to try and find the weird crazy shit
There were a handful of clips that were everywhere, to the point that dialogue from one of them became well known enough to become a meme.
The Wild West Internet will never return.
>instead of having 1000+ different communities the internet now pretty much consists of Google, Facebook, Youtube and Amazon
>Darkweb is a honeypot exclusively used by the FBI
>Yea Forums gets managed and controlled by the FBI
>Filesharing is pretty much dead thanks to one million lawyers just sitting in their rooms waiting for the chance to send someone an angry letter
>"Shocking" content these days consists of chinese people running over eachother in traffic
You sound like me. Is your mom an alcoholic?
>Mfw 10 y.o. me would forcefully search up girls my age naked or getting fucked
>Mfw i must have searched a shit ton for those pics
>Mfw im surprised i didnt get my parents on some list
but also what user said
Yes. Her alcoholism cost us the house I grew up in, and now she lives with her parents, who continue to enable this shit.
The memes are real. It was EVERYWHERE. The funny thing is, it still is. I forget about edonkey for years at a time only to be reminded that it's still up and people are still getting busted.
So are the memes where you download HARRYPOTTER_POKEMON_LINCOLNPARK.AVI.EXE and your computer completely takes a shit as it opens its anus for the torrent of spyware and adware being funneled in at lightspeed.
Based & Redpilled anons
I was actually thinking about how incredibly unrestricted and unsupervised old internet used to be back when I was a feeble pubert who thought it was more appropiate to look for porn of girls of my current age. You could just google "little girls fucking" and you'd find so many webpages featuring cheese pizza and more. Thinking about it, the whole internet was a huge dark web back then, but I kind of miss the hundreds of different porn websites all with different kinds of content, today is mostly pornhub, xvideos and a couple lesser ones.
>goatse is now a sad pixel by pixel advertisement site
I did however, go to efreeclub.com.
fellas should i ditch qbittorrent for deluge?
>all these low iq plebs complaining about getting left behind
literally the only reason most of you have any fond memories of limewire was because of sheer newfag novelty and shock value and the fact it was easy enough to navigate that a fucking child could use it without much learning. And now that you all grew up you're stuck at the last semi-free place on the internet that a retard can access without having to put any effort in.
My fellow Americans
What problems do you have in qbit that you hope would be solved?
I exclusively use Google, Yea Forums, and YouTube whenever I'm on the internet. it's not even intentional. all the fun has just been sucked dry. but I do watch movies on streaming websites and the internet is really good for education (and porn)
What the fuck are you talking about. Mexican too, back around 2000-2001 I was already browsing all kinds of shady porn and hentai webpages, looking for keys to those exclusive ones, creating fake e-mails to get to them and already had knowledge about stuff like Kazaa and Limewire. But I'm just going to assume you're several years younger than me, early 2000 internet was just a huge wild west regardless of from where you were.
I would get nothing but "stalled" torrents in QB. I spent weeks trying to fix it but it was all dead ends. I havent had a single problem with Deluge on Windows 7/8/10/Ubuntu.
>ketchup next to a bbq
It tastes like... salty milk.
You could literally google that stuff and get tons of results.
Perfect Dark
Do you remember how the FBI guy treated you? Like was he a dick or he was chill explaining that was illegal?
Oh shit, my computer blue screens often too. I wonder if it's because of SS
>Sex games for kids, Sex dating sites for kids
looking back at it what the fuck was I thinking
Honestly? They treated me pretty well. I was 13, but they talked to me as if I were an adult. They didn't talk down to me, but they made it very clear that they could, if they so chose, arrest me then and there, but the agent in charge of the raid said "nah". They found my dad's weed, and flushed it, and didn't charge him, after saying "we don't care" about it, too. It wasn't nearly as awful as I thought it could ever be, but god damn, having 3 guys wearing body-armor pointing pistols/mp5s at you is scary. It's pretty obvious to me that, had I been much older, I'd have gone down for it.
it was a fucking shitshow. it was the time when your os was an open door and you actually had a 50/50 chance to get a nasty worm that would self-replicate and infect every single one of youe exe's (+lots of fake-outs to bait you into downloading it for the counter to go up)
By the time I started looking for porn and jerking it at 11 I was already an anime watching faggot. Like some others in this thread I was flagrantly searching for girls my age to jerk it to but it was all loli so it was all grey area from the start.
Some of the sites I stumbled into on my searches took me to some interesting sites. One of the first porno videos I ever watched was a video of a woman lubing up an assortment of those little foam sports balls that you give to babies, shoving them up her snatch, and then shooting them out as hard as she could.
Early internet was used to be so strange.
Goddamn, explain to this shit to me, I was allowed to have internet after watching granny ASMR on killsometime when I was 8
You were thinking "I should look for porn of girls my age" just as half the posters in this thread.
this is the only one that managed to stay useful and relevant to this day (the shit i could find there and nowhere else is unbelievable)
you weren't thinking, your dick was
when I did this kind of shit when I was 12 the idea that CP is illegal and wrong legitimately didn't even cross my mind whatsoever, I just thought about my classmates and how I'd like to fuck some of them so I tried looking for something similar
if I had a kid I'd be fucking terrified to give him access to the internet because of shit like this, looking at porn is one thing but actively looking for cp like a fucking idiot is another story
>after the golden age of p2p shit died
it didn't - lurk more
basically it's like this
>tfw the way I discovered porn was misspelling teen titans and putting teen tits on the family computer instead
Shiet the federal police can arrest kids in america? And there was a dude actually willing to bust you for that? What the fuck
>having 3 guys wearing body-armor pointing pistols/mp5s at you is scary
I thought they had just knocked on your door and apprehended your computer, but they actually raided your house, with armor and guns. Man I wonder what your neighbors thought of that.
it wasn't accidental at all for me, got an internet connection when I was 11 and after two months I had this fucking epiphany and suddenly went "hold the fuck up, I have the internet, that means I can watch porn"
that's how I found out a penis goes in and out of a vagina and you don't just kind of awkwardly rub your genitals on the girl's
Limewire? Haha! No!
It was fucking shit and only used by idiots and normies.
Real men used Direct Connect and/or emule before torrents.
How does Yea Forums feel about Usenet?
Yeah, they could have tried me at 16 as an adult in the state I was in.
As for the guns, yeah. They cleared the house, 3 dudes, lead with MP5 and one dude on each of his shoulders basically, hand-on-front's-back etc.
I told the neighbor kid it was for Piracy. They believed me, and actually thought it was mad-cool.
I blame both a friend of mine and one of my girl classmates for that. The friend got me into porn whenever I went to his house, he had CDs to use in his computer and once even her mother took him to a sex shop as early as 13. The girl classmate was an early bloomer, she had massive tits for her age (and I mean huge, fucking melons on a 12 year old) so it was a delight looking at her during swimming classes. From there it was a very quick descent into hentai and porn of all kinds, to the point I'd find watersports hentai hot as hell because it was new and different.
user the FBI are literally in this thread reading your posts.
I'm lonely
FBI-kun, can you come visit? Just to say hi?
I remember downloading this back in the day
I wonder why do they always do these arrests/raids in the morning? iirc after reading a CIA interrogation manual that I downloaded from darknet (because I was that edgy kid reading on how to use a garrote properly and how to make booby traps with gun cartridges) they always raid you in the morning or after a meal or in the middle of the night because it's when you're most vulnerable and unprepared. I bet your case made for a good story they told to their coworkers.
>I bet your case made for a good story they told to their coworkers
not him but I wouldn't be surprised if that shit happened constantly
I want to go back.
I remember the porn I downloaded was this 5-minute long video of some dude fucking a woman from behind, then she swaps to the front. I think it was german and had this corny ass music.
I really wouldn't be surprised if my case wasn't something they ran into a lot in that time. With the internet being as un-filtered as it was when this happened, it probably happened often.
The account that originally uploaded the leoroy Jenkins video is now filled with those fucking Indian children's animations.
Millennials and zoomer niggers don't even know what that icon means
heh heh, that image says pipe nipple.
lol well back then I was underage and would look up the videos titled 13yr_old_gets_fucked etc lol.
Ayyy its ok when you're cp yourself lol
Reminder that you can never go back.
I didn't use it for video games, I used it for porn.
[40 years later...]
>dad dead
>user's mom can't find the tax documents dad kept
>user looks through dad's computer
C:\Documents and Settings\user's Dad\tax
>"found it"
C:\Documents and Settings\user's Dad\tax\2013\babyj.mpeg
Fucking kikes ruining everything
Who keeps the same computer for 40 years?
School computer labs
the fact you know who babyj is...
who is babyj
A strange instructional video on X-ray techniques,
>all the angelfire fan pages with cool MIDI renditions of your favorite songs
who /f-zero chocobo remix/ here
Funny thing is, they actually didn't take the drive it was on. Apparently they don't know what an external hdd does.
It died 6 months later though, and it's been in a garbage dump for the past 10+ years anyway.