How do we solve the CalArts question?
How do we solve the CalArts question?
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Nuke California
Minecraft. Lots of state-sanctioned violence in Minecraft with due process.
inb4 vote with your wallet
It doesn’t work.
>every other character design is fucking great
>Dark Queen is pretty generic-looking
I don't understand. I'm sure it'll change, won't it?
came to post this
Disney should fucking sue.
AT least green Kim Possible has tits, ass and a non-retarded face.
>Nuke the Californians
>They die as Martyrs
>Everyone lives like them as a symbol against hate
>every other character design is fucking great
people who like things because they think they are a symbol against hate are in california, so the problem solves itself
don't buy the game, dipshit
They basically just combined these two characters together to make the Dark Queen.
Not really, at this point even fucking Texas is pozzed like crazy.
You mean Austin AKA San Fran 2.0
Shego is NOT FLAT
Wasn't there an user around who fixed her design to look way less cringey?
This. Shego was hot.
Fun fact: a large majority of people who use the "CalArts" style are not from California nor attend CalArts.
The San Andreas fault line.
it really is bizarre how leftists are at the point where it's a hate crime to them for female characters having any sort of breasts.
So Shego, but way worse. Maybe Disney should sue
Even the shitty pilot episode didn't fuck that up. This isn't even the same character.
I was going to suggest throwing fags of rooftops, but this is quicker.
>every other character design is fucking great
In what fucking planet?
>every other character design is fucking great
Did we see the same trailer?
I winder how big titty females feel about persecution of big boobs in general media.
thats not "calarts"
OG battletoads ripped off 80s TMNT
new battletoads rips off modern TMNT
whats the issue
I've seen a fair amount that hate it. They hate it so much that they no longer cal themselves feminists just because they'd be associated with these extremists.
Not fan of Kim Possible, but Shego has consistent lines,
a vibrant color scheme and doesn't look lifeless and inexpresive.
For a women to be depicted as strong it must look at least 70% male. Whether that be chest size, waist size, or hair length. None of these sjws are capable of drawing an actual woman
My big titty goth fiancee loves titties as much as I do. She thinks it's really dumb.
How about not ripping off modern TMNT and keeping it the same to what people actually like?
it's not just big tiddy girls either, it's almost at the point where it's ALL tiddy girls. but yes big breasted women are the most crucified. so much for diversity and body positivity, leftists.
this. I'll gladly take my thermonuclear death with grace.
Remember that if your child's teacher has breasts of any sort you should file a complaint to the appropriate ethics committee.
where's the fun in that
yeah, texas. like he said
Guy in charge of character design literally went to calarts.
Have another OJ tier trial in LA. Plot twist, convict the motherfucker, shoot an unarmed youth, schedule a trump rally, and watch as the entire state burns down in one long riot.
yeah but when you use these meme terms you expect a certain consistency
i mean Steven Universe is considered Calarts peak but none of the creators actually went there
Meant but whatever.
> that two frames of animation for the toad shaking his tongue was so bad looking. I never expected to be do bummed about a battle toads revival.
Looking at the like/dislike ration in the E3 reveal video, you're in the minority.
push them to secede and watch the shithole become a bigger ghetto than Hawaii
The rest of Texas is NOTHING like Austin and Austin is a fucking utopia next to Shitfrancisco
I don't know why they bothered to bring back Battletoads if they were going to cut off all the grit. This looks like an adaption to the old TV show they were going to make that was aimed at young children.
>all the angry slavs in the comments
Was Battletoads really that big in the Soviet Union?
This. Austin is completely different from the rest of the state. A nice containment city, but need to keep an eye on it...
>being proud of being blind
The "calarts" style is actually from rhode island were the guy who made adventure time went to animation school. Calarts is basically a disney training camp and people like Brad Bird went there.
>sweaty texass still in there
it isn't California this time. It's not even surprising the second worst choice is right behind them. Why is the European industry all degeneracy except for France?
I'm sure there's classical art schools with hundreds of years of important figures to boast about but nowadays accept utter trash.
God I wish Shego was real and would dominate me we go again
because France transformed into Japan 0.8
Europe never quite got the same sort of infrastructure for most entertainment industries as America. Obvious reason being America being one country, all speaking one language, while Europe is divided in multiple countries, all with their different languages. France is large enough that some industries, like vidya, managed to get a foothold.
How will boomers ever recover from this dumpster fire
You got a problem with that faggot?
The people who draw "calarts" are from completely different schools. This trend that's been happening is on an educational scale that has removed any sort of push as an art form and focused it on making money as a career. You can't "learn" to be a cartoonist at school anymore, you have to already be good at it and go in to get a few pointers from actual professionals and then get your qualification. Similar thing is happening with 3D modeling artists. All the good schools are in the East and Europe. Americans don't push for the artistic study, just careers and money.
i miss him...
By playing Battletoads/Double Dragons instead
it's kinda sad the state of western cartoons when we had quality shit in the 90s like Dungeons and Dragons, Thundercats, X-Men and Captain Planet.
Only Mexico and France can save cartoons now.
When i'm mad i play Super Batteltoads Arcade so i won't be so mad:
I know right. Grew up watching Tom & Jerry, Tiny Toons, and Darkwing Duck. Glad I was a 90s kid.
I live in California and see nothing wrong with this solution.
Canada after the 2000s is also a problem, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
lol wat? Their cartoons are really shit tier and all use the same ugly-ass style because they only have one studio.
Hi Calarts student.
no but in Russia they like games like battletoads due to the fact they are both cheap and easy to run since they are usually poor, if slavs are telling you your game is shit then you must have really fucked up
Kill yourself faggot
Wait a minute...
Modern TMNT sucks ass