>Camera shakes when you get on horse.
>Camera shakes very rapidly when you slam someone.
>Camera shakes very rapidly when something makes the slightest impact on land.
>Camera shakes when you FUCKING GET ON A HORSE.
Camera shakes when you get on horse
>Camera shakes when my hemorrhoids explode
>he’s never mounted a full grown horse before, let alone quickly jumping on while being shot at
Shut the fuck off fatbody.
reality isnt static. leave your basement once in a while.
Its for cinematic reasons, your tiny brain couldn't comprehend it
You can turn off camera shake entirely
Remember, Venom never hallucinates in MGSV.
Yes, but your head shouldn't fucking wobble crazy when you throw someone on the ground, nigger.
It's been a while since I played the game, but I don't think that the option to disable camera shakes works for CQC.
Have you?
Made me breath air out of my nose very fast.
Reality isn't third person when it comes to yourself either, retard. OP was talking about third person camera games, which also makes him half retarded too because the rules of first and third person camera viewpoints in video games do not mix.
Metal Gear Solid V is a cinematic game with typical filmmaker tropes such as lens flares and forced colors to manipulate your emotions.
Shit like unrealistic camera shakes is to be expected because this is a CINEMATIC GAME, not a game with actual realism which would be very bland and boring. You should really consider the facts before you post like Captain Obvious.
i'll take "settings you can turn off" for 500 please
also OP your mother sucks elephant cocks in hell
What about the optional Paz sub-plot?
It's extremely immersive, one of my favourite things about MGSV is how the camera shakes when you sprint or mount a horse. Kinda puts you out there in the scene.
Paz really is alive and brain damaged. I don't fucking know. I don't get how his face turns to his old self or how Volgin summons a burning horse or how a flying burning whale chases the chopper either.
I'm an athletic runner, and my head never shakes very hard compared to MGSV when I sprint fast. Maybe I do a good job keeping stable. Either way, OP can just turn off Camera Shake in the options.
>Why are there cinematic trends in a cinematic game
>I’m an athletic runner
Ok but have you ever had to sprint away from a nuclear-armed bipedal tank while carrying heavy equipment?
The dashing animations in V don't change, regardless if you're carrying heavy or light equipment. So? Unless you're talking about the cutscenes.
I’m talking about the camera man. They’re essentially using anti shake during post production when you turn off camera shake.
The rate of which the camera shakes in TPP doesn't change regardless if you're carrying heavy or light equipment either, if I recall. I can definitely picture the scenario of your question, but I'm not seeing much to the point when it comes to trying to apply it to the game.
Listen buddy, if you wanna waltz in here and show off your hot jogger body, fine, but don’t try and sell me on the fact that camera shake is not immersive. Would you prefer that there be no running animation either? That snake stands in a t-pose and move from point to point? Next then you’ll say is that motion blur and chromatic aberration is cancer too.
Motion blur isn't cancer when it only applies to objects near your face.
Oh, and chromatic aberration is cancer.
Motion blur and chromatic aberration are cancer.
Ok then elaborate
>Open world is empty
>Most of the story is told via tapes and "immersive" dialogue during gameplay
Humans don't see chromatic aberration. It's only something that cameras and other kinds of lenses have, that filmmakers put into films to make their movies look cool. It's unrealistic when it comes to how humans see things and thus cancer. Hope that made the explanation simple, user. :)
>It's unrealistic when it comes to how humans see things
Metal Gear Solid V is not first person.
Try explaining why chromatic aberration is cancer without using first person and then I'll reason with you.
>why does this cinematic game use cinematic techniques
We also don’t see directly into these 3D worlds, you nerd. It’s called artistic license. Not everything has to be the same. Go to an art museum sometime.
>I hate when they put music in movies, it's unrealistic when it comes to how humans hear things and thus cancer
I hate art, and I hate that hedgehog!
Does music play in your head even when no one is touching a single instrument? Huh?
Nice post, but not everybody is a psychopath like you.
It doesn't, so i guess it's cancer when they put music in games, movies, etc. just like stuff like color correction and shaky cam.
Because Konami Learnt that gambling machines where a lot more profit friendly then letting the crazy man make video games. So shit was cut, And this is what we get. weather or not that only one party is at fault is another discussion.
I'll never fucking understand this complaint about the open world being "empty". They're in the middle of the goddamn desert in Afghanistan, what the hell do you expect to be out there? The open world is actually way more populated than it would be in real life, they've got fucking outposts and bases every 10 feet
Honest question: how are you guys still playing this shit after 4 years?
I tried going back a few weeks ago... dudes on FOB missions will just repeatedly stun you and mess with you, and the main story is just a grind fest. I wish the tone of the first mission had carried out throughout the whole game.
Yes and I want the music in my head to fucking STOP. My head has a giant library of earworms and I keep constantly switching though them.
I keep losing to You Hear It, You Lose threads because of this shit.
because i can only tolerate to play it a half hour at a time and there is just so much empty bullshit content to get a 100%. i don't really want to, but i've 100%'d every other MGS so i feel an obligation.
>I can't stand stuff that makes movie games like movies!
Then why don't you not play them, then?
Probably needed more actual bases like the Ground Zeroes one instead of small-ass outposts with 2-4 soldiers.
those little camps have like 10 or more dudes in them towards the end of the game. it just waits until chapter 2 to ramp the fuck up for some reason. of course by that point you can waylay everything so it doesn't really matter.