Thanks steam!
Thanks steam!
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this is why devs are moving to Epic
lol no they aren't
isnt MMORP and Massive Multiplayer together kind of redundant
The reason they're going to the epic store is
I wish i could save contact info for all of you fumb ducks so that in 5 years when steam is still the gaming hyperpower i can post a spiteful comment at you.
>We love epic because players are forced to see our games for sale whether they want to or not
based af
> in 5 years when steam is still the gaming hyperpower
There will be no steam in 5 years user, Steam is going against gog galaxy 2.0 and because of that it's already dead.
i'm gonna apply those whenever i log into steam again, except for vr maybe. thanks op
Steam tags were fun for about 24 hours after they went live. Then they decided that they would use a whitelist system to only allow certain tags. I find it strange that they would decide to whitelist the faggot and tranny tag but at least it expands peoples' control over the types of content they see on the store.
>filter games that dont interest you
Valve understand steam is losing, so they are trying to appeal to incels now
Nice virtual signal faggot
VR is slowly being more accesible to consumers yet there is not a single game that justifies the entry point.
FNAF is being called a must for this shit.
What went wrong?
Gimmicks almost never make games enjoyable.
the modern video game industry has been turned to complete shit. stop supporting these companies. pirate and play old games. you have a giant backlog of amazing games to play.
Sorry, I should say "control interface gimmicks"
No we don't, not all of us are 15 yeras old. We played all of old good shit already
>lol epic going against steam
>steam will btfo
>it didn't
>lol gog will fight with steam
>steam will btfo
Thanks hiro.
>getting excited over new releases
You're the 15 year old here, champ. Can't wait to use mommy's credit card to buy another season pass or more loot boxes on day one?
because Great Gig in the Sky?
It's almost as if Valve doesn't know Epic exists and don't care in any way.
Hmm, boobies!!
>getting excited over new releases
Fuck off already kid
who this cutie?
The whole industry is going with GoG(that includes epic obviously) to fight steam fucktard
There are massively multiplayer games that are not RPGs
Thanks Steam!
>oh my god the new bing bing wahoo with lbgqt DLC came out today!!!! i'm going to play it while watching rick and morty all day!!!!
ok but you don't need MMO as second tag if you already have MMORPG
that's a nice image user, mind if i save it?
Vr games feel good, but that is about it. Even the Skyrim and Oblivion mods add something to the game.
What I mean is that VR games still feel like tech demos.
Something like the Witness on VR would be really enjoyable or myst… here is where you call me a faggot and tell me both games are already on VR.
you do because games often won't be listing both for the same reason
>Projecting that hard
You make me sick, man
You've got that backwards, you don't need MMORPG tagged if you already have Massively Multiplayer tagged
>oh my god did you see the latest smash roster update I can't believe it!!!!
Just make sure to credit CoolAnon69.
But why would you need MMO if you have MMORPG am I retarded?
MMORPG is specific. MMO is in general.
All MMORPGs are MMOs but not all MMOs are MMORPGs
MMO is the broader term so it encompasses more games
I am tempted to filter lgbt stuff but I just know it is going to end up allied to games with any sort of gayness at all and I could miss out on some good shit
Some crazy shippers might even tag bayonetta as lgbt
and since a MMORPG won't necessarily list MMO as well, and a MMO that isn't a RPG won't list MMORPG, you utimately need to block both if you don't want any MMO
I'm not sure we're undrstanding eachother because I meant why would you need to tag a game with MMORPG and MMO if you can just tag it as MMORPG
> "dont do filter lgbt because my gay game that im going to release will get less exposure"
might be better to have specific sexuality filters instead of the all encompassing lgbt
so hen lesbian filter, gay filter, bi filter and transhomo filter
For accuracy's sake. If someone searches for MMOs and your MMORPG isn't hit, you're missing out on a potential customer. Alternatively if someone filters out MMOs and your MMORPG shows up in a search, that's no good
The fault lies with the tag system itself. If you don't want MMORPGs but want to play other types of MMO then leave it as MMORPG.
Is this supposed to make me mad somehow? I stil have no idea why you are trying to antagonize me kiddo, in fact i would preffer to be in your position. Having nothing to play because you already played everything sucks
Don’t get too excited it’s MtoF.
Yeah-yeah cry me a river and wish utopia with gog, intellectual.
I think I get it now thank you for being patient
imagine actually searching for MMOs instead of already knowing which one you want to play because of their popularity
list of dead mmos sure must long
>relevant market share
Good joke
Thank you Steam
Hey, I know that game.
It's that Snow one, right?
>whole industry
>going with the DRM free option
As much as I'd love that timeline as a pirate it ain't happening
show me the game so i can report it, selling game with drug use in my country without having classification board review it, is grounds to be sued big time.
Hey gaben, could we get a tag for "steam exclusives"? I don't want to support devs/publishers that do not allow customers the freedom of platform choice, thanks
Pretty sure they already did.
Evenicle. Go ahead and report it. Fuck mangagamer
>it’s MtoF
I refuse to believe this.
>game with pig penises in loli
haha no i will not report it
There are only two lolis. 1 is one of the main heroines who only fucks MC (and tentacles), the other is the one who fucks her dad. There are no pig penises in them.
then whats that?
Link the CG.
post 'em
Only have these 3.
Im considering whether I should add LGBT but then like that other user said, it might lead to some genuinely good games getting filtered just because one character was a fag or something.
What game is good that had faggets in it?
since when is gog a thing now?
Fallout New Vegas, Arcade
Life is Strange.
Do you only play FFXIV to have LGBTQ there?
How fucked is the LGBT tag so far?
Are there tards out there tagging a game LGBT just because:
>sometimes you can get homo/trans as a character trait in say shit like Rimworld
>you can have some silly "do they call you a he or a she" option
>there's literally one token homo in the game
A whole bunch of GTA games
A game with one faggot side character wouldn't be viable to tag.
>Shenmue 3 is already tagged with it
for fuck sake.
This is based, now I can avoid LGBTQ+ titles, and trannies can search for them.
Very cool.
well i guess the filter is working great. Thanks Gaben
Valkyria Chronicles
no, you subhuman
thanks gabeN
Your kids will turn out gay btw homophobe
dilate. have sex. vote trump. cope. seethe. based and drumpfpilled. ban me mod cucks, i'm australian and hate you filthy amerifags
ah i forgot about card games, thanks user now i can stop getting recommended slay the spire what a garbage game
They'll off themselves then, oh well.
>shitty game
>tag it as LGBBQ cause it's gay
what it means?
Monday to Friday
Made to Fuck
More to Fry
it's restaurant lingo
Made to Feed
and seed
Fuck off Sneed
male to femoid
tranny fagget
So you're saying Epic is full of gay shit
More reason to avoid it
Write about it on your blog.
if i wasnt recovering from being shot i would make a cum tribute to this
>when it was unofficial you couldn't filter it out
>now you can since it's official
based Gaben making it blockable. I'll be annoyed if I get some Steam Recommendation during summer seal and is explicitly ignoring that filtered tag.
>Your kids will be gay, when the parents clearly aren't.
>It's not a choice, we swear it's genetic
Pick one hypocrite.
LGBTQ+ is a tag?
Look it up you absolute lazy fuck
more like a gag
how bitter must you be to see a post 5 years from now and go "HA! I WAS RIGHT! THEY WERE WRONG!"