>Make a game where there are plenty of fun guns/abilities you want to use
>You get the good, perfect, everyone is happy ending by not using them and instead stealthing the level
Why do games do this? Dishonored is the worst example of this.
Make a game where there are plenty of fun guns/abilities you want to use
Good endings for tryhards anyway.
You're a fucking retard
To make sure that there are consequences of what the player is doing. You get that feeling that you're actions are important, not only at certain points but throughout the whole game.
I however think that both ways should still be fun.
nuMetro actually lets you murder like everyone but still gives you the good ending it's lit
Don’t you have to let the surrendering people go?
You don't have to stealth in metro.
Gotta have "quirky" characters too.
I shot a few of them before I understood animations and even sniped hostages because they looked suspicious
still got the happy times
I also triggered like every firefight because I can't into stealth
ending tied to how you play is a neat idea but usually ends up with the player feeling like he's either fucking up if he uses everything available or like he's being limited if he's going for a certain ending. it doesn't help that in dishonored's case the game becomes a total cakewalk when you actually use all the tools it gives you so the game gets a bit boring the second time around.
You can get away with blasting everyone to oblivion in Dishonored so long as you do the non-lethal route on the mission's main target.
>I've gotta do [main quest objective] because [very important reason]
>this involves traveling through hostile territory where enemy combatants will kill me on sight
>it's immoral for me to kill them
Retard cuck morality. Pacifist runs are supposed to be a fun challenge, not the only "morally good" way to play.
Just murder everyone, look up the good ending on youtube and pretend you earned it. Is it really such a big deal? Not like anyone gives a shit.
What a stupid overly designed shotgun
One of the shining moments of this game for me when I was playing Volga and wasn't paying attention to dialogue and ended murdering the entire village. Later on when doing the last piece of the level you can hear the guards of the bridge say "Yeah he killed an entire village full of people who barely knew how to use guns." I found that there were plenty of sequences where I was able to use my weapons and find good use for the backpack mechanic. .I found the Bastard Smg next to useless as well as the revolver.
I agree with this, because the entire Children of The Forest level was hell having to stealth through the entire level. It was challenging and I'm happy that I was able to beat it, but literally everything will kill you and its dumb that you can't fight back. The whole chapel sequence at Volga was prime example,literally they will shoot you on sight but you are the bad guy for just trying to get out of there.
Chinese shotguns???
Doesn't look stolen enough
What? I used guns constantly in Exodus. Killed hundreds of dudes and monsters and I still got the good ending where they bury Miller.
Are you sure you're not just retarded?
I mean the gun makes sense if you are only using parts from an underground railway. Looks simple to maintain and is functional against fighting mutants.
devs are lazy niggers
instead of the lethal plotline going one way and the nonlethal diverging entirely they just make you do the same exact objectives but with slightly different ending slides
I did that and didn't get the best ending.
I don't mind the way Dishonored does it, it's supposed to be replayed and how they explain it is logical enough.
fucking MGSV
you can't use any of the fun shit and get an S rank on missions