Obscure Games Thread

Where do you stand?

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I used to download shmups off goecities back in the day and those slant eyed bastards made some great shit as passion projects that put a lot of modern indie games to shame.

I've been Gregor since elementary school

This needs another update, not nearly enough of the lower four are obscure anymore

The Daemon or Pioneer. I keep up with Kanoguti and install obscure jap porn eroge and OS 9 games

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How the fuck does playing Starsector and Meridian 59 make you a gregor. Those are just weird guy and oldfag games respectively.

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>Depressed farmer's autistic screeching money homebrew.
as always

gregor i guess

I didnt even notice that it was there. That's really just an oldfag game at best. Bungiefags always bring it up even tho it was shit compared to other 90s fps.

Pioneer tier, I love biogenesis and I play a lot of weird Russian games and old nip freeware. Granted I spend most of my time playing games higher up the iceberg.

Gregor tier needs rebalancing. /vr/ cult classics, Dungeon Crawl, Old Text Adventures, and IWBTG fangames just seem too oldfag/entry level. HellMOO is fitting.

Also Cataclysm: DDA is fucking "The Wierd Guy" tier.

>eastern mind
>pilgrims progress
>rape simulators
all these and more need to be bumped up

>rape simulator
does that have to be something like Rapelay or can it be any sort of flash game as well?

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Monster Hunter isn't that weird.

Honestly this should clarify if what you are is based on how far you've ever made it or where you generally stay. I've made it as far as Daemon playing worlds but I normally weird-guy to oldfag

>the gamer

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do you know more?

Not anymore. World is 2nd tier easily. Earlier games are certainly uncommon so "weird guy" is fitting.
t. oldfag that started with freedom 1

It was made way before World. It might be even the first tier now. Second at lowest

that's oldfag at worst


What are some of /vr/s cult classics?

Next gen TES

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>lost media
Elder I guess

>arcane kids
they're easily in normalfag territory now

Why is Zeddas that low anyway?

I mostly just play forgotten late 90s/early 2000s PC games with super dated graphics
Anyone got any recommendations? Currently playing dirt origin of the species. Its shit but strangely charming

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This was made before that Zeddas game was "leaked". Zeddas 3 is Labyrinthe, right?

If based on knowledge: Daemon at furthest
If based on gameplay: Gamer, probably Weird Guy at furthest

Makes sense. I started with 3 so I'm hardly a series vet, but when I picked it up fucking nobody had heard of it.

It was definitely "weird" territory then. I remember picking up the tri demo as a kid at gamestop, the employees had no clue what it was and I had to tell them they must have gotten demos and must have forgot about them. Indeed that was the case.

Oh yeah it is, forgot about that. I still need to properly play through the first game.

I'd consider bumping up The Void and C:DDA too.

Pink Gear Collection

My dad use to work for a gaming compagny in the 80s and i play unreleased game and console of that time he also add a computer with space war,and space travel on it.