Is Wario canonically Jewish?
Is Wario canonically Jewish?
He's canonically German
It's said that he was meant to be a german character. Wario Land Auschwitz anyone? You save yourself (Wario) and others from the camps and steal Hitler's paintings.
remind me again: did the nazis actually kill millions of jews?
They did. Millions of Jews, along with other people they deemed worthless
No. Jews had been talking about millions and holocausts before the war started. The ww2 holocaust stuck because they had a golden opportunity to put it into our history books.
Read it and weep.
Worse. He’s a white male.
Yeah, great source. Bet you believe everthing in the history books too. What a sheep.
>Longass sideburns
>Loves coins
>Big ol nose
Boys, I think it was clear from the start
Start puffin boy
Jew here. I can definitely confirm he is of Middle-Eastern heritage. He helped pay for my college tuition as well. Thanks Uncle Wario!
So how come /pol/ uses the wikipedia for proof of evolution but not the Holocaust?
So you're a conspiracy theorist. All right. Watch out for the Illuminati! They might spray chemtrails over your house and put fluoride in your water supply! Don't forget to btfo some round-earthers!
>/pol/ uses the wikipedia
[FAILED] Is that an attempt at... humor?
That pic is misleading. There are many headlines with "5 million" and "Holocaust" in them from the same time period. Same with "4 million" and "Holocaust".
The person who made the pic cherrypicked only headlines that said "6 million" to validate their conspiratard belief.
I don't even know why I'm wasting my time with this, I'm not gonna change your mind. I guess I just want outside observers to know that deniers are full of shit.
Nice fabricated nazi propaganda. The real enemy is the communists, not the Jews
It's not a conspiracy.
He’s Libertarian
>Is Wario canonically Jewish?
Only in spirit for comedic effect, otherwise he wouldn't work as a protagonist in games
>reddit spacing
Kill yourself
About that...
Ok, Mr. Jones. Make sure to watch out for Agenda 21! They're putting chemicals in the water that turn the frickin' frogs gay!
what happened to the video games after the third post
Okay Rabbi. Nice talking to you. I'll let you get back to sucking babies penises.
Hows that baby penis taste?
>literally every book/website/etc that has to do with this era of history can validate that the Holocaust happened
>"I-i-it's all J-j-jews,they made all this evidence up! Everyone is insane but me!"
okay retard.
I wouldn't know, I'm not religious.
How's your sister taste?
worse than the thread that made it into generic mommy posting, that one took 4 posts
He steals gold personally instead of manipulating others so no hes not jewish
>literally every book
Incorrect. You're drinking too much jew kool-aid.
Yes, but the amount of millions is definitely debatable. I predict it was around 2
You know how many people lie about fighting in Vietnam?
Do you deny the Vietnam War happened?
>wario thread
>everyone is talking about jews
Okay that's fucking retarded, what would a WarioWare/Land cartoon be like?
Arguing with Holocaust Deniers is like arguing with Flat Earthers, its a waste of time since they've deluded themselves into believing they're correct.
I thought he was Arab.
The term "consipracy theorist" is not just an insult you can throw around nonchalantly. Hell, the US was founded on a conspiracy theory.
It was more like 200,000-500,000
not him but you sound really jewish
his sideburns are no longer than marios
Terrible insults Rabbi. For a guy that polices the internet against thinking badly about jews you sure are terrible at talking shit.
Yeah I know. I'm not trying to change their minds, I'm trying to convince people who may be on the fence that their "evidence" is bullshit. But even that is getting tiresome, which is why when they start asking research-heavy questions, I just link them to websites that will do the work for me.
Water treatment plant operator here
I do in fact put fluoride in your drinking supply
>sauerkraut on a sausage
Damn, Wario is BASED!
he's Wahtalian, retards
There are verifiable locations of remains for 99% of people who died in Vietnam
Why would you lie about being in a death camp though?
The conspiracy isn't that they put fluoride in the water supply, it's that it's somehow a mind control thing or whatever the Infowarriors believe.
Stanley Kubrick mocked water fluoridation conspiracy theories in 1964 and 50+ years later people still believe in them.
Actual Holocaust survivors poked holes in Rosenblatt's story before it came out that he was lying. But that goes against your narrative, doesn't it?
WarioWare is literally about him exploiting his friends into making games for him (for free) to sell and keep all the profits.
>Swimming pool
That's a fucking fountain holy fucking shit Holocaust deniers really are on the same retard level as flat Earthers
Oh boy, now we're getting into scholarly stuff.
I'm not gonna sit here and write a scientific dissertation about the logistics of the Holocaust, so I'll do you a favor and let these guys answer any questions you may have about the subject.
It's a treasure trove of answers to your questions! You can spend months reading through if you're actually curious.
Actually, that's one of the few things he ISN'T lying about. Auschwitz did have a swimming pool, but it was only for the guards and prisoners with special privileges (mostly non-Jewish ones).
No, he is a woman!
Jesus, the level of autism in that response.
>fountains have steps to get out of them, and diving blocks
oy vey, the argument playbook clearly says the water was a reservoir for firefighting
not an argument
I'm not the one with the narrative.
WarioWare also ruined Wario as both a character and series
But he has a mustache.
I wasn't arguing, I'm not the guy you were arguing with. Just pointing out your retardation.
>that guy who links wikipedia, but doesn't realize wikipedia itself says 6 million is not a number founded in scholarly sources
oof, yikes, have sex, cringe, dilate, what did he mean by this
>and put fluoride in your water supply!
Topically applied fluoride doesn't prevent tooth decay, it does render teeth detectable by spy satellite.
>Jews are all lying bastards
>But this one Jew is quoted with saying something that confirms my deluded conspiracy theory so he isn't lying
Really turns on my noggin cashews
I'll tell ya this much it's not to prevent tooth decay
Yeah I really wanna see a bunch of bullshit written by scheming jews. No thanks.
WarioWare is fine, shaddup
It doesn't matter what site is linked to you because it will either be "Jewish propaganda" or somehow the author was paid off by Jews in the case of what seems to be an unbiased study.
>You can trust what jews say!
>Doubts what a jew says.
And vice-versa for you Rabbi.
>implying a batch of cookies is 1 cookie
More proof deniers are brainlets
Facts are facts. It wouldn't matter if they came from National Enquirer, as long as there are sources and they can be corroborated, they're valid.
Approximately 0.06 million Jews, yes
What race is waluigi?
Are you retarded or just baiting?
He's Italian. All humans in Mario are Italian.
But how can Wario be a woman...
if he has a mustache?
Jewish facts are not facts.
>How long does it take cookie monster to bake 6 million batches of cookies
Cmon, user, work it out, I have faith in you.
Ebin Garrison edit, but I'm afraid Jewish facts are indeed facts, hence the word "facts".
Like I said, if there's sources, and you can corroborate them, then in a court of law, we would say "innocent until proven guilty!"
>"innocent until proven guilty!"
Just like Nuremberg! Oh wait
Jews have killed more people under communism than the Nazis ever did
Nah, you're just a shitty JIDF shill.
>jidf shill
That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.
>without evidence
no one says 6 million bodies were burned
this is what holocaust deniers do, they try to match things with other things to create the illusion of contradiction like the wooden doors on a building not used as a gas chamber suddenly becomes "well this must mean all the gas chambers had wooden doors!"
they make fake arguements for themselves to poke holes in
Cool pic. You still don't have any evidence that I'm part of any organization.
Boy oh boy if only you were a mod. Mods can see post histories, you know. If I was a shill I would be one dedicated-ass shill. I'm a fucking loser with no friends. Just like everyone else on Yea Forums.
>no one says 6 million bodies were burned.
Now thats what I call bullshit, Shlomo.
but the gas chambers literally had wooden doors
You sure are one dedicated shill.
Anyone still engaging with Holocaust deniers in this thread, don't.
I already linked two websites dedicated to debunking their shit. If they're actually interested in learning and not just wasting people's time by being argumentative, they'll look at said links.
If they're still arguing and giving you a hard time, it means they're not interested in learning, they just want to waste your time and possibly brainwash anyone on the fence.
Most Holocaust deniers know the Holocaust happened. They just pretend it didn't so they can get people to hate Jews and make Nazism seem less evil.
Jewish websites are not valid sources, Shlomo.
^See what I mean?
Shut up jew no one actually cares but you
Where are your sources on that? Besides all those accounts written by "survivors" with the majority of them either having glaring contradictions, impossibilities, or just straight up debunked with the authors own confession? Now tell me why they'd make this up back then, if it's really true, then there should be no need to make false accounts, now would there?
Guess Stalin forgot