How "ninja-y" is Sekiro? Can you do stuff like poison enemies or assassinate mooks in one shot or is it more roll/punish ala Dark Souls? I really liked Tenchu, Shinobido, that kind of game.
How "ninja-y" is Sekiro...
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It's definitely not roll/punish like Dark Souls, you need to be way more aggressive than that for most bosses. For the rest of the game, stealth works very well, probably much easier than trying to fight everybody head on. I don't play many stealth games, but the stealth does seem a bit too easy and goofy
You can stealth kill all mooks
Other than that it's mostly parrying instead of rolling or dodging
Is parrying mandatory? I'm absolutely fucking retarded when it comes to parrying in games. I hate it.
>Can you do stuff like poison enemies or assassinate mooks in one shot or is it more roll/punish ala Dark Souls
somewhere between, leaning more towards dark souls
Sekiro is about mashing L1 and mashing R2.
I think so, but trust me, the parry timing is pretty damn forgiving.
You can poison, you can one shot, and you can cheese a lot of stuff. But it’s still the most difficult souls experience because you have to git gud
To go into more detail, you can pretty much spam parry and get away with it. There's no punishment for missing a parry like in Dark Souls, it's not a long animation
Definitely more like tenchu and the combat is nothing like souls
l1 l1 l1 l1 r1 r1
it's pretty easy
Spamming parry (recently holding L1) reduces parry i-frames from 30 to 7 this punishing the player so it’s not very effective.
It's the most important mechanic in the game.
>t. someone who never used firecrackers
weird that you'd brag about that
Yes, though you need a particular sub-weapon for it you get at around halfway. You can later upgrade your sword to poison if you spend a bunch on a particular skill.
Absolutely. The entire game is based around setting up opponents for Deathblows, and the easiest way to do them is to attack from behind or above when they're unawares. Most bosses can be stealth-killed as well, though it takes out half their healthbar instead of all of it and you have to fight the rest normally (they regenerate if you hide again). The other way to do a deathblow is to break their Posture by repeatedly attacking and parrying without stopping.
If there's a Sekiro sequel or DLC, I want more areas like Ashina Outskirts Invasion that are super long and filled with tough enemies so you have to flex every tool you have to get through.
I didn't hold down L1, I repeatedly pressed it, and I never got punished for it. I got through the game very easily like that, no boss took me more than 3 tries to beat
Firecrackers are for cowards like Owl and you.
it's Metal Gear Rising without that game's retarded parry input
parrying is also easy and makes sense in Sekiro, it's not there to punish you
assassinations and to a lesser degree stealth are there to speed up the gameplay, again, easy to pull off
the poison stuff not so much, you have shurikens but they're either not used or act as a long ranged stun/gap closer mid-game
good game, get it, it only gets fun after ~5-8 hours though
Ogre is a shit boss, please don't quit
>I didn't hold down L1, I repeatedly pressed it, and I never got punished for it.
It’s then just a normal block at that point, isn’t it? That’s standard fare for Souls games.
>it only gets fun after ~5-8 hours though
Funny you say that, after Genichiro I started getting supremely bored of the game. The absence of any real new mechanics in the core combat really hurts it.
It's basically required. You CAN run around like an asshole and strike but parrying is more or less a requirement for most bosses/enemies.
Ya dude, those 6 firecracker charges surely will get you through most bosses by themselves
iunno mang i like how i can just put on a movie, zone out and rush through half the game from scratch in those 2 hours, it's my current feel good game
loads up fast, barely any loading screens/cutscenes, it's just pure combat after the first playthrough
but yeah, it's a bit barebones in terms of content, eg. i wish there was a boss rush mode or something
>they'll abandon Sekiro's combat system and go back to Souls-shit
>he can't kill a boss after using 6 (six) firecrackers
Am I missing the parry window? I get the big "clang" sounds, the orange sparks, and the enemy's posture gauge goes up, but so does mine. Aren't parries supposed to preserve your posture? Also, some attacks knock me backwards and Sekiro hunches over his sword (kinda like pic related). Are some strong attacks just too powerful to parry, or am I doing something wrong?
This was most apparent in the Hirata Estate Owl fight, where I kept getting knocked backwards.
parry slightly later
also, the game doesnt teach you this directly IIRC, but the best way to use parry is just holding down the button, releasing and immediately pressing and holding it again when the attack is about to land
you don't need frame perfect timing (eg. DMC's Royal Guard)
Not entirely sure, but you can be at that point where your posture will break but parries won’t “break it”.
It can be done
It is, but it's nowhere near as hard to do than in DS. Some boss fights even reward you if you spam it.
No dude it’s nothing like that just play the game
I'll try that out, thanks.
not mandatory but it makes the entire game easier and faster
>stealth seemed easy and goofy
>make loud grappling hook sound and land directly behind some guy
>he stands there looking forward holding a torch
>gets IK'd
It's laughably bad. Look at the bulk of the instant kills in