>NEETs always complain about having time but nothing to play/do
>have the exact opposite problem, many games I not only wanna play, but also excel at, with like maybe an hour a day to give it
>let alone attempting to be in a relationship on top of it
Why is it always suffering?
To keep it vidya, what games do you wish you had more time to play and practice at?
NEETs always complain about having time but nothing to play/do
Get friends and a girlfriend/boyfriend. I spend most of my time outside of work with my gf and my drinking buddies. I only play vidya when I have some downtime on the weekends, so like 5 hours a week. Vidya is literally my last resort for entertainment
>tfw NEET, playing vidya almost all day, but still backlogged for years and will never catch up
how do I get more time
You just need to accelerate yourself to near lightspeed
this but unironically
Have friends. Almost sorta have gf (long-distanceish)
I just like vidya. Its not a problem for me like that.
>sorta have gf
You don't have a gf
imagine being a wageslave
Does wageslave red Pepe have a name?
>be a neet
>incredibly bored all the time, wallow in misery
>get a job
>incredibly stressed all the time, come home tired all day, unable to get satisfaction from anything
Life sucks whatever I try to do.
Work part time. Best of both worlds.
This is Fresco, he represents success ! Look at his jawline, could get any girl.
Part of me misses when I was a NEET for like 6 months a couple years ago. Sure it got to the point where I was ready to actually kill myself, but I had all the time in the world for the vidya/movies/TV I wanted.
Maybe I'm just remembering the good aspects rather than the negative ones.
i get so worried about having time to do everything in a day that i end up wasting time and browsing Yea Forums like right now
>Why is it always suffering?
Because deep down you know that you're life isn't that bad.
My life is great, or at least good.
I just want more vidya time like how I used to have.
oh hey this thread is for me
>trying to get good at mordhau/any other game ive tried to get good at
>Playing duel servers when I can
>Play like shit on weekdays because I'm tired as fuck
>Play like shit on the weekends because I've had no practice all week
who else here /using alcohol to cope/?
Ranch or Cool Ranch?
>that last hour of games before going to work
This will not let you gain more time as time is relative. You might age slower from an outside perspective but everything would be normal to you
You think you have it hard NEETS? You have no idea how soul crushing office jobs can be. Construction site is honest a'd physical, office politics and random process bullshit with 1h30x2 commute is a whole other level.
Glad to see Fresco ain't dead.
If anything that would just make your backlog longer
you stupid bitch
>tfw keenly know this truth
>also know it won't be affordable when I'm in my 30s and have to pay all my own bills
The less free time you have, the more you enjoy that free time.
When you have all the free time in the world, it becomes much less enjoyable.
>let alone attempting to be in a relationship on top of it
Found the problem, that's an even bigger waste of time than vidya desu.
>wanted to play games this weekend
>have to go to work in 4 hours
>all I've done is browse Yea Forums the whole weekend
I was NEET for a year once. It was pretty awesome the first like 3 months. Had tons of games to play, shows to catch up on, and movies to watch. I was in heaven.
Then around the 4th month I started getting bored. I went through most my backlog and I found myself just staring at my computer doing nothing most of the time.
Once I got a job again the reverse started happening. Lots of games coming out I can't finish before the next one I'm interested comes out. Now not enough time and lots I want to do again. I'll never be happy.
I've been NEET for about a month because the restaurant I was at closed down. Bastard owner didn't tell us til the end and pulled the rug out from under our feet, but that's a different story. The lifestyle is fucking maddening, I took two weeks off since I haven't had a vacation in about two years and I'm already on the verge of wanting to kill myself from a lack of mental stimulation. All the time in the world for vidya, anime, working on my art, even brushing up on studying because I didn't have the time for it in the past, but none of it feels like it matters.
I've worked in fast food, as the head cook at a cafe, construction, and brief period at a call center. Construction was the most physically taxing but at the same time the most relaxing. No drama, no bullshit -- we'd just do our work and then fuck off afterwards to do what we wanted for the rest of the day. I miss it.
>hospitality in general
>fucking call center
Sorry sir here's a bottle, courtesy of the house.
How do I get an office job? Having my life become a sitcom sounds comfy.
You /biz/ bagholders need to go back.
I buy beer every weekend and proceed to drink all of it over the course of said weekend.
Apply, get lost in byzantine processes, somehow make it, get fired before your trial period ends or when your colleagues frame you afyer fucking up
The cafe job was at least nice since we cooks had a completely separate culture from the harpies that ran the front. It was stressful sure, but we tried our very best to counteract that bullshit by just being a bunch of dudes that were fucking around and having fun. I'd put it just behind construction for least stressful, if not on par with it.
I don't understand the NEET nothing to do meme, I got so many games done and got to work on a bunch of skills everyday, take time to go for long walks outside, always had energy with proper sleep. Wagie life isn't that bad for me but neetdom was vastly superior. I always find myself wishing I had more time for practing games or skills as well to just sit and think about what I should focus on and be mindful about for the upcoming days.
On topic I find that consistent small practice sessions everyday is key, I can be struggling for hours trying to execute/remember something, go to sleep, and wake up being able to do it consistently.
What is it like working in an office job?
Miserable. I just got out after almost four years. I've got some money saved, and I have no idea what I'm going to do professionally, but I couldn't have handled another month of the same routine monotony. It's "comfortable" in a way. You always know where you're going to be and what you're going to do. But then you realize it's been years since you started and nothing has changed.
It's an easy way to watch your life evaporate before your very eyes.
How the fuck do neets even get by? Where does their money come from? Please dont tell me there are 20/30 year olds here still being supported by their parents...
I was a neet for 3 years and just got a job this month. It's hell, I want to stay home all day again....
Everyone suffers in their own way, OP.
Welcome to samsara, bitch.
I get home and spend the following hours dreading the next morning. It's not a stressful job, literally nothing happens. It's like an 8 hour timeout each day. But I end up accomplishing and doing nothing because if I engage in anything, the time starts moving too fast. Everything I do feels like "wasting" time, so as a result I do nothing but stare at the wall that is Yea Forums all day.
Most of my spending money is from crypto.
Gonna inherit my house from my parents too.
Only smart people are able to neet it up, dummies have to wageslave for others.
Depends entirely on your boss and co-workers.
If your boss isn't an asshole and your co-workers are of your liking... its still tedious as fuck but at least you laugh and have fun from time to time
My boss likes to celebrate father's day, mother's day, birthdays and shit. So we organize a small breakfast party were we lose 30 minutes to an hour of work. That kind of shit is fun because it makes time go faster.
What exactly do you guys do?
I'm interning full time as an IT guy. My majors not IT, it's computer science, but that's what I could snag since I started looking late. I really don't know how I'm going to make it through life. It's too late to change my major and I can only get through this tedium now because I'll be back to school soon and I have the delusional hope things might be different later.
wagie, get back in cagie
If you improve yourself you aren't being a NEET
working and drinking was all i did before i quit my job
>1,5y NEET
>1,2y completely sober
>backlog is full of games
>so much games that the decision becomes a chore
>end up not playing any game at all
i fucking hate my backlog, why cant i just play a game and get a new one after i completed it instead of just getting myself 50 different games
Kill god.
That fucker was fully aware that this would happen and still followed through.
It's time to make him accountable for his actions.
You'll even get half the pay!
And only for 2 less hours than a full workday.
There are no colorful characters in a standard office. There are either
>quiet people who work hard
>loud people who gossip and never work