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Pluto and Goofy
sorry you had to see me like this mayor...he just has a way with words
That bitch is not wearing shoes.
Confirmed by Disney recently that Pluto just identifies himself as a domestic animal
Is Ben "Make Trump's Tower Spray White Power" Garrison, dare I say it, based and redpilled?
>This again
What? So he's just a freak that pretends he's a normal dog? That's fucked up, even more freaky than gimps.
>An eagle
>With Trump's face
>And an American flag hat like uncle Sam's
Hmm... Better write USA on it so the message is clear
But trump is war mongering as well. its why he undid the iran deal, exactly what the neocons want.
post the rest
thanks for just telling us where to find this instead
no need to dump it again, i'll just read it there
>even on the website everything is censored.
I mean..what is the point of a taboo ultra sexual comic that is censored?
>by not bombing Iran
There's mental gymnastics and then there's this. Enjoy another 4 years of Trump.
Think of the target audience
the joke would had been funier if she understood the dog
Being anti-war with Iran was Obama with the Iran deal. It literally pacified Iran, the opposite of what Israel/MBS wanted.
Tearing up the Iran deal is step 1 to war with Iran, aka what Trump has done.
You can't have it both ways. Its like being against Obamacare but also wanting "something better".
Trump supporters are too stupid for symbolism
unironically haha
Surely this comic is a jest and not real, right?
Everytime. This is more sad than funny.
>eagle USA trump tired and bitter about wilford brimley trump's commercial wars
Genuinely, sincerely, what did he mean by this
Where the fuck is the awkwardzombie comic with Banjo?
Source? I refuse to believe this.
is this real
Very powerful.
You'd think her parents would understand people being into cyberpunk
We don't know if we'll get another 4 years. That depends on if he wins the election.
But didn't trump initially want to act?
That's an edit, right?
>The Iran deal was anti-Israel
In what way? It gave them tons of cash to "promise" to dismantle nukes. Not only did it do fuck all to stop their nuclear program, it was exactly what Israel wanted-- have the US spend tons of cash to disarm Iran.
To the first point, it didn't work. Iran still was making enriched uranium so their word was meaningless. To the second point, even if it did, why the hell are we spending on behalf of Israel's defense?
And now these same fucking neocons, the Ben Shapiros of the world, want us to go to war with Iran, all while conveniently making themselves and their families exempt from the draft. Trump is literally the only person in Washington who is trying to avoid war at all costs.
You've never seen an actual buckley-tier words comic have you
I don't see how Trump deserves credit saving us since he's the one who put tons of neocons on his staff and sucks Saudi and Israeli dick on the reg
Iran deal was fucking pointless and retarded and i never understood why it was even made
Under the provision of the deal they are still allowed to make nukes in 10 years (like 7 now if they still honor the deal as it includes other countries)
Literally just kicking the can down the road
H-haha... this guys comics are so ridiculous huh...
Actually delete this. Right now.
shopped out dialogue
m-maybe this is an alternate earth batman where it isn't bruce wayne
fucking kek
>Iran deal was fucking pointless and retarded and i never understood why it was even made
Preventing war with Iran, opening up trade with Iran. Creating an ally rather than keeping them an enemy at Israel-MBS's request.
haha he's crying. what a beta
But that video doesn't imply that.
more like haha
wait what... this cant be real
>you is baba
What did he mean by this?
>she's a gook
That expains everything.
holy shit, this thot might just be the roastiest of roasties
That doesn't really prove it, it just proves that he's slightly more intelligent than a "real world" dog. Goofy's super fucked up though
>creating an ally
Lmao, even obama dropping off 1.8 billion dollars in cash on top of a completely one sided deal AND all off his dicksucking never got us even close to ally territory.
They pulled that shit with the sailors after the deal was already complete, not really something an ally would do
I have so many questions
I reaĺly really want to fuck this cartoon
He didnt "drop" cash on them, he returned assets of their's that we froze/stole
You couldn't tell by the way they drew themselves?
Deep down, we are all Baba
she goes from roastie to redpilled over and over again
what is this type of girl called
She did that’s why it’s funny faggot .
Did he just fucking murder goofy?
>never got us even close to ally territory
Yes it did, you just needed to let it HOLD for a while.
What's that, a nation that was war mongered under Bush doesn't immediately roll over and zuck your dick when you make a deal with them.
The shit with the sailors was our fault more than theirs senpai.
>based/cuck rating system
>half the comic is pedobait and the other half is /pol/bait
is this some kind of honeypot?
what a cunt
She goes through 3 guys in a day.
>the men who used to fuck me aren't here anymore, surely it's all their fault
You could say that the cartoonist is forgiven because maybe, MAYBE, it's not that mainstream the idea of what happened to Batman's parents than things like the batsignal, but then again, that is literally the origin of the character, and worst of all, the guy is a freaking CARTOONIST, how the fuck you don't know something so basic of the medium you're from?
Sore wa Tada no Senpai no Chinko
Based JJfrenchie
>he stopped drawing shots after he went mainstream
NOT based anymore
mmnope stop right there, that's too much
>I want another nuclear power in the region
Trump is preventing another NK situation and you're too dense to see it. Under the Obama deal, they would have nuclear capability in 10 years or so. They're also not honoring their agreement AND it's coming at a major cost to the US, both in terms of raw cash and trade competition.
>Iran as an ally
Would never happen. NK is honestly a better candidate for an ally than the country that literally funds terrorist cells. They HATE the west and it's not because of the sanctions.
Don't get me wrong, Israel is shit for other reasons and I'd rather extricate America from the Middle East in general, but getting out of the Iran deal was the correct move.
he's from france, i doubt he'll be done forever
also look on the bright side, we still got comics like that one about the guy who goes to his friend's mansion, gets fucked by the wife and all three of her kids
This is knot funny
>They're also not honoring their agreement
The only people saying they aren't is Trump.
EU, UN, even non-trump US inspectors are saying they are.
>Trump is preventing another NK situation
NK isn't the-
Oh, okay. You're one of those 'Hillary wuz finna be startin' wars in the middle east' dummies.
>she takes a fucking DICK BATH at the end of this
You're right. Calling off an attack that he authorized after spending days making threats and attempting to provoke an attack, then following it up with more threats really shows his dedication to peace.
He literally dropped off 1.8 billion dollars in cash stupid nigger
>tie it around your foot
>the country that literally funds terrorist cells
are you talking about israel or saudi arabia?
cute tum
Did you ever consider that the cartoonist knows Batman's history full well, and that's part of the joke?
It is.
That’s extreme for France
god yes
Is this a /pol/ shop or legit Ben?
He's obviously talking about France.
she sure showed him by continuing to be a basic bitch
Yea Forums would laugh at you if you said that over there
incest fags deserve to be shot until chunks of flesh and blood stop flying
>US inspectors
there are no US inspectors
It was THEIR money we stole.
unironic haha
its legit
/pol/ and the elections broke Ben's mind.
>The three-headed monster of Saudis, Neo-cons, and kikes
I have never seen such an accurate concept conveyed by Garrison.
yeet is meant to represent the guttural noise you make when you throw something with reckless disregard.
i like to play video games
but ben is a neocon too
cant tell if social justice or fetish comic
Wow look at this loser
6/10, not enough labels.
Damn this is some unprecedented levels of cope. Someone stop her before she shoots up a mall or something.
No why
Oh man that's good.
>he plays video games
this guy did one heartwarming one
it was nice
>THEIR money
[Citation fucking needed]
>In his Jan. 17 announcement, Obama cast the payment as a favorable settlement of Iran’s claim for its 1979 payment. He said he had potentially saved “billions of dollars” Iran could have pursued at the Iran-US Claims Tribunal at The Hague. But the administration has repeatedly refused to answer questions about the merits of the claim or the amount of the payment.
Why are Asian women such fucking insects? I don't understand you yellow fever fucks.
How much self loathing do you leftist faggots have?
What the fuck
Lmao that's like literally me :D where can I join this gamer discord?
>israel's nose
ok now this is based
No because that would be stupid and not funny at all.
I hate you all
It's what he did with North Korea and now they stopped threatening USA, and they even started taking to South Korea (for the first time in decades).
And it only happened after US-NK tensions skyrocketed for a bit.
It's the art of the deal
>people unironically want to be women with shit like this to deal with
i will never be able to wrap my head around it
Are this guy's comics supposed to be funny or depressing?
Yea Forums is a Slaanesh board, get out
Or maybe you just go fuck yourself because the artist has a perfect joke they want to tell and they will tell it regardless of the established rules of the universe the content of the joke is derived from
It was posturing, a strategy to convince Iran that war is extremely near so that their only sane reaction is to come back to the negotiating table.
Holy shit a Ben Garrison I agree with. That's rare.
Man, feminism is fucking dark shit.
what an awful thread
How many layers of irony can you mask your awful sense of humor with before the facade fades and it becomes what you actually enjoy?
what the fuck
the dialog made it much funnier honestly
I don't get it.
I mean, I know that Suicune flees from you in GS and some later games it appeared in, but why would the egg also run away?
This is a very pure manga