What the FUCK was his problem?
What the FUCK was his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
He fell to the dark side.
fuck this guy
It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it.
He was like all the other Jedi, stuck up their own ass with "muh force. You bad for force, so fuck you"
The jedi were only willing to do "good" unless it threatened their power, they would never let go of the force. Ultimately they were a bunch of cowards.
You were afraid
you were afraid
Only this doesnt apply to Vrook at all you fucking numpty
they were right though, you really did need to be killed
Zero tolerance for dark side apologist bullshit.
Someone post the image with him and Kreia. You know the one
Why aren't there more "Grey" Jedi like Jolee Bindo it's objectively better to use techniques from both the dark and light side
He has brought truth and you condemn it? The arrogance.
Because most fall to the dark side and become psychopaths
Atris fell not the other Jedi you numpty
The Jedi were just a bunch of apathetic cowards who punished others for their own failings
Jolee was a fence straddling centrist who ran away and hid from the galaxy
He's a coward too. The grey jedi are all cowards, apathy is death.
You have a pick a side. Kreia chose the Sith.
Not true. It's objectively better to go dark side and force lightning rooms with a light side heal/buffslut by your side
This. Although I still love him and respect his survival instincts.
He didn't fall, he was just the embodiment of Kreias problem about the jedi, and likely the main reason the other two went from being questioning of where they went wrong to 100% blindly trusting the code again.
No light no rights
Holy shit imagine missing the point of the game this hard
Kreia wanted to create a synthesis of the Jedi and Sith. Both systems are only pieces of a whole
No she fucking didnt LOL
She wanted to kill all Jedi and Sith and have a universe without force sensitivies
>You have a pick a side. Kreia chose the Sith.
That’s her endgame, but her philosophy is in between. She tells you this herself “ I see the two for what they are, pieces of a whole”
What part of APATHY IS DEATH did you misunderstand?
No she wanted to have the exile start a new order which uses the Force, not rely on and give up their will to it
Yeah, and she hates the whole. She hates that the force has a will and causes all this never ending chaos in the pursuit of "balance". So she wanted to destroy it all.
Finish the game user
Why do you thino she leaves you the temple at Malachor? She wishes the Exile to train the next generation as neither jedi nor sith but as something new. Which eventually she sees as a path to let the “force die”
I did finish the game
You're a fucking retard that misinterpreted what she was doing
>Why do you thino she leaves you the temple at Malachor?
She doesnt, she gives you the option. You can deny the force and return to exile, you can follow Revan's path and seek to master the force's will, or become the next lord of the Sith.
>She wishes the Exile to train the next generation as neither jedi nor sith but as something new.
Thats an option you can choose at the end, its not what she wanted at all though and she clearly says "Teaching you to feel the force again was a mistake I see that now" and "I wanted you to follow Revan's path."
She wanted to see the force die but in the end she realised it was impossible, so she made peace with it and accepted that you had proven her wrong.
>Which eventually she sees as a path to let the “force die”
Nooo thats not what happens..
She wanted to "break" you at the heart of malachor and cause the wound in the force to open up and cause a chain reaction that would destroy the force, that was her plan but it failed. You defeat her instead and she realised you surpassed her.
No you clearly didnt, maybe you skipped the dialogue.
>Yeah, and she hates the whole. She hates that the force has a will and causes all this never ending chaos in the pursuit of "balance". So she wanted to destroy it all.
No, that's just a lie she told you so you would fight her. She hates the Force but she's aware of how stupid it would be to get rid of it, which is why she cleans the existing Jedi/Sith out and teaches you to be less reliant on it. All she really wanted was for her teachings to guide the new generation of force users instead of the dogma of the old.
>No you clearly didnt, maybe you skipped the dialogue.
She seems rather content and grateful at the end for someone who completely failed at her "goal"
He dared to disagree with BASED kreia who is literally the greatest charterer ever written
>No, that's just a lie she told you so you would fight her. She hates the Force but she's aware of how stupid it would be to get rid of it, which is why she cleans the existing Jedi/Sith out and teaches you to be less reliant on it.
No you fucking retard. Oh my god, are you the same dumbass from the other threads who still cant read a wikipedia page or finish the actual game and listen to what Kreia tells you? Its really not difficult to understand
>All she really wanted was for her teachings to guide the new generation of force users instead of the dogma of the old.
No she fucking doesnt, she allows you that option at the end after you defeat her. She literally says she didnt expect this or even want this for you but you can choose which path to take.
Because you were her best apprentice
She finally found peace with the force
>in 2019 there are still people who dont understand the plot of KOTOR II: The Sith Lords
Shaking my head phamelam
Since that poster won't, I'll explain it to you. While yes, jedi have a specific situation referred to by "falling" there is more than one way for a person to "fall"
Finished the game just yesterday for the first time
Why is it so cool and name more games like this one
> or finish the actual game and listen to what Kreia tells you? Its really not difficult to understand
>No she fucking doesnt, she allows you that option at the end after you defeat her. She literally says she didnt expect this or even want this for you but you can choose which path to take.
>"By killing me here you have rewarded me more than you can possibly know!"
Planescape Torment
Apathy does not mean picking "one of my two sides" you brainlet.
Wound in the Force is the dumbest thing the expanded universe was a mistake
The original Deus Ex is probably as close as you'll get.
Kreia never said the Jedi fell, stop mixing everything up and making shit unnecessarily confusing.
The Jedi were blinded in the pursuit of "doing good", they failed to act when the Mandalorians were destroying the galaxy and they condemned Revan and all those that joined him instead of blaming themselves for their inadequate teaching and apathy towards what was going on. And they did this out of fear, because they were afraid there was something bigger at work that would threaten the Jedi and their power. They were unwilling to let go of their power and they condemned the Exile for doing what they couldn't, absolute cowardice. They also judged Kreia and blamed her for Revan's fall, and they failed to understand that Revan never "fell", he just did what the Jedi should have done and when they didnt he sought to destroy them, as he should. The Jedi failed on multiple levels and in the end they learned nothing, even though Kavar and Zezkai Ell ALMOST admitted they were wrong. "IGNORANCE"
Unfortunately there are few like it.
I would say check out Fallout 1 and especially 2 since Avellone worked on 2 (lead writer of KOTOR 2).
Yeah and what does she say right after that line anonymous?
But it does. You can't choose not to pico a side. That's the point of the conflict in the Sith Tomb. The party is threatening Kreia and Kreia asks you to join her. You can only pick two sides, or you can choose to not act, in which case APATHY IS DEATH happens.
>Why is it so cool
I think a lot of it is the atmosphere in the setting, where Kotor 1 was a Star Wars experience through and through Kotor 2 feels a lot darker and dirtier. The music is has a well of filling you with that sense of emptiness and at times dread. People may complain that Kreia comes off as preachy but she at least made you think deeper about the force and the inherent problems with the setting. In many ways it feels like a Star Wars game that doesn't like Star Wars games.
This too, forgot to mention it
I think it was ARROGANCE
But same meaning really
I thought the idea was okay, but it turned out to be plot hocus pocus that everyone monologues about but is never really relevant. MotB did it better with the spirit eater curse.
I just finished a KOTOR 1 playthrough yesterday and I have to say its kind of bad compared to 2.
I was really pissed off with how cheesy and basic the endings were. I did both light and dark. Dark was actually a lot better but it was a shame you had to kill Jolee and Juhani with absolutley no middle ground. It felt like the game forced you down two paths with no other options, both of which felt weird.
I much prefer what Avellone did with the character Revan in 2 instead of making him some dumbass goodie two shoes or an ultra-edgelord evil maniac like he is in 1.
Its been a long time since I finished K1 so I had forgotten how basic Bioware's writing was. It really doesnt even compare to the nuance and depth in K2.
Why? Maybe you just didnt understand it?
>cant defeat them and make them your companions
Missed fucking opportunity.
Speaking of missed opportunities, pic related.
you're right anakin being the chosen one with his high midichlorian count is much better
>we...weren't wrong...you see...we weren't wrong ok?...now speaking of you we will cut you off the Force, because we are never wrong, we are jedi and jedi are never wrong
I was so heartbroken the first time I played through and realized she doesn't join your party
forever denied my purple waifu
>can't make her your companion after you defeat her and have rough makeup sex with her on the Ebon Hawk
Old and busted
I'll take her fresh young echani bodyguard instead and corrupt her to the dark side so she puts that goth makeup on
>Exile's ability compels people to follow and fall in love with them.
The exile literally doesn't turn his swag off and wakes up covered in bitches.
I'm sure she'd be a valuable party member for the whole 20 minutes of the game you have left
>>Fuck it, we'll do it live!
What did he mean by this?
>You can only pick two sides, or you can choose to not act
And here we see the brainlet in his natural habitat, shitposting about a game he only believes he understands
+ Lots of content
+ Every companion has sidequests
+ More polished experience
+ Characters interact with each other and interject in dialogue all the time
- Terrible dialogue options most of the time
- Malak is a literal sunday cartoon villain complete with the evil laugh and wanton cruelties for no reason
- Dark side is completely unrealistic and only for edgelords
- Light side is so obvious its borderline stupid
- Very little if any nuance between the two
- Stereotypical good vs evil story
+ Tons of dialogue options with plenty of nuance and situational responses
+ Dark side is far more realistic, you can be dark just by being more selfish or conservative
+ Villains are all excellent and actually scary
+ Main antagonist is one of the best ever
+ Story is deep and philosophical
- Glitchy as fuck
- Characters have very little dialogue and no sidequests
- Many characters feel like wasted slots
- Locations are small with very little to do in them
I wish we could have the best of both
Maybe you should go back and replay the game instead of projecting
Will based Jolee be in the movie?
Fuck the Jedi and fuck the Republic
The Sith did nothing wrong
Krei wanted to destroy the force, she hated it. : V
Didn't they destroy a planet or something
What is this post even implying? What did you post this for?
>: V
Go back to r*ddit freshman
That was Nihilus and Malak both of who have NO conception of what it means to be Sith
this is the only good thing in KotoR that still stands the test of time
Feels great to read all of gadon Thek's lines in his voice
I’m still mad they dropped nearly everything from this game for the MMO and Revan goes off to fight le Dark Empire Palpatine 2.0
>good character exists in retard franchise
>retards read too far into her motives and forget that she's the villain
>he didn’t kill Juhani on Dantooine
Bioware couldnt write a good story to save their life, leaving them to close out the lore of KOTOR 2 was like taking a hammer to the statue of david
Apathy is not acting, she absolutely wants you to act and react to thing around you, just not like some bonehead extremist.
Which is why she will specifically scold you when you do.
>Because a character is the villain it is impossible to find meaning in their actions and words
Don't worry anons, Disney will make KOTOR movie led by the guys who led the last season of Game of Thrones!
Rian Johnson is part of their team now too.
The Exile will turn me into a pretzel
>reading western comics
People really do this?
The shadow of Malachor V made me what I am today
>retard star wars fan replies to me
>reads too far into what i said and assumes i'm saying something else
Yeah but you still have to choose, you cant just not choose
Thats why Kreia only offers to teach you to be either Jedi or Sith, and its why she is the Dark Lord herself.
Well what are you actually saying?
You can figure it out champ I believe in you
Stop, please. I want to look forward to the movie but literally everything Disney has done with this franchise makes me unable to be excited for it. I'm apathetic towards this Kotor trilogy. Disney will cock it up somehow.
>wow Kreia doesn’t make any sense, what a shitty character
what are some mods where I can make peace with Atris then destroy her butthole with my space jesus cock?
Vrook is supposed to be the perfect example of everything wrong with the Jedi in this period, a stubborn irascible cunt who feels the code and the council are utterly infallible and incapable of fucking up, and thanks to his seniority is able to corral the other two into line when you find them all.
it will incorporate mmo lore and there is nothing you can do about it
"grey" jedi are just sensible jedi who are still good moralfags but who recognize some bits of the good (like positive emotions being bad) are just retarded and part of the problem
>dark lord
>is female
Grey Jedi are even more pathetic than the Jedi because they choose to do nothing. Jolee is nothing but a pathetic coward centrist calling everyone else out on their bullshit as he hides on Kashyyk for 20 years because muh wife.
Kreia would hate that faggot.
>No she wanted to have the exile start a new order which uses the Force, not rely on and give up their will to it
I don't know how people end up at these conclusions when you final confrontation with her starts with her going "there is no twist and everything I'm about to say is true" and then have her line out her plans and intentions piece by piece as clear as possibly.
She tells you that from that point you can wait there for more force sensitive individuals to show up, you can just fuck off, or that you can go back into self imposed exile to never again fuck with force shit and that any of those above options are completely valid things to do. The exile existing as they are by the end of the game was her goal from the start and the subsequent destruction of the jedi (she says its lame if you just fuck murder the council) and sith were stepping stones to achieve that exile. She was a dumb old bitch who wanted to prove a point to the universe and through you she achieves that point. The idea that you were meant to then go on to do literally anything else in exact accordance with a later stage of her plan is nonsense when she tells you "this is it, this is what I did all this dumb shit to see".
Even the implication she wants the Force as is it destroyed is nonsense. Not to say she doesn't hate the shit out of the force (and she hates the SHIT out of the force why do people forget she plainly says how awful it is and that even using it is a crutch she is forced to deal with) but how the fuck was that going to be achieved? She sure as shit didn't know.
She tells you in as clear a dialogue as she ever gives in that game what her intentions with you were and how she achieved what she did with your character.
Fucking this
Thank you user
I dont know why this game still causes so much debate when its literally told in the ending of the game that apparently nobody in these threads has listened to
>Grey Jedi are even more pathetic than the Jedi because they choose to do nothing.
what are they supposed to do realistically?
regular jedi have the political connections and influence to dominate the light side of the spectrum, and if you've reached the point of becoming a grey jedi it's clear the council isn't willing to heed any desire for change.
they're basically the jaded reformers who tried to change shit from within but failed and left
Also no dismemberment policy! We can't show those on screen since Star Wars is for kids.
>>you will never have a Catering ship with Gryph and Slyssk
>her entire character is just "hey player please consider your actions"
>people don't consider her words because they either don't get her or think she's a sith
>complain about not understanding her or the game.
its a self fulfilling prophecy really, you really have to have an open mind.
>Even the implication she wants the Force as is it destroyed is nonsense. Not to say she doesn't hate the shit out of the force (and she hates the SHIT out of the force why do people forget she plainly says how awful it is and that even using it is a crutch she is forced to deal with) but how the fuck was that going to be achieved? She sure as shit didn't know.
You're wrong there. She absolutley did want to destroy the force she just didnt know how. She hoped by fighting you at the heart of Malachor (two wounds in the force brought together) and by breaking you it would somehow cause that wound to open, but you beat her and that never happens. Ultimately it was wishful thinking of an old woman who had become reliant on the thing she hated, like she said. She only weilded the force to learn it so she could figure out how to kill it. But I think after you defeat her she finally makes peace with it and is just happy to have trained someone that could deny the will of the force and impose their own will to power.
I agree 100% with everything else you said though.
She also tells you throughout the game that she will reveal all answers at the end. And she does. She literally says on Malachor "Here is the truth. I would be a shitty teacher to lie to you at this point. There is no great revelation, it is what it is."
And then brainlets proceed to think there WAS some great revelation
No, she was just trying to accomplish the impossible, and she had become dependent on the thing she hated.
i feel like thats because, once again, some people can't seem to figure out when she's lying and when she isn't, which to be fair is only obvious after a second run or another look at her speech.
people in general aren't familiar with characters that lie to them directly, but after you beat her she's pretty much giving 100% truth because she has no more cards to play, victory is yours.
Before you fight her shes telling the truth, she says its pointless to lie at that point.
thanks for correcting me, its been ages since i played the game.
>that moment when you make Mira listen to the Force on Nar Shadaa
Such good acting too
>tfw your navy just keeps getting obliterated in war after war.
>Bao-Dur will never read you a bedtime story
I wish companions had more dialogue and sideshit like that in K2
Half of the cast felt like literal whos just along for the ride for some reason
K1 companions actually felt like they belonged cos they all had a stake and they all interacted with each other
Chris said he wanted that for K2 with like half the character roster but they was forced to write more because the higher ups wanted it, but they didnt have the time so the result was everybody felt half assed.
Damn shame.
Mandos should have unironically won
Honestly, the conversations with Atris are some of my favourite in all of gaming. It really feels like something between two people who were obviously very close, but grew apart. And you never really figure it all out.
Mandos are too retarded to win anything.
What's the ideal Kotor 1 run? As sith as possible? I'm very bad at being "evil" in videogames.
And then she turns into Darth Traya at the end and waits around to fight you for no reason regardless of all of the choices you've made in the game.
Kotor 1 and 2 have character writing that's too good to be videogames.
do whatever you want just join Bastila at the end
It's almost like it was cobbled together by 15 guys in an attic in 10 months.
Light side run until the twist and then go full dark side.
kill jedi
enslave wookiees
make mad credits
turn your waifu into your evil sidekick
be the chaddest dark lord of the sith you can be
dark syde ride or die
>actually scary villains
>Juggalo assclown that appears to die right afterwards
>Kreia's retard goblin disciple
>Crazy old lady
That's pretty much on point
If KOTOR2 had better planets and team members, it would've been perfect
I know man, easily half the cast is completely unnecessary as a teammate
Sithism was never tried!
Mandos are based as fuck
Tbh the Sith are so close to being based but they just miss the mark with the edgy shit
If K2 Revan was still canon he would be the ideal Sith
Sith is a religion of peace.
it's because the dark side just makes you crave more and more until you forget why you even turned to it in the first place
The Sith have no real future because of the corrupting nature of the dark side
Why do people of dark side get all those spooky veins and turn grey like zombies?
Because ugly people are evil
Unless you can master it like Revan/Kreia/Exile
But I guess that's not canon now
Or Disney is going to turn it into a disaster
Many such cases. Sad!
Because that's stupid mouthbreathing video game logic you fucking retarded ape. There's no "Light Side", there's the force, and there's using the force for Evil, a corruption of the force, that's the Dark Side, that's all it is.
You think Vader can choke people with the force because he put his skill points in Dark Side abilities, but Luke can't, because he specced into light?
Luke can levitate a fucking star-ship, you think he can't choke a guy? Or, OR you fucking simian, you think maybe he just DOESN'T do that, because it's evil?
There's no bonus powers you unlock by kicking beggars. There's simply the decision to use the force for good, or for evil. Luke doesn't kill people with force lightning, because that's fucking horrifying.
That's why "grey Jedi" are retarded, because they're stupid mary-sue morons like yourself that think of everything like a video game.
They unironically would have won but then Revan took charge and whooped their asses
Dunno its an EU thing
Sidious was only ugly cos he got blasted with his own lightning
Um? Honey? Sweetie?
No, okay? Take this anti-sith negativity elsewhere tyvm, only serious non padawanpilled answers from now on guys, thanks!
Revan should have finished crushing the Republicucks and began the Galactic Großdeutsches Reich
>love kotor2
>come into this thread expecting great discussion
>so many of the post are disagreeing on what kreia wanted or felt or what apathy is death even means
Maybe all the shit posters are right about avellone if we can't even agree on what he meant here.
blame that faggot malak for preventing it.
There is no debate to be had, its just a couple of idiots who lurk these threads who didnt finish the game and are trying to come up with some ulterior motive for Kreia that doesn't exist.
Read this user summed it up nicely.
Peace is a lie.
There's nothing evil about choking someone with telekinesis, it is merely violence; a means to an end.
Choking someone to death in the way Vader does it is absolutely evil. Luke easily could do that, but you'll note that he doesn't.
Tell me what is wrong with this.
Cos Luke is a little pussy who cant even fuck his own sister and Vader is a Chad
>Turns to the dark side to free her follow slaves
>ends up wasting her life at the academy, trying to be in charge for more power
Dark side is a dead end
Vader did that shit because it's a part of his intimidating presence; it's making an example of someone creully.
The only thing wrong with it is the passion part, conflating other emotions with hatred and fear and all that stupid shit. If it wasnt about hate and anger and this retarded darwinian chaotic lack of order and trials by combat it would be absolutley based. If the Sith were just told to chill the fuck out a bit it would be perfect.
Was Atris' thing, but kinda. He was really just broken and distrustful of the Exile after the Mandalore Wars.
Kyle Katarn and Luke Prime would like to have a word with you. Also Plo Koon.
Jolee was coping the fact that he swallowed the ultimate blackpill in terms of star wars.
That all he was taught was bullshit and that he had killed his lover out of mercy
shut up dumbass
Go back to r*ddit wojackposter
This scene was fucking amazing.
Hey man, Sion on board the Harbinger was legit fucking spooky when I was a kid.
>that holo recording
>K1 companions actually felt like they belonged cos they all had a stake
Juhani doesn't. Misson doesn't.
>mission doesnt
Her only friend swore a life debt to you? How is that not a reason?
Juhani I agree. Wasted slot, should have replaced her with Yuthura.
He couldn't accept that he was wrong.
"It is because you were afraid."
"It is because you had no choice."
You are a chad, aren't you user?
I wish Kavar could be your bro. He seemed the most reasonable out of the bunch. Zezkai Ell was borderline suicidal and unhinged, Vrook was just a stubborn arrogant cunt.
Same problem as everyone else in KOTOR 2: written by Chris Avellone.
Fellas... let's all be real for a minute here.
In all honesty, was she taking the BWC?
Kavar doesn't accept surrender if you ask him to if you side against the naive bitch queen.
Dude's a fucking bro, but, like any bro, he's a fucking idiot.
So you have a wookie who swore a life debt because you save him from Space Goblins, and his 14 year old Twilek who tags along. Not really pressing.
> Carth
Republic soldier. Hates Karath and probably wants him dead.
> Bastilla
> Canderous
Connected to Revan
Revan's droid
> T3
Kinda hangs around because Revan sorta stole him
> Jolee
Knew Revan was Revan. Wanted to hang around and see what happens.
He and the rest of the Jedi Council were Nietzsche's Last Race/Men
Being a Gray Jedi doesn't mean you don't take sides in matters of good versus evil. It just means you're willing to use powers from both sides of the Force, you don't believe in blind obedience to the Jedi Code, and you don't think a Jedi needs to deny their own humanity and forsake things like love. Gray Jedi are on the side of good, it's just that they're Neutral Good or Chaotic Good instead of Lawful Good.
Nothing stops you from using Force Lightning as a light sider.
At least its a believable reason
G0-T0 being a prototype AI that joins you to save the republic, even if you tell him you intend to destroy the republic he still comes along because: ...
That was fucking stupid
Mandalore/Canderous joining the party made no sense either. He is reuniting the clans why would he suddenly decide to leave and tag along with this literal who Jedi just cos some old bitch threatened him. Stupid. Felt like obvious fan service, I think he was originally only intended to be a temporary party member on Iziz and that was it, but the higher ups at Obsidian forced him to be a character to fill out that roster.
Hanharr was also complete shit. Disciple, complete shit.
I'm not saying KOTOR is perfect, its not, but the companion game is a lot stronger. They were just more fleshed out and developed.
Atton > Carth though.
If you take the dark side ending, has Kreia ultimately fulfilled her goal? It leaves literally a handful of Jedi in the universe, but she doesn't kill the force. Why didn't they have an ending where you can actually join her?
I think that applies to everyone in KOTOR 2 aside from Kreia and Revan. (and eventually the Exile too).
Because her plan includes killing you.
Also, she wants to die.
I don't trust any video game character whose goal is "synthesis".
>he doesnt go full dark side while also maxing out influence with every character and saving the jedi so they can get murderized by Kreia on Dantooine
>I wish Kavar could be your bro. He seemed the most reasonable out of the bunch
Which honestly makes him turning against you in the enclave scene all the more brutal. When you realize that he could have been the one to lead the jedi against the mandos instead of Revan and perhaps prevent their fall to the dark side, but he chose the code and the order over all else.
>Zezkai Ell was borderline suicidal and unhinged
I feel bad for him to be honest, but he also was the one who came closest to realizing what he and the rest of the council did was wrong.
Fuck that guy, he is a more worse teacher than Kreia.
Fuck off, Chris.
that dumb thesis vid doesnt even understand kreia
>She wanted to kill all Jedi and Sith and have a universe without force sensitivies
Kreia planned the final encounter at Malachor so that no matter what happened, she still wins.
>bad teacher
u wot
Not exactly but thats how it worked out in the end anyway
True, and it has millions of views. I hate it when pseuds read too far into something when the author just meant the curtains are fucking blue.
She more or less admits at much at the dark side version of the jedi enclave scene and how you were her last hope as a student.
But we know that the force isn't destroyed and the jedi and sith come back because the movie era exists. I understood the dark side ending as leaving you fundamentally broken and corrupted as an individual with the old jedi wiped out, but obvious to the need to rebuild a fellowship regardless of jedi/sith affiliation. This is stressed with the options to turn your companions into force users.
There was no actual option to destroy the force, the jedi/sith are both rebuilt within time. Kreia failed.
Yeah because all the others fucked up
Revan disappeared, Sion became sleeps-with-vibroblades, and Nihilus became a Lovecraft monster
Because she didnt destroy the force user she failed
You beat her
>Nihilus became a Lovecraft monster
Was Nihilus Kreia's student before that?
Sion and Nihilus were her apprentices
>save his life but he ends up trying to kill me because I didn't manage to save one of the other jedi or some shit
Kreia was right, fuck the jedi.
>Jolee was coping the fact that he swallowed the ultimate blackpill in terms of star wars.
I literally forgot what happened with him
> G0-T0
i'll give you this, no real reason for him to not want to kill you if you go full 'fuck the republic'
he explains why he joins you. if the jedi get wiped out, the sith will either enslave or exterminate the mandalorians. and you aren't a literal who to the mandalorians, they know who you were in the war.
psychotic life debt and a slave somewhat
he's a republic spy of course he'd come along
So why didn't Obsidian create an ending where she decides you are "the one" and you destroy the force?
Clearly she is a jealous sith lord that needs to die but that could have been a cool ending to discover if you decided to suck her off throughout the entire game.
>Luke doesn't kill people with force lightning, because that's fucking horrifying.
user, I...
>People may complain that Kreia comes off as preachy but she at least made you think deeper about the force and the inherent problems with the setting.
The only thing she made me think was "This woman is a cunt." Yes, the Jedi have problems and their Code is dumb in many ways. But that's a reason to go Gray Jedi, not a reason to become a callous, self-serving, hypocritical edgelord fuck like her.
>Dark was actually a lot better but it was a shame you had to kill Jolee and Juhani with absolutley no middle ground.
What the fuck did you expect? Yeah, it turns out that good characters will oppose you if you turn evil. No fucking shit.
All I'm saying is they felt undeveloped compared to Kotor
youre all wrong. all kreia wanted was for you to beat her. she wanted her teachings validated, and for once be a successful master. that was the point of bringing the jedi to dantooine. killing her at the end means she won, because she taught you and youre the only real jedi left with all her teachings.
she outright says this in end dialogue, and alludes to it throughout the game. thats why you kill her sith apprentices and prove the jedi council wrong on dantooine. it wraps up everything wrong with the galaxy in kreias vision and births a new era (hopefully) where jedi follow teachings similar to kreias, and not the shithead jedi or siths.
all kreia wanted was to be proven right.
Because its a prequel, its set in the past
You cant destroy the force because the force clearly exists in the future
>What the fuck did you expect? Yeah, it turns out that good characters will oppose you if you turn evil. No fucking shit.
I expected some better writing other than be max good guy or max evil guy
because kotor 2 doesnt have a fucking ending that makes sense, even with restored content.
>cutscene shows the ebon hawk plummeting into malachor
>suddenly shows up at the end piloting itself
>Mandalore/Canderous joining the party made no sense either.
Meeting with Canderous was a complete coincidence (not that there are such things with the force), but he follows the exile because Kreia pressed his abandonment issues button.
>Yes, the Jedi have problems and their Code is dumb in many ways. But that's a reason to go Gray Jedi, not a reason to become a callous, self-serving, hypocritical edgelord fuck like her.
You do realize that if the jedi council got their way in kotor 2, the republic would have straight up died right?
>I expected some better writing other than be max good guy or max evil guy
Like what?
I never said I agreed with the Jedi Council.
more than that. nihilus would have killed the galaxy eventually.
>youre all wrong.
Oh here we go again.
>all kreia wanted was for you to beat her. she wanted her teachings validated, and for once be a successful master.
>that was the point of bringing the jedi to dantooine.
Wrong. She brought the Jedi to dantooine so they could be judged by her and destroyed. She literally says this on Malachor.
>killing her at the end means she won, because she taught you and youre the only real jedi left with all her teachings.
That was a result of the outcome not what she had planned.
>she outright says this in end dialogue, and alludes to it throughout the game.
No she doesnt.
>thats why you kill her sith apprentices and prove the jedi council wrong on dantooine.
No you kill the Sith because they were going to destroy all life in the galaxy. Kreia destroys the Jedi because they are arrogant selfish fuckholes who exiled her for teaching Revan.
>it wraps up everything wrong with the galaxy in kreias vision and births a new era (hopefully) where jedi follow teachings similar to kreias, and not the shithead jedi or siths.
No. You are fucking retarded.
>all kreia wanted was to be proven right.
And she was proven WRONG which is the entire point.
I'm tired of arguing whats IN the game. Stop typing this retarded fanfic shit and just finish the game. She literally tells you THERE IS NO GREAT REVELATION.
Here: youtu.be
Now stop inventing these ulterior motives that dont exist.
This user is correct And this user
the dxun war part is the best in the damn game
She would've made a great companion, I agree.
didn't have time
>You cant destroy the force because the force clearly exists in the future
it's called non-canon ending
>like what?
Like KOTOR 2
Why are you being intentionally thick for? My point was self explanatory.
Nigga u WHAT? That was my favorite part of the whole game
Tfw played kotor 2 not knowing which faction on Onderan the Jedi was at so I helped the rebellion and ended being forced into killing that jedi through shit writing and forced into bad ending where all the jedi die because of that one mistake despite playing light side.
Im assuming Kotor 1 would have told me the exposition.
They clearly didnt want to do a non-canon ending. They were setting up for KOTOR 3. Avellone stated as much.
>Like KOTOR 2
>Why are you being intentionally thick for? My point was self explanatory.
I'd just like to know some specifics of how you'd have preferred they handle Jolee and Juhani, since that's what we were originally talking about.
>Choosing Hanharr
I rinse that wookie filth everytime
What the fuck was Atris's problem anyways?
I would have preferred they let you usurp Malak without going "MWAHAHAHA I AM REVAN REBORN! BOW TO ME WORMS!"
I'm not even being hyperbolic thats literally what the dialogue is like if you go dark side
Its awful
Wasn't there a cutscene where Kavar was talking to the queen and clearly on her side? Or is that only in the Restored Content Mod? Regardless, I'm not sure why a light sider would go with the rebellion anyway.
>side with the guy allied with the Sith
>side with the guy who repeatedly tried to kill you
>wtf why is bad things happening!! shit writing fuck you Chris!!
Maybe you're just a low IQ tard?
It's made pretty clear I'm sure.
What other kind of attitude to you expect someone usurping Malak to have, though? I mean, if you're going to take that kind of power for yourself, it's because you want to rule over everyone.
you didnt internalize any of kreias dialogue or actions so id expect as much. her entire backstory is about how she continually fails and is in turn betrayed. she wants her last student to succeed and do what the others could not, validate her teachings. every time she taught someone spoken of in the game they turned evil and went to war. she wants you to stop that cycle, and really understand what shes teaching you. as she was exiled twice, once from the jedi and once from the sith, she wants to prove that she is superior to all of them. she wants revenge on those that betrayed her, and also to prove to them during that revenge that they were the ones wrong, not her.
there is NO GREAT REVELATION at the end because if youre not a 20 iq brainlet you understood kreias actions. shes not going to explain some wonderous thing at the end, she already explained it in the game.
this is kreia 101 tier stuff that you people keep missing in favor of the ebin force death scenario. if you save the masters and kill the apprentices your final test is kreia herself
You get some of the best Kreia scenes with Hanharr though
>Wrong. She brought the Jedi to dantooine so they could be judged by her and destroyed. She literally says this on Malachor.
no. she wanted them to see that they and their jedi teachings were wrong because everyone of her students was a 'failure' in their eyes. also she doesn't kill them, atleast not in the traditional sense, she cuts them off from the force. the shock of having something they depended on so much being ripped away killed them.
>What other kind of attitude to you expect someone usurping Malak to have, though?
A normal one?
>I mean, if you're going to take that kind of power for yourself, it's because you want to rule over everyone.
Yes thanks detective thats generally what dictators do
I dont recall every king in history having a comical evil laugh and slaughtering their friends though.
Again, stop being intentionally difficult. Its a stupid ending and its badly written like a superhero comic.
>>Wrong. She brought the Jedi to dantooine so they could be judged by her and destroyed. She literally says this on Malachor.
>no. she wanted them to see that they and their jedi teachings were wrong because everyone of her students was a 'failure' in their eyes.
"I used you to bring the Jedi out of hiding so that they may be destroyed."
>also she doesn't kill them
She literally uses the wound in the Exile on them through your bond and kills them so absolutley it leaves an absence in the forve.
>atleast not in the traditional sense, she cuts them off from the force.
No she doesnt cut them from the force you numpty. Cutting someone from the force isnt lethal. The Jedi do this. She tore the force out of their fucking souls and killed them.
>the shock of having something they depended on so much being ripped away killed them.
So you just destroyed your own argument, thanks.
>I just ripped your heart off but I didn't kill you, the shock of losing something you depended on so much is what killed you.
user just shut the fuck up and watch the ending, take your fanfic back to r*ddit.
kind if have to be when the dark side fucks you over after you stick your toe into it
she cut them off from the force, similar what had happened to the exile. while the exile had survived, the jedi didnt. once again, validating kreias thoughts that the jedi rely too much on the force.
she even says this, "look at the galaxy, through the eyes of the exile" shes proving them wrong
>Malak is a literal sunday cartoon villain complete with the evil laugh and wanton cruelties for no reason
I'll give you the evil laugh, but I don't remember wanton cruelties for no reason. As far as I can remember, his cruelties had reasons.
>Tons of dialogue options with plenty of nuance and situational responses
Most of them have no effect on anything, though. In any given situation, there are maybe two or three options that have any tangible difference between them, then a few more that take you to the exact same places as those other options.
>Main antagonist is one of the best ever
KOTOR 2 barely even has a main antagonist. For most of the story, you don't know who the fuck is behind everything. All you know is that there's some vague threat from some Sith person that you don't really know anything about and who is never once mentioned by name.
Ironic because Jolee would disagree
But I was a lightside paragon when he decided that I was Sith.
>Kreiafag went full “Shizune is a rapist”
what an autist
>she cut them off from the force, similar what had happened to the exile.
Want to know how I know you havent played the game?
The exile was never cut off from the force. Its actually explained in that cutscene.
>while the exile had survived, the jedi didnt.
No, she uses the wound in the force to kill them. If you interact with their corpses it says they are deader than dead, like an absence in the force.
>once again, validating kreias thoughts that the jedi rely too much on the force.
They do but that's not the fucking point of why she kills them
She literally TELLS YOU she intended to kill tjdm
>she even says this, "look at the galaxy, through the eyes of the exile" shes proving them wrong
"I used you to lure the Jedi out of hiding so they may be killed."
>I'll give you the evil laugh, but I don't remember wanton cruelties for no reason.
>what is bombing taris to kill one person
Yeah there's too much disagreement over this character, it's just shit writing
this literally proves me right. actually listen to it instead of posting it over again.
>perhaps these are the excuses of an old woman who has grown to rely on a thing she despises
>3:00 - 4:32
explains her entire plan in accordance to my posts
>5:20 - 5:35
>it is done at last it is done
>you are greater than anyone i have ever trained
>by killing me here you have rewarded me more than you can possibly know
>many choices were made, but you made the right ones
once again proving me right. you dont know kreia nerd
There is no disagreement there is retards who haven't played the game and people who have are correcting the retards.
If you fail to understand the character its not shit writing its you not paying attention to 8 minutes of dialogue at the end that explains the entire plot of the game.
Stop fucking doing this, its obnoxious as fuck. Yea Forums is the only place where retards cant understand Kreia, why is that?
>still debating Kreia
That video has the same problem as many of the spergs in this thread. Idiot reads too far into her motives and invents shit that isnt there.
>she even says this, "look at the galaxy, through the eyes of the exile" shes proving them wrong
"I used you to lure the Jedi out of hiding so they may be killed."
Not the guy you replied to, but these aren't mutually exclusive
>A normal one?
Normal people don't want to rule the universe using ancient superweapons fueled by magic and cruelty.
>I dont recall every king in history having a comical evil laugh and slaughtering their friends though.
If you've turned evil, good people will generally cease to be your friends, which may force you to slaughter them when they turn against you.
>Again, stop being intentionally difficult. Its a stupid ending and its badly written like a superhero comic.
To be honest, I think you're the one being difficult here, getting upset over the exact way certain lines are written while seemingly admitting that, ham-handed as they may be, they are appropriate for the underlying motivations.
>she didnt wank to kill the Jedi
>Kreia: "I wanted to kill the Jedi"
the exile shut herself off from it. there is dialogue explaining its surprising you survived. kreia isnt a wound in the force so explain how she somehow uses wounds in the force. everything kreia does has a point, she is not shallow like youre implying. she cut them off from the force to prove they were weak. you just saying duhh she intended to kill them doesnt invalidate the why.
>she even says this, "look at the galaxy, through the eyes of the exile" shes proving them wrong
>"I used you to lure the Jedi out of hiding so they may be killed."
what the fuck does this even mean. so because she wanted them to be killed means she didnt do it through the force cut off method? there is a disconnect here
>what is bombing taris to kill one person
Cruelty with a reason. It's excessive and extremely evil, but he does it for a logical reason.
i proved all those wrong as well gayboy
"You cut yourself off, because you had to if you were to survive. You had hints of it on the war on Dxun. Malachor was simply the final blow."
care to reiterate that the exile was never cut off from the force? the exile forms force bonds with fucking everyone so when they all died at once at malachor it would have killed the exile too if he didn't subconsciously sever his connection to the force.
>Normal people don't want to rule the universe using ancient superweapons fueled by magic and cruelty.
Pre-mindfuck Revan did and he never fell to the dark side.
>If you've turned evil, good people will generally cease to be your friends, which may force you to slaughter them when they turn against you.
>existing irl
>To be honest, I think you're the one being difficult here
>getting upset over the exact way certain lines are written while seemingly admitting that, ham-handed as they may be, they are appropriate for the underlying motivations.
Its badly written user. I dont know why you're so loyally defending your pay piggies at Bioware but its unbecoming
She also says earlier that she didn't wish the Jedi dead, defeated yes
its established that cutting off people from the force is dangerous and probably kills them. youre just being a sperg about semantics
But she defines "bonehead extremist" as "anyone who isn't a completely selfish asshole".
You didnt prove anything wrong you just proved you're a dumb faggot who thinks he knows more about Kreia than the writer of the character does
Go argue with Wikipedia dickhead I'm not wasting my time talking to sub 70 IQ monkeys
seething brainlet cant handle basic kreia 101. go back to harry potter spergo
She also says that was a lie and what she says on Malachor was the truth.
Oh really? Where is this established user?
She LITERALLY tells you she intedned intended to kill them
Do you know what Literally means?
>its kreia 101 bro!!
>nothing online supports my case but its kreia 101 bro!!
>put evidence in timestamps
>had to throw someone elses comments in cause you had nothing to refute it
>head really hot
its not looking good for you boyo
>Part of the council of revered Jedi masters
>Looks like some greasy uncle
Standards were different back then I guess
t. didnt listen to the video
>Pre-mindfuck Revan did and he never fell to the dark side.
Are you fucking serious? He was power-hungry *because* he had fallen. Wanting to rule the universe with the Star Forge *was* his fall. This is so fucking basic that I have no idea why I even have to explain it.
>existing irl
Oh, I get it. You're one of *those* people. No wonder you like Avellone's writing so much. If you don't even think evil exists, then we're not going to have a very productive conversation about anything.
its established in dialogue with the jedi masters and kreia
also im not arguing that kreia didnt want them dead. youre the one going on about that. im arguing that she cut the off from the force which killed them. which has no bearing on whether or not she wanted them dead
"what the Jedi never understood was that Revan never fell"
>you're one of *those* people
Someone who has an education? Yeah thats me!
Read Nietzsche sometime
>wiki links
get dunked on pussyboy
mate i think its time for you to leave. you seem like you're about to have a autistic meltdown.
Quote it for me anonymous
I know you're making shit up so this will be good
>he believes evil exists
are you underaged or mentally stunted?
>telling someone about to have an autismal meltdown to leave
>quote it for me
yea let me get right on that chief
>proving me right
You can't because it doesnt exist
>Grey Jedi are even more pathetic than the Jedi because they choose to do nothing. Jolee is nothing but a pathetic coward centrist calling everyone else out on their bullshit as he hides on Kashyyk for 20 years because muh wife.
Yes, because all Gray Jedi think and act exactly the same as Jolee. There aren't any of them who travel the galaxy righting wrongs in their own way, independently of the Council. Even though that's exactly what Jolee himself was doing until he crashed on Kashyyyk by accident on his way to somewhere else, and had to stay there because his ship was completely trashed.
>Kreia would hate that faggot.
That makes him sound better, not worse.
>Read Nietzsche sometime
I have. This might surprise you, but it's possible to read him and then disagree with him.
I could ask you the same thing.
she calls you a fucking failure if you kill the jedi masters yourself.
>"what the Jedi never understood was that Revan never fell"
Oh, well if C̶h̶r̶i̶s̶ ̶A̶v̶e̶l̶l̶o̶n̶e̶ Kreia says it, then it must be true.
who is an evil person then?
Because she wanted to show them their failure. If you kill them she never gets the chance. But if you don't kill them they dont learn anyway and she does the whole ARROGANCE thing
>her entire character is just "hey player please consider your actions"
And what if you consider your actions and still think they were right?
If the superior writer says it then yeah it is
Why are you in this thread if you dont like it
then you understood that there is a difference between "i'll do this because i feel like its the right thing to do' and "i'll do this because i think its the right thing to do"
then youre right. its the fact that you considered, that you did that introspection. asked the why. kreias about self actualization. do what you personally believe, and dont let outside influences dictate your actions.
Someone who hurts others for enjoyment. Someone with no regard for others. Someone who's willing to commit any atrocity just to serve themselves. Those are a few examples.
In this context, there's no practical difference between "think" and "feel".
Of course, she still shits on you if you defend your decisions to be generous or benevolent.
>she says its pointless to lie at that point.
Unless that's just another lie.
she shits on you if you make a snap reaction and defend them to her, but not if you say youll think about what she said. shes not trying to argue, just teach. also its a nice tie-in to tell players not to metagame and just enjoy the story doing what they want, not doing all dark or light
"don't feel, think" there you happy?
Then the entire game is fucking meaningless why would she lie when she repeatedly said the truth will be revealed at the end
If you're right and it's all a lie then whats the point of discussing anything
Thats stupid user
Chris actually thinks he failed writing kreia
Don't listen to the other retards. Look for more works in which the director and writer - Chris Avellone - had a major role. His highlights are planescape torment, kotor2 and fallout new vegas dead money
That disappointed me as well. I kept hearing about how KOTOR 2 had all this great character development and roleplaying, then I played the game and found that there are barely any conversations to be had with your companions. I never felt like my character developed much of a relationship with any of them.
Then there was the weird thing they did where it's implied that certain characters have feelings for you, but it goes absolutely nowhere. I understand that Avellone doesn't like to write romances, which is fair enough. I enjoy them when they're there, but I won't refuse to play a game that doesn't have them. But if you don't want to do them, then just don't do them. Don't put in little indications of them that seem like they might lead to something and then not have them go anywhere.
Planescape Torment
Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer
Anyone that isn't fucking retarded would want to control the starforge.
I'll put this to death once and for all.
Kreia tells you that all will be revealed at the end. At Malachor V she tells you the truth, she says (i paraphrase) "I would be a terrible master to not tell you the truth at this point. I use the force to understand it so that I might kill it. I used you so the Jedi and the Sith could be revealed and killed. I used you to expose Atris so that she wouldn't be allowed to rebuild the Jedi. I used you since you woke up and everything that is happening is part of my grand machinations. I wonder if you think you can overcome me and surpass me, or if you will fall here. Either you succeed and I can die happy knowing I trained you properly, or you will break and die and I will succeed. Were you expecting something more? There is no greater meaning."
Thats it. Now lets stop.
>originally could let the ravager smash into citadel station
fucking how many endings was this game meant to have
The problem there is that there's no way for you to come back later and say "I thought about what you said, and I think you're full of shit." Your only chance for a meaningful response is in the moment, and in the moment, saying "I'll think about it" implies at least some degree of agreement with her. In fact, if you wanted to think of it as you considering her words and then rejecting them, you'd *have* to metagame it or use headcanon.
That's the problem with being a serial liar - people eventually stop listening to anything you have to say, especially if what you're saying is "I'm telling the truth."
If it were just a factory and you could use it for good purposes, maybe, but I'm pretty sure they said it became some kind of embodiment of the Dark Side due to its creators being complete pricks, and that anyone who used it would eventually turn evil.
>thats the problem with a serial liar
I think its a problem with you overthinking the plot.
She tells you at the start the truth will be revealed at the end and it is, there's no cause for confusion.
you can tell her shes full of shit when she tells you to think about it. shes not there to agree with you though, shes there to challenge you so youre gonna get a berating because thats her shtick if you battle her mentally
G0-T0 clearly stated that he didn't believe the republic should be saved and that it contradicted his programming which 'breaks' him
>Jedi are fags too narrow minded because of their dogmatic views
>Sith are edgy autist who think they are better than jedi(and everyone else) because they are edgy autists
you'd think there would more force users who was like, fuck that and did things their unique way
As much as I ultimately dislike Kreia, there was one moment with her that I thought was interesting. On Korriban, she talks to you about one of the Sith Lords and says something to the effect that he was so fucking evil that he doesn't deserve redemption. You can tell her that no one is beyond redemption, and surprisingly, that response *gains* influence with her. I think it's the only light side thing you can say that she actually likes. That, plus her response at the end if you offer to save her, did make it seem like deep down she wanted to be forgiven and go back to the light but hated herself too much to accept forgiveness. That did make her a bit more sympathetic, I suppose.
Oh, and it might have been responsible for its creators losing their ability to use the Force, which is another problem.
I thought the old republic and jedi council are all jolly and well if light side Revan is canon. Why is jedi order in disarray and a hungry sith flying around eating planets in 2?
who the fuck were these "Sith Empire" cunts and what happened to them in the end
Because Chris Avellone doesn't really like Star Wars or hope in general.
I beat a bunch of star wars games awhile ago. Now i remember kotor1 clearly but i forgot what kotor2 is about at all. Can i get the quick rundown?
malachor 5
How is it that force users don’t just conquer entire planets by pretending to be gods?
I refuse to believe that anybody with ambition/psycho tendencies would not go around living like a techno Viking across the galaxy and gaining his own group as they did that
It would make for a good novel or comic
That would have been a much better moment if I had any fucking idea what exactly my character's history with her was. It's hard to really get invested in that argument, because due to my lack of knowledge of my character's backstory, I'm not entirely sure what the hell I'm arguing for. That was a big problem with the game in general. They kept referring back to a past that the character knows but you don't, and then asking you to decide how you feel about it without giving you enough information to really do so. There really should have been some kind of playable prologue that covered the major events in the Exile's past, so that you knew what happened, felt a connection to it, and developed an opinion about it, so that when people confronted you about it, you could argue passionately one way or the other.
thats kinda the origin of the sith.
Those smaller ships look like dog heads.
the fact that kotor 2 can be discussed like this probably means its an alright game
>Luke can levitate a fucking star-ship, you think he can't choke a guy? Or, OR you fucking simian, you think maybe he just DOESN'T do that, because it's evil?
He choked two Gamorrean guards in Jabba's palace to get them out of the way, though he probably didn't kill them.
>There's no bonus powers you unlock by kicking beggars. There's simply the decision to use the force for good, or for evil. Luke doesn't kill people with force lightning, because that's fucking horrifying.
Killing someone with force lightning isn't that much more horrifying or evil than killing them with a lightsaber or a blaster. Force lightning can be used for good.
The Force is magic. There are probably some "spells" that are inherently evil, but most of them aren't. A mage who uses chain lightning to kill a bunch of demons and stop them from torturing innocent people isn't evil. Force lightning is the same.
has there ever been someone that used force lightning to stun someone like a taser would be used irl?
Yeah, because Vader did it to torture and intimidate people who personally displeased him. Context and intent are very important. Obi-Wan cut a guy's arm off to protect Luke and himself. That's not the same as him cutting a guy's arm off because he looked at him funny.
Not that I've seen.
I really liked that you can point out to her what a dead end it is. She says that she needs to lose her compassion to become a Sith, but you can tell her that if she does that, she won't care about freeing slaves anymore, which was the whole reason she wanted to use the Force in the first place. Getting through to her and turning her away from the Sith was a nice little moment. I like to think she went on to become a great gray Jedi who did good deeds all over the galaxy.
If you turn her away from the sith she goes to Dantoonine and you can talk to her there. Unfortunately she likely died in the bombing attack.
I did Korriban last, so going back to Dantooine wasn't an option at that point. And she probably did die. Fuck.
Why did the three Masters teach you new Force forms and shit if they were just going to strip the Force from you?
They hadn't decided they were going to do that yet
What was Attis deal?
They were trying to help you and were also still dwelling on it.
>Secretly trained his wife as a Jedi
>She turned evil and attacked him when he wouldn't turn with her
>He beat her but spared her life
>She went on to join Exar Kun and kill a lot of people before being killed herself
>Jedi Council put him on trial for letting her go, but exonerated him and promoted him to full Jedi
>He left in disgust because he thought he deserved to be punished
The exile understood pretzels.
I love it's been over a decade and people are still arguing over Kreia's motives. Truly best teacher.
okay imagine
a lightsaber, that also shoots like a blaster
a blaster-saber
Was Baodur supposed to be stuck with the same dialogue options after 1/4 of the game?
Masterful play user.
Wait shit I didn't dig any of this out of Jolee. I must have sucked at building relationship points.
Yeah, it would be pretty cool to have Force users who were basically just the mages of the setting and didn't tie themselves down to any particular dogma. It does surprise me a bit that apparently every Force user has to become either a Jedi or a Sith.
Yeah they’ve done that
Luke has but its not canon anymore.
If I was a jedi (dark jedi to be exact) I would use blasters for long range and twin short sabers for close range
Can't tell me that's not based
He was voiced by Ed Asner, so nothing.
Fuck the force, the star wars galaxy is completely fucked. Some dark villain with wizard powers will kill millions if not billions just to be stopped by another wizard. A single generation wont even pass before another dark villain pops up and kills billions more.
I don't think you need to build relationship points, just keep talking to him. He'll tell you more as you level up, or if you talk to him after you've leveled up a ton, you can go through all his dialogue at once. You do need to leave the conversation and immediately talk to him again, but that's no problem.
I think KOTOR 1 handled companion dialogue a lot better than KOTOR 2. You go up to them, click the "Let's talk" option if it's there, and go through the next part of their story. It's simple and you know what you're doing. People make fun of "Something seems to be bothering Carth", but I think that was a good feature. It was good to know when there was more story to see. What KOTOR 2 tends to do is have dialogue options that you can select but that don't go anywhere if your Influence is too low with that character, and you're expected to increase Influence and then click that option again. That would be fine, if not for two major problems:
1. If you turn subtitles off, you can't see which options are doing Influence checks. This could have been fixed by forcing subtitles when Influence is being checked, but Obsidian didn't do that for some reason, even though there are several other occasions where the game does force subtitles.
2. Dialogue options that don't do Influence checks never disappear from the dialogue menu, even after you've gone through them completely. Not only does this clutter up the menu unnecessarily, but when combined with problem 1, it becomes a real pain in the ass to figure out which option you need to click to make progress.
>k-k-kreia never wanted to destroy the force!!!
Chris Avellone: In part, Kreia was supposed to be aspects of Ravel that I didn't have time for in Planescape: Torment. Also, as much as the nature of the Force frustrated me in some respects, Kreia was the personification of that frustration - the fact that some arbitrary force would feel the need to "correct" the human species at times with mass slaughter in Episodes 1 through 3, and the hypocrisy of the Jedi that took place in IV and V. I've never really forgiven Ben Kenobi for his lies in Episodes IV and V, and Kreia definitely echoes that.
Her one redeeming feature is that for a (former) Sith Lord, she loves the player and what he/she represents. She sees in the player a chance to turn away from predestination and destroy that which binds all things, giving the galaxy back its freedom.
Your evidence actually supports the claim that she wanted to control the force, not be controlled by it. Hell, she even says it herself that she wanted to use it like one would use a poison.
why do you need blasters just throw your lightsabers like boomerangs lmao
Wish we had some dark wizards to root for irl sometimes tbqhwy fampai
You're fucking dense lad.
>Hell, she even says it herself that she wanted to use it like one would use a poison.
..So that she could learn how to kill it. Do you just selectively switch your brain off when she uses the words kill and destroy?
Also that response was in direct response to this question.
>Kreia is without a doubt the most well-developed character in TSL, with her unique goal of destroying the Force, her cryptic persona, interesting backstory and deep personality and motivations making her one of if not one of the most well-done characters to yet grace a video game. How did you think her up, what inspirations did you have? Although most fans guess Darth Sidious they're completely different people apart from their manipulative natures. I'm more inclined to think the Bene Gesserit from Dune or Ravel Who-Puzzles-Well from PS:T. Where was your inspiration for her?
>"destroying the force"
Fell in love with the Exile and never got over that he/she picked Revan and The Cause over her. There was also jealousy and deep envy present that they were so much braver than her by going in the first place and then returning to face judgment. Coped with it by going full holier-than-thou and devoting herself to what she insisted was the Jedi way and preserving its teaching but was really going full-tilt into the Dark Side.
Speaking of this interview, it makes me so damn sad so much shit got cut out from the final release and Chris wasn't able to deliver what he originally wanted.
I was really fucking annoyed by how KOTOR 2 handled the Exile's lightsaber. They do that little questionnaire at the beginning, where you can decide its color and configuration. Then Atris pulls it out in front of you, possibly to taunt you with it. And you never get the fucking thing back. Not even after you fight Atris. What the fuck? I figured that maybe you'd find it on Telos and that would be the real start of your journey. Something like "I've found my old lightsaber and reconnected to the Force. Time to be a Jedi again." Then I figured, okay, maybe it's going to end up being the endgame weapon. You're going to have to fight Atris for some reason, or her hideout is going to be attacked and you'll have to rescue her, and you'll get your lightsaber back, and it'll have higher stats or something. But no. It's just something they used to taunt you.
It's an even bigger dick move when you consider that it takes you even longer to get a lightsaber in KOTOR 2 than it did in KOTOR 1. If you don't know what you're doing, you could end up playing half the game without a lightsaber. And it was particularly annoying for me because I chose to say my saber was silver, and silver crystals are hard to come by, meaning that it would take even longer for me to get a real replacement for my old saber. Or rather, it would have taken me even longer if I hadn't decided to just cheat myself a silver crystal, because fuck waiting for RNG to go my way on something cosmetic.
Thats what the restoration project is for, it was intended that you get it back but it didn't make it into the final version.
It's the same way in any long-running fantasy universe. Star Wars is certainly not unique in that regard.
Yeah imagine if this guy knew about Warhammer
How did it take these faggots so long to come up with a "Silver" (white) saber?
Holy shit. Its just a non-coloured lightsaber.
I'm currently playing kotor 2 with the restoration mod for the first time. Just how much shit was scrapped in the release version?
>I don't remember wanton cruelties for no reason
Did you forget the part where he bombards a planet just to kill his old fuck buddy?
>KOTOR 2 barely even has a main antagonist.
It's not supposed to, it's one of the only pieces of Star Wars media where the protagonist's motivation isn't to stop le big bad with superweapon #4.
>Oh, I get it. You're one of *those* people. No wonder you like Avellone's writing so much. If you don't even think evil exists, then we're not going to have a very productive conversation about anything.
This nigga has never read a book.
Goddamn Star Wars is so shit
This reminds me of the people who thought it was great that the mass relays were all destroyed at the end of ME3 because "It frees everyone from the Reapers and now they can do everything themselves." Unlikely, considering that galactic civilization has just been utterly destroyed and will most likely fall into civil war over whatever resources are left. Same thing with Kreia's plan. Yeah, it will "free" the galaxy. Everyone will have the "freedom" to suffer and die in whatever horrible post-apocalyptic universe the destruction of the Force would cause, assuming that its destruction didn't simply annihilate all life to begin with.
When would you have gotten it back?
>Did you forget the part where he bombards a planet just to kill his old fuck buddy?
No, but as I pointed out here: , that's not cruelty for no reason. It's cruelty that furthers his goals.
after you return to telos and kick her shit in.
Damn good question, especially considering how good it looks.
I hope they adapt Knights of the Fallen Empire since that was the only good thing out of TOR
Hubris. Revan dick rider
I kind of liked this desu.
Gave me the feeling of that it represented part of you that was "lost" when you turned away from the jedi that Atris always held on to and could never give up
Exile trying to recreate what they had but knowing it will never quite be the same and Atris refusing to give up the last part of the person she loved that she felt left her.
Or maybe I just read too much into it lmao
I love K2 and it's one of my favorite RPGs of all time. Yet somehow I enjoy actually playing K1 way more than K2 now. I don't know if it's because I'm much older and the more adventuresome nature of the first game appeals to me more or what, but playing K2 just depresses me all throughout. There's not a single moment in the game where I feel even remotely happy. I get that that's part of the game's message and overall aesthetic but it still makes replaying it unappealing.
Lack of a good dicking
Still would've preferred if you got it the first time you went to Telos. I think that would have been better for dramatic purposes, because like I said, it would be a good symbol of your journey beginning and returning to your old ways.
Would it have had different stats from a normal saber?
I suppose that's one interpretation, but I wouldn't have written it that way.
All these people missing the point.
You don't have to fall to the darkside to fall.
Vrook and company fell from grace, not into darkness, but into nothingness.
They were afraid; and they are no longer afforded even the mild protection of their conviction.
This is exactly how I feel, except that I don't consider KOTOR 2 to be all that great in the first place. Not only is the story depressing and lacking in an adventurous feel, but the combat is a total clusterfuck. It's RTWP, which I already don't like, and your party members never fucking do what you tell them to do. The best way to succeed in combat is to craft gear that's so overpowered that you can't lose, and even that is a major pain in the ass, because of the UI and because of the fact that you can't have your companions use the crafting stations on your ship, so you have to disembark and find a crafting station somewhere outside the ship.
>There's not a single moment in the game where I feel even remotely happy.
I know exactly what you mean. It's pretty much non-stop misery. It left me with no sense of satisfaction at the end.
>I know exactly what you mean. It's pretty much non-stop misery. It left me with no sense of satisfaction at the end.
That's the point. Abalone hates Star Wars and he wants you to ahte it just as much as he does.
if the game was completed it might have been a unique, but from what i recall its just a default lightsaber based on what ever you choose after peragus.
I appreciate the writing in 2 because it brings to light a lot of my long-standing grievances with the Star Wars universe overall and explores some interesting themes, but otherwise I agree. I think it comes down to two tangible complaints, the characters and the planets.
Maybe they're one-dimensional but the companions in K1 felt more alive to me, half the characters in K2 might as well not exist and the other half, while well written, feel empty. The planets in one seemed more vibrant and varied to me, both in terms of aesthetics and story. The only part of K1 I don't really enjoy is the Manaan seabase stuff. By comparison, almost every world in K2 felt identical to me. Peragus, Telos, Nar Shadaa, Korriban, and so on all seemed very washed-out, almost like those ugly brown and gray FPS games that were all the rage in the late 2000s. Perhaps it was necessary to convey the feeling of a doomed galaxy, but I just can't enjoy it anymore.
>because it brings to light a lot of my long-standing grievances with the Star Wars universe
such as?
Well, he failed. I don't hate Star Wars. I hate what he tried to turn it into.
>I appreciate the writing in 2 because it brings to light a lot of my long-standing grievances with the Star Wars universe overall and explores some interesting themes, but otherwise I agree.
My only major grievance with Star Wars is the rigidity of the Jedi Code and its proscriptions against emotion and relationships. And in the KOTOR storylines specifically, I do think they were stupid in their non-handling of the Mandalorian Wars. There are valid criticisms to be made of the Jedi, but KOTOR 2 goes too far in the opposite direction and seems to want to burn it all down.
>Maybe they're one-dimensional but the companions in K1 felt more alive to me, half the characters in K2 might as well not exist and the other half, while well written, feel empty. The planets in one seemed more vibrant and varied to me, both in terms of aesthetics and story. The only part of K1 I don't really enjoy is the Manaan seabase stuff. By comparison, almost every world in K2 felt identical to me. Peragus, Telos, Nar Shadaa, Korriban, and so on all seemed very washed-out, almost like those ugly brown and gray FPS games that were all the rage in the late 2000s. Perhaps it was necessary to convey the feeling of a doomed galaxy, but I just can't enjoy it anymore.
I agree with all of this. The KOTOR 1 companions had a lot more dialogue, getting to that dialogue was intuitive and painless, most of them were likable, and they had personalities that came through. And the planets were definitely a lot better and more varied. Everything in KOTOR 2 just feels more empty, even with the Restoration Mod installed.
Spending all her time sitting alone in a room with a ton of Sith artifacts probably didn't do her any favors.
>It's RTWP, which I already don't like
It's literally just turn-based
>b-but it goes in real time
No it doesn't nigger it plays literally identical to D&D just with some slight differences in calculations and (generally) bigger numbers. If you enabled the option to pause every round then it plays no different from any turn-based game.
It doesn't play like a turn-based game. In a turn-based game, everything isn't happening at once.
>If you enabled the option to pause every round then it plays no different from any turn-based game.
No it doesn't, because turn-based games pause on every turn, not every round.
A lot of turn-based games have entire rounds play out at once. Most stopped it because players had trouble following combat that way, but it flows much better in a turn-based game where there's no instanced combat.
not enough hair to cover up that his bald has exactly 5 edges.
Also, even if I didn't hate RTWP on its own, that wouldn't change the fact that companion control is completely fucked in KOTOR 2 because the AI just does whatever the fuck it wants if you're not directly controlling the character. A turn-based game would never have this problem, because there would be no point at which your party members were controlled by the AI.
You still chose your actions one character at a time, though, right?
>Why aren't there more "Grey" Jedi
go back to pl*ebbit you retard piece of shit
*moggs every main character you'll ever play*
Literally the ultimate kino self-insert is Revan. The embodiment of chad thundercock, fuck all of you loser nerds who'll come larping here about your m-muh power levels. Revan would full nelson any other sith/jedi scum. They and you fear the REVAN BVLL.
>Characters have very little dialogue and no sidequests
you didn't played it right?
>moggs every main character you'll ever play
maybe if you only play shitty jrpg's, Revan is a shitty character that only get any backstory in Kotor 2
If you count K2 Revan as canon. In K1 he's pretty lame.
>you didn't played it right?
Speak english
I have beaten it multiple times and I beat it again just 3 days ago. Chris himself admits he didnt have the time to do that with the characters.
Name some character sidequests if I'm wrong then retard
He's right, though.
>You still chose your actions one character at a time, though, right?
Yeah, just like KOTOR
I'm pretty sure that if you use force sight on him he has a slighty red tinted aura
No. I meant something more like Blackguards or Shadowrun Returns.
Space Jesus is the canon exile
Why bother putting that line in the game when it's not actually possible to romance Visas or anyone else?
Also, how is Visas pronounced? Is it "Vy-sas" or "Vee-sas"?
Daily reminder that Twi’lekfuckers get the rancor pit same as the Jewdi
Reminder that the Basilisks were delousing droids and no civilians would have died has the Rep*blic not glassed Mandalorian supply lines
You are beautiful to me Exile.
Do you think Kreia can use her force sight to see through clothes haha It's weird, but just imagine her staring at the exiles dong with her force sight on the ship all the time haha.
exile was a girl
The exile is whoever you choose for it to be. Swtor holds no power here.
>kreia x vrook
thats a cursed image right fucking there.
Exile should've been a girl who fell for the temptation of fucking the miraluka.
>Could install Mandalore as the king of Onderon
>Turn Bao-Dur into a full cyborg jedi like grievous
>Have all the handmaiden sisters swear loyalty to you
>Reprogram G0-TO to make him serve you like Yes Man from new vegas
this game just needed another 15 years in development to be finished..
This is the model they used for the jedi Exile in SWTOR.
You may like it or not, but this is her official appearance.
>Krei wanted to destroy the force
It's Viz-us
Is this the thread where the same REEEEE GREY JEDI SUX autist is lurking
Why did SWTOR shit all over the previous KOTOR games so much?
Revan got completely shit on, the Exile got completely shit on, wtf was the devs' problem?
Except we live in 2019 and all the females will be chestlets and twi'leks especially will be made into muslims, covering their whole body. And don't forget that they BARELY showed the original races in the Disney movies, if any at all. Instead we will have more of those boring brown animal aliens from TFA and TLJ.
because there are only two main churches and they are far light or far dark
greys can be outcasts within either one, try reforming what's possibly the most stubborn or volatile organization or fuck off and be a hermit like Jolee
>Why bother putting that line in the game when it's not actually possible to romance Visas or anyone else?
You serious? You can romance both Visas and Handmaiden. At the same time even.
There is a damn good reason why Kreia wants to kill the force and is working towards stopping its influence as much as possible. It's not just an old lady yelling at clouds, its an old lady yelling at clouds that is easily reached by a few lucky people, corrupts them with incredibly power and randomly nudges chosen ones to stop them at incredible cost to the rest of the galaxy. She was a Jedi Historian and have a pretty solid idea on the death count of the force and its shennanigans.
Mithra Surik is cute. CUTE!
Exile is male
Fuck (((Bioware))) and their diversity quota
I read that the original KoTOR writier reed hard at the way they treated Revan in 2 and basically wrote an entire book devoted to shitting on the Exile and Kreia.
Why TOR had you kill Revan? Porbably thought it would be cool for scrubs to beat up the biggest Sith in the Galaxy.
>Handmaiden's reaction to this line
It was all to make the player character SPECUL
He feared the exile because she was a wound in the force and because he was a dark Jedi.
Revan is...not treated very kindly in TOR. I mean neither is the Exile, and Kreia is basically obliterated, but given it was written by bioware it doesn't exactly make Revan be a badass, and by the time you fight him he's fallen even further.
In summary:
>Revan has a cult on the Sith side at the beginning of the game. Here is the "high" point in which a slightly twisted take on what Revan is is presented, but no actual Revan and the cult is shat upon by the actual Sith.
>Turns out Revan is alive!
>Turns out Revan has been in space sith jail for centuries being made a buttplug of notNihilus/Emperor of the Sith/Mr Mummy.
>Turns out Revan disappears between KOTOR 1 and 2 to go beat up this guy
>Exile went and joined him, caught up somehow, don't worry about it
>A Sith sith (the race, not the creed, but also the creed?) joined them too
>Immediately betrays them. Revan and Exile job hard.
>Exile is killed and becomes spooky uninteresting force ghost whose sole mission is to extremely slowly find the first grinding idiot in space and his band of murderhobos to go save Revan who is
>In space jail, bringing us to the present
>Revan broke out of space jail by hobos, looks like a coke fiend but to be fair space jail.
>Him and force ghost completely ineffectual in taking out notnihilus in subsequent plot.
>Only one type of murderhobo class actually gets to take out notnihilus...with help of one double treacherous red man.
>Revan is too sith for this shit and goes mad, only after being in space jail for centuries. Maybe it was too comfortable?
>Kreia briefly shows up as a force ghost. The implication that it is Kreia is so staggeringly flimsy it could well have just been a random angry force ghost.
>Revan jobs to murder hobos
>Now completely irrelevant to the plot.
The cool factor is somewhat diminished by their own work. It's almost impressive.
Why is Handmaiden so jelly?
She also gets mad if your approval with Visas is higher than hers and fights her
Revan fought himself. He was both darkside and lightside. His light side form had to defeat his dark side form so that he could pass away.
He never wanted to kill you, just take your powers away
They turned him and the Exile into a complete joke. I liked the original idea better, where the Exile goes to the Unknown Regions to find Revan, but now we can't have that unless Bioware agrees to retcon everything
Everyone with PTSD
Actually, I just thought of another problem I have with Star Wars lore: Apparently only Jedi are allowed to have an afterlife. Everyone else is just fucked when they die. Fuck that. Fuck it up the ass with a vibroblade.
>Fuck white people, fuck men and fuck right wingers
Ok obsidiot. Go back and defend you strong female princess
Not really. They might say a few things about you being important to them or whatever, but it never develops into an actual romance.
Who says only jedi can have an afterlife?
Jedi can learn the ability to become a force ghost, that doesn't mean there is no afterlife for everything else. Also there are other non-jedi in the afterlife... the sisters with the emotional face things.
i had no idea
Is the same as her reaction to the two lines above it. That's a frequent thing in KOTOR 2 - a bunch of different lines that all say the same thing and elicit the same reaction.
The screen goes black implying sex
it's been forever since I saw that so I can't recall, but what do you anons think was wrong with it exactly? iirc it was Kreia is simply non-dogmatic about the Jedi code or the Sith code.
I never could comprehend MMOs. Apparently the idea is to recreate fictional world in which plenty of people can be at once. But then you get those personalized missions and story treating your character as so special. But there are still all those other people around. They run around with those same companions as you do and do those same missions as you. I tried to play TOR as Sith and I had one mission to go to some mines and kill monsters there. I come there and there is some wounded guard in bad state. He tells me he needs help in killing those monsters and they barely can survive. But behind him there is like 10 other sith warriors murdering those monsters with their lightsabers with ease and he speaks to 5 other siths like me. After I did what he wanted, nothing changed, other sith still are murdering those monsters that are spawning on my eyes and the guard still is wounded and still stays where he is. Immersion is fucking ruined. I never can get into such games. It's like seeing 5 Exile each running with their own Kreia and Visas. What the fuck, it feels so artificial.
Fuck I wanted normal Kotor 3 not mmo shit.
I'll go out on a limb and say that I don't mind the story idea that Revan/Exile went out to stop this hidden sith empire on the fringes. It was hinted that there was SOMETHING out there and it would explain why Revan just fucked off. The idea is sound, and I personally think it could have been done well.
But I would agree with most who say it was not done well. It wasn't, it was extremely poorly executed and absolutely nothing is done to show, develop or even demonstrate Revan, or the Exile, or really even the Emperor's character.
Now people can argue its hard to do that with player characters as they're supposed to be blank slates, but star wars had an established ground rule that characters will canonically pick light side choices, and kotor 2 managed to strongly establish characteristics of Revan that 1 had already underlined: A habit to mastermind/think long term and a willingness to be unorthodox in that. The same can be said in 2, in that a lot of the Exile's character is actually described and observed by OTHER characters, not the player's choices of actions or dialogues.
These factors simply do not exist in TOR. Revan is described briefly by his cult as having some of these aspects, but it is never demonstrated beyond that. He has no long term plans or goals, his "return" to the dark side isn't a repeat performance of Darth Revan but described as basically PTSD. This isn't deconstructed or analysed, its just "we have an MMO and we know you want to fight Revan, so fight Revan.
I won't even bother going into further detail on the Exile. It's just painful, genuinely painful. The worst part? I actually don't mind TOR as far as MMOs go. I don't think its was as shit as Yea Forums generally did. This isn't the same as thinking any of the above is anything more than poor writing and worse execution.
In the first Thrawn book Ben says to Luke that he can't live eternally as ghost and will soon fade away.
Disney killed it all anyway but force ghosts are using a Whill trick to stay in coherent form, and this is explicitly a) not the only way to do it and b) does not exclude the concept or existence of an afterlife for everyone else.
One jedi interpretation of "the living force" is essentially a reincarnation of force energy that circulates through all of existence for example.
Force sensitive doesn't mean that normies are literally lacking in the force. Force Ghosts are just people who can project themselves into the living world for a bit.
The Sith Lords Restored Content useless shit with free exp.
The first part is true, pre and post-disney its established that everything living contains, is affected by and affects the force.
There's more depth to it. There's a stupid amount of depth if you're willing to trudge into pre-disney EU. You've got living force, you've got weird antics like sith alchemy and living planets. You've got FORCE HYPERSPACE. What other crazy shit? Well its not relevant but I like how Luke got force lightning but its the nice guy kind, and is
and only works through thinking of justice. I think its justice? Might have been compassion. EU is some crazy fucking shit man.
Why is the Exile such a stud?
If the Exile's male then Handmaiden, Visas, and Atris want to fug, if the Exile is female then Atton, guy-who-everyone-forgot-about, and Sion want to fug
>Secret eldritch abomination Sith Empire that lies in unknown regions of galaxy and was influencing galactic events like tricking Manadalorians to attack the Republic to weaken them both is actually even more generic Sith Empire than Revan's/Malak's one with Humans and other known species, pseudo Tie-fighters that even have this same color pattern Sidious Galactic Empire and black not!clone troopers just like republic has.
Just use the red guys (true sith). Would it have been that hard?
I thought it was ok, what's wrong with it?
>So why didn't Obsidian create an ending where she decides you are "the one" and you destroy the force?
>Obsidian create an ending
there you go, there's your answer
>In The New Essential Guide to Droids (2006) the Exile is light-sided and female
>In The Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide (2008) the Exile is light-sided and female
>In Star Wars Miniatures: Jedi Academy (2009) the Exile is light-sided and female
>In The Old Republic: Revan (2011) the Exile is light-sided and female
>In Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011) the Exile is light-sided and female
I'm sorry my man..
Try Tyranny, for a newer game.
Exile is a woman. Also that guy is dead.
>Exile is a woman
Also that guy is dead.
I know :(
WHY do people like cgi clone wars so much? Why do people like Ashoka? What’s the obsession over clones in the first place. People who like them want to be in the military so badly
Why are you obsessing over it?
I liked her reincarnation in SWTOR
Becomes your wife and takes big sith cock if you play your cards right
Star Wars: The Old Republic
I want to know more about this... for academia purposes.
Why am I obsessing over it?
Vette, the first companion for the Sith Warrior.
If you're male and make more light-side choices, you have a pretty heartwarming romance.
If you're dark side and don't shy away from being nasty to her, you can dominate her. Cut content had her try to commit suicide because of your abuse.
*can have. You're obviously not forced into it, and you have to pick the right choices.
Thank you. I might give SWTOR a try.
No worries. The stories are pretty damn good, particularly the Empire ones if you go against the grain (light-side Sith really confuse the Jedi).
Which race would you recommend? Human or should I go with something like Sith Pureblood?
I would recommend lightside bounty hunter. Bounty hunters are just so aweesome.
Because they get brainwashed as part of their training and like 99.9% of the jedis who get redpilled end up turning into sith.
Exile is a woman dude. Meetra Surik.
Sith Pureblood for Sith Warrior.
Human is the best for everyone else IMO.
Cool. Thanks again.
Not really a race, but I'll definitely do one after I break in some sweet blue heaven.
No worries. Have fun user.
Absolutely based.
>You think Vader can choke people with the force because he put his skill points in Dark Side abilities
>There's no bonus powers you unlock by kicking beggars.
Gave me a good chuckle too.
/swgg/ is back? Thanks user!
Chiss Imperial agent.
That or human. Chiss was pretty good when you got to 'reveal' some of your backstory to Kaliyo, and when you had to go to Hoth.
>xeno imperial
>go dark side Jedi Consular
>dark side choices make you sound like you're a schizophrenic sociopath because the story has to play out and reach the same conclusion on both alignments
Chiss women are literal perfection and I want to make babies with one.
Yeah dark-side Republic was more just 'edgy', whilst dark Imperial was just toeing the line. Light side Imperial was where it was at though
>Travel to Hoth
>Travel to Tatooine
Think I'd rather level through dungeons/pvp
>Like a series
>Plagued by fans obsession to interpret events
>endless back and forth"No! this is what really happened"
>no meatbags
>no muchu shockabaka
>no pazaak
>no charge up loading ramp
>no teasing Bastila
>no dancing cantina twi'leks
Kotor threads are no fun. More pretzels!
The levelling is so fast now if you're preferred/subscribed that you can just breeze through the story on those and get out
>Travel to Balmorra
>Draenei, Night Elves, and Void Elves in WoW
>Widowmaker in Overwatch
>Chiss in Star Wars
Blue/Purple skin makes me want to breed.
If only we could have a game with SWTOR story and JKA combat. Now Star Wars will become kid friendly so they can groom the next generation of fans while you all circlejerk SWTOR. I’m glad Star Trek never went out like this
Attachments are hard to let go of, and the desire to not let go of them leads to fear. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
nice hip to waist ratio desu
my chains are broken
Exile has been canon female since long before diversity quota got spammed here
fugg i didn't expect sad ending
>Tells Obi-Wan Palpatine is a Sith Lord
>Obi-Wan immediately dismisses what he has to say and gives it no thought ever throughout the rest of 2 or 3
The Prequels are basically "The Jedi Are Stupid: The Trilogy"