2 days until the sale starts. What are you hoping to buy?
2 days until the sale starts. What are you hoping to buy?
I bought Yakuza 0 this weekend. It won't go on a bigger sale will it?
Nothing worth buying.
Also fuck Valve
He doesn't know
I still don't know if I should buy Dark soul 3 or Dark soul 2
So which one Yea Forums?
More like fuck them for doing nothing, leaving games to die,wasting time on useless tech and still cashing in.
But keep seeing the big bad Epic everywhere.
Nothing really. I just bought Bloodstained and I'm not looking to spend more money. Maybe RE7 since I never got around to playing that and REmake2 has made me interested in it.
You should really buy both of them. But do third first.
>buying games
Probably the KCD dlcs. They look fun
I have lost all faith in these sales now, 3 year old games still getting a max of $20 bucks off is a goddamn joke. Might just buy FFXIV even if it's not on sale though.
Please god no I already played 4 hours
I think everyone here should buy (or rebuy hehe) The Elder Scrolls V: SKYRIMâ„¢, the epic adventure where you are the DRAGONBORN.
Alright got that
>Not realizing that most cracks are filled with trojans and bitcoin miners
Fuck off Todd "Tippy toes" Howard
Now there's a recommendation I can get behind. Truly a masterpiece.
What's wrong with Todd? I'm actually a great guy. He brought us epic adventures and games!
these gabe jesus pics are so fucking cringey
>Not realizing that I firewall all outgoing connections in my cracked games so niggers don't get SHIT
Nothing, I pirate everything I want whenever I feel like it.
fuck off maldraw
True, and it does come from the era of rage comics. Probably should be retired from use.
Do people actually feel good about blowing money on non life essentials? You are literally giving money away for something that you technically don't own.
So what third world shithole are you from?
Imagine being this poor.
> Hoping for DLC addon to Talos Principle. Base game blew me away, just finished it over the weekend. But it was not on sale during Croteam sale so I guess I'll get it full price.
> Ion Maiden. Dusk is too scary for me and I need my oldschool FPS fix.
> Baba is You / Stephen's Sausage Roll for more logic games.
> Something mainstream. PUBG or GTA V. Never got into them on an Xbox but may reconsider on PC.
>spend 100 dollars
>pay 10 in taxes
Naw I'll stick with torrents and key sites
Here, have a last year's really discounted games
>Too scary
Get a load of this coward
>Ion Maiden
You may want to hold off on that. It hasn't been released yet and they are in the middle of a lawsuit concerning the game right now.
anyone have a list of games I should put on my wishlist?
I pirate most of my games. You can thank GOG for that.
Only game i'm looking towards to buying is Arma 3 "Ultimate Edition". Also Neptuina Rpg.
>All shit games except Deus Ex and SS2
Good sales are really dead, huh
>he didn't sold some random rare csgo knife for hundred of dollars
Just Shapes and Beats
The Talos DLC is great. Puzzles are like twice as hard, so I hope your anus is ready.
I'm really bad at handling scary stuff. I had the most infuriating experience with FEAR where combat was godlike but scary shit effectively forced me to play it only for a bit. Same for Dusk. Mines were just too much for me.
> I couldn't stand X-files as a kid and I doubt I'd handle it as 30yo.
Thx. And damn. I pirated it long time ago to try out preview levels and it was great. I hope they will sort their shit out.
I like paying real money for digital media I can get for free because it turns me on to be valve's paypig. It's so hot thinking about my hard earned money flowing to lord gaben, financially dominating me and treating me like the pathetic human ATM that I am.
Sorry you're retarded, that must be hard for you.
Oh boi. I managed to beat it without looking up solutions (except from first platform level as I didn't noticed it) but yeah, it was difficult at times. Thanks!
>not SS
opinion discarded
You do know that any game you buy, physical or digital, you don't actually own right?
Hollow knight and Hitman season pass
Hope both are on sale
Excuse for not sucking dick and wanting games that are not 5+ years old at this point. Faggots, the lot of you.
So what?
The chainsaw guys in that had me spooked, just from looking at the photos on the store page, but I assumed it wouldn't be so bad when you were blowing them to pieces. Is it really that spooky?
Will sekiro get a 20%discount?
>So what?
The exact answer of an idiot who pisses money away. I bet you spend hundreds on "collector edition" licenses to.
Not really.
CSGO is one of the games I did bought, though.
It gets really really spooky later on.
>Oh boi. I managed to beat it without looking up solutions
Including all the stars? I cheated on the clock puzzle, fuck that bullshit.
Nah. I picked up all stars on first world but then just stopped.
I'm waiting to see what will happen to Yakuza Kiwami once it's sale is over, sonce it ends conviniently on the same day the summer sale is supposed to start.
never played a souls game before. is dark souls remastered good? is it playable with mouse + keyboard?
That's where you're wrong kiddo. I can do whatever the fuck I want with my Switch carts, lend them to a friend, sell them for 90% of what I paid for them, soak them with gasoline and start a BBQ.
Meanwhile all you digital cuckolds have is an icon on a worthless steam profile.
Why does it matter whatever or not you "technically own it" or not when in 99% of circumstances it doesn't have any impact on anything?
going to blow 1k suggest me games
What if it breaks? What if you lose it? What if someone steals it?
Nice greentext faggot. Lurk more.
yikes AND cringe
I always hedge on endless legend. Sometimes buying and returning.
No shit, but I like owning them. Its not a moral-fag thing because I’ve pirated other shit. I just like it. Maybe endless space 2 dlcs. Idk
How different is Kiwami 1 and 2 from 0? I personally hated the overuse of cut-scenes and repetitive missions.
That dude is wrong, you own a game that you bought. You don't own a whole rights for a game, but you own a license for your copy. It means you can't make copies and sell them, but you own a copy of a game that you bought.
Again youtube.com
All digital has huge advantage though. It hides your powerlevel.
I have ~100 games on Xbox and ~50 on Steam. I don't really want to show that to normie friends. They know I like vidya, they just don't know how much.
barely 4 hours?
they'll probably put it to low priority and wait till the sale so you can put that it's at a lower price now as an option
kiwami 1 is worse than 2 and 0, only get it if you want the complete story
Is there a tl;dr of his arguments? Don't feel like watching a 1 hour video.
>I bought Yakuza 0 this weekend. It won't go on a bigger sale will it?
did you buy it in the current sale? it won't go lower for the summer sale.
remastered is okay. botches some of the art but it has working online atleast. you're going to need a controlling to play it though unless you're a masochist.
You should reply it and get the stars. Consider it training for the DLC. Some of the regular puzzles there are as hard as the stars in the regular game.
Yes, bought it on Saturday
there's a 100 percent discount if u know how to
I-it's not like Valve is going away anytime soon r-right?
I just want Ace Combat 7 to get a decent sale price.
In 10th minute he gives explanation why when you buy a game its yours forever. Whole video is about "games as a service" so he talks about other stuff, but there's 5 minutes about "you bought a game, you own it even if it says it's licensed to you".
>he thinks that's much
What's the point of friends if you can't be honest to them about your interests?
ESLs pls stop
Monster Hunter World is all I want. Gaben, if it goes on significant discount I solemnly swear I will NOT give Epic Game Store a dime this year. You take care of me, I will stay a loyal steamdrone. Somebody at valve show this post to Gaben, I'm fucking serious.
valve now has about the same more users than PSN,they arent going anywhere.
>buying games
*blocks your path*
How big of a discount do you think this game is going to get?
blacklist epic bribe takers
Do you think we're getting better discounts this year? With the Epic store getting competitive, some kind of discount war could be amiss.
>Jun 10, 2019
No, it'll be the same shit sales we've had since they dropped flash deals.
I'm excluding hundreds of bundle trash that I keep hidden. Add 200 more on PC.
Still I get it it's not much for us. But it's much for some of my friends.
Valve said they are trying something new this year. Probably new mini game tho.
What competition, there's steam and then there are much less popular stores?
>amerimutt doesn't understand sarcasm
Color me surprised
dont start that shit nigger. Atleast be truthful and say gog
>better discounts
More games are now under the 'older games' banner now, and there are a lot more 60% discounts everywhere such as VC1 and 4 for example. It'll be a fun show, for sure
VR games for my Valve Index HMD thats coming in the mail in a few days
The epic store is taking exclusives away from steam and offers a much better split with devs. If valve doesn't offer up some kind of response then then market will do its thing and epic will become the new steam.
Half Life VR soonâ„¢.
There are a lot of games I am interested in but right now I am mostly enjoy playing on my 3ds. I am also trying to save up for sims 4 expansions to buy later on.
Also I still have many unplayed games on my steam. Gotta finish at least some of them first.
epic isn't competitive and despite popular belief on Yea Forums valve doesn't decide discounts. it will be the same as always.
What the fuck is your definition of competitive?
I don't know. I have 700 games on Steam, and played maybe 250 of them and probably finished fewer than 100. I'll probably buy a couple of games if their prices hit record lows, but I still haven't played the games I got from the past half-dozen bundles I purchased.
>durr why do you buy games and not play them
Several years ago, I bought a bundle that included Dead Space 2 in the $1 tier. It took me years to get around to playing it. Years. But, as far as I can tell, the game was never that cheap again. So fuck you. If I had waited until I was actually ready to play it, I'd be spending more money.
Here's another story. One time, Hitman: Absolution was in the $1 tier of a bundle. I thought, "hmm, I have enough games, and I probably won't play this one in the next few months. I'll just wait." I didn't buy the bundle. The game has never been that cheap again. It only goes down to $4, which is cheap, but not as cheap as paying $1 for that game plus others. So again, go fuck yourself if you're telling me that I shouldn't buy things unless I'm going to play them right away. Literally go and sodomize yourself with a corkscrew.
Bundles aside, there are plenty of games on Steam that used to get better discounts than they get now. There are several games which I decided not to buy during previous Steam sales which still haven't hit the prices they had when I decided not to buy them.
get the console version,the pirate it on PC
VR Kanojo
>butthurt epictard tries to shit up steam threads because his botnet couldnt even hold a decent sale
dont fall for the bait faggots
Nothing worth buying tbqhwyfam. Hell, even my backlog is getting kind of thin. Seems like everything decent for the last year or two is either console or Epic exclusive or has gone the pay-to-win/microtransactions route. Guess I'll be spinning up another modded FO4/FONV/Skyrim/Oblivion to play once I finish the last few games on my list.
Hopefully some fighting games, I guess.
Aren't you supposed to stream, DSP?
learn how to conjugate verbs lol
Who the fuck is DSP? What does he have to do with fighting games?
TFW I bought SAO - Phantom Bulled by selling a $60 Asiimov
DSP is the top street fighter player in the US.
He won a Street Fighter II tournament a long time ago and now he thinks he's better than Daigo.
jesus christ don't even play 2.
Ok, Mr. Mutt, that will be enough, we know you're just
>"pretending to be retarded"
Talk me out of getting Ass Creed Odyssey. I keep falling for 'at least pirate it bro its good this time' every single time but ancient Greece looks great and the RPG shit makes it feel like it won't be the same old shit
I'm going to spend 5+ hours a day going through hundreds of pages on Steam,
Having open 30+ tabs from multiple forum topics on this sales hidden gems,
browse through steamdb looking for games with high discount and acceptable scores
and after all of that I will buy like 1 or 2 indie games and then play for for a total of 5 hours and then go back to playing some old game I have 100s of hours in
I recognize his face from being posted here, but that's about it.
probably get warhammer total war2, xcom2 and battletech
Odyssey is grindy so you pay for the exp booster. Pirate it and use cheat engine for double exp.
I don't know about this one Gaben.
You already fucking sucked me dry weeks ago when the Golden Week sale and the Post-apocalyptic sale happened.
You mean ignore the console version and pirate it on pc.
I honestly feel like I own every steam game I want.
wut? what do you even think is happening here
Probably Anno 1800 because it's the only game not cracked for some reason
Backlog is big enough as it is.
you guys have been saying 2 days until sale for like the past 10 days
Lovely Planet 2 too?
If Valve shut down without giving people DRM-free access to their games, Gaben would literally be lynched. That would actually happen. People would be so angry.
So what dumb gimmick are they going to do this time? And if it's a good gimmick how long til people abuse the fuck out of it which prompts valve to never do it again?
I want some shitty indie games.
Steam sales have been fucking horrible for YEARS. Why does anyone care anymore?
yeah, they have been. Valve starts these threads, duh.
I'm looking for city builders.
I'm thinking
Kingdoms and Castles
Concrete Jungle
Cliff Empire
Any suggestions for additions or removals to that list?
the best one, cities skylines
I still havent gotten around to playing them, can't wait
How about Constructor Plus?
how cheap will blackcocks 5 get?
I dislike how building types are locked behind populations. Also, the mountains of dlc.
> Not realising main stream anti virus software identify most torrented .exe and keygens as trojans to protect their investors and other big companies. Its a taunt.
>not realizing most of them are viruses
>renting games
don't do this.
>buying a plastic case with a coupon code and day 1 patches
don't do this.
t. uses windows defender to protect his computer from downloaded torrent files.
Just got a vr So probably a bunch of vr games not sure which ones
Buy your games physically, always. You don't want to be cornered with no way to fight back. Do not fall for the digital meme, you will regret it. I did.
>Devil May Cry 5
>Dark Souls III DLCs
>Pathologic 2
>A Plague Tale
>The Forrest
>PC Building Simulator
>Tekken 7
Well, we'll see how many of those actually go on sale and how good a discount they'll be.
>Kiwami 2
>Return of the Obra Dinn
>Ace Attorney
>maybe nier automata and UNIST but both seem too anime
What games can you anons recommend that have either good story and/or gameplay? Basically no grinding or boring repetition
Dead cells and slay the spire if they go on sale
I didn't know Jet Set Radio was on PC, I really, REALLY want to play it.
I only buy games that are at least 60% off and which I not only played but thoroughly enjoyed
that's because you're a newfag who doesn't remember the era when gaben was practically considered a saint
though yes nowadays it is a bit jarring
Dark Messiah is fun though can be a bit of a slog
Goes dirt cheap every sale. Ignore the tutorial though, it's unironically harder then the main game. Only do it if you're an achievement fag.
>Dark Messiah is fun though can be a bit of a slog
mostly the shitty combat made insanely tedious with the damage sponge enemies and janky hit detection. Plus the fact a ton of maps past the half way point of the game are flat out broken.
i'm going to try not to buy anything. i spent a bunch of money on games that i didn't even need. some of the games are games that friends on friend list have, i barely talk to them.
all STALKER games, and maybe the first Dishonored.
Reminder to buy the best puzzle game ever made when it goes on sale for a dollar. Easily 300 hours of content.
this but I'm gaming on linux now, it's a hell of a lot easier to just use Proton in Steam instead of trying to fuck with wine
I have some coupons to give out from crafting Badges. Who wants them?
Set 1
Set 2
>Any suggestions for additions or removals to that list?
buy image related game
Will they ever bring back the coal system?
what are the chances Monstah huntah warudo goes on sale? I already played it on ps4 but my bro plays it on pc and I kinda wanna join in for some jolly fun
I don't think they are going anywhere anytime soon user.
How often do Capcom games go one sale?
Remember to buy games via Humble Bundle, Green Man Gaming, Good Old Games, Fanatical, Indie Gala and Chrono.gg
9 times out of 10 out of these markets you will find games massively discounted in flash sales throughout the year.
*blocks your path*
I dunno never bought one on pc
>what are the chances Monstah huntah warudo goes on sale?
very good
Pathfinder: Kingmaker for me
I have image related game, it's great!
This looks great, but kind of lacking in content for $35
I'll check that out, thanks user.
I have that, I do find it a bit DLC reliant though.
good man. Don't fall for trap
a wife
You should buy the Elden Ring.
I am in the mood for old style shooters. I have Ion Maiden on my wishlist. What else should I add?
if it were out i would buy it desu
Nothing 'cause I'm broke.
I'm not playing anything else until I get my hand on comfy planet zoo
How comfy is stardew valley? and is it gud?
is any sense of self-worth or reason to live going on sale?
>retiring perfectly fine image macros
Actually fucking kill yourself you subhuman newfag.
>tfw I completed ds1 playing with keyboard and mouse
For you, newfag.
>He didnt pass 3rd grade english
that shit is free
Bought Warhammer Total War 2 50% off, Nioh 60% off and My Friend Pedro for less than 50 gbp.
There's nothing worth getting now.
i guess you dont own your car either fucking braindead fucking idiot retard dumbass
nothing, fuck off gaben last steam sale i wasted like 200+ of gift cards and the only thing i actually enjoyed was that snowboarding game Steep
>If valve doesn't offer up some kind of response then then market will do its thing and epic will become the new steam.
source: my ass
3 has the larger community. Will probably get more out of it that way.
>I'm unable to control my spending habits and it's all Gaben's fault!
Sounds like you have poor decision making my dude
a gf
remastered is p much your only option for souls 1 unless you feel like shelling out extra for a PTD key on a sketchy resale site. Also just buy a xbone controller they're like $30
Pirate FEAR. The version from Steam is overpriced since it now contains all the games, stopping you from buying them separately. Only the first game is really kino, the second is meh, the third is pure shite.