Has your country ever inspired the setting/aesthetic of a videogame?

Has your country ever inspired the setting/aesthetic of a videogame?

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>the art director of Splatoon, Seita Inoue, grew up in Mexico and although he does not remember much, I think it’s fair to say that the experiences he had in Mexico ended up influencing Splatoon
>he does not remember much
>I think
Typical mexican trying to claim credit for shit they didn't do, but that isn't surprising considering how mexicans behave.

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Canada inspired Japan

>he does not remember much

Man the irony of your post trying to pretend you have some sort of faggy ass lame pussy point. Like you just that stupid or do you really think that little of people or something you pussy ass faggot.

Yeah, the Ancestral Steppe of MonHun 4 and the Coral Highlands of MonHun World. Explicitly said on development interviews.

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>Spic getting this angry over being told that a game about cute and funny squids might not be based on where he's from
Fuck off, taconigger.

Every game is inspired by Canada

shutup tranny

Source on that claim, can't find anything

have sex

And this too

>shooting game inspired by Mexico
you don't say

Looks like they got a lot inspiration from Argentina too

Reminds me when Odyssey director traveled to Mexico and inspired him on Tostarena

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Fallout 76

I'm pretty sure Frozen Seaway is heavily inspired by Perito Moreno.
By the way, this thread is copy pasta at this point.

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It's inspired by Canada

Is there any game other than splinter cell that had Georgia?
Games with Stalin like Red alert don't count.

No, but every game is set in Canada

Yes, often.

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Those houses look a lot like my grandparent's house.

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None as far as I know. I'd like to be proven wrong though.

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Okay but what do giant icicles jutting out of the desert have anything to do with Mexico

Georgia the country

The newest Tomb Raider ended up being more Peru-based than Mexico-based. It counts even when it's an Indiana Jones tier historic cultural mess without any Indiana Jones' charm.
At least Animal Crossing has a cute Andean inspired song

what foreign developer THINKS your country's style is > foreign developer that knows what your country's style is > developer from same country as their game's setting

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Only nazi-themed games :( and then its often switzerland or germany anyways, so we're pretty much nonexistant in games

Isn't mad max set in there?

That's australia, you know the place with the kangaroos and dingos?

>mad max in austria
Beside of mad max not being videah, please elaborate

And blinky bill and crocodile Dundee

agreed that's why DR1 was the only good game in the series

More than any other country on earth

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Yes, but it tends to fall under 3 categories:
>we get invaded, government is fucked, but everybody and their mother owns a gun so we fight back to reclaim the land
>social economical commentary about living in a society where the poor struggle and rich are assholes, might touch on racism from time to time
>something something military something something fuck you something something we win
It's almost always those three things and almost always based on the exact same cities. Rest of the country is considered fly-over territory.

Mad Max has a video game, and that dip simply mistook Austria as Australia.