why is "ownership" becoming a frowned upon concept?
Why is "ownership" becoming a frowned upon concept?
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why the fuck don't they understand that people want to own their games
Why do you care what these people think and even go as far as posting it on Yea Forums?
>SJW's are taking over every fucking thing and are eager to ban people for wrongthink
>"DUDE what if we just didn't own anything and had everything we paid money for be a license that could be taken away forever if something happens like getting banned?"
I don't want to share world with these people
Because of slavery
>comparing streaming music and video streaming with streaming something that requires constant user input and low latency
never go full retard
The music industry hasn't changed at all unless you listen to radio tier shit. I have to buy a lot of artists at festivals or directly from their label.
It's frustrating to see these pretend that they care about anything that isn't already racking up millions of dollars.
Because you aren't big corporations.
Only corporations should be allowed to own things.
Because Yea Forums is an echochamber in alot of ways, people that think like the twitter poster exist outside our space and denying it isn't getting us anywhere.
If anyone streams games when the Telltale shit just happened, they're a moron. I don't like to use the phrase "tyranny of the majority" often, but come the fuck on.
>constantly bitching about how games are not shipped complete
>supports a system that can make that shit even more viable
paid shills
why don't you personally tell them to fuck off then
People who are have a serious interest in music or film do not use spotify and netflix just like how people who actually have a serious interest in games don't want to stream them.
Some just post the literally who picture that says that
You can copy music and shows you stream
You cannot copy games you stream
Its not so much about ownership as it is about preservation and making sure the games will be available forever
these people are either complete retards or paid by google
>Grow up in a world where everything is digitized and you can access it whenever you want
>Surprised when they think your ways are archaic
It's generational. Both have their ups and downs too.
>Stream music
>Dial Up can handle it
>Stream a game
>Need a 1gb/s connection or you are fucked
Geeeeee Billy I wonder why there is resistance when 90% of the United States, the largest consumer of Video Games, don't have access to this type of connection
Communist infiltration of the academia
Also not vidya
The same way the culture of repairing things is going away. Less freedom for people, more profit maximization for corporations. That's what it boils down to.
Reminder that this "pro-consumer" youtuber skillup shilled Microsoft's subscription services and streaming future for 20 min in his e3 videos because they paid for his e3 accomodations.
>horrendous lag
>monthly plan
>need to have optical fiber or everyone else can't do anything
Then go reply to them
I dont have a twitter account and I ever will
You go engage with them I dont give a single fuck
I honestly can't tell if he's being sarcastic or not.
I mean, I HOPE he's being sarcastic, but I never know.
>People talking about how you shouldn't be against streaming video games
>Act as if the entire issue is about ownership and not input delay making games actually unplayable
Yeah ownership is a good concern, but entire genres of games like fighting games are simply unplayable when streamed because of the delay. Any game that needs precise movement and inputs is ruined with a delay
Yea Forums is supposed to be an echochamber, every website is
Are you actively looking for retarded tweets so that you can post them on Yea Forums?
You don't need to worry about input lag when listening to music or watching a movie.
Besides, were google expecting people to ditch their gaming PCs or consoles for Stadia?
Yeah an echo chamber of shitty twitter screencap threads that don't start any meaningful discussion you retard.
The industry does. But the industry has been trying to cut costs for years. Look at manuals not being included. They want to cut out distributors like Gamestop and make 100 percent profit.
What consumers want is not important if they have no choice. Business' aren't good guys they want to make money and customers be damned.
I don't give a fuck about owning games wtf. Gaming is transient.
Only a pirate can ever have true ownership over there games
Because it's an illusion, you owning a product isnt ownership. You're the product and the corporations own you
J*wish PsyOps
People who stream music are the same idiots who listen to it through their phone speaker or some dollar store ear buds, just because they settle for it doesn't mean everyone should settle for streaming games.
sounds like some sort of awful plutarcho-communism when you put it that way
Progressives are mentally ill
Well to be fair/devils advocate or whatever. But physical purchasable media for those other industry have never gone away. So really i feel like it is more of a naive post from them skill up nerds. Since really the biggest difference of them all is that unlike music and film proprietary formats and such are not a thing every few years. In that consoles even though being more and more like pcs still use their own formats and such physically and hell with shit like the epic store now digitally to at least storefront wise. Unlike the music and film industry where any cd player can play cds. Any record player can play records. Any dvd or blue players can play that shit. But vidya dont work that way so really the comparison is dumb as all shit.
digital consumer protection law is bad at the moment, you should own any bits you buy, laws may reflect that eventually
Retarded communists too braindead to realize they are being used as pawns by corporate authoritarians, just like always.
That CA in the guy's name stands for California, doesn't it? Because that'd explain a lot
Fuck commies, fuck jews, fuck niggers and above all, fuck the white betas that allow them to exist
The biggest problem with digital gaming is what happens when the company shuts the servers down or pulls the download? The games become unplayable. It’s even a problem with some physical games these day, where you have mandatory day one downloads/updates or the game is an incomplete unplayable mess.
I can still play any of my old games whenever I want but with games as a service you can only play as long as the license holder says you can. Companies already take down multiplayer servers after a few years. Think they won’t do the same with the full game and the updates they need?
because new generations are pro communist so ownership is wrong
this is your brain on communism
I'm glad every game thats actually worth a damn already is freely piratable.
>, fuck the white betas that allow them to exist
the irony of that especially given how you gave it enough thought to type it out without realizing the hypocrisy of it all ya dumb beta faggot.
>neogaf shuts down
>suddenly Yea Forums becomes 70% twitter screencap posts
Why am I not surprised.
If it's a communist/progressive thing why is he siding with the corporation? That's usually more of a libertarian thing aside from his opinion on the ownership part.
>I don't recall so, iirc
nigger what the fuck are you saying
>online-only bandwidth-heavy subscription-based model for interactive media where responsiveness is critical but latency is unavoidable
Woah genius
It's already happened with some games due to always-online DRM.
Modern communists/progressives have learned that they can manipulate corporations quite easily with organized public pressure groups
Even to the corporations detriment
>Any game that needs precise movement and inputs is ruined with a delay
That definitely explains why a lot of games feel slower than they should, then again muh casuals and all that
I added the "plutarcho-" bit for a reason
But these retards were raised simultaneously being taught how great socialism and communism would be, while also being trained to worship their favorite brands, so it's no surprise they end up with some bastardized dystopian interpretation of the idea
>music in cloud
>games in cloud
>movies in cloud
>software in cloud
>rent cuckpod instead of buying house
>use lime scooter to commute
>share your wife
Property is an outdated concept.
Communists don't believe in the concept of private ownership.
Because it's being framed as 'icky old-fasioned and republican ideas like ownership' vs 'enlightened scientific advancement that will surely bring us closer to utopia'
Libertarians do not fundamentally favor corporations, they fundamentally favor liberty but that's an aside. Communists and progressives are fucking retarded, their retard professor has melted their poor malleable brains with fundamentally incoherent and contradictory utopian bullshit. If something has a thin layer of collectivist propaganda smeared over it then these poor brain damaged morons will flock to support it and actively attack other members of their own society to defend that thing, even if a cursory bit of introspection would lead a normally mentally sound person to realize that it's corporate authoritarianism.
Cool so everyone should be a CEO
Because I can currently sell my copy of Order of Ecclesia for 150
Wagies are property in the first place. How can property own anything?
Ask your mom
Because a lot of forum and twitter posters are actual shills that have been active for years.
I don't leave my house very often, are actual people these days such corporate cocksuckers or is it just shills on social media?
I read that as “tranny of the majority” and I think that means I need a Yea Forums break.
There is nothing wrong with collectivism so long as it actually works for the prosperity of the collective
>actually being excited for a future where you don't own anything but you still have to pay for it
is that guy even human
I think for fear of wrong think and getting banned and your games and bank account taken away.
God dammit Terry knew, he fucking knew and the CIA niggers got him.
Why do people like this exist? That are just dying to place themselves, or their group, at the greatest fault for something and give headpats to the younger generation as if they are the ones with all the wisdom and knowledge? Why are their balls so tiny?
Can somebody who has an IQ and an education tell me what the name of the behavior that the first post in this image is exhibiting? What kind of logic fallacy is this?
Cognitive dissonance
It’s called ignorance.
the general giving up rights and standards and quality for "convenience" movement is overwhelmingly prevalent, just look at the popularity of Netflix and now our industries push toward the same shit.
As for the bootlickers, they are probably a minority but their ramblings are particularly damaging because even just one person advocating in favor can help strengthen the entire narrative.
the dumb fuck fallacy
faggotry and false equivalency
Google was hoping to catch the 95% of the market that has toaster laptops instead because you'll be streaming ultra graphics. Remember the vast majority of steam users don't have computer specs that can outperform current gen consoles.
nah it would be a false dichotomy
cognitive dissonance is just a buzzword pop-psychologists overuse when nothing causes anxiety
if they like online so much just cut the internet to their house and see how they cope
Giving up on rights of ownership just further gives others power over you. Now you're forced to behave In a manner than someone else deems over you or you lose whatever it is you purchased. We are digging our own graves and this is why marxists are winning.
No, cognitive dissonance is willfully lying to yourself and others when confronted with the truth.
Literally SJWs/Socialism.
It's not. It's propaganda by the industry to desensitize consumers to the erosion of their rights.
Or just do what everyone else has been doing since the dawn of the internet and pirate things.
Ill take 720p low graphics rendered locally over youtube compressed ultra any day of the week. Go look up a gameplay video of something you played recently and try to tell me it looks anywhere as good as you remember.
>and this is why marxists are winning.
Ah yes, Marxists love... giving corporations more power over art and intellectual property. That famous communist pro-corporate political stance.
This, unless you're living in a metropolitan area with a tech sector, your internet probably won't be able to handle streaming games in 1080p 60FPS constantly. Even then, that eats up a lot of bandwidth which may be throttled during busy hours if you're living under a dickass ISP.
Maybe streaming games will be a lot more viable in the future when ISPs eventually have to overhaul their shit but that's gonna be a while. Even then, don't you have to still buy the games individually with the Stadia and other services like it? It's not 15 bucks a month, isn't it like 15-20 a month plus games you have to buy?
no it isnt that simple, cognitive dissonance is defined by deliberately lying to yourself despite it not being in line with your beliefs, ideals or values
you cannot tell me what the first poster believes, idealises or values, he has not told us
I wouldn't mind streaming IF I also had the choice to download the game once,which would let me own the game but not stream it anymore.But simply paying to rent the game for some time and endure disconnects and maintenance times?Nah fuck that
Streaming is a big scam. Ultimately if companies like Google have their way, it will become a rental license that ends up costing the user more in subscription fees than they would've paid for with a physical product. Publishers and developers like it because it reduces their overhead in print and distribution costs while the platform destroys their ability to function independently of the platform.
because they want to think of every possible way to fuck you out of your money possible
Over the spans of decades, gamers have been confronted with endless monetization schemes almost always ending up being abused.
So hard to believe that gamers dare become wary.
>What kind of logic fallacy is this?
It covers a wide range of fallacies. I can probably come up with between 5 to 10 fallacies that it falls under.
Corporations are the government, user.
>Yea Forums is an echo chamber
I guess that's why the board has a consensus on every opinion and never has any sort of argument about anything. I guess it is true, I haven't heard anything bad about any game recently
We already had an experiment of ephemeral media, back in the 1920s-1950s. A massive amount of film and serials from that time are lost media, due to studios re-using film for cost reasons and the general fragility of nitrate-based films popular of the time. Many early television broadcasts likewise have been discarded as well. Curators have made a point to preserve this shit as a direct result.
they dont even hide it no more
>Can easily record films and music to back up in the future in case they ever get removed from a service
>Can't backup streamed vidya unless you want to watch a video of it
>Added input lag will always be a thing no matter how good your connection is
The biggest reasons why this shit won't take off
because once you own something you stop paying for it, ((they)) don't like that
just don't get banned for breaking the poorly defined and arbitrarily enforced community "guidelines" you toxic entitled piece of shit
Here’s the biggest reason that it will: Convenience
I'm sure the beginning of it will be like that, but as soon as they realize they can cut costs and phase it out they will. We're gonna end up with steam and PC being the last refuge of running games locally until the AAA companies start to make games "streaming exclusive".
That's what the jews want. People are not buying [new game] ? Shut down [old game] so they HAVE to migrate over.
Shekelberg and Kosherman are bribing him.
>buy a game in 1999, still have it in 2019
>$60 to have a game for 20 years
>stream a game in 2019
>want to play it in 2039
>xbox live is $60 for 12 months
>$1,200 to be able to play the game the entire time assuming it doesn't get taken down three years in
the math is simple, really
Marxism fundamentally opposes the state. Like, that's an inescapable part of the ideology if you read any Marxist text.
Basically I'm just not convinced you actually know the slightest thing about Marxism and are just using it as a buzzword to refer to SJW liberals you don't like. Shit's intellectually dishonest, cut it out.
How will it be convenient when you need a high end connection to get games to stream at an acceptable level?
Here’s another reason it won’t: Longevity.
The problem with streaming technology is that we don't have the technology to remove lag on game streaming. Once we get there then sure.
Because idiots are trying to make communism "trendy"
>tfw the future of gaming is dictated by people without real jobs and real financial responsibilities
I'm glad I'm not poor but fuck do idiots want to waste my money... Is this Californian idiocy spreading across the country? I know a $100k dump of a house near where I lived skyrocketed to $300k because idiotic Californians started moving in and demanded higher rent. I'm not even joking/exaggerating...
>be Australian
>be stuck with third world internet
>already impossible to enjoy an online game when someone is streaming which is constantly
>”why not just stream games lol”
why not fuck off of existence you fucking turbochode Silicon Valley retard entrepreneur wannabe. stop coming up with worse ways of doing the things we already do
>Marxism fundamentally opposes the state.
>Can't play offline or if you have a shit connection out in the boonies
>Marxism fundamentally opposes the state.
Correct, however the retards that spout Marxist bullshit are driving for more control to the state, since that’s the only way they can effectively get their message out with minimal resistance.
It will be convenient because it will be, duh. What, too poor to afford $60 a month for streaming?
Steam has been doing just fine
Once the NBN finishes rolling out (at least in areas the Liberal party haven't gimped it down to non-fibre), it'd be viable, but we'd need local servers, otherwise the latency would be too shitty regardless of the connection speed.
Because communists are taking over the West and they want you to get used to collectivization of resources and means of production
>McCarthy was right all along
Ownership isn't even the problem with streaming, the problem with streaming is shit visuals and input lag.
Steam isn't streaming games to your computer and you can play offline after activating once online.
spotify and netflix both suck ass
Even during his era people knew McCarthy was right
Have you read any Marx user? I'm asking genuinely here, you seem to be grossly misunderstanding the ideology.
I mean yeah China and the Societ Union were pretty explicitly state-operated societies but that doesn't get rid of the fact that Marxism as an ideology is stateless. Capitalism as an ideology doesn't really promote state welfare and yet nearly every Capitalist state has some form of that.
The existence of Spotify and Netflix doesn't stop me from buying a physical copy that I own and have permanent access to. I have no issue with PlayStation now and whatever the Xbone equivalent is but the industry is clearly trying to push for streaming where no such physical unchanging equivalent exists. The steam copy of San Andreas that I individually paid for had music removed during an update, imagine what they would get away with during a streaming platform.
I don't think this is an entirely apt comparison-- most people are not going to feel the need to rewatch a movie or show. They are short consumables and even then for those who are serious can still get a physical copy of most media. People streaming music typically are using it in no different of a format than radio. People who are serious about artists do not just rely on streaming. Libraries exist for books but people still choose to purchase books they wish to go back to.
Yes. there is some section of the market that will enjoy things like GameFly (except digitally), but games are far less singular consumables by design. I don't disagree that people are willing to give up something as a trade off for convenience (Steam is a great example for this), but the prevalence of people who honestly understand what they are being asked and say "yes. I want streaming games" is going to be tiny. All of those polls about, say, limiting free speech have to be worded in specific ways to get people to be willing to give up liberty. If you literally told people "hey do you want a service that lets you rent games and you don't need a strong pc but it looks like Youtube and has a 1/3rd of a second delay when hitting the buttons at best" suddenly it would be an empty room. Remember Ouya?
>why is "ownership" becoming a frowned upon concept?
>that's right goy, just keep paying for things you'll never own.
It's almost like we're back in the 1800's with the ruling class owning everthing.
>What, too poor to afford $60 a month for streaming
Not that guy but unironically yes. I'd rather pay 20 bucks for a functioning connection and that 40 elsewhere
>steam has been doing just fine
so has gog, uplay,origin, basically any game store that let you own your games. Eat shit
>It was right to imprison people and destroy their lives on false pretences, because if we kept that up maybe we'd have better access to videogames!
Jesus dude.
>Business' aren't good guys they want to make money
>customers be damned.
Doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose of making money then?
Is that why every shithole that tries to apply Marx's communist utopia is a fucking totalitarian state?
The cucks defending this shit would argue that you playing old games hurts the industry.
The Music Industry HAS openly rebelled against streaming.
The Movie Industry HAS openly rebelled against streaming.
It's more shocking that people are NOT openly rebelling against streaming video games.
Shut the fuck up boomers, you ruined the housing market.
Music and films do not require local storage to maintain a certain level of functionality in the same way a video game does.
>Sure it was all those other times, BUT THEY DON'T REAL COMMUNISM
Music and movies can be streamed because it doesn't matter that when you click play, the video/song starts a full second later.
Vidya get absolutely fucked by latency because it's all interactive and you need to be able to react with accurate timing but the server that runs your shit is some 200 miles away.
was there ever any doubt?
>soviet union literally admitted they were sending infiltrators into the education system and government in the 80s
We never left, user.
Marxism explicitly advocates a totalitarian state and unreasonably assumes said government will relinquish its power when it is "no longer needed"
As anyone could predict, that time never comes
>Outing yourself as a poorfag
Suck a few more cocks on the weekend and you might have enough to join me
People have always wanted to own their shit. They wanted to own their music, they wanted to own their movies. Those 2 industries managed to push and push and push convenience and service orientation and eventually won, now no one owns music or movies, they pay perpetually forever to have access to a selection they have no control over.
Games will do it eventually
>boomers think that they actually own the discs
Streaming is a massive problem for music and film fans too btw that original tweet is just from some retarded normie who’s into whatever Netflix and Spotify algorithms want to shit into his mouth
Marx was a retarded NEET who mooched off his rich ass factory-owning capitalist buttbuddy
why would anyone take anything he ever said seriously?
Not convenient at all unless your a city cuck.
>Two things no one has believed in at the same time
>"tech junkie"
Marxist theory has kept being advanced and debated long after Marx was dead in the grave. A lot of modern Marxists aren't so big on Dictatorship of the Proletariat bullshit.
Although you do absolutely still have rusted on Trotskyists/Stalinists/Leninists/Maoists preaching that shit obnoxiously.
Good bait. you almost got me
It's all about content control. If gaming went 100% streamed tomorrow the mod scene dies. No more putting 100s of hours into your favorite game because it's kept alive by a dedicated modding community. No more buying chipped consoles either for console tards (who are ironically driving this digital walled garden trend).
Pretty much this, it's end goal is a pretty lie and the actual goal is a totalitarian state.
This is the opposite of communism, in communism you could own a game, you couldn't own the game printing factory, the people owned that collectively. In this they want to be able to own that factory themselves, and not let the people even own the game so they can force them to just keep buying them. This is capitalism, where the capitalists own everything and nobody else owns even simple products.
No shame in being poor user, just own up to it like this fag
You're a whiny nerd posting porn reaction images on Yea Forums, why should anyone take your rebuttal seriously?
Oh right, because ad hominem attacks are just an easy way to dodge engaging seriously with ideas and coming up with actual criticisms :^)
Actually, the solution was that music and film piracy was already easy by that point. So retards pay for streaming while people with more than 20 IQ pirate. Game piracy is just harder because you have to invest more in terms of time and money to have a good enough rig, be willing to troubleshoot issues, etc. so primarily console gamers just pay per game for convenience. There’s no problem in music or film piracy that requires more than two seconds of downloading a free program to decompress a file or convert it to a format that plays nice with your existing media player or whatever
>you couldn't own the game printing factory
Why not? I seized the means of production
>get screwed over by greedy corporations
>blame Marxism
Boomers were a mistake.
They weren't people, they were communists.
He isn't giving the whole story. The state must take over totally first before it can be dissolved as the necessary changes to society must be put into place by some body of power. I mean, retard isn't wrong about what he's claiming, but he's doing the whole "dictionary definition" thing versus reality. Not only is no state going to willfully give up governance of itself (especially after making itself totalitarian), but if they did, what's stopping that "utopia" from immediately getting assrammed by everyone else?
Answer his question faggot.
I'm just talking about the ideology as written, user. Have you read any Marx?
Ideology "in theory" doesn't have any weight beyond intellectual circlejerk. It means jack shit. only how its applied and its real-world results have any real world meaning whatsoever. Why can't communists ever seem to grasp this simple fact?
>bro try this marxism
>*turns into authoritarian genocide state*
>haha bro that wasn't real marxism let's try again
>*turns into authoritarian genocide state*
>woops lol maybe we'll get it right one day
Hey richfag, want to help us out a bit? You're into communism, right? Give us your shekels so that we can afford better internet connections!
You fucking imbecile. Do you actually believe that the whole world and everything in it has to be tailor made for your 1% needs, you overgrown child?
both of them are retards, user.
lmao his shitty ideas have failed in every application. Theres not much left to debate.
You've never actually read a single bit of communist theory have you user? It's okay to admit you're shitposting.
Surprised no on posted these yet.
You are legitimately deluded if you don't see the many many popular circlejerks on this board. Just because not literally everyone joins in on it doesn't mean it isn't an echochamber, the crowd still shouts down dissent en masse.
>Games will do it eventually
Not really, streaming isn't a suitable option for video games hence why sub services that provide "free" games are becoming commonplace.
because then it would be capitalism
What merit does the technical definitions have on the real-world application of this discussion? Fuck off.
doesn't matter if I "technically" don't own my disc because for all intents and purposes I do. If I can throw my copy into the console it was for without any internet required and it plays then it has fulfilled my requirement for "ownership" regardless of the legal definition.
>The state must take over totally first before it can be dissolved
>doesn't actually dissolve because any given human will naturally refuse to give up power once they have it without being forced to
stonetoss is a faggot but pic related is 100% true and proven every single day
Calling out marx as a complete hypocrite is a pretty valid criticism actually.
the only reason we have all the cringey faggots today is because a rich capitalist factory owner housed and fed his dumb as while he wrote his fanfics
Nothing he said was wrong though. Why would anyone take theories on labor seriously if they came from someone who hever worked a day in his life?
I mean this discussion started as "game streaming is Marxist" which was already a baffling and asinine point so I'm really just along for the ride.
Communist theory can only work for robots and NPCs. Humans are too self centered to ever put themselves through hell for no reward
>Do you actually believe that the whole world and everything in it has to be tailor made for your 1% needs
Yup. Since I can afford it
communism is (in the mind of Marx) a worldwide uprising. there is no "everyone else" to assram it, in theory. The notion of "communism in one nation" was an invention of Stalin to justify conducting peaceful foreign policy with non-communist nations when according to marxist theory the revolution is to spread across the whole world and leave no capitalist holdout untouched.
Wow, it's fucking nobody
This was a decent uptick in quality at an otherwise bleak time.
It sure is right if your conceptualisation of politics is a single axis.
There's more complexity and nuance to political positions than LEFT vs RIGHT.
Otherwise you do get ridiculous shit like Communists and Liberals being "the same", while fascists and conservatives are also "the same".
Yeah, that's why I called that guy a retard, user. I'm beginning to think you're one too.
you cant do communism with out doing socialism first you retard, its a simple concept of the progression of the relations of production. Like school children learned it in the ussr when they were 12 or something
Just a friendly reminder that you're being screwed over by capitalism.
That's no hypocrisy. Try again.
Sounds like a retarded dream that an edgy 15 year old would think up.
>yup since I can afford it
>thinks his money can buy him the support of an entire fucking fanbase
>thinks his money can break the laws of physics
>Humans are too self centered
Stop projecting user.
Isn't this worse? If it was a industry person I could pass it off as "paid industry shill", if it's some random guy then it means there are people that genuinely formed that opinion without a corporate stick up their ass.
Human beings aren't ants, user. Political theory would literally not matter under that pretense. Can you add something to the discussion besides reading a textbook and spewing it back out?
>thinks his money can buy him the support of an entire fucking fanbase
What is bribery, user?
>thinks his money can break the laws of physics
No wonder you’re poor, you think I have superpowers because I have money
>but not everyone agrees
You can only call it projection when you find a country where communism works
are you employed out of curiosity?
If so, how much of your monthly income do you donate to charity? How many hours do you put in a week at the soup kitchen?
I agree it isn't wholly an echochamber, but how the board literally works is that popular ideas get discussed and exist and unpopular ones die in obscurity.
communism is the only theory totaly based on the idea that everyone is working in their own self interest. Radical egoism leads to communism because humans have evolved to exist in collectives
communism is not only not 'against human nature', but it was formulated specifically by studying human nature and predicting the inevitable outcome.
To stick with one of the other relations of production perpetually would require massive amounts of mind control fuckery. Historical materialism is not about what should be, its about what will be.
yes, marx was fucking retarded. when I came to study marx at uni, I expected to find some reasonable arguments that justified at least some of the atrocities done in his name, but there was nothing of the sort to be found. it was all just absolutely batshit crazy retardation - there was some legit stuff in his critique of capitalism, at least, but all of his outline of what communism was, how it should be brought about, and how it would be practised once put in place, it was all too fucking stupid for words.
I literally work for a charity, full time, for much less than I could make elsewhere in a private company with the same qualifications.
You don't own your game if you own a CD or a key or have it in your steam library.
You own a license to play the game.
I don't know why people find this so difficult to understand.
that's not an echo chamber, that's a marketplace of ideas
Of course this isn't the final stage of what they're aiming toward
This is just simply getting the masses accustomed to no individual ownership
The transition to collective ownership would be a step further.
It's all about slowly shifting the overton window
you did not study marx at university
>mentally ill technophile thinks having to pay rent for everything is progress
yes this is the best timeline
this is what a service economy boils down to
Shill or indoctrinated.
I still own all of my music though because I just pirate all of my files and keep them stored in a personal library. The moment videogames go the same route is the moment I stop paying for videogames at all. Like hell I'm going to spend physical cash for a fucking file I won't even really own when I can do the same already for free and with more control too
FUCK off commie
I mean, it's depressing as hell that bootlickers like that exist. But it'd be 100x worse if it was posted by somebody relevant and had 50k likes and YASSS KWEENNNN responses. At least the idea hasn't caught on yet.
not for any longer than I had to, no
as someone who buys physical 4k and blurays I can ell you anyone who says netflix is better is a retard the quality of netflix shitty bitrate is as bad as youtubes which is horrendous.
downloading is the only other way to get quality film quality
>what is bribery user
Wait, you're not talking about epic store are you?
>No wonder you’re poor, you think I have superpowers because I have money
>being this fucking retarded
Streaming has lag. You cant notice it in music and video streaming, because constant input isnt required.
Shame no amount of money can ever buy common sense
>Corporations pushing a service model where they have 100% control of games
>Forcing you to pay rent for your games and never own them
>Having 100% control over the IP that piracy can never circumvent
>This is not capitalist, it is communist
How the fuck do you weirdos come to these conclusions?
no because you can own things in communism, they are shifting nothing towards it. Collective ownership is for the land and resources, not the products.
They are trying to remove ownership of products so they can charge you a subscription for them, extract every single ounce of your productive output and remove even the slim possibility that exists in capitalism for a lower class individual to get ahead.
Engels predicted this.
>popular ideas get discussed and exist and unpopular ones die in obscurity
Replace "popular" with controversial and your description is accurate, and also happens to be the opposite of an echo chamber.
>communism is the only theory totaly based on the idea that everyone is working in their own self interest.
Then it would be called Individualism, as in everyone doing things for themselves and not for the so called betterment of the commune
You can still buy music CDs. What a ridiculous analogy.
sounds like bullshit
care to provide some proof?
How? Companies have been screwing over customers for more money for years. The reason this doesn't blow up in their faces is that almost all companies do this so its accepted. Their are teams that their sole job is to find out how they can screw you over and still keep you as a customer. People get outraged occasionally but quickly forgive if there are not alternatives. I can name a shit ton of companies that have screwed over their customers, had an outrage and then 3 months later everyone forgot and now said company is making more money than ever.
>hey there Mr Neurosurgeon, give up all your property
>Don't worry though, you'll get the same as the shiftless layabout we will move into your nice house as compensation.
McCarthy was right he was just a tactless retard who went full apeshit like an autist. He destroyed many legitimate groups supporting his cause thanks to being arrogant and hair-triggered.
Because companies are pushing this shit to further tighten the noose and enforce their ideology while stamping out any opposition.
And it so happens that their ideology of choice that they want to shill......is communism
They do actually. Corporatism is the chosen weapon of the Left since the collapse of the USSR.
The loudest and most popular opinions are those which are heard and reinforced. That is, at least to some degree, an echochamber. The only differences between this and other places is the lack of permanence and the inability to manipulate social positioning in asserting strength of opinion/argument. It may be a marketplace of ideas, but an extremely limited marketplace in scope. There are so few spots on the shelves that the same ideas populate them heavily.
Do you know why Yea Forums doesn't have doubles? Why /vg/ exists? They are attempts to not make this place a singularity.
Most of my friends don't get it when I tell them I'd rather have a copy of what I'm watching. I do stream,m but if I really like it, I'll torrent a copy so I can have access to it anywhere, on any device without need for an internet connection. I like that freedom and if I pay for something, I want access to it to hinge purely on my choice, like if I decide to take a game on vacation with me or not etc. Nobody else.
This concept is why my Steam gathers dust (only games I have are gifts and freebies from promotions) and I use GoG almost exclusively. I always download the installers too, I have an external drive for all my media.
you work for the church of scientology
i bet you had some retarded liberal professor that had you read the manifesto as if that has any capability to teach you about marxism.
You realize most of that phamphlet was immediate instructions to mid 19th century germans specifically and only has a few very rudimentary elements of theory in it, right? Thinking thats a primer for marxism or communism is a favorite trick of liberal professors.
Read dialectical and historical materialism by stalin to get an introduction to marxism. It covers the actual theory and view of history quite well. Required reading for school children. Its short.
I'll never understand this about lefties. How do they think stuff like that example is right in any way?
He was, 24 of the 26 people he actually accused of being commies turned out to be fucking kremlin agents with direct ties to the soviet government.
That's how basic concepts exist in general you retard. Comparing this place to a genuine echochamber like ResetEra where going against the consensus is literally banned or just regular echochambers like Reddit where downvotes exist and "bad" comments are hidden is genuinely delusional
No I don't really feel like doxxing myself. The team I work in is about five people so it'd be a pretty dumb move to say where I work.
I mean, for what it's worth part of the reason I don't work private is that private organisations treat their clients like utter shit (I work in mental health), which would be pretty emotionally devastating to deal with day to day. Not-for-profits also tend to look after staff well-being a lot better in terms of debriefing, supervision, leave allowance and etc. But the pay is definitely worse, like easily 10k worse.
It's not convenient though. Torrenting is convenient, streaming isn't.
Individualism is against the self interest of humans as we evolved to work and exist in groups. Individualism is destructive to the group, and ultimately destructive to the human.
Normal humans, when encountering problems, work together to overcome it. Individualist are mentally ill.
You are missing the point. Yes, the board is filled with clickbait, but the essence of what is discussed is hardly diverse. It's redundant and only certain viewpoints will merit any sort of response.
beware "communists" like this one that pretend to be egoists because they're definitely going to exploit you. i mean all communists will exploit you, but these are sociopaths.
Nonsense made up by a German to justify why Prussia was good because it hadn't been destroyed and was winning.
>Wait, you're not talking about epic store are you?
That wasn’t my initial suggestion but I can see why that conclusion was reached.
>Streaming has lag. You cant notice it in music and video streaming
You can if the host has poor server upkeep/doesn’t have enough servers to serve everyone
>Shame no amount of money can ever buy common sense
Personal attacks aren’t going to win you any points, you might feel a little smug about it but at the end of the day I’m still more successful
Not if they make consumers think they are in good company, this is usually done by marketing propaganda (despite what some people think, companies don't have "agendas").
that example only exists in the imagination of boomers
do you understand what property is?
In the business world it is very common for any given application to be run server side, often in a data center hundreds of miles away from your current location. I see no reason for this trend to be excluded from video games. Data centers and data links are constantly growing year after year. Sure there will always be niches but it will probably be standard fare 20 years down the road.
I'm convinced you have brain damage if you genuinely believe this.
A company changing all their branding to rainbow flags for pride month does not make them pro-communist.
I get that liberalism and communism get conflated a lot here because of general anti-SJW sentiment, but apply some critical thinking for the love of god.
What do multi-billionaire companies have to gain from promoting communism?
>SJWs hate ownership
>They are also more likely to defend cucks then anyone on average because owning women is sexist
It should be legal to hunt commies.
Inanimate objects are people too and must be freed from the white man's tyranny
Dialectics was invented by ancient greeks
Yes, it seems as though you don't though.
Imagine reading this with a smug grin thinking you had written something deep and meaningful, when it's just pretentious babble.
>Normal humans, when encountering problems, work together to overcome it
Normal humans also seek to preserve what they have and don’t need a man jabbing them in the back with a gun to force them to give it up.
>What do multi-billionaire companies have to gain from promoting communism?
Same reason why celebrities do. They think if they suck up to them now, they'll be in charge when the commies take over.
Because most people honestly don't care
Communists don't like when people own things.
that's right, letting a mob of sub-literate retards tell you what to do (and probably kill you for blasphemy) is actually self-interested, because we evolved to live in small groups of violent tribes that regularly raid and subjugate their neighbors
>constructing more fantasies
behold the idealist, he can simply alter reality in his mind on the spot to provide him with justification for any of his whims.
>unironic communists
nothing in the world more cringe. But don't get too comfy there /pol/, unironic natsocs are an incredibly close second.
I can't wait for the flawless affordable internet that'll allow seamless media access under my completely trustworthy corporate providers.
You don't have to have gestapo towing the line to have an echochamber, user. If we took a news website which had a clear political affiliation but did not moderate their comments, the result would still be an echochamber. People would be free to dissent, but would be ignored as the same schlock gets repeated because the exchange and examination of ideas in earnest isn't part of the equation. I don't think Yea Forums is 100% that, but it definitely does have particular general opinions about topics and your choices in exploring those ideas come in two flavors: bait and the Yea Forums opinion.
Because these people don't own shit, and don't want anyone else to.
why dont you understand thats irrelevant? nobody is coming door to door to take my cds. the only access point they have to take away games is the internet
Shut up and take your masters cock so they can rerelease the same game to you one thousand times on 20 different platform you fucking ingrate racist transphobic faggotphobic nazi
Ive met exactly one evolanigger ever, every other 'natsoc' on /pol/ is a larping teenager
From a legal standpoint licencing in terms on non-ownership is bullshit.
This. Most of us don't give a shit. We buy a game, we play it for a short while, we move on with our lives. Streaming services make this system far better for both the consumer and the seller, as it's cheaper for everyone.
That being said we don't really have the technology for that yet (lots of places with shit internet), so things like Windows Game Pass is the best we can do at the moment.
No, although my tutor was pretty left wing and probably had some marxist beliefs himself, they're still pretty professional at Oxford even today, and he never made any attempt to tell me how or what to think.
As I recall, he did have us read through the manifesto but I think The German Ideology was the main focus of the week or two we spent on Marx in first year before we got to choose our own subjects. I assume if I'd chosen to do Marxism properly later on I'd have covered everything important and in much more detail.
>Zero likes, or retweets from a literal who
nigga who cares? go call him a dumbass instead of making a thread on it.
>History is a fantasy
Wew, you might have more luck swaying people on /pol/ than you would here
Streaming a game should have about the same down requirement as streaming an HD movie and the same up requirement as a regular multiplayer game, shouldn't it? I thought the idea was that you were sending commands to the server, the server runs the game and sends the commands to it, and then sends back a video stream of the game. Still a big requirement and a lot less fault tolerance than would be acceptable for streaming content that can be buffered, but not necessarily a higher bandwidth requirement.
They're already in charge. Why would they push an unpredictable change of hands when they already hold the power?
I get that you hate SJWs but please fucking think about the nonsense you're spouting.
It's possible for a company to have socially progressive viewpoints while still being capitalist through and through.
92% of left-wing activists live with their parents and one in three is unemployed
I don't think "Ownership" is the problem, I think monetary compensation is.
I mean, people pirate shit all the live-long day, and nobody's sweating about whether or not they "own" the game they pirated. I don't think this would be such a big issue if we had some kind of gaurantee that we still had access to our collections after whichever online library we subscribe to no longer exists.
Nobody fucking buys physical any more, not sure how that's relavant. Only 20% of game sales are physical.
I don't have to keep paying Steam for games that I already bought.
Communism doesn't care about personal property. There's a difference between that and *private* property.
Everybody in this thread is my property.
In the future, corporations will grow to wield power comparable to states
you get thriving evola threads pretty often over there, actually
shut up and live in your podshare hell dorm and pay monthly fees to have access to capeshit, fortnite, and beyonce
Graphical fidelity is arguably more important in games than movies and latency is certainly more important. You need both, not just one. You can't buffer a chunk of a game in the same way.
Got those same stats for alt-right dweebs?
I mean let's not kid ourselves and pretend that frogposters are all successfully employed.
>admits even music streaming and video streaming can have problems
>still pushes for game streaming
>personal atacks dont hurt me! I'm rich!
Kek, fools and money are soon parted user.
I'd actually like to ask how much of that money you have was earned by you and not passed down to you by your family. Evey cent I have, I earned. Can you say the same?
So what about mods? Home brew? Don't pretend your specific use case applies to everyone.
Fucking retarded. Streaming literally provides no benefits over offline technology
>Can you say the same?
Sure can fren, that’s why I’m calling you poor
capitalism is the system enabling this faggotry
>f-fuck commies!
am i missing something here? anyway youre the faggots buying consoleshit, you reap what you sow
if you dont use libre hardware with a libre os youre a commie
Shockingly this guy doesn't know what he's talking about.
He's based his whole argument off a LTT forum post which got exposed as bullshit within 10 replies.
>larping teenager
Same thing with communists. Thats why they are so incredibly close on the cringe spectrum. Any adult who unironically believes in either is most likely retarded.
He also shilled and defended mass effect: Abortion in the run up to release, flat out ignoring the glaring issues present in the marketing and teases and early gameplay.
Physical or not, you should have ownership rights over the copy that you paid for.
because of this idiotic mindset is that now we have been overrun by Sjw and "Ethic Departments" regulating tiddies... Stop fucking ignoring the signals.
what you are missing is that commies show up to peddle their woo when you don't like something some dickbag corporation is peddling
Even at the simplest level streaming a game vs a movie is double the frames, 60fps vs 24-30, already doubling the requirement.
The other part of it is compression, they can only compress a real time video stream so much that you can play it in almost real time, while with a movie they can send you highly compressed packets that your local machine can decompress 5 minutes in advance since you're watching a prerecorded program.
Yep, that sure is the eventual conclusion of capitalism.
What's it have to do with Marxism exactly?
personal property is private property dumbass. there's no personal property known as public
Fuck, people who care about music are going back to records in some cases because it’s a ‘more authentic’ sound. Anyone who cares will always go physical.
They’re both Jewish tricks
do tell me how long you plan to stay rich when you keep pushing for stupid shit like game streaming and subscriptions, you larping faggot
Why do you think those issues have anything to do with corporations pushing game streaming?
Are you capable of conceptualising politics on more than a single axis?
There's more to this than left vs right.
LOL what the fuck? In every state that communism was enstated actual private property was confiscated. You're just pulling more commie word games so you can squeeze in the "not actual communism" argument.
As far as I'm concerned I own all my pirated games. I can do whatever I want with those 1s and 0s and the company can't restrict my access unless they sue me and I get carried off to court.
>muh SJWs
Take your meds before you shoot a place up
afaik richard spencer does not officially do anything resembling work so 100% of the alt-right is unemployed and also dating a commie
Not under the Marxist definition. You're trotting out the same tired old "communists gonna take muh toothbrush" shit.
What ideology *do* you like?
The thing you must understand is that most people are materialists when pressed but have idealist tendencies. People are confused. They will not deny causality but will also find themselves at the whims of superstition or try to see reality to fit their desires rather than look at it objectively.
Marxism is effectively just the natural progression of taking a hard materialist look at reality, and trying to cleanse yourself of idealism.
Historical materialism operates under a simple premise. Groups of people, society, adapt to their material conditions.
We can see this, for example, nomadic steppe people ride horses around, africans had plenty of food and so never had to develop agriculture causing their society to stagnate, the geography of japan was more similar to europe than the rest of asia and resulted in japan having a historical path that more closely matched europe than china.
The conditions of the environment lead to the society adapting to it in their efforts to survive in it. More esoteric examples include things like the philosophy of hedonism being developed during a prosperous period of abundance and the philosophy of stoicism being developed in a period of decline.
Every societal custom or virtue, every morality, can be explained by preceding conditions which make adopting it favorable for the survival and prosperity of that society.
This society then, by being ordered and structured in a new way in responce to the conditions, is now fresh to aproach those conditions in a new way, and humans always trying to make things easier on themselves invent new techniques and technologies to make that survival easier. These things slowly or quickly modify the material conditions of the environment those humans are inhabiting, which in turn results in societal shifts.
Slavery was made possible when agriculture let people capture prisoners in war and have the food to feed them
The analysis of human history with this in mind is historical materialism.
Go back to resetera
no surprises there
>muh 'muh SJWs'
stop trying to deny they exist and shit up everything they infiltrate just because you hate right-wingers.
I’ll stay rich as long as retards keep paying for things that make my investments money, or are you that stupid AND poor?
Look at this quite by jefferson.
He makes the same distinction communists do. In this example what we would call private property is jeffersons 'immovable things', and what we would call possessions/personal property is jeffersons 'movable things'.
This quite is also handy for refuting ancaps because it shows private property is only possible with a state apparatus to legislate it.
>Your right!
Opinion already discarded. If you can't spell, I doubt you can debate.
He's completely right. Just because the legal system chooses to ignore companies violating ownership rights that doesn't mean they're actually in the right.
vinyl is shit, "less authentic," and objectively inferior for reproducing waveforms
but i buy cds and rip them and i'll do that until they stop being made
>In the future
user, I...
Yes, I'm aware of that, my essay topic was to explain what historical materialism was. That's not so much the bit I objected to, it had some reasonable things to say at that point - it's when he then goes ahead to outline communism that it all goes off a cliff.
Must be why they tried pushing the 30fps is the same as 60fps meme.
Because it's a lie told by corporations. It doesn't stand up in court, at all.
>This quite is also handy for refuting ancaps because it shows private property is only possible with a state apparatus to legislate it.
Guns are also a good way to legislate "get off my lawn".
He's not right though. You can go and check that thread if you really want to know.
heres a pity (you)
>What ideology *do* you like?
The one where everyone leaves me alone as long as I leave them alone
>This quite is also handy for refuting ancaps because it shows private property is only possible with a state apparatus to legislate it.
Why? The owner can just secure their own rights to the field, they don't need a government to grant them those rights.
With movies and music it's fine because the physical market has always been secondary. The primary concern was always radio and theaters, the physical market for their media was always the enthusiast one. If games never left the arcade then there would be an equivalence, but arcades died and physical game have been the only way to consume games media, the ones in control are going to try and get everyone to switch over whether they want to or not because if they can get a majority then they don't need the stragglers..
It's commies against the idea of private property.
Why did it become cool to suck and defend corporate dick and shit on the fans/users?
>TFW 29 years old
>TFW my generation is dumb enough to support being cucked on video games.
All I can do is apologise and hope a mass purge happens.
PCfags have been cucking hard digital for more than a decade now and they are fine. They are even defending big daddy Gaben against legitimate competition. Stop acting like you give a shit about outdated concepts like "ownership".
Jefferson was looking at it through the lense of government. In reality governments of all types are antithetical to private property. If I park my ass on a strip of land with the means to protect it, I own that land until someone with the bigger stick comes along and takes it. This is how it has always been throughout history.
So you die alone in a cabin starving and dying of curable illnesses?
there is no order possible without a state to impose rules
this is why hayek was in favor of supranational entities that would eviscerate nations traditional rule-making capacity to impose rules-based liberalism so that price signals could govern human behavior. of course those gay entities couldn't be constructed without corruption, and his utopian fantasies of market liberalism with it, because where power is constructed, there are personal gains to be made from defecting
Mods and homebrew are a fraction of a fraction of a percent.
You still have the right to resell the physical release in every country of the world. Corporations can't take away your CD/DVD/BD from you, as long as isn't tied to an account or requires online activation.
Where and why? If it's so easy to disprove, just explain it right now.
>Marxism fundamentally opposes the state.
>Social structure entirely comprised of the working class
>Government structure is comprised of workers unions
>This means there's literally no state
>They're already in charge
No they're not, they're still at the mercy of the customer.
A song is 3MB. A vidya is 120 GB.
>baiting this hard
nice one larping faggot
in case you really ARE that fucking stupid,
>invest in game streaming
>nobody gets it because nobody can afford it
>idiots who can, know better than to because of horrible lag and other unsolvable issues
>investment ends up a colossal loss
like I said earlier, fools and money are soon parted
>TFW turning 29 soon
>TFW everyone I know hates this shit to the point they just stopped playing games
They say cucks hang with cucks
That's not what communism is.
people who stream anime are only slightly smarter than people who stream video games
>I thought the idea was that you were sending commands to the server, the server runs the game and sends the commands to it, and then sends back a video stream of the game
That's not how it works.
no it's market fundamentalists with no concern with the distribution of ownership sucking blood from you because it advantages them
It's also different because it's easy to rip music and movies. Like, if Netflix was the ONLY legal means of watching films? Turn on a screen recorder, upload the resulting video file, suddenly corporations can't do shit to stop the distribution. Same with music.
Streaming games would be impossible to rip like this, you'd need the actual game files which would be near impossible to get (and if games are designed for cloud computing hardware, may become impossible to run locally anyway).
>Communism doesn't care about personal property
You're such a conniving lying piece of shit.
>pay money to stream
>still have to "buy" your games
This isn't even the same shit as Netflix and Spotify. Imagine having to buy individual songs and movies while still paying the monthly subscription. But only have access to them while the service exists. That's Google Stadia.
People who fucking defend "always online" shit are entitled faggots who never had a bad internet connection.
I literally can't think of one reason why always online is a benefit to any consumer/gamer.
You can resell licenses, doesn't mean you own the game. You own a license to the game and you're reselling that.
>Supporting shitty companies like Crunchyroll and Netflix
They're all as dumb.
That is exactly how it works, dude.
I agree, partially. But taking away the files from the user is top cancer.
corporate bootlicking (and bootlicking in general) transcends generation, It's got more to do with the brain and attitude you're born with than the culture you're part of, otherwise we wouldn't have these massive corporations and governments fucking everyone in the ass in the first place.
Unions are generally seen as a transitional thing in Marxism, along with the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Now whether that would actually happen in reality is another thing entirely, but the on-paper idea is that unions stop being a necessity eventually, or at least they change shape so dramatically they'd be unrecognisable.
I’m no anarchies primitive user. Try again.
Or..and I might have to use small words for this.
>Invest in streaming services
>Cash our when they reach their peak
>Reap the rewards
>Repeat when something new comes along
How you can even afford internet is a mystery
Dishonest retardation. Music/Film streaming allows you to copy it directly since you can record it. The moment they offer it is the moment you have full control whenever you want.
Don't be jealous everyone has good internet, 3rd worlder.
It's pretty clear they aren't trying to claim buying the game means you own the source code, dude. You're being a bit pedantic.
Good luck reselling a digital game.
Humans spent most of historyin what we call communalism, sometimes 'primitive communism'. Its what we are adapted to. Its what creates the memes you may have heard about how humans can only keep track of so many social contacts, how living in cities is not psychologically healthy for humans and is responsible for why city people are assholes, etc.
You can summarize communism as just anarcho-primitivism but where you get to keep all your technology.
The relations of production between communalism and communism (slave system, feudalism, capitalism, socialism) are simply a series of changes sparked by humans coming into their technological might and inventing agriculture. Its a one time blip, a series of societal shifts that will see us back in the kinds of societies we evolved for, while retaining technology and industry.
Forming larger groups is beneficial to survival, so we do it. Civilization started when many smaller groups came together and had collective grain storage. Now famine or disaster in one village did not wipe them out.
The progress through the relations of production sequentially remove the benefit. Each step further develops the technology and society, preparing the way for the next step. The final step before communism will see such high technology and industry that all places develop the production capability to be self sufficient and therefore the need for that collective redundancy will vanish. Now each group of humans will, on a small villiage/tribal level, have access to the full productive might and capabilities of mankind. When this occurs the need for a state will vanish, and so the state will vanish.
Its never about what should be, or aught to be, but only what will logically occur.
it's private property until you build a printing press and pay some idiot to run it for you while you secure material to print, and then it becomes the people's property, comrade
redpill me on the distribution of ownership.
So Communism is tribalism in disguise got it.
Streaming is cancer, at least digital distribution lets you play shit natively.
Zommers, built nothing, own nothing and never will.
Still your willing to sacrifice the experience of those people for your own convenience.
Warlords controlling things by direct force of arms is a form of feudalism. Capitalism is when that control is legislated by a state, and the state violence is what enforces it for everyone.
only because in those instances, large entrenched interests stand to LOSE money from them
Most of the industries are self sufficient. Look at fucking china replacing their factory foxxconn workers with machinery yet commievile never happened. It's a dead ideology, you dumb commie
You're conflating communism and living in a community.
Commies, pure and simple. Fuck Liberals.
Um sweetie only the state should own and run everything with a brutal totalitarian force, it's the only way to be truly progressive and for the people.
People said that buying into digital distribution was a slippery slope and now their fears are becoming a reality beyond just a few delistings.
Liberals and communists are different things.
Oh no, It's retarded. What do you call any group of people that get together to impose rules and regulations?
based and redpilled
That's what they want you to think, util they are in full control.
Not when they work towards them same goals
This is incredibly wrong. Living in a group =/= communism, and those groups never persisted in a fashion of people getting equal distribution of resources. Much to the contrary, in fact. Additionally, the larger in scope a government or collective is, the less able the governing body is to address the needs of the individual. This alone means logically what you claim to happen will never come to pass.
You've also never, ever fucking addressed anyone asking you to link your prattling to the topic at hand.
>Cash our when they reach their peak
>doesnt care about practical constraints
>investment crashes within a week
Some idiots believed this about bitcoin mining a few months back. Do post your tears when this goes down the same way please
>friends laugh at you for having media locally
>watches 720p stream and claims it's perfect
this is the world we live in.
real commies aren't corporate bootlickers, at least I can respect that about them.
Liberals nowadays are just Social Liberals/Social Democrats, etc. i.e Socialists.
John Stuart Mill would kick the shit out of today's libshits.
that was always the plan by microsoft and Sony. to groom an entire generation of zoomer cucks into giving up their ownership rights.
Reselling or giving away digital games should be allowed. The games as a service meme needs to end. Imagine if Ford came and towed away your fiesta if you wanted to on-sell it?
This shit is 100% capitalist doing. Why would you sell people things when you can instead make them rent them from you?
Willing to sacrifice the experience of a very small amount of people for the very large majority? Yes. That's what progress is.
>real commies aren't corporate bootlickers
Worse, they're government bootlickers.
You can't own someone else's intangible assets, that doesn't make sense by definition. (trademark, copyright, patent, goodwill, exclusivity, etc) The only thing they can't deny you is media itself as that is simple property (eg. the physical disk) and for purely digital software doesn't amount to much.
I'm convinced the left vs right political spectrum meme has poisoned your brains. Do you have any concept of nuance?
You think contrarians here understand the difference? Most of the time liberals do the same exact shit as Republicans. Their mind is too high on /pol/ to notice the similarities
Not if they brainwash people with the concept of "consume product and get excited for next product" and "you deserve nothing, you own nothing, you owe us everything".
Exactly, that's how liberalism becomes capitalism.
Honest question.
Since you won't own shit in the future of streaming, what will stop people from playing nothing but free games?
>Warlords controlling things by direct force of arms is a form of feudalism.
That's what all governments are though. Legislation is merely a political show to suggest peaceful legitimacy, and communism is the worst incarnation of that facade.
That’s on them user. Please keep trying to justify your poverty to a random stranger on the internet though
Community =/= communism retard.
Ah yes that must be why they get the shit beaten out of them by the police so often. The police, known enemies of the state.
how will you pirate things when games start releasing exclusively on stadia?
nobody except google will even have access to any of the games files
They will be called out at every opportunity going forward, there is no going back.
Modern gamers are the most cucked out of all consumers
I literally can't think of an industry with consumers that have less self control and financial responsibility
Gaymers are the only ones who unironically defend companies like it's their friend, our journalists despise us, and companies insult us openly
thats all communism is
You cant put a bullet point list of communism, communism is not something you do its whats left when you dont have to do anything else. Humans will live together in smaller groups than they do today. The exact way that will look is unknown, we are in a position to look at socialism as its the step capitalism is preparing us for and we can get a good idea of how it works, communism itself is too far off for anyone to bother contemplating too deeply. There will likely be no communists once communism happens, people simply wont even care, there will be no need to think about class interactions when classes are abolished under fully developed socialism. Maybe someone will find an old book one day and read it and be amused that they are now living in what we would call communism.
>those groups never persisted in a fashion of people getting equal distribution of resources
Yes they did. That is in fact the default mode of distributing goods not just in humans, but in all primates, and both people and apes instinctively get angry if they get a lesser share of anything than their peers. It's kind of miraculous that capitalism is allowed to exist at all, given how radically it goes against basic human nature.
>what will stop people from playing nothing but free games?
In theory? Nothing. In practice? Paying a dollar per round/attempt/session
Resources are finite. It will not happen.
>Social Liberals/Social Democrats, etc. i.e Socialists
No they're fucking not, stop equating the two when they have fundamental disagreements
>Ah yes that must be why they get the shit beaten out of them by the police so often
They don't. Police protect these scumbags even after committing crime and violence.
Blizard fanboys have the worst case of this.
They could literally be selling them shit *cough* overwatch*cough* and they still buy it and praise it
>but that doesn't get rid of the fact that Marxism as an ideology is stateless
Funny how they say to achieve that they have to have total control at stage one otherwise known as the "dictatorship of the proletariat" and then never leave that stage every fucking time. This is why that ideology will never be achieved.
He's confusing communism with
>In particular, in the sections that follow, I will, first, analyze Aristotle’s notion of
>politike ̄philia as a form of common advantage friendship, and demonstrate its
>relation to state and society. Second, I will examine the relation between friendship
>and justice and will attempt to throw some light onto the connection between the
>two made by Aristotle, and argue that it is possible for the notions of friendship and
>justice to be compatible. At the same time, I will demonstrate the importance that
>Aristotle attributes to concord for the unity of the state, and its relation with
>friendship and justice. For Aristotle, friendship is important for society because it
>generates concord, thus articulating a basis for social unity and political agreement.
Have you ever been to a political rally?
When some of the first American colonists arrived on the continent, didn't they attempt communal grain storage and shared distribution and nearly starve to death because nobody wanted to work simply to benefit others?
You're conflating the mammalian ideas of "justice" with equity, which is not true. Apes have hierarchies and those at the top get more of the better resources than the ones at the bottom, be it food or mating opportunities.
no everything should be owned by disney corporation and rented to the peasant masses and then we'll have communism because i'm a retard
>how will you pirate things when games start releasing exclusively on stadia?
At this time I have no idea, though there’s a strong possibility that some /g/ wizard will be able to make a copy of those games and distribute them somehow
even fucking 15 fps anime has serious image quality issues with compression and people somehow think 4K 60fps games are gonna be perfectly fine to look at.
I can buy it maybe if you watch sitcom reruns on netflix all day but if you ever watch something with a bit more action to it I seriously doubt even the dumbest most blind viewer wouldn't notice the serious compression artifacts.
Journalists are unironic paid corporate shills, they don't deserve any respect or consideration, their opinions are worthless.
How many "economic issues" democrats you know that don't slurp gay cock?
You’re going to pirate it and emulate it after you sell it to Gamestop for 1.50 anyways. You dont own anything post the 360/ps3 gen. You need updates, servers and patches to get most shit running now anyways.
Pc gaming does fine without needing physical copies, even fucking mmos that are long dead still work.
yes, please keep trying to convince some random poorfag on an anonymous board,
that you're actually rich and totally not larping and how your stupid investment you cant even defend properly is the future, user. You're really putting forward a respectable image
Basically primates do not own anything, not even their lives.
They aren't wrong. If the streaming service is up to the task and you can play without delay then its good. We do this shit every time new tech comes out, people lost their minds over installing steam for HL2, they will continue to do it. People mostly hate change but over time it becomes normal again. How many people bitch now about now owning a copy of every movie they like? Hardly any cause you just pay for netflix and amazon.
People will bitch a moan and cry and try to stop progress, which always happens because most people are ignorant. In the end progress will win and we will continue. How it has always been, how it will always be.
Ownership is an antisemitic concept.
i hope john stuart mill reads his own work on political economy someday
>He resorts to laughing anime women now because he’s been thoroughly owned
It’s been fun user. I’ll see you next thread.
the jews
nuff said
>You can't own someone else's intangible assets,
Horseshit that tries to muddle an extremely clear issue. Everyone who owns not just any piece of software, but also any piece of music, movie, book et cetera owns that particular instance of that property. That instance is their own property, independently of who holds the IP, and can be legally resold, modified etc. just like any property can. All this talk about how the company owns the IP is nothing but a smokescreen that tries to paint it so that the company still has some kind of legal control over the item they sold you. They don't, they only have control of the IP which is a completely separate and unrelated thing.
Not only are socialists and liberals not the same thing, they are exact opposite things.
Capitalism itself is a liberal system. Anyone who supports capitalism is going to be a liberal by definition.
Liberals believe that legal equality creates social equality. They are idealists, this is why SJW exist, they think everyone should be equal because they have equal laws and so the lack of equality means someone is tampering with it. Socialists however understand you dont have societal equality with legal equality, you need production equality as well, but even this just creates equal social footing, and liberal equality is an impossibility.
In feudalism the force was distributed, each lord had to defend their own lands, even though the king ultimately owned that land, and could out-force the lord if required. In feudalism is bandits were harassing your peasants that is a problem for the lord, not the king. In capitalism however its the states problem to fix for you.
The futures is nothing but free games with microtransactions. The reason mobile is such a wasteland is because it's audience is so large and that's the most efficient way to make money with such a large audience (gambling), if streaming brings gaming to literally everyone with a screen and internet the same shit is gonna happen.
>abolishing private property isn't communism
>why wont you pay a monthly sub to play shitty games?!
>implying I'd do streaming instead of sticking to old stuff/remaining indies or emulation. That plus well socioeconomic/demographic aspects of the future.
The USSR was more russian than the US is white when the USSR fell. Even in no-fall scenarios, we'd become like Brazil/Russia, even down to incompetent enough law enforcement to make harassing pirates impossible.
based retard.
I don't give a shit about "ownership" because you don't own media someone else created anyway.
The idea of streaming and gobbling bandwidth, and paying for a sub fee AND the games is fucking retarded
>thoroughly owned
delusionalfags like you are a rare breed user
I wouldnt miss your stupidity for the world
But it isn't. That's why I love the ocassional physical release for PC. A pity IndieBox flopped.
The current trend of store-only updates doesn't helps at all.
He's not wrong, I'm still against the concept of streaming music, but more out of necessity than anything else
Liberals barely care about the economy except for shit like higher wages, cheaper tuition, and maybe better healthcare. Socialists want to make universities and healthcare free, don't wanna fuck around with other countries, and preparing to go full commie. Most liberals only care about social issues, and even then they're lowkey snakes in regards to other issues.
And forming a cartel to make every company charge people for everything?
Honestly, I think this will go down like sports in my country. They thought they could ask 25 dollars for the cheapest ticket (the minimum wage here is 250 dollars per month) and people just stopped going to it. Now every event is 90% empty because no one can afford it or care enough.
Thats exactly why capitalism will collapse, overproduction makes no sense when resources are finite.
Corporations are influenced by social media. Gay pride month shilling is the best example of this. If social media trends say something is popular, then corporations will chase it like rabid dogs.
If you allow one side of the debate to carry on uncontested (in this case game streaming), it's the same as showing support. You're like a witness to domestic abuse and you never call the cops to stop the violence.
Hows that physical copy of Arkham Knight running without your internet connection for the patch?
How you gonna play Cyberpunk 2077 without being able to update your 2008 cpu console to the newest firmware?
Hows your launch xbox one running?
Loving that broken save system on your ps4 1.0 launch box? Hows that new Smash character doing when you bought the game in December but dont have internet to get him?
You jest now but that reality is nigh. This might be the world out offspring come to know.
dont activate your key and you can resell it all you want
you're not transferring copies of games
that's just fact
>You need updates, servers and patches to get most shit running now anyways
This literally only applies to shitty AAA games.
Do you honestly believe that drivel?
>Primates, as (mostly) group living animals tend to form what are known as "dominance hierarchies". Animals higher in the hierarchy tend to displace lower ranked individuals from resources (mates, space, food). They tend to have higher reproductive success (either by mating more often, or by having more resources to invest in their offspring). The hierarchy is not fixed and depends on a number of changing factors (age, sex, aggression, intelligence perhaps), and may also depend on the support of others.
Source: leeds.ac.uk
The software is ON the disk though. In terms of digital, the sale is of the software directly. For patent law, when a patentee sells a product, they give up all rights to that individual product, and the buyer is legally able to do with it as he will. In the video linked earlier, a supreme court case specifically cites that patent law provides no basis for restraining the use and enjoyment of an instance of a sold product.
Saying "You just bought a DIIIISK bro" is intellectually dishonest as fuck.
Blame California
Because they live in a Silicon Valley hellscape where anything more luxurious than a sandwhich is too expensive to own, they live in a world where everything is rented and want to spread it out all over the globe, because apparently something in the San Francisco water supply turns you into an asshole
I agree with you, but I'm curious, name a few
What happens when the jews takeover? Do they make more media? Do they give you free healthcare like Israel has? Do they steal all of your money via taxes for the rich like Republicans currently do?
Ownership has nothing to do with it.
I don't want extra input lag on my games, that's it. Streaming is inherently a laggy system so I don't know why you'd apply it to a medium where input is so important.
>Resources are finite.
Human need for resources is also finite.
Communism makes even less sense with finite resources. It goes against nature itself.
a socialism is when you want to impose regressive consumption taxes to fund universities and health care services
What do you suggest is the latter's representation in the dnc voting pool? 10%?
Ever been in Brazil? A worldwide brazil, without sopa de macaco.
what a non specific unverifiable question
i also doubt religious fanatics would be unable to live as a commune they do it all the time.
Overproduction implies a failure in market systems. It's self-correcting under capitalism by design.
What is greed?
Vinyls have only gotten more popular over this decade, you can have both. One doesn't need to die for the other to live.
>if I just define the term to mean anything I want, it's a sucessful system!
Shut the fuck up.
You cant download your creepy anime panty sniffing game without a digital license user. The game isnt finished on your failing Vita cartridge.
That's why I said "only slightly smarter"
>The most popular opinions are the most popular
The first rule of the tautology club is the first rule of the tautology club.
>This shit is 100% capitalist doing
Capitalism is voluntary exchange. You don't have to buy it. Even if others buy it, and the company caters to that kind of customer, they leaves open a big hole for any other company to come in and claim.
The reason why we don't have a lot of that right now in video games is because the industry has become stagnate and we have a low supply of talented and business savvy game developers. The government can't fix that. It's a social problem. Remember, video games are still a new industry that is barely 40 years old.
Where in the fuck are all these commies coming from? Resetera? Can't go into one thread without them rambling off about communism and capitalism. Just fuck off.
Oh, so I guess you finally enforced abortion and family cap on underdeveloped countries. God bless you.
private property is land and means of production, not video games or dragon dildos
>This is the opposite of communism, in communism you could own a game, you couldn't own the game printing factory
In your own mind this make sense but in reality it falls apart when you consider some more likely outcomes.
For example communists say there's a difference between the private ownership and personal ownership. Now take a hammer for example, they are abundant but if there becomes a short supply of hammers then that hammer goes from the personal to the means of production. This applies to everything including people's labor outcome hence why communism is known as state slavery.
I think you have better odds at someone burning down you're house,robbing you, breaking it accidentally then actually live services shutting down. You can still get banned in video games, I don't think you can stream it either screaming racial slurs.
I live in a country with extremely good internet and I can still tell streaming will never work because of latency, input latency and datacaps like in some 3rd world countries like usa
Good luck trying to push some competitive games on a streaming platform when everyone is losing their shit because of losing when it wasn't -their- fault, but the lack of feedback
>apparently something in the San Francisco water supply turns you into an asshole
It's simpler than that, successful assholes hire other assholes, raising the percentage share of assholes and asshole offspring up in California.
funny how you call something horseshit while at the same time think you can simply cast something as physical property when its intellectual property when it suits you. intellectual property was brought about in civilization to benefit the people and as a construct is similar yet distinct from the concept of simple property. IP does not follow the rules of physical property,
The jews took over Brazil? I thought it was Brazilians robbing and stealing from each other? When did the Jews take over Brazil? Is it called Jewrazil now?
>though there’s a strong possibility that some /g/ wizard will be able to make a copy of those games and distribute them somehow
are you retarded? you think with computer knowledge you can get program data from a visual feed of its GUI?
>dont activate your key and you can resell it all you want
So, you're selling it brand new basically. Once you use it, you can't resell it. Physical copies don't have this limitation.
I've never wanted to own movies or tv shows
I watch shit once and then never again. I keep music and games because I replay that shit often and I don't want to wake up one day and see it's gone because the licenses ran out and the streaming service removed it
Plus I like being able to do shit offline, I don't have data on my phone or anything like that so I need my music to be available offline if I want to listen to it in my car.
>what are tranny's
wew laddie
Private property isnt yours when the government wants to build an oil pipeline or highway over it. You dont own the land your parents are paying property taxes for user
No, I mean, the endgame of this whole capitalist globalist push is gonna be a worldwide Brazil, we're all gonna end up like them.
>The reason this doesn't blow up in their faces is that almost all companies do this so its accepted.
The main reason is that Americans just fucking love taking it up the ass from corporations.
Imagine a parallel universe America where every time a company tries to pull a move that treads on consumer rights, the consumers literally riot, burn down offices, lynch and kill employees of that company on the streets etc. Companies would pretty soon learn to not do that.
Since you're stupid as fuck, let me explain:
1) You will still be able to buy games and play them on PCs or consoles.
2) Streaming is for more casual players who don't want to invest in a gaming PC or a console. They might see one or two games coming out that interest them and think "yeah I'd like to check that out". Like Doom Eternal. Someone might see that and be like "yeah I'd like to play that for a bit". If they can stream it for like £15 a month or something, then that's a lot cheaper than hundreds of pounds for a console or gaming PC.
Now I know you're going to say "BUT ON STADIA THEY'VE SAID YOU NEED TO BUY YOUR GAMES". That's what they've said so far, yes, but remember that they've also said that their £9 / month subscription will include more games over time (the only currently announced game is Destiny 2, but this will be expanded).
Furthermore, Microsoft's xCloud might well be a full subscription service. I.e. you pay maybe £20 a month and you get access to a couple / few thousand Xbox games (Xbox One and all the back compat 360 titles too).
Who knows how the pricing will exactly work out, because we don't know yet. We don't know how much games will cost on Stadia, and we haven't heard anything from Microsoft about pricing. But almost certainly this will cost you less money than buying a console / gaming PC, if you just want to play one or two games.
You really need to stop thinking "just because I don't want it, therefore no one else could want it". When Toyota makes a new Prius, you might think "there's no way I'd want one of them". But that doesn't mean that NOBODY wants a Prius. There are obviously people out there who DO.
You're right - never go full retard.
human consumption is still finite (you are in the wrong universe if you are looking for infinities)
the manifestation of greed outside of consumption comes in the form of ownership of factors of production, which become too numerous for any owner to actually operate, so they build a bureaucracy to do so at their behest
hence the senile sumner redstone's media empire
That's not convenient at all. Video games are played actively so if anything even slightly screws with that experience, you are inconvenienced right there and then.
Having internet troubles today? Want to just play your single player game offline without interruption? Don't feel like renewing some high bullshit subscription fee just to turn on your already expensive console? Live in a place that has terrible internet and bandwidth allowance overall?
None of these things are remotely a problem on a PS2 or Switch or Xbox if you just want to play a game. Some of them are additionally convenient because you can play them on the move and be somewhere in your house without a TV screen or an ethernet port.
The only reason the idea would ever succeed is because it's force-fed to people who will capitulate down that far. It would be a Pyrrhic victory though because you'd lose a giant consumer base that wants nothing to do with that garbage.
>Wow its crazy how we have never seen any increase to our data speeds and network reach in all of the time that the internet has been around, this is as good as it will ever get, no improvements left
Take it easy, Charls.
>what a non specific unverifiable question
To be fair I think it's better to support Alternatives that are not shit. Hidive and Funimation would be better than Crunchyroll.
>Inb4 Vic
Yes I know but at least Funimation never used money to make an original cartoons featuring feminist artists.
Overproduction leads to capitalist crisis all the time. Yeah, self correcting, meaning that after a bunch of people lose their jobs and suddenly there is much less money people have to buy things causing a chain reaction and a full crash things recover, but never to their previous heights.
Capitalist engine runs on the fuel of profit, but competition destroys profit, eventually things cost more to make than to sell, and disaster occurs.
>"Bernie 2020! Glory to Socialism! Abolish all ownership of private property! YAAAAAS giant corporations! Control me! Step on my throat harder!"
>>The main reason is that Americans just fucking love taking it up the ass from corporations.
At least in America, we can go to another company if one does something we dont like. Which happens often. Also, America is so big that one thing in one city may not affect anything in another, more or less going cross state.
And yet Spotify and Netflix are popular with casual users, just like game streaming will popular with casual users too. You're finally getting this! Well done!
>we're going to be able to transmit data at speeds faster than the speed of light, just trust us and buy product
How? When did Brazil become globalist? Did their economy get taken over by Jews? Or did a bunch of right wing corrupt assholes break their economy and horde all the money?
What happened to the Jews? I thought they were ruining the west? Or is Brazil not in the West? Is Brazil ruining the West.
You’ve lost me on who to not like in this conspiracy theory
If you don't pirate anime you deserve to be nailed on a cross
Subscriptions are lucrative.
because you don't finish your fucking games and keep content out to jew whit gamers
I think corporations announced that this is the last console cycle, by the time this ends video game streaming will be relevant.
Sunk cost fallacy
>though there’s a strong possibility that some /g/ wizard will be able to make a copy of those games and distribute them somehow
The "game" is literally just a fucking video no different from a Twitch stream. You have no access to the code, the code is not saved on your hard drive even partially. There is literally no way to salvage the game except by breaking into the server room and stealing the files on-site.
>tech advancement means more latency so they can charge constantly rather than do single purchases
wow i guess i'm just a bigoted freak then
Are you lying because you're just stupid or what?
>Or did a bunch of right wing corrupt assholes break their economy and horde all the money?
Right wing are entrepreneurs. They rather spend their money to make more. You're thinking of left wingers if they are hoarding anything.
A system which encourages popularity over other factors contributes towards the redundancy of ideas, not the proliferation of challenging ones.
Assume that human population ends up flattening out. It still doesn't answer the question of who decides how many resources any person should get?
See above. Greed can be about things not actually producible-- how much land I have exclusive rights to is certainly a resource that is finite. Human consumption may be finite but goods are also finite and quality varies. You have not and cannot address the inevitability that people will want more. It is our greatest asset as a species.
I wish there was a DRM-free subscription service.
>casuals who dont want to invest in a PC
>when a win10 low level 100 bucks bargain price laptop from fucking walmart can play 80% of all games ever released better than the most advanced consoles
Yeah, stadia has no market to begin with
People that suck the dicks of companies deserve to be lined up and shot.
You werent alive when 28kb/s was the norm. We have gig internet 25 years later.
>reeeee technology wont advance. Let me keep disc rotting discs!
>I do not know the difference between bandwidth, throughout and speed
No user, you are the retard
>talking about ownership of video games and the emergence of video game streaming isn't vidya
Go fuck yourself corpo shill
>4K at 35 Mbps
The funny part here is that they know most of their customers wont be using 4K.