What kind of person do you imagine when you see this?
What kind of person do you imagine when you see this?
Hat idlers
A regular Yea Forumsirgin.
A fat spic or SEA with glasses.
a man of taste
Unironically, my steam friends, I used to have during my Brony days in middle school
95% a furry
"Damn I wish I had a game to play that I enjoyed that much"
An obnoxious ironic weaboo, waifufag, or furry.
That's the average pol user
a man of taste
i would like to see you love a game this much
I don't know, because I'm one of them.
i wonder how this kid turned out
Come out Merasmus!
That's nothing, I have nearly 7k hours
Team Fortress 2 from the period of 2007 to 2012 was the greatest FPS on the market, and even now with Valve destroying community servers, lack of updates and shitload of weapons, it's still one of the best. If you don't appreciate TF2 from at LEAST the period of beta to the Uber Update I don't even wanna talk to you.
Myself, aka someone with a shitty computer. Now a days that my rig isn't shit I never touch TF2
An old friend who hasnt given up yet
this beautiful man
like me but inferior
based jermaposters
a journeyman
>friends have either not been online in 1000+ days or have anime avatars
>profile bio is just esports achievements and highlander medal listings from 5 years ago
>soldier, demoman, or scout main with 20 unusuals and australiums
>only plays with his friend who has an anime avatar or pretends to be a girl, exclusively plays kritzkrieg medic and pockets him
>only plays to get kills on his hale's own 40,000 kill australium with a tauntname and tauntdesc
>gets extremely mad at his team if they don't support him at all times
>blames them for losing objective maps and tells anyone who insults him or kills him to "mge me faggot"
>ragequits easily and complains about it to medic kritzkrieg boyfriend
>hates tf2 but keeps playing because of the $8000 investment he's made and it helps him forget his minimum wagecuck life
Idlers, pajeets, paypig whales, cosmeticsfaggots and a few turboautists who actually enjoy FPS games but got lead astray somehow.
this sadly
literally me
Some people already know how to remove a game from their account through the Steam support page but did you know you can also get that same game back?
jesus christ
a real gamer
how is it being lead astray? there is no better multiplayer shooter right now
>elon musk
you need to go back
I have over 3000 hours mostly of which were 24/7 attack defense servers and prop hunt. I quit around 2017.
it's not even that much
I was a compfag and I didn't even match up to some of the fucks that started after me
I'd go play with the 411 autists on Day of Defeat: Source right now before I went and played TF2.
i used to play lots of DOD source but it doesnt have as much variation in gameplay
i used to play with a guy that had 5k hours in tf2 (pubs only, no idling from what i could tell) and that was like 6 years ago. if he still plays today, he's probably at 12k+.
four thousand hours over the course of 11 years really isn't that crazy.
They're both horses that are dead and beaten. The purity of something like DoD appeals to me. Free to play stuff with marketplaces are just bleghgghghghghgh to me. It's okay if you like them though, I believe in having choices and differences of opinion.
I roster-rode to Prem LOL
Still regularly play on the weekends. I'd play more if they removed casual matchmaking and let us use mods in Valve pubs again though.