Achievement/trophy thread, what ones are you proud of? Do you enjoy collecting them?
Achievement/trophy thread, what ones are you proud of? Do you enjoy collecting them?
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fuck off
I just unlocked plat on tekken7.
Did it by spamming low kicks in a tourney against a try hard juggling clown.
Also close to finishing spidey
Feels good man.
ctr remake looks like the first plat i want to get
Apparently it's really hard to beat the MGR bosses without taking any damage so I guess there's that.
Couldn't care less for this shit. Over the past 15 years, I collected around 1800 of them. I don't even want them. What can I do with them?
>dying light requires you to play with others for plat
I enjoy collecting trophies. Rarest platinum i've gotten is LBP3. 0.1% rarity
I'm proud of my MGS2 and MGS4 platinums. I also have the MGS3 plat but that one was piss-easy.
I did MGS4 twice, actually. But the first time was before trophies were a thing.
DMCV yesterday, probably the biggest pain in the ass since in Hell or Hell means if an enemy ever so slightly scratches your coat you have to replay the entire level again
Got all the achievements in Anthem today. Feels super, man.
I really like doing Achievements or getting trophies as they offer more time with the game. with nintendo games, after beating it, I have no need to continue as they don't offer me any incentives to try new ways to play the game
>spend all that time in the lab practicing those epik optimized tourney comboz
>never learn how to properly poke and defend
It was a Mishima player wasn’t it
hard to say what my proudest trophy is.
> Do you enjoy collecting them?
as long as they aren't a pain in the ass
can i play any of those gaems on ps4 ma dud?
You can through PS Now
I have like 3 only because they were easy to get
Shaheen actually
>stream service
no thanks, any other way than this?
Question, do you own an Xbox at all? I own both consoles but prefer trophies (although the X will play errything better)
How do you decide which platform to play?
>Question, do you own an Xbox at all?
I had a 360 for the longest ass time (hell I played FF13 and FF13-2 on it to 1000/1000) but I eventually bought myself a PS3 and then a PS4.
The 360 is out in the family room and was not getting the types of games I prefer.
I don't get why the Xbone became the PS3 and the PS4 became the 360 when it comes to how achievements/trophies function. On Xbone they're delayed, same with PS3, but on 360 and PS4 they're instant once you get them.
not user, but own all consoles. for me it's the X cause it plays better and my friends own one. if the game is fun then next year or two, i'll get it for ps4 when it's on sale
>do you enjoy collecting them?
No, but it's also aggravating to see a 94% or whatever on a game I 100%'d because I didn't speedrun it or beat it without dying.
I'm glad that Nintendo decided not to bother with them.
Def Catherine. Gave me a migraine, but still had a fun time.
I used to be HUGE into trophies. Now I play CoD competitively mostly (yeah I know that sounds aids). My fav plat is probably Trackmania Turbo, very satisfying once I got it. Other good ones are OlliOlli2 and Binding of Isaac Rebirth.
What happened to this site? The forums have been dying off for a while it seems
PSNProfiles happened. Everyone either uses that site or TrueAchievements for their guide needs. TrueTrophies is also a thing tough it has less people than Playstation Trophies it seems.
And the sister site is a ghost town. At least there's TrueAchievements but for trophies I'd rather use PSNprofiles over TrueTrophies.
Can't speak for PST, but XBA fucked itself hard after failing repeatedly to fix the gamercards. TA does everything better, and I only ever use the former for achievement guides these days.
You played anthem? sperglet
7day survivor Dead Rising
Any advice for no damage runs? I can't imagine getting through the last battle in Mission 18.
more impressive because of the shit framerate
>TA does everything better
Even so we need a PSNProfiles equivalent for achievements. The companion app is an utter mess to look at. We just need something pretty that lets you see a whole host of games in a relatively compact format and lets you see milestones without looking like the site is from a decade ago. TA just floods you with a million different sub menus on a game and everything feels so claustrophobic with how cramped it all is, not to mention the forums are just dreadful to look at.
I simply don't understand why the PSNP team doesn't just make a spinoff site when TA did one for both PSN and Steam. I'd love to have a decent looking site for achievements with the data about your profile of TA.
I guess these ones, I like going for them sometimes for fun or a challenge, but if it's some tedious shit I'm probably not gonna bother
Nearly got Stories the Path of Destinies done but holy fuck is it tedious grinding out all of the skills, not to mention they patched a much quicker method of grinding them.
Borderlands 2 I'll also have done in a little bit if I can be bothered as I'm working on Crash Team Racing. I dunno if I'll get CTR done as while I'm pretty damn good at it some of those Oxide times are brutal as well as Adventure Mode on Hard.
I'd say my proudest is FFX even though it's not my rarest.
Yeah, the gamercards on XBA have been busted since, when, January 2015, I think? It's been four and a half years and they're still waiting on a site update. The mods over there say the update is coming but they've been saying that for years now. Even if they do make that site update happen it's too little too late.
News articles have been getting worse ever since Lee Bradley left and Dom Peppiatt came around E3 2016, I think? He was there for only a year but he made so many crummy articles with plenty of gramatical errors it put me off of wanting to read the front page. There's a new guy who came in to replace Dom but he hasn't been much better from what I've read.
I was a pretty active member on XBA/ for about nine or ten years and I wrote a handful of achievement guides as well but I don't care to do that when guys like PowerPyx or Maka91 or PS4Trophies consistently make reliable guides and videos on Youtube. My passion for that stuff just isn't there anymore.
>what ones are you proud of?
Just got AC7's Ace of Aces today.
>Do you enjoy collecting them?
I usually do, but AC7's Frequent Flyer is going to suck ass through a straw.
Not to mention there's so many guides on XBA and PST that are just flat out wrong, yet there was this guide for Way of the Samurai 3 or 4 (I forget which) that was meticulous yet got canned because "he wouldn't play ball with some of the changes we asked of him". I mean they don't let incredibly thorough guides in for games that desperately need it yet there's shit they approved like the Shinobido 2 one where most of it is just flat out wrong. Must be a lot of petty politics going on behind the scenes.
Evil within by far. Akumu mode was insane
Drakengard 3 is still the one I'm most proud of. Working on getting as many Final Fantasy platinums as I can to show my love for the series.
Of course I enjoy collecting them. Even though I hate Sony's current censorship mentality and don't want to show support for PS4, I still lean towards buying a game on PS4 over Switch purely for trophies. Makes it hard for me to show my disdain for Sony, but I will be stronger and not buy a PS5 until they stop censoring.
I enjoyed 100%'ing all the Souls games including BB and Sekiro, but this is my proudest achievement.
Legit impossible
idorts, how do you decide which console to play shit on?
Best plat I have is an honorary one that one of the Gungeon devs gave me on Reddit.
I wish I was lying
I have a platinum for every single yakuza sans the jpn ones, working on Judgment right now, the game is ultra fun.
planning on repeating the same dance when the remasters arrive
no. go buy a cheap ps3
Usually whatever is on sale or the most exclusives, i usually lean towards the ps4 pro but edge cases like Cuphead, MCC or Rare Replay i go xbone, my disgust over how shit the current xbone interface handles anything makes me not really want to play with it often, i hope the Scarlett has a brand new one.
I've finally gotten too many for a quick pick so time to list em;
>Ass Creed Origins
>Castlevania Lords of Shadow
>Dark Souls 3
>Dark Souls Remastered
>Drakengard 3
>Final Fantasy VII
>Final Fantasy XII
>GTA San Andreas
>GTA Vice City
>inFamous First Light
>inFamous Second Son
>Just Cause 3
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Middle-earth Shadow of Mordor
>NieR A tomato
>Salt and Sanctuary
>Tales of Graces f
>Ys: Memories of Celceta
Mgs2 dogtags must of been annoying
catherine (eu) 1000/1000
fuck rapunzel
it's funny, pic related are my rarest but the ones i am most proud off aren't even close to the same rarity and i regard them as much harder to get.
currently have 415 platinums.
Recently platinumed Catherine. Rapunzel was braindead boring due to the amount of stages.
Plated Sekiro yesterday was fun beating SSI on my 3rd try almost perfecting him, & yes their a good way to fully experience a game
I really enjoyed getting trophies whe the ps3 came around. however nowadays i ahve zero time for trophies and i dont feel like going for 100% in most games. ill probably try getting 100% in ctr tough.
Just got the Yakuza Zero platinium. Those Climax battles were pure unaltered bullshit. Legend playthrough made me sweat as well. The game is fucking excellent so it was well worth it
Got all the jurassic world evolution cheevos on steam. Started again on ps4, but that might be a slow boil kinda hunt.
Also got plat in all the spryos. Ain’t special, but a triple crown feels nice.
Can’t say I’m proud of any particular trophies/achievements. I just enjoy trying to accomplish them.
The PS4 being the last console where I can actually manage individual save files back and forth between usb-system-cloud freely breaks my heart.
Maybe since they are pushing BC the ps5 will still have that feature but I'm not that hopeful.
What was the hardest platinum from your personel experience?
>xcom 2 ps4 plat
Currently planning to plat the whole tale series thats avaliable on psn starting with symphonia. How many hours you think this will take me on average boys?
unironic cancer
shame that nintendo is the only company willing to not engage in this shit
>caring about achievements/trophies
When did Yea Forums get so underage?
Symphonia has an 100 hour trophy
Near a thousand at least for the whole fucking series. I only got Xillia done and that took me like 70.
Also Am I crazy for finding (Most difficult to least) when in ng+1-4?:
>Owl 1
>Owl Father
Think it has to do with pattern recogination from previous ass poundings or the stage for the top 2?
ninja gaiden sigma on the vita was a real tough one, required complete mastery of that game.
Also very proud of my catherine platinum.
platting both xcoms was hard as fuck though i did savescum a lot in xcom 2 for impossible.