This game kinda sucks. There's something off about it. I think it's because it's too linear and there aren't enough optional bosses.
SotN had bosses you didn't even need to fight. This one needs more optional bosses.
This game kinda sucks. There's something off about it. I think it's because it's too linear and there aren't enough optional bosses.
SotN had bosses you didn't even need to fight. This one needs more optional bosses.
and I think you are retarded. I am at 99% of the damn game, and there are a shitton of bosses, i.e. hidden behind doors, where you gotta unlock them first to attack. Seems like you have no clue what you're talking about.
The carpenter boss
>99% of the game
>lists one optional boss
Meanwhile in SotN you had the entire fucking reverse castle
Then go play SOTN again you retarded nigger.
>I think you are retarded
>actually you just listed one boss
>n-nigger go play sotn
Shit man how assblasted are you in a scale of scorch to blistered?
The reverse castle was the dumbest shit. Artificially lengthening the game by making you do it again, but upside down. Fucking retarded.
Bloodstained lets you manually invert anytime you want, it's 100x better game design.
The game has 5 optional bosses. 6 if you count the backer DLC. Is that not enough for you?
Not the same person. Check unique IPs next time summerfag.
Optional Bosses : iga (dlc)
Slot Machine
And i think i forgot one
This game doesn't have 21:9 support so I unironically refunded it after 2 minutes.
8 bit overlord
retarded shit nigger, celeste, war horse, carpenter, the millionair
Celeste isn't a boss, it's just a weird room that's apparently just a tribute to some rich idiot's dumb cat
Well you're wrong. Miriam's game is pretty good.
>exposed breasts
Enjoy your ban
I hate ultrawaide fags, do you seriously expect a 2d platformer to support your retarded setup, name one
I dont give a fuck I'm just saying enjoy your ban
>teacher tearcher! user has a gameboy in class!
>i don't give a fuck
yeah, it really shows
>can't even wish anons good bans on neo-Yea Forums
The inverted castle was MILES ahead of the atrocious second half of bloodstained where all the locations are disjointed set of samey corridors with different backgrounds and barely any interconnectivity with the first half of the game world.
I will take an inverted version of good locations over copypasted corridors and a literal copypasted Garden any day.
That's fine, but these bosses require the player to unlock them in some special way. in SotN, you can just walk into some random place and suddenly fight an optional boss without even knowing
I want to breed Miriam and take responsibility
Did Aria and the other post SoTN games have much in the way of optional bosses?
>banned for saying dilate
It's good advice, you should take it. You do need to dilate at least twice a day.
>banned for saying dilate
Are you retarded?
You guys really need to learn to accept a game as what it is on its own and stop comparing it to others. That's bad critique and you'll never be happy.
Holy shit how fucking reddit can one post be
>le old fag here
Fuck off kid, go sell your larp bullshit somewhere else.
Do you even know what you're on about or do you just like shitting out memes and then leaving?
A post on reddit can be pretty reddit??
>jump at the first opportunity to act like a fucking bitch
>backpedal when you get called out and try to play it off
That's a resounding no
Still here
How the fuck do I recognize when Zangetsu's about to do his anti air dash shit, it's driving me crazy on nightmare mode because it's insta death almost every time he decides to do it
you can stuff miriam full of food though and pretend she's farting constantly
I never figured it out and just ate the L's. I found that he tended to it more often if you jumped early in his dash but I didn't test it enough to say for sure.
I love familiars.
its ok, the only time i died on normal was accidentally triggering OD
not sure i'll go through again on another difficulty
Is there any point in farming Detective Eye shards or is one enough?
The first boss' puke attack is kinda badly done if you're going for a no-hit run. Is there any other way of avoiding it aside from hiding behind the mobs?
People said you can use ZA WARUDO
It's some bullshit, most of his other dashing attacks are countered by jumping over them and you NEED to do that to do damage but then he just pulls that one out of his ass and one shots you with seemingly no telegraphing. There's no way Iga's whole "staff must beat each boss without getting hit" policy was followed here
Soundtrack is so average. This honestly kills a lot for me.
PoR had a gauntlet dungeon where you could fight a lot of the bosses from DoS
You can change the Blood color to white and pretend she's absorbing gallons of goo.
I just defeated zengetsu and it was a better fight than most bosses in sotn and it was the second boss, I rather have few memorable bosses than 1k glorified sponges damage.
You must be joking
Lol bye fatty
One is enough, but having as big an auto-collect ring as possible is great when you're sniping shit across the screen or through walls where the single shard's ring wouldn't reach.
Is there anything down here besides the max hp?
Spikes and spinning blades.
You sound a bit like a whiney brat.
Am I retarded for doing this on a new game save? It's kinda doable here and there but it seems optimized for having double jump.
I really like Bloodstained, but you're completely correct about the second half. It's way too disjointed.
What's the best familiar? I've only got a couple and the book seems most useful since it just buffs you
dullahan head if you're willing to grind him out.
if not, the book or faerie are fine.
this meme is retarded. most trannies don't even cut off their dick, because that actually requires some degree of dedication to something.
What is the most erotic costume you can equip? This will affect my purchase decision.
So... apparently Apples are forbidden or something since i havent found even ONE enemy or chest that has those, and those are necessary's for one of Granny's dishes.
Damn you Granny! you and your Risottos!!
seriously, tho, where i can find apples?
Harpy enemies in the cathedral area
I haven't beaten it, but as far as I know you can skip the train boss, the laser boss, the giant dragon, gebel.
If you get the double jump you can skip to the blood lady and then go down blood pit at the beginning
pretty sure the flying bird guys in the second part of the cathedral can drop them
The head seems kinda useless, does it get crazy strong if you rank it up?
Four armed fairy is cute, very useless and also my wife
RIP ghost knight, I knew you for a grand total of 5 minutes
Fuck me that second half was absolutely awful.
9/10 game if it were not for that.
I'd much rather Aria/Dawn over this game which felt like a spiritual successor to those games rather than SotN, but it was a fun experience other than the last part.
You need to do all of that eventually simply because you can't get past the wall in the underwater area without the Reflector Ray shard
Aria and Dawn have level design that is just as bad, if not worse than Bloodstained's second half.
So if I liked SOTN, I'll like ROTN?
>Aria and Dawn have level design that is just as bad, if not worse than Bloodstained's second half.
Not even the Chaotic Realm is as bad as the second half of Bloodstained. And it's 10% of the game and not 50%.
All fruits are dropped by Harpys. Lemons from the Boat, Apples from Cathedral, and Strawberries from Twin Towers.
>Aria and Dawn have level design that is just as bad, if not worse than Bloodstained's second half.
You need to go back and replay it user, if you still hold this opinion then get your head checked.
What does the piece of paper icon on each room on the map mean? Why doesn't this game have a freaking legend?
Bookshelves I think.
Running this game at 8k..... the AA in this game is no bueno.
The Chaotic Realm has literally nothing in it, and so does most of the rest of Aria's castle. There are only a handful of set pieces, no difficult jumps, very little by way of puzzles, etc. Dawn was mostly the same. This is just your OLD GOOD NEW BAD mentality speaking
is OD's Za Warudo even avoidable? he, IGA, and Bloodless have been the only interesting bosses so far btw, the rest of the boss roster is pretty lame but that's to be expected of IGAvania
Places where you can kill those murderers DEAD for the lady in the village.
i have to make curry or something for the old lady but i dont even have the recipe for it.. help
Use Directed Shield in a corner. You can turn it on during the time stop. He won't be able to hit you.
I found Zangetsu to be the hardest
Is curry any good? I want to try some of these foods.
you deserved that ban
>The Chaotic Realm has literally nothing in it
If we condense what parts of the second half of Bloodstained have "literally nothing in them", we will end with something like 40% of the game. Later levels are atrocious and typically only have 1 shit gimmick per level, and it's among a huge bunch of samey rooms with no level or encounter design to speak of. Even worse, they are almost completely disjointed from the rest of the castle.
Chaotic Realm was one last level and you blow through it faster than through the fucking Den of Behemots alone.
>and so does most of the rest of Aria's castle
Most of the Aria's castle is an actual metrodivania, not a set of isolated locations which already makes it better than the second part of Bloodstained.
>This is just your OLD GOOD NEW BAD mentality speaking
Eat shit you fucking retard. First half of Bloodstained is excellent. If you can't see how rushed and generally atrocious the second half is then it's your fanboy problems.
>The reverse castle was optional
By that logic, everything after the Hall of Termination is optional content.
What an idiot.
>empty small laboratory
>empty small underwater level
>empty small sand level
>empty small fire level
>empty small oriental laboratory level
>OH BOY FINALLY WE'RE GOING SOMEWHERE nevermind it's just a copypasted earlier level
>empty small ice level
it's absurd. It hits every few seconds with 5 separate heads at level 30, each clocking 40+ dmg.
>This is just your OLD GOOD NEW BAD mentality speaking
What a shit strawman. Incorrect, user. No one said the game was bad, the argument is that the last part of the game is bad, literally everything else except for the graphics is great.
Is it beyond you that people might like both, and criticise it while still liking it?
The only costume you can unlock is covers you even more and the only thing you can get is a transformation which is a bunny girl
So grade does nothing? What does grade even do, anyway? I'm not really noticing a difference, but maybe it's because I didn't grind out shards all at once to check.
>#1 and #2 are Vamprie and Succubus
>#9 and #12 are Bunny and Shovel Knight
>9 and 12 are in
What the fuck?
I like Indian curry, I can't speak to other regional versions of it. Usually I'll spend more and get lamb tikka masala though if I'm eating Indian.They might shit in the street but they make some good food.
Okay I finally got aqua stream and there a a trillion chests under water yet I cannot loot them. Is the upgrade to potentially swim in this water area or should I continue to the desert?
How does it run on Switch? I want more physical games for it, but VC4 ran horribly for me.
sounds like butthurt metroid fags who don't actually like backtracking.
The shop has built in hints for lostfags who aren't exploring and enjoying progress while completing the subquest lines.
Keep going friend.
user, don't be retarded, the ice level was also copy-pasted, then reskinned
Stay mad, faggot.
does the 8-bit dungeon give you anything or is it just a meme level? went there and have to hit zombies like 9+ times for them to die, 8-bit ghosts are even worse
Now you can explain where the fuck did i mention that i was lost at any point
>Later levels are atrocious and typically only have 1 shit gimmick per level
Which is still more than what the Chaotic Realm has. And most of Aria.
>Most of the Aria's castle is
bereft of level design. You run through a bunch of hallways or large rooms filled with enemies and almost never have to do more than simply jump. The only area in the entire game that has more than one interesting room in it is the Colosseum.
>not a set of isolated locations
I don't even know what this actually means. You seem to be suggesting that because an area is only connected to one other area that that somehow makes it bad. I do not understand this as a criticism.
> the argument is that the last part of the game is bad
And again, the entirety of the older games which you claim to like more is about on par with the second half of Bloodstained. Your arguments are nonsense.
>abloobloobloo where is muh inverteded castle
>you can literally invert the castle at will
What are they complaining about?
>And again, the entirety of the older games which you claim to like more is about on par with the second half of Bloodstained. Your arguments are nonsense.
Literally can't read and moving the goalpost. Second half of Bloodstained wasn't good and if you think otherwise, congratulations on your absolute shit taste. Comparing it to what's literally 5% of the other game is also retarded.
how do I dodge stuff in this game? L1 is useless
Ye, use the water streaming biz to find the desert section underwater. You'll get chest looting soon.
Same way you dodge shit in OG Castlevania games. You move out of the way and position yourself, either than or learn to cancel.
>find flying edge
>only use flying edge for the next however many hours
This weapon is so fucking useful
>Which is still more than what the Chaotic Realm has
We have 40% shit parts versus 10% shit parts.
You have no argument.
>You run through a bunch of hallways or large rooms
Actually replay Aria first before posting literal gibberish. Aria's level design as a whole weren't as good as peak parts of Bloodstained like Twin Towers but it mops the fucking floor with the second half of Bloodstained.
>You seem to be suggesting that because an area is only connected to one other area that that somehow makes it bad
The fact literally half of the castle is disjoined is bad, oh yes.
>Literally can't read and moving the goalpost.
>I'd much rather Aria/Dawn over this game
>Second half of Bloodstained wasn't good
It wasn't as good as the first half, no, but it's about what I expect from Castlevania level design.
>Comparing it to what's literally 5% of the other game
Will you stop repeating this shit? I'm not comparing it to just the Chaotic Realm, I'm comparing it to Aria's entire castle
Just use a shield if you're a slow shitter.
While you dodge, press down for a quick recovery to dodge again.
I'm playing both BS and SOTN and I find the former a bit better right now
Silver Knight so far is the shit
>SotN had bosses you didn't even need to fight.
Who aside from Galamoth did you not have to fight?
Please answer. Don't make me get SNK: Heroines
shards and a book, but if you have problems with those enemies then come back later because the boss is way worse
Fuck I hate her dialog when she starts screaming about murderers
Farm the enemies for their shards and the book.
The aimed 8-Bit Fireball in particular is really good.
The boss drops the 8-Bit Nightmare book, which you use to craft the third rank version of the weapons crafted by Coins.
>fight with zangulus goes well
>he does his jumping slash attack
A lot of dudes. Malphas, Legion, the griffon, etc
Switch is terrible, and if you check archives ther'es other people complaining. 720p, 30fps, cut down graphical effects.
This one.
Started with dullas and I have him grade 4 rank 4 level 27 and he’s still shit. Silver knight is grade 4 rank 4 lvl 11 and he’s holy smiting everything on the screen
>shoes on
>Switch can't handle 2D PS2 graphics
What a piece of shit hardware.
Please point to the part in this video here
that has better level design than Bloodstained's second half. I'll wait.
>Will you stop repeating this shit?
Quite literally the first time I said it, user you dumb.
>I'm not comparing it to just the Chaotic Realm, I'm comparing it to Aria's entire castle
That's nice user, but no one is going to take that opinion serious when it's out there, perhaps you should take your own advice.
Spotted the literal child. Have a woman naked except stiletto heels and get back to me
there are definitely some callbacks to SOTN, this is a game made for castlevania fans after all, but there are still some problems, such as animations being a bit janky, some backgrounds being bland or the barebones story and kind of predictable twist. if you feel like $40 is too much of a gamble for a game you -might- like you'd be better off pirating the GOG version. or at least you should wait until all stretch goals are included in the game (right now we have speedrun mode, boss rush, retro level, "prequel" game , though Curse of the Moon isn't exactly a prequel)
it is weak hardware, but this is the combo of UE4 plus poor programming. If they used a custom engine, they could easily get that running 60fps and make it look better.
Spotted the beta homo lord
He needs to not be a pussy and put a pair of boots on, like the knife boots.
Wearing a decent chunk of clothing but still leaving at least one section of lewd exposed is hotter than full nudity. It means the girl knows what she's doing is wrong, but she doesn't care. Like a woman wearing only the man's shirt the morning after, or a woman walking around in just jeans and boots with no top.
So far this is my favorite tansku game after Aria.
Not really the hardware's fault, more to do with the software either on the machine or the lack of effort the developer put into the game to optimise it.
I mean if TW3 can make it onto the Switch at all, you'd expect this shitty looking game to run at 60fps even at 720p
I'd rather have full body covered and no shoes
Will we get modding tools? Custom castles and a fan made 1999 game and I’d probably never need another game again
Why is Aria so damn good? On paper Dawn SHOULD be better. Other than the weak "here we go again" plot, Dawn has no reason being worse. More powerful hardware, same systems, same main character, etc. Yet I prefer Aria so much more.
>If they used a custom engine, they could easily get that running 60fps and make it look better.
Square couldn't do that with their own flagship game, what makes you think a small group like them could with a custom engine?
Both underground waterfall and Legion makes this footage better than anything in second half of Bloodstained.
aria is worse than the entirety of bloodstained
Thanks. Any non-Nintendo games that are physical that run well?
Mandated stylus in the regular version of the game kills the pacing
I don't care if you like the aesthetics, the entire video is literally just Soma running through hallways
are there any stiches of final Bloodstained levels around already?
someone post them so i could laugh
>dat sideboob
>dat armpit
the game could be trash and id still have to love miriam, but it's preddy good so far. just got to the library.
This happens to me a lot, and it just soft locks after.
It's a good thin nobody is talking about aesthetics
DAMN, that looks pretty awesome.........
Not worth making a whole thread, but you can tell that Aria and Dawn are Konami's attempt at making the series more popular in Japan.
>ties the game to Japan for no reason
>Shrine Maiden
>Soma is Japanese (only in the NA version is he an exchange student
>Asychronous Online Multiplayer
So how many people are going to go apeshit when they realize this isn't online co-op.
>muh feets
Fuck off. The only thing feet are good for is wearing pretty footwear that accentuate the legs.
So... every enemy has drops a shard, right? Is there any enemy that doesn't have shards? I have just started the game, 3 hours in.
miriam is a dud. no personality. zero character. dumb costume. bargain bin waifu.
better than second half of shitstained, that's for sure
I sure as hell don't see what else you could be talking about. Only one of those rooms has anything to do in it besides kill enemies
Yes there are enemies without shards.
>Only one of those rooms has anything to do in it besides kill enemies
Already sounds better than the second half of bloodstained
apparently if you feed miriam too much spicy food, she farts?
Very few, like 2 normal enemies and 6 bosses I think
Check the Demon archive in the menu, any enemy that doesn't drop a shard has an empty space instead.
iirc it was Morte and something else.
Morte and Giant Morte.
It's about equal, like I was saying. Bloodstained 2nd half also only has like 1 room per area where you do something besides kill enemies.
Grade is actually something nebulous for most Shards, but especially Familiars. Many other Shard types amplify the original effect in some way that isn't apparent (unless it's something like Detective's Eye which visibly increases the radius of the ring), whereas Rank usually only does exactly what the Rank description does.
Meanwhile, the Rank of each Familiar increases their list of moves and makes them more active.
Level just buffs their stats to damage output and speed/rate of performing actions.
Grade is likely some other secondary stat-based boost, but nobody has done any testing on them yet. I collect their Shards to get Grade 9 anyway just to be sure they're as potent as possible
>Miriam in english
Deadpan, dull, seemingly anxious and afraid all the time.
>Miriam in Japanese
Sassy, upbeat, fucking cute.
Oh, now i see why these fuckers wouldn't drop a shard. That's kinda cheap. Thanks, anons.
Behold, Miriam and her new familiar!
>turn on japanese dub
>get sword familiar
>turn off japanese dub
I agree, this shit is overhyped as fuck
so its supposed to be clunky shit?
I fucking wish. I wonder if Iga is aware his game is being related to a porn game. And i also want to know how much he paid to use Shovel Knight stuff.
>Goth GF Shard
Someone make a model for her and replace the fairy with her already!
I tried to make my Miriam look like a demon hunter, how did I do?
Is Heavy Ring worth using? I'm using Speed Belt at the moment and I can't imagine life without going faster. It would suck to give up my attack ring.
Clashing colors/10
haven't tried english yet but nipnongese seems pretty dull so far
t. at the fight with zangetsu for the last hour or so
>[old insane swordsman sounds intensifies]
It's honestly amazing how differently they feel as characters.
I’m 15 hours in and I can’t progress side quests because I can’t craft brigantine armor of fucking make cookies. What the fuck do I do??
I think chainsword knights drop em
Gameplay spoilers
As soon as I timestop I instantly wanted to use it on Kunekune. As soon as I used the ability, I immediately got stunlocked and died pretty much instantly. Is that a glitch?
So how moddable is the game? i just want MORE
Hard mode NG+ or fresh?
Parallel Castles (HoD) > Inverted Castle > power gap > Den of Disappointment > no additional place to explore while going for true ending
isn't his damage based on when you are facing each other?
I would think you'd need to do it in mid-air and make sure you land behind him once he's frozen.
you get the cookie recipe in the Clocktower/library area. and you can get a Brigantine off of one of the Murder quests, I believe.
Probably DLC to jew the horny virgins
Ah, I never made that connection with looking at him that makes sense
I beat the blood lady. Should I continue to go up (beat the dragon boss too) or go down to drain the blood?
Dude, I’ve looked everywhere for the fucking recipe in the library. I’m worried I opened the chest and it glitched.
>gets called put for being a retard
you choose. it is a castlevania after all
A very good point, actually
dragon is more balanced for your level, you did a minor sequence break to get to bloodless first
you've already beaten Bloodless? aren't you supposed to have Reflector ray to go there, which you get after beating the dragons?
It's funny how sometimes people forget just because a game is very new and good it does not mean it comes without some faults in level design or gameplay. Maybe Bloodstained 2 will fix these issues in the future.
You get the ray after beating the speedy boss after the train
The 2nd half isn't bad at all it just requires that you're actually being mindful of the abilities you get
Not the game's fault you're too much of a retard to actually pay attention and think about what to do
So what does beating the Carpenter boss even do? It seemed like it turned the wood in the level to purple (but I could be just remembering wrong what it was before).
It's a terrible point, he's arguing that one form of copy paste is superior to another. The way Symphony does it is even worse than Bloodstained's Den of Behemoths because the inversion basically nullifies whatever level design was in the original castle. The original castle was clearly not designed with you walking on the ceiling in mind and you have to high jump or bat form your way around to get literally anywhere.
You can dive kick on candles to reset your double jump, it's basic knowledge since Symphony of the Night
Wehn does the 2nd half begin?
they said there would be upcoming co-op modes on their launch day press release
After you get the laser, I'd say.
Not even that user but you sound like a faggot with ADHD that couldn't figure out what to do in the 2nd half without a guide
So not only are you a retard you're also a casual which is worse
Is just an optional boss that drops a shard and a material for the best weapons of each class (not counting the 32-bits weapons)
It "does" nothing, all the optional bosses behind key doors like Carpenter drop materials for some endgame weapons
The "gotta go fast" shard mixed with the "not-crissaegrim" is so fun
Shame that by the point I got both there is nothing else to do but grind.
>Miriam in Japanese
>Sassy, upbeat, fucking cute.
I haven't played any Castlevanias nor kept up with development of Bloodstained. Going in I thought Miriam was going to be some sort of super edgelord. I was quite surprised.
Thanks. i finally made it to the last dish... AND OF COURSE its from an unique superspecial secret book, that its NOT the ultimate dish one.
just checked out all the final area, and nothing, one would imagine that book would be there, but nope!
It's in the chest where you have to push the bookcase against a wall with a small slide-gap in the middle.
So the only conclusion I'm coming to is the people complaining about the 2nd half of the game are just idiots that are mad the game doesn't hold their hand
I've only ever played SOTN and Hollow Knight and I got through the 2nd half no problem and enjoyed it, maybe you fags are just bad and mad and just want to blame the game for how awful you are
well, theres nightmare mode at least... supposedly thats the very point of all this shard and item collecting, to get ready for that mode, or so i imagine.
Do a new game+ file and play it in Nightmare difficulty using Accelerator
That's one aspect of the stage design I really love in this game. They made a lot of spots where it's very obvious they intend for you to be able to jump kick up to.
currently playing through still, but I share a similar sentiment. I like the game, and it's fun, it's like a mix of OoE and dawn/aria with Shards being like Soma's souls and Shanoa's glyphs. But it's definitely rough around the edges and has a lot of bugs right now. I just passed the train section and there hasn't been any really good bosses besides Zangetsu so far who was a bit of a cunt since he magnetizes you into his sword when doing that overhead attack even if you're not in frame.
Miram clips into everything, and I'm usually scared of going into some Crevices or fucking around too much in case the physics breaks and I get stuck somewhere. Miriam also 'dies' during boss fights but doesn't actually die. I'll still be attacking and moving and jumping around while I game over. There's some stuff that really needs to be fixed. Also the lag for the new shard animation or when opening menus and stuff.
I played curse of the moon first, so I got to see some of the bosses from that game like the twin dragons which was super fun in Curse, but super shit in Ritual. Animations are super long, movements aren't animated very well, and it didn't feel like something I'd want to do perfect to get the medals and stuff like I did in the DS games. The 'good' bosses so far have been Zangetsu and the speedy fucker who gives you the light dart. Everything else has been a bit of a clusterfuck, and I'm not saying that to shitpost, I like the game and want it to be good, but all that passing between studios left its mark.
For good things though, the crafting is fun, collecting shards and the familiars are all pretty cool. I like that hover knight and the alastor looking sword all have custom animations. Or how the book familiar will talk to you when he buffs or when you save.
There's a ton of weapons, and the fact some have special moves is cool, though like anything, not all of them are useful, and I question their placement when you get them.
I liked it.
My only problem was the endgame areas suffered from being kinda bland. But that's more of an IGA problem then a Bloodstained one. And some of the bosses were dull to fight. Otherwise I enjoyed it a lot. So I can't say I was disappointed after such a long wait.
>Its different so I hate it
Ok don't play the game. No one cares
Miriam in english does have her funny moments, like the whole 'Rose tattoos are all the rage in paris' bit, or her exchange with Todd the demon barber.
It's never the protagonist that's the edgelord in Castlevania games, it's always the rival character that's supposed to be helping you but you end up fighting for contrived reasons
Hugh in Circle of the Moon
Maxim in Harmony of Dissonance
Arguably Albus in Order of Ecclesia
And now Zangetsu in Bloodstained
It's not like the 2nd half is hard, it's just the quality of the level design takes a hit. The last two areas especially are kinda lame.
i dunno, Shanoa did felt pretty edgelordy to me.
we do know thats because she lost her emotions tho.
Oracle Blade > Rhava Velar
Also the other thing that makes Bloodstained's design better is that the later areas are actually designed with the idea that you have abilities you get from progressing, so it actually feels somewhat satisfying to get that one chest or that one area you couldn't get to before
I love SOTN but the Inverted Castle is just dumb and doesn't feel satisfying in the same since it's just "oh cool bro you used bat to get to that one area again good job whatever"
>sit in electric chair
>dont die
>you will never be this much of an insufferable faggot
I think it the game has a solid "old school" gameplay.
The major problem is that the game throws at you all these good skills but the level layout is so lazy and simple that there is barely any use for them
That and a very irregular artistic direction are the major flaws of the game.
So why did it took so long to make?
What is a man?!
Incompetent devs had to be replaced by a bit less incompetent ones. And then those needed help from Wayforward
My only real complaint towards inverted castle is more of complaint towards the ridiculously stingy way SotN registers uncovered map
Flying around to some huge rooms forever or literally doing retarded voodoo rapid wolf transormation ritual to practically glitch yourself into a corner of impassable terrain to get that square of a map was a colossal pain in the ass.
So glad Iga keeps stuff like this in his head and doesn't let it slip in
Inti can't into games that aren't 8-bit styled so they fired them and hired other devs to fix the mess.
Castlevania level design has always been like that. For every one room where you have to use a lightning spell to activate some machinery, there are about 30 rooms that are just an enemy gauntlet with some minor platforming.
Delays, Inti not knowing how use to Unreal, more delays, making the graphics looking better..
Is Shadow Tracer fucking pointless?
Wheres the best place to farm Mimic? Can someone post a spot on the map?
>that's more of an IGA problem then a Bloodstained one
holy fuck, now that you mention it, having played only PoR and OoE, I just realized now that past some point, the levels and assets are recycled
>the 4 portraits in Brauner's room are just "dark" versions of the 4 first portraits you completed
>in OoE, Somnus Reef is recycled from the level before the prison and the one where you fight albus is the same as the manor following Somnus Reef
and from what I heard in these threads
>inversed castle in SotN
I really wish it was a toggle.
He was such a horrible disappointment.
Boy, you bet it is. Definitely try it out.
link please
>one form of copy paste is superior to another
Grass is green
Anyone able to tell me why this hairstyle looks so familiar?
It looks like a character I've seen somewhere before but I really can't place it.
I can't but it's in Livre ex Machina. There's a small room with exit to the lft and down iirc
>tfw finally beat zangetsu
my fingers hurt now
are medals useless beyond bragging rights like in ecclesia
They didn't stick with the original story it seems.
>Original host for the magi-crystal curse that summons demons to the planet. Gebel (JEE-bill) was the only one to survive its effects at such a high level. He destroyed the guild that created him, but in doing so realized he was no longer human and had no place on Earth. This in turn, lead him to summon the demon castle from hell to appear on the planet.
>It is said that his real purpose in summoning the castle was to give Miriam a place of her own, but as his Magi-crystal disease progressed, he soon forgot his own reasoning. The more he surrounded himself with hell-spawn, the quicker the magi-crystals engulfed his body. He continues to plot the downfall of man, and how to best convince (or use) Miriam to achieve his dark ambition.
Where do i go after beating the swordman the second time
post miriams
>Read threads saying how people dying to zangetsu are bad
>I've died to him 7 times already, and probably will keep happening.
Send help
I swear some of the meals you get to prepare are really mouth-watering from the description alone
Just eat a pizza, bro.
>"so go play something else"
the absolute state of Yea Forums
Vaguely like Momo from My Hero?
Yes, you've finished the most difficult boss to beat without taking damage so your pain is over at least.
what game
>summon x
>shoot the energy ray of element y
>create a magic explosion of element z
It's such a sad thing like 80% of souls are samey shit.
Dude, just jump behind him, whack him a few times and jump again to his back when he turns
He is stupid, take advantage of that
Pass the spoon one day user.
>When he does the counter stance
Jump behind him and attack.
>When he does that leaping attack
Run towards not away. He will land facing away from you allowing you to attack him.
>Dedicate one try to learning how to dodge his attacks. No attacking.
Seriously this helps a ton. Don't attack just do your best to dodge all his attacks.
Now there is a cheese way too but I think you'd rather not do it so I'll spoiler tag.
When he does the counter stance use the flytrap shard. Throw a ton at him then attack him from behind. He will be hit by all flytraps and your weapon. Massive damage.
please be patient
he's still new to /fa/
Is there something I can do to stop the vampire from healing?
There's more.
>Circle of the Moon uses the same tileset for almost every area in the entire castle
>Harmony of Dissonance doesn't even bother to invert its second castle and just has the exact same layout as the first one, just with some spookier background details and different enemy placements
>Most of Dawn's levels are technically new assets but there are plenty of reused enemies from PoR and certain level thematics are ripped straight from Aria
Yeah, I was kinda annoyed when I realized that gaint-land was just an upscale of the garden.
We need to /fa/ harder.
Someone give Miriam jiggle physics already!
Its pretty boring to be honest, its another case of people "liking" the game just because they get off to the female MC. Refunded this and got My Friend Pedro instead.
It won't let you equip Bloodbringer in the pause menu if you already have him out as a familiar, but if you have Bloodbringer on a Shorcut you can still equip it.
Check the doppleganger profile in the archive
She has jiggle all right
Alright bros. If you had a mod for
>Shanoa outfit
>Aradia outfit
>Bloodless outfit
>Maria outfit
Which would you want?
>reused enemies from PoR
Nigger what are talking about, DoS came out before PoR.
Pajeet curry is fucking delicious especially if you get it as spicy as they have, I've never had japanese curry so I can't talk about it but the thai curry I've had was kind of shit
Aradia, easily.
go fight gebel in livre ex machina, cut the moon when it turns red instead of killing him
At lvl 75 is it better than blue rose? Whats the best weapon other than the cheesegrim?
Almost all the fanart I've seen of Aradia was in this artstyle, is it literally only one drawfag pairing her up with Miriam?
how do you have 999 attack?
>>Shanoa outfit
What's the point, Miriam's already discount Shanoa
Will try, but I won't use the spoilered technique, I would feel too bad with myself if it comes to cheesing the fight
Soma cruz outfit with the shirt about to pop open because of her tits
Kokoro Belmont outfit
>obtained infinite bullet hat after feeding Susie the world
Albus run soon
>Whats the best weapon other than the cheesegrim?
The gun you craft using the 8-bit coins+diamond bullets
There's more than one, but he definitely draws the most of the pairing.
reverse castle was fucking boring. You had to cheese every boss.
Optimizer, Augment STR, Firearms Expertise and Red Remembrance
All turned into skill shards
I knew it! I knew Bloodbringer's appearance changed depending on its level! I wasn't mad!
Rondo Maria outfit would be objectively the cutest
we all start with a terrible taste and only after some time we develop sense of style
Yea Forumsros need some time
Any tips for the second Zangetsu fight in the Oriental lab?
He does like 200 damage a hit and that kills me in about 6 hits. His Japanese symbol pillar attack is so hard to dodge. Playing on hard btw.
>(or use) Miriam
Weren't we gonna get a corrupted Miriam costume too?
I figured it out
No Dominique outfit ? Full body stocking-only version hnnnnnnggggghhhh
What am I supposed to do when Zangetsu just goes invincible and instantly kills me?
Considering how the retconned Pure Miriam to be "Valkyrie" I fully expect this just to be the regular outfit but with the tattoos copy pasted everywhere and nothing else.
Kunekune is the last enemy and shard I need to collect. How do I kill him? The moment he spawns I'm stunlocked and take crazy damage. Timestop does fuck all.
Just give me an idiot proof strategy for him because sitting through that 5 minute sequence to get to him to only die in 5 sec is pretty discouraging.
I'd rather have the other nun, with her skintight stomach and waist.
You can practically taste the bellybutton.
>get dullahan head familiar
>game shits out a thousand of them at me instantly leveling it like fifteen times and raising its grade to five
>three heads that shit on everything on the screen and it's only getting stronger
But you can't teleport user.
Has anyone discovered whats the deal with that endgame sword that requieres a dragon heart to craft? The requirements are almost the same as Blue rose but its damage is total crap.
Take a screenshot doing poses
The monsters death sounds are really weird. What does the chick playing the guitar say? Also those flying swords just scream.
Jump behind and THEN use timestomp.
i just got 100% map earlier today and most of the best gear in about 19 hours and i gotta say i really liked it, maybe not worth $40 but if it was $20 or so it'd be 9/10 for me
Drag him to the cart on the left using sonic boost, he gets stuck in the boxes and you can cheese him from above.
How does this dude do it then?
>not farming dullahans right before the tutorial boss to g9
>mfw they hit for 50+ and there's 5 of them
I'm using painting shard with it now and it absolutely melts everything
How dry was her cunt?
Just wait for all the free DLC
Can't wait for Zangetsu mode, hope it's like Dawn's Julius mode and has playable Alfred and OD as well
Whats your favorite enemy bros? Mine is
Like roasted sand.
Use reflector ray to warp away from his attacks and get behind him to attack.
it gets even better from there bud
There's a Book familiar you can get from the floating book enemies near ODs room. It's statistically the best familiar in the game. All it does is give you a passive STR buff that will stack with any other possible buffs. It occasionally attacks but that's not very useful.
The STR buff is absolutely massive at max rank. can make you go from doing 10 damage a hit to 140 a hit with certain weapons.
Fuck, i never noticed Shanoa is so ripped. Welp, here i go fappin' again.
Inverted castle was really cool, but damaged later games by trying to replicate the magic and not succeeding. And then people were expecting it and when they did the right thing and stopped doing it you were still kinda bummed because you were expecting it.
>i played it for 19 hours but $35 is still too expensive
Yet you'll pay $90 for a CoD game and play it for an hour.
Timing I think
>game has 5000 weapons available through elaborate and convoluted crafting
why bother when you have the 8/16/32 bit coin weapons and then Rhava Velar for late game
high end whips and swords like Andromeda and Blue Rose look interesting but I know I'm never bothering with the grind required to get them
and not like they're going to outclass Rhava Velar anyway
People will tell you all kinds of ways to kill him because there are a million, all you have to do is not turn toward him. either time stop or just walk to the left and then do literally anything, he can't even hit you
lol what no i won't
The only one you could legitimately complain about is Iga.
>Oh no, I need a key that I probably already have! Shit game 0/10
SOTN was a masterpiece but I haven't forgotten how it reused a million assets from Rondo of Blood. It was way easier to implement so much content when they already had an entire game's worth of assets to work with.
Also worth remembering Bloodstained has an assload of free DLC coming.
Her voice is pure sex, holy shit at least in japanese
The level design is shit, but then again so was the level design of sotn. Always second fiddle to literal whos that made metroid
Choice i guess? But they all play the fucking same even if you use different skins, and have maybe 1 or 2 different movesets
You don't have to minmax everything. You can just use weapons for fun. Besides what's actually OP is shadow clone parries and the one gsword technique.
you can say that to every Igavania. even SOTN
second half of those games are made for you to brute force your way to reach the end game.
I honestly liked order of ecclesia level design a fucking ton more even if they were all hallways, because at least the themes varied greatly
Is this the only secret in this room? Anyone find anything else?
Maybe one of the future DLCs will matter here.
When I hear the OOOOH I think of this for some reason
Silver Knight rules. Stabbing bitches, blocking projectiles for me, and clearing the screen with his light spears. Bro for life.
Is this game worth 40$ or should i wait for it?
>but I haven't forgotten how it reused a million assets from Rondo of Blood.
That seems intentional. Rondo has many enemies that show up, have a unqiue design, tons of animation, and you see them so briefly. Toru Hagihara probably told Konami "don't worry. These are sprites we can use in the next game."
Symphony is at a weird resolution too, so many think it's to properly use Rondo sprites.
Everytime you see something weird or wacky, it s a call back to SotN. Those weird long death voices were there too for some monsters
she just wanted miriam's crystal futa cock
>not enjoying Miriam's erotic EN VA when doing kicking technique while counting un,deux,trois
Based Church lady.
100% a backer room
because she lost her memories. the moment she get them back she stops acting like an "edgylord".
in fact she acts like an spec ops soldier than an edgylord
Seriously I'm lost on what to do, none of my shards can do anything about Zangetsu's rape ball. I did manage to kill him one after I died because one of my homing arrows was still flying after I died and it killed him while I was dying; so I have the achievement.
what mob drope demons horn ? and where do i find cashmere?
It makes sense for OoE to be like it is simply because it has the most combat oriented mechanics of any 2D Castlevania. That's why those linear hallways are an actual challenge to get through on hard difficulties.
>Those infinitely respawning medusa heads that kill me in one hit and I can't even avoid them by jumping on platforms
Still haunts me to this day
cashmere is giant buels in behemoth den, i forget the demon horn
use Reflector Ray
>use Unreal Engine to save on cost
>oh fuck 2.5D is actually really hard please help!
Futa x Fem is too hot
>use unreal engine to reduce cost
>but get $5,000,000 in crowdfunding and another several million from producers
Hopefully they think this through for the sequel.
A little bit off the top?
>gebel glasses
wew, is there any point in playing hard or nightmare anymore, I'm literally shitting out 2000+ dmg per hellhound and 1-3 shotting all the bosses in boss rush.
That was Inti's fault, same shit happened with Mighty Number 9
>the mysterious final area in the game is just the garden of silence upscaled 2x so you look like tinkerbell and it takes forever to clear out each room
damn, this was disappointing
Play ng nightmare for full experience.
Don’t listen to them OP. I feel you and I backed it. It’s outdated game design now. It has decent music though but between the backer faces and the ugly graphics it is a let down.
At that point you can High Jump>Dive kick, backstep cancel or get accelerator which is right there in that area, you have no excuse to go slow.
I tried that but Mirimam keeps slipping and canceling the beam.
>outdated game design
no such thing
I think some of that comes down to inti in retrospect with all the info coming out on Bloodstain's development. But no steps were made to correct the course by Inafune and his lackeys. Iga's team took their criticism and fixed the game, meanwhile Inafune's community manager was an SJW that just took a fat dump on the fans.
inticreates staff was mentally retarded and only managed to code stuff for the 3DS. Bloodstained forced them to get their shit together.
the last inticreate interview on siliconera point to them being massive retards at anything besides the 3DS and switch (because nintendo helps).
now that they learned to code for other platforms they are looking into releasing their games for PC and PS/Xbox
>mfw getting high jump for the first time
>combining it with accelerator
if only death-miko could be a familiar and do sick guitar riffs in the background, it would've been 10/10
If you can't git gud then obtain the Directed Shield shard from Shield Outsiders in the Towers of Twin Dragons.
finally completed her quest, now thers two left, but i guess i must wait until my next paycheck to buy the IGA backpack.
seriously, how in the billion fucks is that granny able to chow down all dat shit!? i mean, the final scene with her giving Miriam some nice words and getting sleepy was really cute and, for lack of a better term, worth all the trouble, but still, WHAT THE HELL!?
>no blue shard for Death
>we won't even get her for Boss Revenge Mode because she's not a boss
>for Shovel Knight
Shovel Knight is a slut who will appear in any game for free
The map felt really big and diverse until about 50% in, then the second half was just reskins. And the last 20% are upscaled rooms copy pasted 1:1 from an earlier area. It's like they ran out of money and just said fuck it.
Did IGA spend all the money on whores or something?
I like the game, but the sloppy input handling is really killing the experience for me. Most of the time it isn't a big deal, but up against a boss, it's a deal breaker. There is nothing more annoying than attempting to slide only to see the character jump into having a quarter of her health shaved off.
wtf is dimension shift?
I dunno, I think an unironic Sierra type adventure game is pretty outdated. Or simple text adventure games if you want to go back even farther
The 2nd half seems to be the publisher and Wayforward pushing them along to at least get the game out.
I really enjoy Bloodstained. I am excited for co-op modes. hopefully it rekindles the joy of HoD on PS3/Xbox 360.
I'm sorry it's not for you, OP.
okay what if
IGA takes in Con Man and they make a Red Ash game that doesn't suck.
nothing wrong with inputs, its clear your just a shitter go grind more if you can't git gud
You choose Yea Forums
If only, don't get your hopes up though.
Nah, Con man is working for L5, a way bigger company than Artplay. Artplay barely had the resources to make BS, no way they could make a full 3D adventure game.
>Or simple text adventure game
It was one of the best part of Nier Replicant
I'm pretty sure a modern text adventure could work, by which I mean I would enjoy it.
Should I just run through and spam potions?
I'm not too hopeful. honestly, just broing about in notCastlevania at all sounds fun.
That's pretty cute.
I dont wanna get too hyped on multiplayer but potential refined gameplay of HoD sounds nice. I miss when the fanmade PC jank version was up and running and there were 8-12 players trying to beat Dracula amongst the clusterfuck
The second half of the map was mandatory padding to create the "IGA's Largest Castle Ever".
Bloodstained has more "unique" squares of space than any Metroidvania. The only two with more squares in terms of raw space but not new environments are SOTN (because of copypaste inverted castle) and Portrait of Ruin (of which many areas are exact copies of one another, reused in later portrait zones).
>Letting in your company the faggot that wanted to outsource franchises to Western developers.
lol yeah
Some said they brute forced it but I can't imagine how. I tried it with potions and high potions but couldn't make it. Maybe with full stacks of potions, high potions, potion ex and food stuffs you could. I dunno about moving the iron maidens. I'd figure the stun would fuck that up but maybe not.
Yeah sure, if you want to. But why would you do that?
sure, or you can get the aegis plate that negates all the spike hazards
>muh gitgud
Nice try, Iga. Go fix your shit. I'll be waiting for the patch.
Pajeet curry is pretty good, thai is king. Weebs like japanese the most but it's eh. Curry is basically just asian stew.
It looks so amateur
They'd have done better than 2D graphics
>killed Mega Man
>tried to kill Dante with Tameem
>Asychronous Online Multiplayer
Online co-op IS being hopeful.
inafune got rid of everyone on his company after MN9 and even Kamiya and other JP devs called him out on his bullshit
not happening
Not for the level of animations expected in a CV game. Imagine a bunch of unanimated blobs, because that's what it would be.
He killed Ninja Gaiden too, and you could say his Comcept games franchises were more abortions than murder.
Good luck getting past the second obstacle by brute force.
Bloodless in white is best girl.
I didn't know this. I only knew "multiplayer"
hopes and dreams, crushed again
2D is more expensive
Never heard about him killing Ninja Gaiden as well, so how did that happen?
Not bad.
I want to Scarlet Thrust her if you know what I mean
Hardest boss in the game imo, killed everyone else pretty easily
how do I get this achievement? Do I just need to kill gebel after getting the Zangetsuto?
Well, it wasn't groundbreaking, but I liked it and enjoyed playing a new castlevania-like game.
Harmony of Dissonance didn't had multiplayer
Ninja Gaiden Z was his doing. He set it up, and hired the same developers as before. More outsourcing.
wasn't it local and online multiplayer?
Kill him as you would normally, you don't need Zangetsuto for that achievement
Look up ninja gaiden yaiba z
But basically lets get westerners to work on a jp franchise. Again. God I hate inafune
>hardest boss
>not the man himself
I want to replay Harmony of Dissonance
Harmony of Despair, my dude. Xbox Live Arcade/PSN only.
He was talking about Harmony of Despair, dingus
>the man himself
Please excuse about the situation topside.
>crouch in front of him
>spam Inferno Breath
Yeah, so hard
oh. never played that one
is it still up?
I think you just need a lot of shards? Gremory says something about you being easy to control with so many shards when i got it.
Made a thing
Invert the castle and equip a greatsword. GG on your win.
>Tfw I just used greatswords to hit him without jumping
Ha ha ha. Eat shit IGA.
Fuck that one glass wine move his does near the end though. Even when I figured it out how to dodge it I still couldn't most of the time.
You must use knockback hit too. After getting hit, turn around
>he literally throws explosive wine glasses
>that one attack where the wine glass flames cover most of the arena save for that one safe spot in the middle
I don't think the game has any support anymore. I'm not sure, I don't have a 360 anymore. They kept breaking so I got fed up and sold all of my associated games and peripherals. First time I'd done that since the 90s as a kid.
>Throws wineglass
>"I'll just get in between the flames, I got this pattern already."
>the entire room is on fire
Invert and use a greatsword here too.
I definitely didn't expect Miriam to be so cutesy, but I guess it makes sense given she's a little girl in an adult's body. The food dialogue is specially cute
>I wanted to eat some too...
Bloodless was one of the easiest bosses for me, playing on Hard.
Who is the Julius of Bloodstained?
Oh shit, this is great user.
And it says neat things when you save/load the game.
I'm getting reamed by Katana dude, I can usually get him to the point he unleashes his weeb powers and goes full fire boi but he just rips me apart after that. Am I supposed to be fighting him so soon? I'm lv 11 running around with a mace because I can't find anything really more effective at the moment.
Johannes, he's just hiding his power level.
I just ran through it without thinking too hard or preparing at all
Probably took like three high potions and a couple of normal ones? Would have been even cheaper if I had low max HP, since I think spike damage is a percentage. I bet there's a ring that helps with that.
Where in the fuck I get pepper
ng+ is a complete waste of time
if you did any postgame content like crafting, cooking or farming relevant yellow shards into grey you'll effortlessly demolish everything even on nightmare
Miriam also reads him when she sits in chairs, which is cute
>Local and online multiplayer for certain co-op and vs. modes
>certain co-op and vs. modes
>After launch you're getting:
>- Co-op & Vs.
>- Local and online multiplayer
Online Co-op was never a stretch goal. It was always Local Co-op and Asychronous Online Multiplayer.
So if they do come out with full online co-op I'd consider it a stroke of luck. Best case in my mind is shit like co-op Roguelike Mode, worst case is having interaction like in Dark Souls where when someone lights a bonfire you get a bonus flask.
Blue chests in Underground Sorcery Lab
>the levels and assets are recycled
That's more of a problem with the games having little no not budget at all, same reason why enemies from fucking Rondo of Blood got recycled even 10 years after, and in SotN's reverse castle case, time restraints too.
had absolutely no fucking trouble with this game until the hidden desert and now i am just getting my shit pushed in, enemies doing tons of damage and I am doing jack shit... what the fuck do I do?
Do you guys actually try to dogde the bosses' attacks and shit? I just stay still in front of them spamming potions and an overpowered shard of choice.
Her Curse of the Moon counterpart was more difficult.
I just Super Sexy Style'd her ass into oblivion with boots+katana+swords
Summon Bat is super powerful early game. As is True Arrow.
You ARE using shards, right?
You need to if you wanna get their medals for beating them with no-damage
You can dodge or facetank. Facetanking just takes longer to become effective and requires grinding. High skill players will just dodge everything and not need to stack 20 more levels to do a facetank because it's tedious.
I do both because grinding in Metroidvanias is fun to me and I like collectan shit.
Old lady wants baked dish covered in white sauce and crispy bottom. What do?
>Use bat shard
>Giant bat appears
I found an remake done by a fan for PC.
he is redoing the game
Get a Rank/Grade 9 "Welcome Company" and "Flame Cannon" to unlock Super Easy Mode and tear through everything.
I remember killing her very easily in Curse of the Moon with Zangetsu's whip
Use Riga Dohin or Riga Storaema on the Buers, they're the main source of pain in my experience and Dohin is useful to shit on them, also helps with the dragon too
I'm really bad at games, I always find a way to cheese bosses with no skill required.
Same. Once I got Tis Raiff that was pretty much the only thing I spammed until the game was over. Barely used the actual weapons lmao.
has anyone modded nightmare mode to have leveling? I'm too big of a bitch to play it is as it is but not enough of a bitch to play it on ng+
Macaroni Gratin
Depends. Usually I make at least a token effort to actually dodge moves and such but if I can't well, shit happens.
the unity remake i suppose, has that been updated, or better yet: does that still exist?
thanks, yeah those buer's are annoying because they get knocked back on hit and then engage flamethrower mode and there is nowhere to fucking go half the time
Roast her bottom and cover her in white sauce
I haven't bothered to check but do medals count towards item percentage? I hope they do.
Ah, don't have those shards. I have summon dog, and a few other odd ones. Suppose I should shard farm?
Don't be a faggot, all you need is 8-bit weapons to cheese it even in level 1.
I think there is a group updating it after the original guy stopped.
Medals count towards fuck all. They don't even give an achievement.
every boss has an atk that makes them stay still for a while. I dodge until they do that and spam small combos on them. their HP drain real fucking fast.
The bosses are definitely the part of the game where bad animations and 2.5 becomes an issue. They're basically just incomprensible compared to the 2d vanias.
That's working smart, user. It might not always get it done faster, but you do get it done.
do you have a link?
They count toward the length of your vidya peen.
bloodless should be playable instead of dumbinique
>find the sword you throw
>only use it since then
Ranged weapons OP
what was that are of Circle of the Moon where you had to run a gauntlet to get dark armor?
Dark armor? And maybe it wasjust called the gauntlet or something. I would have liked a similar challenge area in Bloodstained. Closest thing to that was racing the ninja for accelerator.
Summon Bat basically spawns a few bats that ram through whatever is in front of you for a shotgun like effect. Easy 100-200 points of damage in one casting.
True Arrow shoots 3 arrows at a long distance, has 360 degree aiming, and the damage scales well until mid-late game.
>oriental labs
Yep, they were ripping my ass apart jumping all over the place in those caves until i went back and dumped my rubies into Dohin. It leaves a lingering fireball the doesn't let's them bounce back at you without getting BTFO if it doesn't kills them outright
Why not both
>don't be a faggot
>use cheese weapons
What about playable Dominique with Bloodless dress and hair options?
Unironically one of the best tracks on the OST, user.
Zangetsu don't have a whip in CotM
Miriam does
her arena in RotN is like 4x the size compared to the one in CotM and she is way less aggressive.
If you know what shards to get/enchance or weapons to farm then you should be fine. Just go for it user.
Clearly Zangetsu
>Johannes breaks open Alfred's notes with new eyes after learning the truth
>Becomes a super wizard
>Throws highly potent acid & fire flasks everywhere
>Blasts everything with seeking cursed fireballs
>Teleports all over
>Throws out localized time distortions to stop enemies in place
>Enhances Shards to Rank 99 Grade 99
Not him, but Zangetsu has a weapon called the Chain Whip. He even uses it in this game.
stupid cunt
The game gives you enough options to make things easy, you don't need level ups.
isn't it just hard mode but at permanent level 1?
>The community is still alive and active, if you want the game for yourself just join the Discord:
I haven't personally joined because I have other things to play but that's what I found when I was searching.
Zangetsu DLC: Xmas 2019
Gebel DLC: Early 2020
You play the same levels just with no cutscenes and item drops.
Not when he died.
>Summon Bat
>True Arrow
These two served me well early game too, cheap and strong. Later i was shitting on everything with Va Schia just murdering entire rooms, also cheap as dirt and strong shard
>They count toward the length of your vidya peen
This is all I really need. Was plenty of motivation in OoE as well.
Her arena being small in Curse of the Moon is part of what makes her easy. She doesn't have much room to fly away, which is what she spends most of the battle trying to do. You can just stand on an umbrella and whip her to death and at most you'll get hit once or twice
I waited 4 years for the game, user. I don't mind a dripfeed of improvements to it to make me play it again in a few months.
Nigger Zangetsu has a whip, ball-and-chain one.
It's his default special weapon in RCotM.
He's already doing it, how else he could've followed you around in the castle and even use that huge spell in the end.
Thanks Bros
Eye of Horus you nigger
He's just hiding as to not steal Miriam's thunder. He'll be back.
Source or fuck off
no, the enemies are scaled further up from hard
One of the better levels unironically. Soundtrack is great and i felt difficulty was nice, Ninjas\Gusions\Cats were kicking me all over the place until i learned how to deal with them
She's not even confirmed. No proof for the data mine has ever been given and it's only been said here.