Which is better?
Which is better?
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This one. Other two are ugly as fuck.
Both are hideous but I’ll take WoW over gookshit WoW clones with awful combat anytime.
used as arm candy and make others envious
in my bed hearing that fat ass clap against me with every thrust from behind
Both need bigger tits.
do you even have to ask?
God i want to fuck that slampig
cute and funny
Right is better, but would be great if you tripled them.
I really wish the short stacks in WoW were like Poppy, Tristana and Midna. The goblins have hideous witch faces and gnomes only have one cute face.
Tbqh WoW is a better videogame but worse MMO as of right now.
>E x t r a - T H I C C -
>a literal furfag
Gee, tough choice fuckface. I'll take my going home spam, thrice gutted gameplay over final faggotry
It's kinda sad that blizzards newer designs somehow manage to suck more than TORtanic
Hmm the fat fuck or fit one what a tough question. Anyone that says right is a fat is a chubby chasing low esteem piece of shit that needs to neck them selves. Fuck you.
furries need to be gassed, but fatties are even worse so left goes in the chamber last
>the active best looking sorc gear was high-end pvp exclusive
Deserved to fail
More like
serving me dinner at night with a confrontational look that results in hate sex so enthusiastic that it's better cardio than running
in my bed then on my floor because my bed broke. i probably have a broken pelvis because she landed on me
Imagine being this fat and still not having huge tits. Like they must have been little mosquito bites when she was still normal.
fat is in. even fgo is cashing in on it
>having huge tits
you need a closer look
That thing is even worse
>one is trannies
>the other are BBW or fat fetishist
bfa or bust
I'm sure the numbers will speak for themselves, women are flocking to wow in massive numbers right now to play as kul tirans
>fatty chasers find this attractive
>stretch marks
Extra-thick musclegirl Vs Painfully mediocre bunnygirl. Not even a choice.
are there tons of girls in wow classic? never played the game and want to get a vidya waifu
I know several girls that play modern WoW, a few of which used to play a lot back in vanilla. Doubt they have the time or energy to go back into Classic now that they have adult responsibilities and families and shit, though.
You know what, thats just fucking cute as shit
Hey babe, I know you're really insecure about your stretch marks, but if we paint them we can pretend you're a zebra
Both are accurate representations of their respective regions.
Left is far better. If you could just harness some of the fat from the right and make it fill out the Viera just right, an ultimate combination of hot, sexy, cute, thick, and soft would be achieved. Is such perfection even possible?
I'd stop at the cat, everything else is fair game.
damn! there goes my plan meeting some thicc midwest girl or married woman and making her my in game waifu
Dark Brown
Beyond Superior
Perfect Genetics
Kind Hearted
Middle class
Music, travelling, video games, cooking
True Amazon
House husband
Sharing a hobby
>furry slut vs the ultimate baby maker
looks like a dumb nigger is pissed off
Well, one friend of mine found his wife in WoW and I'm sure they're going to be playing some Classic together. Who knows, it could happen to you too.
Is this even a real question
Good taste
t.seething furfag in denial
>pretty furry goes back to human hands
>felicia from Darkstalkers ever appealing to furries
is this shitposting
>the chad japanese dev vs the western pandering virgin
This is too depressing to read and flip through, fuck you.
Would smooch that tum.
How can we stop Americans from making games?
In my case? Nah, /fit/ women are great.
I might try it. i'll probably suck at the game so hopefully "she" finds it charming
Gacha bugmen are the lowest of the low, why are you proud to be with them?
all of final fantasy's females look the same
and the males have utter garbage face/facial hair options
both sides suck
I'd take a Mithra and Miqo'te over both, but definitely Viera over gross fat shit
>all that thicc
Sad day when a legitimate autistic hatred for all things furry is dismissed as simple shitposting
Iove that this is the only shit FF14 faggots can bring up against wow. As soon as the player base or actual depth of content comes into play the FF14 faggots run for cover. Both are shit mmos but every fucking ff14 player I experienced is a mentally ill safe space faggot. In world of warcraft these faggots are pushed in certain servers but in FF14 they are the fucking norm for the playerbase.
That is disgusting.
did you use an addon to make that comment?
today I will remind them
are you a falseflagger?
You can get a qt muscular wife if you believe, user.
are you a blizzard marketer/resetranny?
Right: soul
Left: pedo
The races in SWTOR were literally all just reskins that shared the same animations
Gods bless that man for bringing to us the banditits
>do you want skinnes or fatties
Why not both?
right with face of left
>literally some girl with bunny ears bolted on
is this a crop
I wish XIV had half the heal checks and tank pressure WoW have
>all these fat fags
I guess The Architect would be proud
>all these rabbit fags
Get out this is Miqo'te country
I agree man, which addons do use like most to heal and tank?
>Slutty brown woman with bunny ears = new race
>Normal white woman but fat = new race
Both are fucking dumb as shit and about as low effort as you can get
Why people are calling ,"thicc" to shapeless slobs without breasts and furry to a tan human with bunny ears?????
>Cat not "fine too"
Ruined it
resetrannies falseflagging and trying to instill an idea
>FF women aren't allowed to be thick or very muscular
>WoW women can but they look retarded
First one is gross. I feel like a pedo for even looking at her, 2nd is good for fucking but thats it. Smash and pass.
>My degeneracy is better than yours
I'm not saying this can't be true, but relax.
The cat fears the rabbit.
leaked footage of shadowbringers early access
This thread is fucking retarded, as expected of MMO players.
that girl on the right is thic, athletic and not fat, i bet that she has more muscle than 99% of v
Shai is cute
>FF women aren't allowed to be thick or very muscular
Roegadyn and Highlanders can be musclegirls.
why would you pick that?
Wait are ff14 trannies really acting like being able to use addons is a bad thing
What cat would fear a rabbit? None
I don't use one because I play XIV, not WoW. Instead I just memorize when the boss is gonna use Aero III or Almagest and time my CDs accordingly because everything in XIV is scripted as fuck.
Stop being hypocrite and pretending XIV linear, rigid mechanical rotation doesn't make it just as retarded as having an addon telling you shit. There is no point in making elaborate shit like Hello World if you always know when it's going to happen and just have to keep bashing your head against it until you do the dance right because you know there won't be some wild card on your way to make you adapt or do something differently.
Most ffags think viera looks bad anyway, they prefer some fat faced aura or cat
at least i'm not a furry
when you start making raid mechanics around the expectation that everyone is using a third party tool like DBM then that's just poor game design.
theres only one superior race to choose
hand holding is generally looked down upon yes. When an addon is telling you what is happening and what you need to do it's kind of pathetic.
Oh you Amerifats and your obesity fetish.
It just kind of paints some lines on your body. There's no real shape to the muscles.
Also, flat butts.
at this point wow is the 14 clone
it really is.
Whichever one has the cutest feet
So why doesn't 14 have good movement?
its not a twitch based game.
someone post that webm of the cat getting BTFO by a rat
It's a slow as molasses for console plebs game.
>admits shilling for blizz
>game has 4 literally full furry races and 5th coming
>calls someone playing human with cat/bunny ears or horns furry
unironically kys
I don't see how its slow when you can do a 1080 degree spin in half a second in FFXIV like you can in WoW.
Can I point out a bigger problem than making her look dumpy? They didn't give her a butt.
dude that butt is huge wtf is wrong with you
too much anime to be honest fa m
Or tits despite high body fat being known for being one of the reasons behind big butts and tits.
wow doesn't have furry races. it has monster races.
the fact that blizzard hq wasn't burned down over these things is the reason why wow is dead
Blizzard probably didn't give her much of a butt since they nerfed widow's butt
pandas are literally furries.
>Unironically defending DBM
Is this supposed to be good or bad?
Might I suggest a compromise?
It's not huge, it's pretty small proportional to how fat her thighs are. Since she is just fat, they should have at least given her an ass.
I would bang every playable race in Eorzea at least once just like I would bang every playable race in Azeroth at least once.
no they aren't. they are full animals instead of an animal/human hybrid.
The point is to be forced to look at a character that is the epitome of ugliness, that's why even the few redeeming qualities of real extra fatness are excised.
They should have given us strong looking female, instead of just fatties
Why post Kul'Tiran females and not void elf females?
Void elf females are just blood elf females. KT women were the only new looking race they got.
hmm you are wrong, she's not ugly, bet she's better looking than you
also wrong, she has a great ass, i need to look at it from the back but still looks great
blizzard wins again fucking weebs
They're just re-skinned Pandaren.
>he'd bang undead
Her ass is terrible even from the back.
well, it's good when (you) do it
Nah. Pandaren are actually attractive in comparison.
well it's wide dont it? what more do you need on an ass? even here it has a nice portion of meat what do you call a good video game ass that is not overwatch?
literally a war crime
I started playing the FF XIV trial yesterday and I'm now level 10. Feels like Guild Wars 2 so far, including the goofy cringe story. The only FF games I've played are Tactics Advance 1 & 2 so I'm into Vieras but this game is making it hard to get into.
Are any of the allied races even remotely good looking?
this is correct
even if you like fat chicks the left is infinitely better
fat and ugly
thicc and sexy
ARR doesnt get "good" until the end. Which sucks balls.
However Heavenward is extremely kino and worth playing through ARR.
Dark Iron kind of, all of them are just reskins though to sell race changes.
lightforged goats are just regular goats but grey, so them. also void elves since they're just purple belves
that's about it.
>inb4 clear alliance bias
This is why you don't let amateurs design chubbers. They should all be fired.
wait whats the right one from? I like it
I'm not so sure about that since they intentionally fuck people over if they do go for just the race change instead of leveling them.
All you need to heal or tank is improved unit frames, maybe nameplates, and mouseover macros for healing. Anything else is clutter.
Based and Architectpilled, anyone voting right is a poser and a fraud.
You need to be hard into the fuckery. If you don't already have years and years of goodwill toward this trash you're going to struggle.
>he wouldn't bang undead
>all of them are just reskins though to sell race changes.
the allied races all have objectively superior racials to "free" races
If you want the transmog armor, but that's about it. You only need to do that once on that race anyway to have it available to all the characters of that race.
You may not like it, but Kul Tiran males are what peak performance looks like.
Either you pay for a race change or pay for the subtime to manually slog from 20-120. Blizzard wins each time
>one race unlocked after you grind to level 120, do a dumbass questline, grind to exalted, wait months for blizzard to put them into the game, FINISH the second part of that dumbass questline, and grind to level 120 AGAIN all to switch your model.
>race change: 25$, god forbid if the class you play isn't on the race you want.
>one race unlocked when you buy the fucking expansion
>race change: $10. All races can play all classes.
there's a reason I jumped ship from wow
Nobody likes it. It's why the game is dead.
Yeah, they do have much better racials too which is why people would change to them, other than if you really like the look.
You may not like it, but that doesn't make it true.
Also they nerfed heirlooms power and significantly increased XP needed to level right before allied races came out so it's even more annoying to level than before.
Yeah, but you still have to slog through it once so I wouldn't really say it incentivizes race changing unless you really want several classes of the same race.
You don't have to slog through it unless you really want the transmog armor.
>shit UI
>shit combat
no thanks but I'm glad I tried ff and not get interested on it.
And you should know as well as Blizzard does how strong FOMO is.
Fran is better than anything Blizzard could make, I feel like I wasted her by making her a Machinist/White Mage
>Such a shame it took a month to hit 119. Better pay for another month. Maybe a mount to celebrate? and you'll need gold! Best to grab a token as well
asexual waifu who only has sex to please you, she doesn't care about it herself.
I would like something in the middle
>inb4 amerifats bluescreen at the prospect
Which game are you talking about?
Whoever made this chart is actually retarded
>showing pets on unit frames
Not based, not based at all
It's almost like a glorified excel sheet.
Correct. Everything on it IS furry.
>Cat ears are furry
Not really? Most of the racials aren't particularly amazing. Lightforged became fotm in BfA because of their racial but that was the only note-worthy case.
The only racials that have really been close to "OP" in recent times are Blood Elf or Troll.
Even the human is furry. DO NOT BE DECEIVED.
play Guild Wars
No Fingerless Glove meter?
Imagine the smell
Are you retarded? Have you even looked at Zandalari?
It's missing some 3 more scales between the cat and the furry
>cumming over that pudge and watching your seed dissapear into her belly button
If I had to pick one to have for a night I'd unironically pick right.
Based as fuck
Funny, but this is just cute.
>never saw a big ass in his life
Cute fat panda boys are literally the only reason I still play WoW despite it's garbage gameplay
If FFXIV had the same pandaren I'd be in heaven
Why does anyone say thicc? The word is fat.
Pigskins are gonna pick the Pigskin, obviously. Why even make this topic here?
Stop normalizing fat pieces of shit you useless stupid body positivity niggers
Anyone have the FFXIV race size chart?
Only because this pedo bait from BDO is the sole class small enough to compensate for your thimble dick.
If anything it's a case against fat women because they made them so hideous.
Based taste, I wish I was Poppy just so I could cuck the fuck out of Rumble that fucking twink, I would use my gigantic (relative to yordle size) ass to smother trust as she tries to breath enough just to say "more pwease" then I would choke hold her with my strong arms and power dive her tight pussy
Thank you
>male miqote barely taller than leezards
heh, manlets
Why do WoWfags constantly seethe over their dead game?
You play a game for over 10 years and watch it crash and burn and say nothing about it.
A man of patrician tastes
i do
Everquest was always better
I wanna spit on and then smack that gut.
because they realize they are becoming the next tortanic
I went into this thread expecting tummies of this magnitude. I was sorely disappointed.
i would break her womb
>tfw KT Druid Female called Fatform
They were made for memes.
was a holy pally in wrath, this guy is turbo retard. you literally need none of those bottom right panels, also his keybinds are retarded and the raid frames are ugly af, you could heal just fine with just default raid frames,dbm, and the right macros
lit my gf