Also first game for said system
Also first game for said system
Other urls found in this thread:
3, and Alex Kidd.
NES. Started with the old school Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt cartridge.
Dad worked at an electronics repair shop, and would come home with random crates of NES games. It was great.
well where the fuck is the sega genesis controller?
Sega Genesis
Beyond Oasis
Starfox 64 and Super Mario64
2 and SMB/Duck Hunt.
We had Zelda around the same time though.
Check this 8 for Mario Party
My dad would play arcade games with me on an emulator when I was really little. but when it comes to the image, either 4 or 6, don't remember. Probably Kirby or SM64. First thing I personally owned was a GBA with Super Mario World. Got Wario Land 4 a few years later.
>NES. Started with the old school Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt cartridge.
same, my sister (who is 11 years older than me) had the NES with SMB/Duck Hunt and Kirby and it's thanks to her I discovered them
no genesis?
where's Genesis? that was my first
2, Super Mario Bros 3
12 era so that I could use it on my pc, fuck consoles.
forgot to put the post I was responding to
4 I guess with pkm red
4 then 5.
10. Ask me anything
2, adventure island
1, 2600
Super Star Wars i didn't beat it until like 7 years later
3. I feel fucking old now.
>posts boomer image
>started with 4
Cringe, Fucking zoomers
OT: 1
4, it was a gameboy color though, and I got Pokemon Yellow.
I was 6 years old.
Like many kids in rural england growing up in the 90's, we had mixes. So I started with a Sega genesis, then a gameboy colour.
hello fellow yuropoor
2, SMB
I owned a NES as a hand me down gift for a while, but the first system I owned and bougjt games for was the PS1.
6, Super Mario 64
5, Super Mario World
2, but can't remember the first game I ever played.
Mega Man 3 sticks out as one I'd play the fuck out of though
NES, but really N64.
Why is this guy holding all the old controllers so awkwardly?
If we're only going with what's in the picture, 1, with Mario Bros. If we're talking actually, 0, a Texas Instruments pong game with a few other games in it.
keyboard + mouse
>Crash Bandicoot 2
Weird to think that most people on Yea Forums now weren't even born around the PS1 times
6, but I had a chinese bootleg console I played NES games on before that in eastern europe. I really wish I could find one, but I don't remenber what it was called. It was black with blue buttons and the cartriges were yellow. Came with a light gun too
>People saying 1 but not saying what game
Zaxxon or Pitfall
PC cuz im smart
12, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
probably some millenial twat who never played on consoles without shoulder buttons so he isn't used to not holding his index fingers up there.
1, my sister's Atari 2600
Ikari Warriors
Anyway, rather than Master System, shouldn't Genesis be there?
7. Resident Evil when I was 3.
1, barnstorming.
Even had some wierd home PC before that called 'victory'
Played all of those except atari.
Cant remember if it was Quake or Tetrisphere
2, but tried 1 out at a friend's place as a kid.
You're all zoomers the lot of ya. Even you 1's
Nintendo revisionists pretend it doesn't exist as it was better than the SNES
7 Crash
>holds the n64 controller wrong
cringe and instagrampilled
I had a n64 and a gameboy growing up. Which number should i choose?
he's clearly playing Pokemon Stadium minigames
NES with Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt
Why isn't the Genesis on here?
Is everyone on Yea Forums really that fucking old?
pokemon yellow
im 31 years old
i started at 1
2 1942
4 Pokemon Red
5 Top Gear
7 Gran Turismo
8 Virtua Tennis
Where is the Duke?
i played a lot of 2 at my friends house, but i didn't own a system until 4+5 around the same time
gameboy tetris, snes SMW
Probably World or DKC but I really don't remember. My earliest memory of a game on SNES is us renting ALTTP 3 times in a row from blockbuster but Im near certain that wasn't the first one we had.
2 and 3
Punch out and Wonder Boy 3 Dragon's Trap
No PS1, no GBC...
1, Odyssey 2
god it was a piece of shit.
6, Super Mario 64 and DK 64.
4, Tetris
2. Mario.
there is a Dual Shock 1, Goosefag
PS1 controller isn't even in the picture
2, Adventure Island
2-Famicom: Circus Charlie
user, ps1 is number 7
>Sega saturn isnt even in that picture
First game was the port of Myst they did. I recall finding it very disturbing because of the lack of people in the game.
7, Crash Bandicoot
4, tetris.
This doesnt really determine at all what age you are. Could just have your first play with your parents old consoles, which is the case for me
It's 7.
5 Megaman X
no there isn't; 7 is a DS2, 12 is a DS3
Gameboy Color
Tennis and Super Mario Bros Deluxe
>OG xbox
so would that be 7,8, or 10?
Halo CE
it's white and says PSOne, so it's a fucking Dual Shock 1
where the fuck is the genesis? nintendo takes up three fucking slots on the second row?
1, lunar lander
1, 2, GENESIS, SATURN, 7, 12
hello fellow old ass faggot
3) F U C K C O N S O L E S
4 then 2 then 12 then 9
Super Mario Bros. 3
also fuck consolefags
1 and 4. 4 still works.
2 (NES), Super Mario Bros.
2 but it was a crappy chinese knockoff nes we called "Family" in my country. I got one of those 100 in 1 games cartridges where half the games would not even work.
2. Mario
>Super Mario World
Same as this
90's kids Chads ww@?
I actually started at PC, too. I played Wolfenstein and was super awful, my cousin kept yelling at me lmao. Then I got a SNES and PS1. Pretty much PC/PS going forward
A lot of 4 through 10.
Not sure why Saturn isn't there though.
Anyway I got 13 (360) instead of 12, but by the mid-point of 7th gen Xbox went to utter shit and never recovered.
Same thing for Nintendo, after GC they forever got stale on their main systems (in which I include Switch) so they are a lost cause for me, DS and 3DS still got a handful of 3rd party gems though.
Now I'm only PS4 and soon PS5. With PC of course but real PC gaming died in the early 2000's so it's a secondary system now despite me always having an up-to-date rig.
2. and that triple cartridge that had Super Mario Bros, Tetris and Nintendo World Cup
Fuck off zoomer.
Solar Striker
7, Tekken 3
Good memories.
I feel the same way about Nintendo. Loved the hell out of GC, everything else is either okay or terrible.
4, 5, or 6; I don't remember
where is genesis?
shit list
5. SMW
6 with Bugs Life
and lol atari is shit
>No Genesis
5, Super Mario World
A cheap 3rd party knockoff of 1.
My family gave me and my cousin (who I was pretty close to) handmedown systems, so I can't remember if I started with 5 or 7. I also had a friend as a kid with 6 and 11. My first games on the PS1 were Crash and Tomb Raider, though, and the cousin had SNES Yoshi's Island and SMW.
I'm 19.
2 mario
3, Ghostbusters, but I had no clue what I was doing.
you are too young fuck off super Mario world is shit fuck you faggot go suck start a shotgun
the first gaming device i ever had was a GBA SP, and some crappy spongebob game i think. the first console i ever had was a gamecube, i got a handful of games with it but i remember playing sonic adventure 2 the most of them.
9 and pic related
kino and SOUL
I dunno which you would say is first. I inherited it from my older brother when he got a SNES. I played a lot of Zelda, North and South, Clash at Demonhead, P.O.W. and metric assloads of Mario 1 2 and 3.
>Beyond Oasis
You've got me at half mast already fren
GameBoy came out in 89 I'd say that's sufficient
Either 6 or 8. Either sonic for the dreamcast or donkey kong for the n64
2, Duck Hunt. My parents had a ton of games for it, but I fondly remember playing the shit outta duck hunt, zelda 2 and some ninja game(not gaiden)
stupid fucking god danm motherfucking lizards i hope you fucking die and all your lizards along with you may your fucking house burn down faggot
2 and TMNT 3 or SMB 3, can't remember which
GTA San Andreas
It was 4 for me
My dad got me one on a business trip he went on
5. Super Mario World
Gameboy Color
2. SMB/Duck Hunt.
Batman the Brave and the Bold
Sonic the Hedgehog
>literally underage
get the fuck out and the wii was trash
Friendly reminder that an Atari controller will function on a Sega Genesis. One button is all you need for Sonic The Hedgehog.
>inb4 where is le cellphone
No keyboard?
>pic is not in chronological order
fucking fail
2. 1997 poor boy.
4, pokemon yellow
5: SNES, but even as a kid I liked PC more
Mom never let me get any game consoles besides Wii because it was healthy until I turned 16
I believe 7. My family wasn’t wealthy enough to afford much. I used to live in Watts when I was young and my father had bought us a PlayStation but one day overnight some darkies(yes I’m racist towards them ever since this incident) broke into our room(the room of two young boys, a preschooler and a first grader) while we were sleeping and stole out PlayStation. Our dad bought us a Dreamcast to make up for it and the niggers did it again. This made my mother feared for our lives and we finally got outta that hell hole
I recently passed by our old place once and saw how some of the homes have steel panels completely blocking the windows to the rooms there. Black people deserve the oppression they get when they behave the way they do. Why can’t you idiots actually do something with you’re lives like the role models they all like to worship
None of these.
Keyboard, then genesis controller.
PSX and tomb raider 3
>Implying anyone had a fucking Master System except for that one rich kid that had everything
>No Genesis controller
6, Star Fox 64
4 was the first I owned but 2 I played alot of at my uncle's before I got it.
Pizza Hut Demo Disc (vol 1)
First real game was either Tomba 2 or Spyro, I was too young to remember.
1, and Space Invaders. I do recall having that, Combat, Asteroids, Missile Command, Adventure, and Pitfall before the family got an NES.
3, and Sonic 1
Genesis, Streets of Rage 2.
NES, probably Mario 1 or 3
Fuck off reddit scum your shitty memes are not welcome here.
wheres the genisis controller?
did a zoomer make this?
2 and DOS PC.
Vetrex. My uncle used to bring it over and I'd play Space Wars all the time. I really want to get one again.
I remember going to a friend's house to play SNES games, but my first console was the N64 with Super Mario 64.
I want to go back...
We had 1, 2, and then 5.
3 looks vaguely familiar.
Nice data collection scheme
as in actually allowed to play video games and bought the console? 9
Born in 96 but my bro already had Nes, Snes, and N64 meanwhile my dad bought the Ps2 at launch shit was lit famalam
4, batman or super mario land
nes gun and duck hunt
Hasn't "le" been an ironic Yea Forums meme for years now?
2 and Super Mario Bros.
1080 snowboarding
Megadrive and ps1. First game I played on megadrive was splatterhouse and Abes Oddysee on PlayStation
> 5, Super Mario World
>missing based saturn
every time
11, super mario galaxy
n64 majoras mask and mario kart 64
1 i guess although we actually had a colecovision with an atari adapter. my favorite game was combat.
One would have to have been on Yea Forums for longer than 2 months to know that.
1. Pac-Man and Pong (with the totally rad dial)
6 and DK64
Not that I am that old, we had an Atari 2600 in 1994, when I was 4 years old and nothing else.
The game was Frogs and Flies I think.
It was some Human Cannonball game.
Rainbow Islands, Gauntlet, Mickey Mouse's Castle of Illusion/Land of Illusion, and of course the built in Alex Kidd.
2, Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt. Can't remember which one I played first, though.
2 and Simon's Quest
what an awful normalfag frendly facebook tier image.
1, Dig Dug
5, super mario world
>Only a few instances of people starting higher than 5
Even now there is hope for man
Crash Bandicoot for the PS1, every time I beat a level I thought it was amazing and would run to tell my parents
1, River Raid
I'm 19 btw
6, ocarina of time
2. duck hunt
based and oldpilled
1. Kangaroo and/or Battlezone.
That image needs about two more rows desu. Doesn't have Mega Drive or PS2, let alone a few less successful but still prominent systems like Saturn or PC Engine.
I wasn't a poor so I started with a PC, got my own desktop with internet connection in 1995, I was 4.
No wonder poorfags stay poor across generations when their kids grow up on brainlet shit like Super Mario instead of X-COM and RTS.
I have played this through an RF antenna adapter on a TV that you powered on and off with the volume knob.
>got my own desktop with internet connection in 1995, I was 4.
No wonder you ended up here with the rest of us
Commodore 64 and Super Frog
8 but it was actually a bootleg NES with 9 games included (Mario, Battle City, Tennis, Soccer, Lode Runer, Galaxian, Duck Hunt, Clay Shooting Duck Hunt, some other game i forgot and those 9 games repeated 99 999 991 times).
Super Mario Bros
5 and Super Mario World
Fighters destiny as far as I remember
Dig dig diggidy, dig diggidy dog
some elmo game
my first REAL game i actually remember playing was pokemon yellow though
1, Bobby is Going Home
A Chinese NES with PSX like buttons. This one
None of the above.
Mattel Intellivision. Dungeons & Dragons.
I started with 2, and then
>8 my personal favourite
Super Mario World
motherfucking Ice Climber
I was like 3 or so, I only know because my parents told me later.
I also played a lot of Excitebike and Clu Clu Land and master race games I don't even remember.
7, ATV Offroad Fury 2.
3, new zealand story or alex the kidd
1. Atari 2600 Fishing Derby
I had the Epyx brand of that joystick for Atari, seen here:
I played with a keyboard and mouse first because I'm not a faggot
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
First game was donkey kong country
What's it like being relatively new to games? Are you interested in trying older stuff?
>tfw never used a single console in my life
8 and Chu Chu Rocket
I'm 28 now.
I was poor and didn't have a game system until I was 14.
My first game was .hack//infection
5, DKC
I guess 2 but I have early childhood memories of playing street fighter 2 and fifa with my cousin on what I think was a ps1
Sorry, I meant 7, not 12. Didn't notice 12 was a ps3 controller.
centipede or asteroids or something
11, Super Mario Galaxy
1. some tank thing i think. i was very young.
commodore 64 and neptunes daughter
who else boomer here?
gotta punch those apples
2 Super Mario Bros. 3
2, good old Mario/Duck Hunt