What are some good post-apocalyptic games?
What are some good post-apocalyptic games?
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They predicted the exact same thing in the 70s and the 80s and the 90s and the 2000s and this decade as well. It's not happened; Arctic ice has increased, sea levels aren't rising, agriculutral production is increasing, it's all going rather well. The biggest risk to the planet however is overpopulation from Africa and Asia.
Splatoon 2
These dudes overcompensating for their tiny dicks with massive pick-up trucks don't exactly help though.
It's 2019. We should have fully transitioned to EVs decades ago. What the fuck.
>believing Australia
uh, ll be 64 by then, can we speed it up, say next 5 years?
>Arctic ice has increased
citation needed, and if i see a shit example of sea ice leveling itself because a gigantic skyscraper chunk melted off and flattened out you should turn off your air conditioner and get hit by a car
Shut up goy and be afraid and consume antidepressants and listen to your masters
Cool! A new doomsday prediction!
All of this is untrue, but hey.
Civilization might end by 2050, but it will be because of whites dying off. Not because of climate change
>It's the current year
>Still 31 years to go
Shit, too late.
Not really. Climate alarmist have been incorrectly doomsday predicting for decades
>but vey
I hear Atom RPG is pretty gud. I can't think of many great ones that I've played though that aren't the ones already talked about all the time.
>Arctic ice has increased
>sea levels aren't rising
>agricultural production is increasing
at the cost of the environment, agriculture production is currently unsustainable
Nah, I don't think I will
Nice sources dude I truly trust you.
Fuck you I'm not driving some electric car.
I don't mind dumping money into gas nor care if we'll be alive in the future.
>its a global warming episode
>climate change
is funny to see liberal americucks becoming doomsday conspiracy faggots
are they building bunkers yet?
>climate change
Oh yeah the thingy we will solve by giving politicians more money, influence and power over our lives. Oh yes i truly believe that is a real thing aswell as my state media beating me with a hammer with it with scary stories and headlines about it. Damn they even starting calling some austistic 16 year old girl with a famous mom to no ones suprise a prophet for speaking up against it and how we totally need to save the earth!!!
And everyone who says anything against me is bought out by big Corp!
>arctic ice has increased
Not true, Antarctic ice has, but not nearly enough to compensate from the loss of the Arctic ice cap.
Literally not early enough.
Permafrost in the Northern Hemisphere is thawing at a crazy rate. This permafrost has been there since the dawn of man and under it is gigatons of methane. But of course, there's no problem it's all a conspiracy because some people were wrong with prediction models 40 years ago.
Lets see a source of the stuff the guy he was replying to was talking about then. You seem eager to believe him.
If they're so scared about global warming, why don't they build a giant maginifiying glad and burn down cities until all power plants are replaced with windmills?
Then stop destroying western civilization and importing third world era.
where are your sources for the artic ice increasing
Imagine the smell.
God I hope this is true.
It's a good way to get money and votes. Stupid goyim will believe anything if act like the world is coming to an end and get "experts" to say so on NPR.
>more climate scaremongering
Out of the thousands of giant container ships burning bunker oil out in the ocean, the top 13 largest ones together belch out more emissions than EVERY SINGLE CAR ON THE PLANET COMBINED.
You could take one of those out of service and give everyone in north america a coal-rolling lifted crew cab and come out better than before. Fuck you and your waaw car emissions bullshit.
Overpopulation is easily solvable with enough money to build more cities.
Between overpopulated cities there's enough space to fit lots of shit still. We humans are nothing to the parts of the earth we're not currently in.
So the increase in more extreme weather patterns around the world doesn't say amythong to you? The pic in the OP is exagerating but the end will come in the coming centuries I think.
>you share a planet with people like this
Nice projection tiny dick.
>muh primitive ice
Cool boogieman.
Evil Genius in preparation for Evil Genius 2.
Replaying Breath of the Wild is always fun too
Why don’t people ever blame the true culprits of fucking up the environment fucking china and india
it's a planetary scale BRRRRRRRRAAAAAAPPP
Lmao. Fake news.
Thank god i thought i would have to tolerate this clown world for another 60 years
Go hug a tree
Learn to make a thread, everyone knows that zoomers are drawn to clickbait articles like flies to shit
>='( Nnooooo goyim don't contradict the narrative!
You have to remember that most climate change going on is because of corporations, not the every day man.
We all can't do SHIT.
Good goy
>only starting
Way too late.
Y'all (((scientists))) cucks have been saying the same since the 1800's
Fucking lmao
I can’t wait for another ice age. Mammoths and dragons will return and the southrons will freeze to death
>source: my brainwashed /pol/tard ass
electric cars require electricity, guess where most of it comes from.
This is a part of Greenland currently, this used to be all ice sheet for tens of thousands of years. Looks like Greenland is soon to be a sea.
What do y'all think about the ~secret~ German WWII-established base on Antarctica?
>Im brainwashed jewtard ass thats better right?
God I hope this is true
>what is the Sun
>everything I don't like is a jewish conspiracy
This isn't helping.
>Crowder in charge of being able to read a graph
>Crowder in charge of choosing the one flawed study out of thousands that say otherwise to support his claims
i thought 2021 is when the world ends?
That happens every year you retard. It's just a melt period. The reason that was in the news is because it happened early this year
>Civilization ends
>Shows New York underwater
Yeah sucks to be you chums near the ocean. I will "send thoughts and prayers" your way.
most SMT games
On the other hand, they've trained their sled dogs to walk on water
I'm not the one claiming to know better about climate change than experts, /pol/tard
the burden of proof is on you
All these naysayers when it becomes inescapably obvious that big change is comine and there's no turning back:
>dude I've been saying it for years, bro! I always knew it! In fact, I was even telling people and I never doubted it for a second because I'm not stupid, bro!
>he unironically thinks solar can fix the world's electric problem
>Narrowing your field so small that the fact that a little bit comes back during winters disproves half a century of recorded history
Get owned libcucks
>increase in more extreme weather patterns
>report from random faggot says this
>study from random Jews says this
>book written my random PhD queer says this
People say lots of shit these days with little to no evidence.
Minecraft. Most of the environment is destructable
"climate change experts"
Just like the "medical experts" who now classify transgenderism as no longer a mental health issue but gaming addiction as one.
Good goy
we deserve it at this point, no culture so saturated with vapid shit like ecelebs deserves to live
not like it matters to me, i'll be dead and you young faggots better learn some swimming lessons
Nothing ever happens.
End of the world my ass. Plenty of land left.
Who needs evidence if all people do about this situation is throw shit at one another anyway?
Climate Change just became a religious thing by now. Nothing is ever happening and people want to argue.
>the year is 2050
>nothing happens
>alarmists start saying the world will end in 2100
>nothing happens
>repeat ad infinitum
The real question here is what bullshit they'll start pushing next, hopefully a nuclear war panic.
Yeah no shit. Humans have been larping about the end of the world for 5000 years. Nothing ever happens
I agree, only hard reset can save this hellhole at this point. Too bad nothing will happen.
On top of this entire post being wrong or misleading, most doomsaying models of the early 2000's had to do with the ozone layer crisis not being fixed.
If the ozone layer crisis hadn't been fixed we would truly be fucked right now.
And all it took was a few regulations... wow... whoahh...
>muh climate change meme
I love how this meme keeps changing for political reasons. Up until the 2000s we'd be LITERALLY DEAD OMG THE OZONE DEPLETION WILL DESTROY US ANY MINUTE NOW HOLY SHIT AND THE EARTH IS COOLING WE'LL FREEZE TO DEATH.
Then when that didn't work, suddenly they changed the meme to muh global warning with OH EM GEE THE NORTH POLE WILL COMPLETELY MELT DOWN IN JUST A FEW YEARS WE'RE ALL GONNA DROWN. Surprise surprise, almost two decades later the north pole is still there and it actually dropped temperature a bit.
Oof. Guess they're going to have to call it Blueland!
environmentalism is a fucking doomsday cult.
The sea levels rising a bit isn't going to destroy human civilization wtf.
Tell that to the middle east
or the natives of any island
or the natives of the americas
or the jews
or the armenians
or the protestants
Electric vehicles are more ecologically damaging to the environment up front due to lithium mining, and we're already up a creek trying to meet energy demand through green energy alone. To actually see benefit from that, you'd have to develop a way to generate massive amounts of cheap energy without relying on fossil fuels, and the only real promising solution we can dream of involves creating tons of solid waste for fission or somehow solving the riddle of fusion.
At least do some research before you suggest something inane.
>nothing has happened yet therefore nothing will ever happen
There should be a fallacy for this if there isn't already
reminder that the solution to this is to quell corporatism in a way that does not give the government excessive control over the people
>Then when that didn't work...
But the ozone layer was fixed.
The crisis was literally averted thanks to the warnings. I think you mistakenly believe that the ozone depletion remained unchecked and there were no consequences from that.
I seriously hope none of you have bought into the "manmade global warming" hoax. The constant scare is a billion dollar industry that lines of the pockets of committees, "nonprofits", lobbyists and governments the world over. Actually do some research and do some thinking
>Ice melts
>Sea level rises
Literal brainlet, if ice melts sea levels will only go down, but since there is a little bit of ice above the water surface (like in those iceberg pictures you uses as a meme) it compensates for the ice below water surface so the sea level stays just about the same.
You realize overpopulation is the reason for all this climate nonsense, right? Building more cities/housing will just increase human impetus to breed. If you want to solve the problem you need to go the edgelord route and kill half the populace.
5000 years is nothing tho
>If the ozone layer crisis hadn't been fixed we would truly be fucked right now.
Imagine falling for the ozone hole meme and then immediately falling for the next one
Xenoblade 2
>water levels rise & sink fucking everything on Earth
>everyone just makes floating ocean cities
>salvage diving becomes a booming economic business
All we lack are the anime rock ladies & clouds.
Can you elaborate on how it was a meme?
Too late. Also consider we live in a serfdom where one family controls all the money (resources) in the world.
Pollution is great and nothing should ever be done about it because shitting into your own food and water supply is great and has never had consequences.
Literal brainlet that skipped grade school physics lmao
Melting of continental ice does increase sea level though. That's ice on Greenland and the Antarctic.
Kevin Costner lied to me. There should be water fucking everywhere.
Cold hard economic facts and massive changes in the biosphere don't give a fuck about what you think.
i wont give a fuck by the time that happens
I hope this is true.
>I'll say corporatism instead of capitalism so I don't look like too much of a lefty
grow a backbone
All this climate change stuff sounds like that Ed Bernay's engineering of consent to get you to buy shit. Because you're more likely to spend money when you're depressed.
There's more carbon dioxide in the air now than any time in 3 million years. We have science that backs up exactly what this does to the atmosphere. It's going to be a drawn out process the effects of this of course. You are an idiot if you do not believe there are.
I guess we'd better tell China and India to stop putting so much CO2 into the air, huh? Oh wait.
And what about volcanoes? Do we just politely ask them to stop fucking up the air?
Why would I want to tell them anything they're all dead lmao
In about 5 billion years the sun will become a red giant and destroy Earth, then you can be sure shit will happen. Too bad nothing will be alive to see it, but at least the apocalypse alarmists want so hard is coming someday.
Oh hey I remember when this happened in Redondo Beach, smelled fuckin awful
Imagine if we put as much effort and money into researching a developing green energy as we did fucking up the earth with cheap temporary solutions like nuclear energy.
>I guess we'd better tell China and India to stop putting so much CO2 into the air, huh? Oh wait.
yeah we should
>Oh wait.
what was meant by this?
>I'll be 62 when the world ends
Just in time to retire.... fuck my life. Why even bother working if I'm gonna be dead guaranteed.
check this goy out
lmao I wish I could be half as multitalented as the average /pol/tard, experts on every topic known to man
>If you want to solve the problem you need to go the edgelord route and kill half the populace.
And what's wrong with that exactly?
Nice distortion faggot.
Solar panels are expensive as fuck. And God help if one of them catches fire.
>I'll dodge arguments in favor of stupid distinctions that matter only to me because that's how discussions should work
God, you're a moron.
>climate change real
>The biggest risk to the planet however is overpopulation from Africa and Asia.
Who keeps sending money to those fucking africans and helping them breed like rabbits? Why is this even happening.
Certain countries are overpopulated but the world is not. This is high school retardation
>now than any time in 3 million years.
Why are you using that time frame?
The difference this time is YT disappearing from the West by 2050
yeah I'll be like 59 when this happens, my dad's age, lol
>this map
what the fuck did they do to germany
overpopulation is way more of a boogeyman than climate change is. Overpopulation is only a problem if you assume that our current models of resource distribution continue on forever. The wealthiest stratums of human society consume far more resources than everyone else does and they do it an unsustainable rate. The easiest solution to overpopulation is to just pressure/tax the wealthy and reduce consumption/waste levels in the developed world
NieR:Automata for post-apocalypse thousands of years after humanity, how we're gonna be looked at and perceived by outside forces
The Last of Us / Metro 2033 for people surviving in an immediate post-apocalypse
Distortion my ass. Anytime someone mentions ending fossil fuels it's like you fucking grievously insulted some tradition. We don't use fucking whale oil lamps anymore. No one fucking misses them either.
Nuclear energy even at its worst doesn't really fuck the planet, most forms of life are too short lived to experience any of the negatives of increased background radiation.
>Arctic ice has increased, sea levels aren't rising
Critical changes in the atmosphere are just one aspect of the inevitable apocalypse. Energy generation, arable land, water cycles, rare minerals, changes in sea currents and weather patterns, pollution, mass extinction etc. there are so many oncoming shitshows that you won't even believe anyone predicted it all a hundred years in advance.
>if you ignore literally every other related and mutually inclusive change to the environment and focus solely on this one for this one specific purpose, we MAY benefit a tiny bit in a specific way*
>*: actually the only source I could find says they're not even sure
holy fucking christ
>written by fossil fuel executive and backed by the former chief of Austraila's military
seems credible
>Overpopulation is easily solvable with enough money to build more cities.
That's how the Chinese are solving it, and they also happen to be one of the sole proprietors of all scales of pollution as we know it dwarfing anything the first world west can output with stupidly insane margins. Don't believe me? It's all in the numbers.
>fucking up the earth with cheap temporary solutions like nuclear energy.
damn, shit was lit back then
guess that's how they were able to have those massive insects even though those things don't have lungs and stuff
If you're actually gonna go that route then 50% is not sufficient. It'd have to be more like 90%.
>limited by saffir-simpson
>limited to us landfall
>implying this means something
Doesn't even include Sandy, which was Category 2 and yet the second costliest hurricane impact to the US in history at the time, exceeded only by Katrina because Nawleans niggers are dumb and live in a bowl.
>live in Central EU
>even if all the fucking ice melts the worse thing that happens here is a wider river
>according to this picture our crops will be fine too
Why should we give a fuck here?
Greenland is called Greenland because barely 1000 ago it was full of trees and Vikings arriving there were astonished how much more plants there is compared to their native land.
Stop lying.
>climate change
>death of the sun
real threat is idiocracy
well just kill people in only the really crowded areas and guarentee kill certain people, such as homeless, actually mentally retarded (the durrrr hurrrrrrrrrrr kind), and those who can't even get jobs anymore (not including retired or stay at home moms/dads), also make abortions more common all around the world
i cant say "kill all those who will never reproduce" because many of those are the physical labor source only used for physical labor
Start with LA and SF please
t. Californian hostage
I always liked that Postman movie he did more than WW
nuclear is the least damaging of all energy sources to the planet. the waste gets buried under miles of concrete and barring chernobyl-tier fuck ups it causes less pollution and contamination of the ecosystem than any fossil fuel, or any renewable when you account for the highly destructive mining of rare earths required
Nuclear energy is the future you fucking retard, look up sodium-cooled reactors and research the experimental breeder reactor that operated in safety for 30 years in Idaho before Clinton shut it down. Fuck these threads are full of nothing but surface level retardation from people who suck down everything popular media tells them
Only thing that will fuck you over is the mass exodus of Africans going to Europe. Though you’re used to that already
>believing a closet homo
crowder is so much of a coward on this topic he won't debate potholer on it, and has avoided it multiple times.
I bet it smelled like fish.
t. Tiny dick city slicker who has never seen hardware tools in his life
I think it's that Antarctic ice has increased.
Otherwise, yeah, you are pretty much spot on. I can't wait for climate science to be on the same level as antivaxxing. Both of them rely on skewed results, fear mongering, and consistently wrong models. If a meterologist made incorrect weather predictions for a month, he would no longer be considered a valid source. I've heard some people claim that climate change models are wrong because we've actively done something about it. This is completely false, there is no concerted global effort to prevent an upcoming disaster that magically gets pushed back by the year. People are getting wise to the hoax. Climate change is an attempt to be some kind of fuzzy Y2K, where the government funnels tax money into research and development to prevent a disaster that is forever looming but will never actually occur. At least Y2K was provable. So is the year 2038 problem. These problems were documented back in the 80s. You would be hard pressed to find any research on climate change or global warming from the 80s that even comes close to the mark with its predictions.
I'm just saying we should name things as they are, 'corporatism' suggests the issue lies solely in corporate power growing out of control, while the real flaw is inherent to our economic system
>be american
>ignore climate change warnings
>don't like refugees
>drive my big car around town just to do groceries and shit
>fast forward 50 years
>america is now full of climate refugees just like the rest of the civilized world
good job
>tfw friend was telling me about this last week
Literally low IQ people won't stop reproducing
If it does then we will get new land in return, even better
Wasn’t it named Greenland to trick people into settling there?
Because it's wrong. Last year was the worst drought in 50 years from which nothing has recovered yet.
what is he putting in her hand in the original? in fact what's the context generally, looks kinda interesting.
>That long
Please let it happen faster
user you don't understand. A large amount of the population are absolute retards. NPCs dareisay. These types of people are willing to commit crimes because they think they can do no wrong. Just yesterday I saw a motorcyclist run over an eight-year old and flee. Both the parents and the motorcyclist are responsible in this case. They both fully acted like fools and did not show up to assist the child. Indeed, when the child was carried off into the ambulance no parent was in sight. Do you not disagree with the notion that these fools should not be part of our population? If by some case the new world order figured out a way to wipe out these people specifically would the world not be a better place? Food for thought. Conspiracy theorists are retards that think for themselves because they have a lot of sins to hide. Especially since they attack such ideas.
Solar based stuff isnt efficient or powerful enough to sustain the requirements for Electric cars.
You assume too much. I just said that electric cars are inefficient because they require the usage of fossil fuels.
the cost of hurricane damage continues to go up because the value of the infrastructure each one destroys continues to go up
Fuck off, you used the same tactic.
>linking to Crowder’s twitter
Legit kill yourself NPC.
Horizon Zero Dawn
That's not true either. Only the East shelf has remained stable as the rest of the continent has collapsed
fatties can get fucked, hot weather is awesome for people at a healthy weight
they don't require it forever and your arguments are why we aren't moving faster toward it.
And to be totally honest, renewable = energy independence which is one of my greatest concerns from a geopolitical standpoint. I'm not just some faggot treehugger.
A century and a half is literally nothing when it comes to the climate.
Jews started their own conspiracy so the top end would be further protected and to keep brainlets like you away from things they dont want you to do anything about. Now this is video games
>drive my big car around town just to do groceries and shit
God euros are so stupid when it comes to America. You do realize a lot of people live 5+ miles from a grocery store? Are they supposed to walk?
Reading all the bluepilled replies to this post is depressing. I'm sure those same stooges will get upset I used "bluepilled" unironically but there really is no other way to describe people who observe 1% of earth's overall climate fluctuations and insist that's proof of global warming.
This. Old men who hate gays and niggers said it won't happen so it won't.
>>according to this picture our crops will be fine too
that picture is the equivalent of saying "dumping sewer water on your hair will make it cleaner if you ignore the shit and focus only on the water part"
You're not smart you /pol/-brainwashed teenager.
I have nothing to gain from stating simple scientific facts. I have no agenda, I just think it's interesting that ones like you believe it's all some grand conspiracy of manipulation. The changing of the atmosphere happened on a global scale countless times on this planet. Much of the time this planet would have been absolutely inhospitable to humanity. We're in a good spot now, but you have to be a very clueless person to believe it would always be that perfect. I see humanity surviving this planet for hundreds, thousands of millenias barring the sun going supernova or some insane celestial event. You gotta think some more man, no one who states this is championing some insane conspiracy. It's just some writing on the wall that goes hand in hand with a great changing of the planet, one which has happened tens of thousands of times if not more. And you gotta be a fool to not believe it won't happen again.
Overpopulation is exponential.
>It's a Yea Forums talks about a shitty clickbait article thread
You guys are just as bad as soccer moms reading trash news on Facebook
Let us suppose global warming is 100% real. Why should I care? The white race is doomed to extinction anyway. What do I care if a bunch of mutts and niggers suffer and choke on a toxic planet? I hate them now and I'll hate them after I'm gone. If anything, global warming will just be the white race slamming the door on the way out.
The planet doesn't give a shit about "climate change", billions of years ago there were lava oceans and no atmosphere, who care about some ice melting and sea levels rising. It's just selfish to say "think of the planet" when talking about this stuff, when you really mean "life is gonna be different for my descendants".
its better for the human race unironically if you just die right now
Number one
i want to be a soccer mom with big hips so bad
wow four degrees
>mfw ill be long dead when the earth starts shitting itself
All of the executives in energy corporations that caused this mess will be in their New Zealand villas when all of this shit actually happens.
>Arctic ice has increased
Nigger I live in Nunavut and this is a fucking lie.
Humanity at this point is too big to fail. I can't see human civilization stopping for any reason other than a massive natural disaster that irrevocably changes the planet. Something like an Asteroid impact, or even the worst predictions of climate change That won't happen.
>not moved outside a medium sized City where you have farmable land and books on living of the land ready
Climate change is already happening and we are not going to stop it
Be prepared to join a group that forms a self substained society
>tell China and India
holy fucking shit, this. on the global stage, the west is practically a hippy commune in terms of how green they are, while the east is that cartoon villain from the Captain Planet cartoon (Hoggish Greedly). it doesn't matter if the west went fully onto fission by 2020, the east has doomed the world and doesn't give a fuck. the only thing green policy is for is to further hobble western nations.
You do realize that the drastically different environment back then resulted in completely different plants and animals dominating the planet, right?
Except it's more like
>be american
>don't fall for the socialism meme
>economy actually does pretty well
>can afford a standard of living far superior than any third world shithole for the foreseeable future, even with years of incompetent administrations
>be flooded with economic migrants claiming to be refugees because they want free shit
>leftists claim it's your fault that third world shitholes suck and must accept more niggers
>niggers start making the country more like their own third world shitholes
If global warming is real there is nothing the US or EU can do as China and India are by far the #1 polluters and they've only been increasing their emissions
>This triggers the liberals and europoors
What is it with trannies and hating on /ourguy/?
>its a "world is going to end in 20 years unless you disavow all forms of energy, i promise" episode
how can these climate "scientist" be so wrong every time yet still be trusted?
>don't want globalism
>want to use globalism as an excuse to not make your country better
this ain't really it man
Humans are pretty adaptable. We'll live.
hey retards
changing ANY metric rapidly will fuck up your system
the earth was colder/hotter/saltier/whatever however many the fuck years ago and it was fine because it took a long fucking time to get there
do the same change in 1/10th of the time and whoops it's not fine anymore
you know the saying "it's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop at the end"? same shit
capitalism is not inherently the bad part dumb dumb
a free market encourages competition that makes our life better; better products for a lower price
our current free-market democratic society encourages megacorps to amass fucking unreal amounts of money because for some fucking reason it's legal for them to literally buy influence via lobbying, which completely undermines the entire point of a democracy
Humans advantage that helped us become so prominent is our adaptability. If the climate actually poses a threat, humanity will overcome it. Short of it drastically changing to the point where the water is burned away in 30 years and the oxygen in the atmosphere turning to poison suddenly, humanity will adapt. People won't simply remain in New York as the water rises around them; they'll move
Nuke China and India.
Whats your point? You really think humans can be usurped at this point?
They aren't scientists, it was written by a business executive and a former military chief
Books won't help you buddy. Most seeds are hybrids, so fuck around in your garden to check which ones can actually give you a sustainable food supply after your purchased seeds run out.
You realize to effectively nuke them entirely out of existence you'd be dooming the whole world, right?
>european union
walk, ride a bike, take public transportation, their fault they live so far away. also their fault if they have to buy a shit ton of groceries that requires a cart at once, don't buy more than you can't carry otherwise it is easy stealings
Remember when Walt Disney talked about flying cars and shit? It's the same thing with Climate change. Is it a problem? Yes. Is it going to be catastrophic? No.
>35% of pollution is instantly removed
Seems like a good idea to me
That's what they get for picking up shitbird states like Turkey.
>Maybe we won't go extinct but it will still suck ass for everyone!
Idunno man, still sounds like a pretty shit scenario.
>quoting BP as an authoritative source
that nucler waste is pretty small from what I heard
*Bomb China and India.
except you're not making the country better, there's a point of diminishing returns for everything. the carbon footprint for solar panels is fucking retarded, and nuclear still gets shilled against. meanwhile china and india produce about 98+% of the world's ocean pollution, but we banned straws. your strawman point means nothing, you might as well just write a short story.
First game was also post-apocalyptic...
>100 percent of the population is removed in an extinction level event
I mean, maybe it wouldn't be every last human, but yeah, the myriad of implications of nukes on a scale that large are inexorably destructive to the entire planet.
gee it's almost like capitalism inevitably concentrates power within a very small and unaccountable elite
Yeah but as of right now they are useless, people driving in the trucks are justifiable. Stop being such a rent free nigger tranny and dilate already for fuck sakes.
Again you Euros are retarded and have no grasp on what America is like. A normal suburb town has no public transport like Buses. Only city niggers have them.
>eleven billion humans burning fossil fuels has zero effect on the environment
>hundreds of thousands of marine life washing up dead on the beach is a natural occurence
>breaking global heat and storm records every year? Just a coincidence goy
>china and india aren't the top polluters
>china and india aren't increasing their CO2 emissions
It's not real, but overpopulation from third world nations, low white birthrate and Islamification are.
>volcanic eruption goes off
>middle fingers everyone on the planet
Wasn't nasa supposedly drilling on yellowstone to prevent the supervolcano from going off?
Yes Im sure mass extinction of various species, lack of food and extremely cold/hot temperatures will not change the way we live.
We said nuke China and India off the map. They don’t get a chance to retaliate in this hypothetical situation
>low IQ people won't stop reproducing
Well, at least they had sex. And you didn't.
this triggers the election tourist
>americlaps are brainwashed into believing this
proper legislation can stop that, we just didn't
>According to a 2010 US Geological Survey report, lithium isn’t “likely to cause serious environmental concerns”.
>>>At least do some research
>myriad of implications of nukes on a scale that large are inexorably destructive to the entire planet
How to spot brainlets: in this sentence, myriad is a pointless and almost incorrectly used fluff word (are you writing a community college essay? lmao) and inexorably is flat out used wrong.
Dude, dumbass. The NUCLEAR FALLOUT of that many nukes would doom the Earth. Retaliation is irrelevant. fuuuuuuck me
Never stopped our ancestors. The world changes, things die, life goes on. We may all die, but that's just inevitable.
They predicted the opposite in the 70s, it was a global cooling crisis then.
>my boogieman is real but yours isn't
The absolute state of this board (and the world)
>if global warming is real, why is it cold outside
i can understand china but what the hell does india actually do for the rest of the world besides tech support? both countries have a surplus of men who will never see a vagina anyway
>American seeds
I already have a small kitchen garden as a hobby where i replant every year
I've given up on modern civilisations ability to substain itself until I'm dead
Impossible to be 100% self substained, but I'm trying to get as close as i can
cool sources
India literally cannot ever be a positive part of the human race until it destroys all traces of its caste system. It engenders too much rampant stupidity into its people, and makes them feel like they're morally superior for being that dumb.
They are, but implying that the US, UK, and Saudi Arabia have drastically lowered their emissions is as smoothbrained as it goes
We can start by cleaning up these problems
Imagine thinking that hard about some meme post. Fine let’s just remove them from existing with the fucking thanos snap you autist
>Yellowstone eurpts
>Wipes out millions of niggers
Sounds good.
good goy
I feel like you got your knowledge of nuclear fallout from pop culture exclusively. Chernobyl, Fukushima, Nagasaki, and Hiroshima have nothing wrong with them. Fucking sophomore.
9/11 2.0 when?
How about we actually normalize electric car first seeing as car accident is still one of the top causes of the deaths in first world countries.
>the ice age took a long time
Read my lips: human effect on the overall global climate is negligible. You would need nonstop China levels of pollution for 1000 years to meaningfully shift the natural climate to the point where it would be dangerous. US emissions are already very clean, and that's less due to celery-sucking climate hippies and more due to better, monet saving technology.
*Systematically castrate the chinese and indians, as well as all sub-Saharan Africans
>Imagine trying to have a conversation lol memes
their careless treatment towards the environment and their street-shitting lower classes is what making their countries profit the most
co2 reductions are a jewish scam
>second costliest hurricane impact to the US in history at the time
Unfortunately CT is still around so it didn't do enough damage. Hope the next one destroys this shit state. The US will be better off for it.
Reminder that according to climate scientists NYC was supposed to be underwater 10 years ago
Also according to current models it will take about 20000 years for the water level to rise the 200 feet necessary to make op pic reality
Fuck saving lives, our problem is overpopulation, we need more deaths.
gulf of tonkin 2.0 just happened, so probably pretty soon. they're bringing out all the hits to keep their failed state alive
Every year wasted by not figuring out a solution is speeding up the process.
The difference is that our ancestors had no say in it, today we just entered the era of men and what's coming up next is 100% caused by our actions.
European seeds too. Originally, hybrids were made to improve disease resistance, but now it's just used as DRM.
People want cheap things and they want them now, those rivers will not change until the masses realize just how their fucking up the world with their lifestyles.
>11 billion people own a coal factory
>11 billion people even exist
>coal is widely used anywhere outside China and India
jews are subverting the rich countries into thinking its worth helping retarded people
>giving the government another excuse to be in the middle east
please do not
I wish I was born in 2050 because I feel like I was born too early for Elves and Cat Girls to finally make an appearance in society.
>what is the Sun
A miserable pile of photons!
But enough talk.
I reckon it'll happen to an ally of merica instead
that's terror
>we fixed a large part of the earths atmosphere in
Agriculture increasing? I've heard we only have 50 layers of topsoil left until agriculture goes to shit
>*ignores all data but worships pop science*
Yes, the US is reducing their emissions. You can look at this is you want as well.
Basic physics that you can test in your kitchen sink is a jewish conspiracy too now?
Marine Life washing up on beaches is actually normal shit.
Imagine when there’s 4 billion Africans running around
Maybe you should vote for a competent mayor then.
Just pointing out the fallacy user, get some sunlight
Based retard
>t. retard who watches crowders shit without taking 5 minutes to check his bullshit sources
here even this basedboy can fucking do it so why cant you.
>less than 10 years
>Since the late 1970s, the use of CFCs has been heavily regulated because of their destructive effects on the ozone layer.
The caste system is valid because whiter Indians are genuinely smarter than browner ones. To ignore this is to ignore evolution.
>>hundreds of thousands of marine life washing up dead on the beach is a natural occurence
>>breaking global heat and storm records every year?
Sounds like humans and fish need to adapt or die. Such is evolution. Such is the fate of all species. Why change my life style, when I can change biologically? I will become stronger, faster, bigger dicked, smarter. I will adapt. You will die, choking on ice caps, faggot.
so basically trash island in the pacific ocean if the fault of the Chinese, India, and one other country
Solar is shit
1.6% of us energy production after around 1.1 trillion in investments, tax breaks, and compensation programs.
Would literally have been more cost effective to burn the money to generate power
You fucking autist. Never post on Yea Forums again.
The world is ran by oligarchs who don't care what happens to the world because they'll be dead. There's no fixing it as long as they're in power, and nobody has the stones to take them down. So stop and smell the roses before they disappear forever instead of worrying about them, because we're impotent.
Yeah but in America you're talking about ~socialism~ by enacting a policy of decommissioning private operating ships so we don't all fucking die.
Gee, who buys all this plastic from the third world anyway?
Oh no, wait, nevermind. I wouldn't want to feel guilty or anything.
This stupid hyperbolic clickbait bullshit is exactly why you have morons like who then think climate change as a whole is fake
We are actually trailing along almost exactly the worst-case-senarcio for climate change right now.
It won't end human civilization in it's entriity unless it happens to trigger a bunch of self-accelerating postive feedback loops with like ocean acidification and methane releasing, which would unironically kill like all non microscropic life, but unless shit changes real soon you are going to see mass civil unrest, nations collapsing, etc in a lot of places.
Except that's wrong. China is indeed the largest contributor to emissions, but it's also like the top nation in terms of switching to green shit, it's the most improving major nation globally
I don't know about the UK and sa but the us reduced emissions more then any other country on earth the last 2 years in a row
Aren't half of the population just going to die from starvation or disease? I feel like these population predictions don't take this into account.
My star sign horoscope tells me I need to explore other cultures today! An astrologists said so so it has to happen! If I don't, I am guaranteed a bad day! Oh god what do I do?!?!
There's literally nothing wrong with stopping using oil and going full on electricity instead. Capitalist countries monopolize oil and gas extractions only for money, they don't care about your future or future of this planet, they just want money in price of depleting planet's natural resources, production waste from which kill planet environment.
You can live without fancy car.
you think the refugee crisis is bad now, wait til we start getting islander refugees from tropical places that are starting to fall under the sea level
This is some damn fine bait boy, I actually couldn't write a post explaining why you're wrong because I keep getting distracted by new, retarded things you've implied. You condensed a novel's worth of stupid into two sentences.
That's been happening for years. I grew up in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Look up the Marshall Islands and Springdale, Arkansas.
>Marshallese people
Oh man.
Since when? The dude misinterprets a NASA study from 2015 then acts all smug about how "correct" he is, even though he's wrong. Dudes a moron, he might be your guy but he ain't my guy.
>Muh shitty YouTuber is a reliable source while your shitty YouTuber is not a reliable source
the absolute state of Climate Change accepters.
Holy Shit you people are dumb.
The US was outputting a lot more co2 than other countries so it makes sense they have a bigger reduction when they start trying to reduce. It's not like that complicated. If you are producing say 9 million tons and reduce it to 6 million a country that was only putting out 1 million reducing it to 0.9 isn't going to be reducing as much.
No you won't dumb polfat, we won't get killed by the rising sea levels etc we will simply starve to death because of what we've done to the ecosystem, any argument otherwise is a straw man
al gore wasnt until the 2000s sweety
I'm gonna be elderly when the apocalypse happens? Well I guess I'm probably fucked.
I'm just waiting until roaming homeless nomad tribes on the highways become a reality. I could get down with that
soon we will only have one purple line, don't you worry
>implying the west won’t increase aid