How come a lot of games in the ps3/360 days were all washed out and mostly grey?

how come a lot of games in the ps3/360 days were all washed out and mostly grey?
Why was this a fad among developers at the time and what exactly made them think this is what people wanted?

I never understood this. I remember at the time people always saying its because of console limitations but i highly doubt that was the case. seems like devs wanted their games to look like that

Attached: MV5BYzQ5Mzg1YmItNzUyZS00NjEzLWE2YjUtODQwNjU0M2ZmMjIxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTAyODkwOQ@@._V1_[1].jpg (1280x720, 398K)

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like all things

some grey games made a lot of money.
so that's obviously what gamers wanted
so they made grey games

it looked gritty and realistic. jokes on them though because these games visually look like shit now. gaming that gen was pretty much everyone ripping off everything in gears of war

I think they thought it made the games look more realistic. Maybe they were right because that shot of Gears 1 still looks pretty good.

>gaming that gen was pretty much everyone ripping off everything in gears of war

yeah, thats why i posted that image. I feel like once the first gears of war game came out and sold millions, games started to become grey.

>that shot of Gears 1
it's 2.

gears 1 and 2 still both look pretty similar

Consoles experienced a massive technological leap between sixth and seventh generation. This new power amounted to what was essentially an arms race for photorealism. The stylized, simplistic games of yesteryear were seen as massively outdated within this new paradigm. This is also indirectly why 3D platformers died out and military shooters were a dime a dozen.

Attached: duty_calls.jpg (1276x720, 120K)

lmfao what's that fake rank? I want to try the game what's it called

well the picture was finally sharp enough that a completely grey wall could still have visible cracks and patterns

game is Duty Calls
it was released for free as a promotion for Bulletstorm before that came out

Grey and brown color palette? Say no more.

Attached: jqnq8ee1u9501.jpg (549x415, 103K)

Best answer ITT

Yeah everyone was trying to copy COD4’s graphics

Does it feature a scruffy man as a hero?

Confluence of different factors. It wasn't anything to do with the PS3 or 360. It was just the style starting in the mid 2000s with everything being "brown n bloom" and "grimdark". For example, Zelda Twilight Princess, Shadow of the Colossus, and MGS3 were all late-sixth-gen games that had that desaturated bloomy aesthetic.

But it REALLY took off with gears of war, which was probably the first noteworthy 7th gen console game. That game really kicked off the whole "mature games for mature gamers such as myself" shit, along with its graphics being so desaturated that it looked basically black and white and bloomed to hell and back.

Duty Calls
It's shooter kino

It's a 2011 game so take a guess

What are/were some other major red flags?
>game cover is dude posing holding a weapon

Attached: 262188-bioshock-infinite-xbox-360-front-cover.jpg (800x1141, 189K)

2006-2012 were some of the worst years in gaming. Prove me wrong.

Because brown and bloom shootan was all the rage and everyone wanted a slice.

When did CoD fall out of favor with the normalfags, btw? I remember that being all anyone ever played or talked about during all of Gen 7 onward.

MW3 was the last CoD that was truly the largest event of the year. Its successor Black ops II, while being universally praised by most fans, was already somewhat smaller in comparison.
The real drop happened in 2013 with the release of Ghosts due to awful maps and faster time to kill and its successor Advanced Warfare which included boost jumping.

I think it really started going downhill with the sci fi stuff. My normie friends always shit on Infinite Warfare.

Twilight Princess, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Bioshock, Prototype, No More Heroes, Red Dead Redemption, GTA IV, Portal, Dead Space.

But all of those are shit/extremely average except for Portal, Red Dead and No More Heroes.

Attached: 1459424967925.jpg (640x426, 21K)

It was the west that created that gray and brown filter aesthetic and there was a period of time when Japan was going through a "video game crisis." I think this was around the time they started shitting out all those """new""" SMB games but I could be wrong. But yeah the US was dominating the game industry and JP had to just follow the lead to stay relevant.

Please don't reply to him, someone that claims that 6 years of time didn't grant us at least a handful of good games is clearly just desperately fishing for replies.

>blandest Zelda ever
>worse melee
>worse System Shock 2
>inFamous literal who edition
>Wii meme game
>GTA with horses
>worse GTA San Andreas
>3 hour long meme game
>boring space horror game
wow you sure showed me

Your opinions fucking suck, and you're fishing for replies, but I feel obligated to reply to your Brawl criticism.

The Smash with Snake, Sonic, and the Subspace Emissary is "worse melee"? You're retarded.

worst post i've seen all day

That's funny because I think you're opinions fucking suck brah. Have fun eating shit and bragging about it retard. lmao

Also Brawl's gameplay is objectively worse than Melee. Unless you like shitty tripping and slow ass gameplay.

G R I N D E R ! ! ! !

Uses two opposing colors to “hype” the game. Ex: Blue and Orange

Unironically kill yourself dweeb

Because they want to appeal to the little kiddies playing their games, which was pretty young despite the M rating, they were actively targeted.
Colors are what they think is childish, like cartoons but colorless shitpiles are exactly what little kiddies think realistic and mature is supposed to be.
Of course they couldn't be any more wrong, that just shows how immature and close minded they are but it works, the more desaturated something is the more it appeals to the immature and simple minded and the more AAA devs did it.

Attached: 818.jpg (1600x1066, 619K)

Forgot to add, since cartoons are vibrant and colorful therefore what is mature must be the opposite, desaturated and grimy.
It's that simple.

Amazing pic

False, Call of Duty had green too.