Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Arin. Jon was acting like a dick but in the end he was under no obligation to tell him.

Arin, always and forever.

Why did Jon have sex with Suzy?

I miss him bros...

Arin for getting genuinely mad at a video game. Jon didn't have to tell him anything.

Arin for being shit at video games now fuck off

Jon with Chris and Zach is way better than him with Arin

Why does Jon hate brown people so much? Isn't he Iranian?

Arin. Jon would have been a bit in the wrong if it was just casually playing it but they made a big deal out of these things as one off showdowns. They still only had the same amount of time and if Arin hadn't been so videogames journalist about it he could have figured it out or cut his losses and looked to the next part of the game.

Jon didn't stoop that low. He just wasn't down with the scummy cash-grab tactics Suzy was pushing.


This was staged

Doubt it. Arin is a fucking manchild.

not he's definetely not
you just hate arin

It is


Proving my point?

Hate both of them, but Arin is a complete retard

No, proving i am right

No you are just proving you're an idiot, Jon is particularly loud and obnoxious is that video no wonder you enjoy it

Hey I'm Sneed. I'm also Chuck. And we're the sneedsters (formely chuck)

Wolf is not a clone of Fox.

They had the same amount of information going into it. Jon succeeded and Arin failed. That's how games work.

God I would fuck Suzy.

Games would be a lot less interesting if you had to tell your opponent your strategy, and update them whenever they changed.

If they were playing off camera than Jon would've been in the right. However, since they were playing the game solely for the entertainment of others Arin was in the right, putting on a good show is more important than winning in this scenario. But the argument itself led to some entertaining moments although that wasn't Jon's intention

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