mario maker 2 comes out this friday
>level ideas
>what you'd like to see added in updates/dlc
>general chat
lets go
Mario maker 2 comes out this friday
Other urls found in this thread:
have my extremely autistic sketch for a smw desert stage
i'd love to see them add playlists or a world map editor
I want Mario Land 2. I wonder how much new stuff they will add cause people will ay this for ever. I hope there will be a LOT of updates and dlc.
Finally, a perfect game for creative people that are extremely lazy.
This should keep me busy until Animal Crossing.
I'm going to worry that it's going to suffer the same fate as SMM1 online, with low effort garbage like automatic mario levels and pixel art are going to get thousands of stars while also many kids upload their regurgitated breakfast into a mario maker level.
>>level ideas
Bowser fireball bullet hell
Has anyone leaked what the stuff people with early copies can't talk about? I think that autistic dude from GameXplain said most objects are unlocked from the start, but playing story mode unlocks new stuff they can't talk about and another dude on YouTube also said there is something he can't talk about but it is cool.
Don't have any good ideas yet but I missed out on the first one so i'm excited to play this.
>my entire child life
>at school every Tuesday
>10 years of my adult life
>at work every Tuesday
>get a new job
>Tuesday is a day off
>now all games release on Fridays
I can't wait to be a lazy sack of shit and play this in bed.
That's it? People made it sound like it was a fairly big thing.
There's stuff that nobody has mentioned but people have noticed. It's small stuff like vertical levels having their own background
Trials of death is never getting uploaded is it?
There's more stuff
What Mario game should I play in the lead up to Maker 2?
I've only got the original maker on 3DS sadly. I'll probably break down and play that at some point but I really dislike the form factor of the 3DS.
I'm playing SM3 on the Switch. Fuck, that game is great.
same but with an emulator. it really is a perfect game.
What controller am I supposed to use for this game? The Pro controller has a shitty d-pad, and the joy cons are too tiny and all the buttons are too close together.
I use that 8bito SNES knockoff
Yeah, I was thinking I'd play through 3 again.
Also thinking of playing the Lost Levels as I've never beat that game.
I got that a month or two ago fucking love it.
I heard that one sucks.
I have the original cart but I never have time to play it again in one sitting. Might do it on Switch because of save states.
Get a stylus
>level ideas
only genuinely autistic people latch onto a subject such as this because literally nobody cares, absolutely nobody
Same goes for the:
>what you'd like to see added in updates/dlc
Nothing wrong with general chatting but having such forced topics kills threads like these before even 30 posts are in.
It's like those smash threads where spergs share their "mains". Super fucking autistic.
I wish I could put it better into words, but just think about it for a moment, would the first thought in your mind after such an inane question be "oh yes, someone will surely be interested in reading about my retarded idea", or would it rather be "who'd even give a shit?" and then you'd either talk about something that matters or proceed to write stupid shit that nobody reads and nobody responds to? It's such a dead end conversation to begin with, why even initiate it?
I'll use the SN30Pro 8Bitdo to build the stages, and the Hori Pokken Pro Pad to play them.
The Sn30Pro d-pad is atrocious, so I always avoid using it in favor of Hori Pokkén. Detail: I get the SN30Pro because of the "meme" that it possessed the best d-pad ever, but any game that requires diagonals like the Celeste definitely proves that this is not true.
There's 0 hype
It's fine. Only issues:
>Needs firmware update or the rumble doesn't work right
>No warning when it's gonna die, Switch doesn't detect battery properly
>Screenshot button can't be mapped on PC
>The sticks aren't in the most comfortable position, consider them as a secondary thing (placing objects in Mario Maker 2, looking up and down in Hollow Knight, aiming Bash in Ori and the Blind Forest) and not for primary movement, stick to Pro Controller for that.
mario maker mario royale 99™ when
some important features are missing from SM3DW
Super Mario World is the best 2d platformer ever made and everyone should play it
I'm making hot garbage and sending it to my friends
>planning and design is now considered "autistic"
This game is a guilty pleasure for me, I just feel like a basedboy when talking about it for some reason
>hidden block with something in it
Stop right there
If its integral to the level have it just be a ? Block
If you can't beat it without help don't try to make hard levels
Noone likes dev stuff or find the hidden block solutions
Does the physical version come with anything cool like how first name came with that book that had concept art and Miyamoto's notes?
There is hype, just not on Yea Forums because Yea Forums only cares about controversy these days.
It's the d-pad that supposedly sucks. I've never tried it myself, but I've heard some smw experts call it shit, and I feel like they'd know what they are talking about.
Super Mario World physics are shit.
SMB3 is far greater.
Then there's only one thing to do user. Become a basedboy but only when its about Mario Maker. While that may sound strange becoming a basedboy for games you love is a good thing.
I used to plan some of my levels while at work with pencil and paper. some of my best levels (1000+ stars or so) were planned on paper... and I got paid while doing it... those were the days...
Anyway cool plan dude. Looks, dare I say it... fun.
rip in peace my life as Mario steals my creative energy and also my soul
I was thinking of putting a mushroom in it, nothing too fancy
I'll keep that in mind
Thanks user.
Well I've been playing SMW for almost 28 years and I can tell you the d-pad is fine. I have my SNES controller still and this d-pad is actually better, but mostly because it's not worn out from years of use.
Has anyone leaked the final extra game style yet?
Here's the best way for you to play each of these games to build up hype for Mario Maker 2
SMB1 & SMB3 - NSO/Emulation
SMW - Emulation/VC/However
NSMBU & 3D World - Emulation because no one owns a wiiu or is dumb enough to buy NSMBU Deluxe.
Post guides on how to make neat shit and have good level design.
There is no final extra game style
It'll most likely be future dlc
Not happening, the box already states there are five styles only
The best way to play all of those is using original hardware.
Who's ready to boo every trollish level they come across?
Can't argue with that.
The modern levels of New Mario Bros need a lot of space to flow well (about 15 screens approximately for the "ground" levels). That's 50% more space you have in each area of Mario Maker.
This video introduces the designers philosophy of New Mario Bros that will not necessarily work well in Mario Maker.
Also, in Mario Maker each level has an end in itself, so if you take inspiration from the levels of the NSMB, where they are part of a larger set (overworld), you will create bland levels
I'mma recreate this level.
I hate the sassy way this guy talks
>level ideas
3D World level made mostly out of clear pipes with enemies traverssing through them constantly. It's simple, but I am a simple man.
>what you'd like to see added in updates/dlc
A bigger limit for some of the items. Just 5 big coins per level feel a big restrictive. Also, a pipe dream, but a Super Mario World overworld, even if it's one randomly generated by picking random online levels, would be pretty cool. I'd be willing to pay for it separately too, that's how much of a bitch I am for an overworld. Oh, and a big one would be adding tracks to the 3D World theme, I mean, come the fuck on, just adding tracks can make for a lot of cool shit, removing them from any theme should be heretical. As for DLC, Extra Game Themes please.
I want to make a ghost house level with troll tricks, but without being obnoxious, just for amusing moments but without killing the player. Kind of like the ghost house levels from SMW.
I hope they add the ability to scale up blocks like bricks, question marks, pipes, etc to recreate the giant world in SMB3
I have one of these dumb controllers too and I feel like I got viral marketed to. The D-Pad is ass and feels nothing like the SNES.
It's probably a post-launch update.
Not the well made creative trolls that actually get a laugh out of me. Enemy spam, offscreen thwomps, and hidden block bullshit can die.
I dunno I only preorderd it to play user created levels which was pretty stupid looking back on it
Mostly recreations of other stages so far, like 9-7 from NSMBWii, and if I can figure out how to do it, maybe the music levels from Rayman Legends
For any game with creative features, I usually end up making like one level and 99% of my time is playing other people's.
That's pretty much what happened to me, I only made a few stages in the first one (mostly because my disc stopped working) and most of my time was spent playing other people's stages
Nintendo has always released games on Friday.
I disagree, even if you make those levels on a smaller scale, sticking to a limited toolset/theme/gimmick per level and pacing obstacles out like that makes for decent stages.
"Bland" is better than clusterfuck when it comes to Mario stages. Good stages should be cohesive not random.
I'm gonna make a long puzzle map that's called Search for the Sacred Word.
Every completed puzzle reveals a letter and it all comes together to spell nigger.
Cool co-op puzzle stages! Themed stages where the finale is you escaping by vehicle!
I have a few ideas that could work. Nothing too insane where you have to have insane mechanical skill. I'm really looking forward to Friday.
how do we prepare for the trans rights stages
please respond
I want to make an ice/fire peak level with the main area being ice themed and the fire one being castle themed. 3D World style with a bunch of fiery NPCs like Fire Bros, Fire Sumo Bros, Fire Piranha Plants, and the fire dragons. You'll start in the icy area, climb a peak, and take a pipe to the fiery caverns.
Only if you preorder in Japan or Europe, those editions come with a stylus
What's the first thing you'll do once you get the game?
I'll probably clear the story mode before playing user levels
Probably the same thing
I didn't play MM1 so this is what I'm doing.
Have look through the Yamamura Dojo to see if I can learn anything
based pidgeon putting bitches in their place
I'll post a simple traditional like course and a silly multiplayer course inspired by Mario Party minigames before story mode.
M30 has vastly better D-pad.
Probably play story mode for a bit to get back into the swing of things then make a couple practice stages before I start workin on the campaign I’m gonna make.
Hope the week goes by quick, now that it’s the home stretch I’m itchin to play it
Watch SGDQ or fap in the meantime.
Can you pre-download it ?
>that button layout
The latter you can only do so many times a day though, I’ll probably try to speed run an RPG or something those usually eat up a good chunka time.
Yeah it’s on the shop for preload now
Story mode initially. I lack any sort of instinctive creativity for this sort of shit so taking a look at Dev levels will hopefully give me some ideas. If not, I suppose I'll just enjoy whatever you fags shit out.
I skipped the WiiU so this will be my first Mario Maker. I'm excited to make a series of levels inspired by SMB3 Sky Land levels
it'll be DLC
in the original i tried to remake plains of passage from shovelknight in the smword style and it kinda worked but i cut corners because of the object limit but since theres a higher limit now im gonna give it another go.
Give us costumes please, even if they dont want to go through copyright hell with all the amiibo some sort of costumes would be great.
call me when they add yoshi w/ egg mechanics
>doesn't like 6 face buttons
ultimate pleb tell
Be the first one to recreate the snow level from Undertale just in case stars are tied to anything, then I'll play through the story mode because from what I've seen the level design looks great and I can steal ideas to do what I actually want to do: Make good fucking mario levels. I might unironically watch every single tutorial because that is rare game design teaching from Nintendo itself. That's super fucking valuable right there.
does it have a clicky d-pad like a Saturn controller?
Not the same user from the first post, but I disagree. The New way of level design is very bland and rudimentary, it is made in such a way as to not really ask much from the player, which is what the New series tries to do because it is primarily aimed as casuals.
The design philosophy of Galaxy 2, 3D Land and 3D World is the best examples of how to make truly tight level designed, moreso now that 3D World is being translated to a 2D plane. They have an actual formula that allows for flexibility and respects the players intelligence. Now, I'm not saying that the New way is bad, far from it, if you want to make milquetoast levels that are hard to be offended by then be my guest. But if you do just know that you will be limited in the amount of creativity and challenge you can implement by following it too rigorously.
>someone else recognizes 3D World's fantastic level design
fucking finally, it kinda falls apart for multiplayer, but it's literally the "linear 3D platformer" pulled off perfectly to a T.
Seems like you're the autist with this huge fucking reply to a thread you aren't interested in. Why the fuck do you think you're the end all be all in what people can make fucking Mario Maker threads about because it triggers your autism? You can fuck right off with that horseshit.
if the camera only focused on player 1 multiplayer would be way less troublesome
Why has nobody tested if any of the glitches from the first game are still in?
I heard you can't overlay pipes anymore
I watched both videos and while it's unfair to expect everything to combine with everything, whenever I see a feature from the original game theme missing or an editor limitation I feel sad. I hope as updates roll out they improve in what they are offering instead of just rolling out new things.
Am I a pleb if I've only played Super Mario All Stars on the SNES and not the original NES versions?
Because gamexplain doesn't know about them.
This kills 95% of all troll levels.
Yes, Super Mario All Stars is actually a downgrade from the originals
I've never played SNES SMB, but as far as I know, there's nothing significantly different about it aside from the visuals. Unless they messed with the physics or something.
That sounds honestly good and I don't know why people are complaining
They did mess with the physics
You're only proving me right with your autistic tantrum
You're deliberately choosing to misinterpret my words and making up bullshit to fit your narrative. I've not once said I am not interested in Mario Maker. The size of a post shouldn't matter either, unless you're fucking autistic, nitpicking about the most mundane of things that happen to trigger your 'tism.
People being fucking retarded should be a trigger, rightfully so, "triggering autism" is not the correct term here because calling out stupid bullshit is normal.
And you're even defending the stupid bullshit, holy fuck are you on a whole new level of autism, fitting the spectrum from every approachable angle.
Go make a couple of Smash roster threads and tell us more about your minecraftian endeavours you fucking asperger.
In what way?
Are you okay?
does no one have an early copy and leaked stuff besides the hammer suit yet?
>You're deliberately choosing to misinterpret my words and making up bullshit to fit your narrative. I've not once said I am not interested in Mario Maker.
I never said you weren't interested in Mario Maker you aspie, I said you weren't interested in the thread because it wasn't something you wanted to talk about. If anything you're the one twisting words.
People being fucking retarded should be a trigger, rightfully so, "triggering autism" is not the correct term here because calling out stupid bullshit is normal.
Agreed, which is why I called you out for being fucking retarded.
>And you're even defending the stupid bullshit, holy fuck are you on a whole new level of autism, fitting the spectrum from every approachable angle.
Just because you don't like the thread topic doesn't mean it's autistic, user. Why the fuck would sharing ideas seem like such an autistic thing to you?
>Go make a couple of Smash roster threads and tell us more about your minecraftian endeavours you fucking asperger.
I don't give a single fuck about smash, nor did I ever hint to it. That would fit your retarded narrative though, wouldn't it?
These look good, upset they aren't in.
We all know that the highest rated and most common levels will be the do nothing to win ones just like last time. And then musuc levels.
missed a meme arrow but you get the point.
It's such a huge missed opportunity that the 3D world enemies aren't in the other styles, there is no easy way to replicate lots of them with the current parts. Hopefully they can patch in later
Will we get Mystery Mushroom DLC?
You can just omit auto levels from your search, can't you?
All my plans for levels to make have become impossible because of things that are either unavailable or too restricted in 3D World, or because the music box themes for night levels sucks too much to ignore.
I am thinking of buying the Mario Maker 2 + Nintendo Switch Online bundle on the eShop on preorder. If I do that, when will my Nintendo Switch Online service start up? Will it start at Mario Maker 2's release date or does it start up immediately after purchase?
>what you'd like to see added in updates/dlc
They were really great for making themed levels
Off the top of my head I made:
>Capt Falcon auto scrolling levels that force you to go fast
>Ganondorf level where you descend deeper and deeper to reach the goal
>Ice Climbers standing in for muslim terrorists in a 9/11 level where you crash a moving platform into a couple of buildings that goombas jump off from.
They just made the game that much more versatile. When the game got revealed my first wish was for them to actually expand costumes to other Mario themes, but instead it got fucking cut. Super bummer.
I'm glad they removed costumes.
You can still make that Ice Climbers idea user. But use the Toads instead I mean they are wearing turbans or something very similar to it.
I already made it, that was just one of many level ideas that came to mind on the first game that just wouldn’t work the same way in the sequel.
because they wanted to make troll levels
I can't think of a single legitimate use for overlapped pipes besides the clear pipes from mario 3d world which actually should be able to overlap
who the player plays as is their choice, not the level's choice.
does luigi play differently? because that would break some levels
I’m disappoint but it’s for the best. For every level that used them for good a hundred more used then for evil
Can't wait for newfags to make shitty troll levels and get mad once they get deleted
I think the first thing I'll do when I get the game is play it
You get a code that you can enter whenever.
Why would you be a pleb for playing the superior versions?
I made a level in MM1 that was an autoscroller that looped back on itself with doors, and you could bring things back from those doors for some form of progress. I plan on doing that but with a vertical level this time.
I haven't played the first game, can you supersize brick blocks with mushrooms? I want to create the giant level from SMB3.
No but you could make 1 big block using 4 small ones
Keep in mind it won't look like one big block but it would be a similar size if that makes more sense
I hope all amiibo sprites are in-game and if not I hope for a patch. One thing I dont miss is playing expert and super expert for the last skins. Super expert was pretty much the trash bin of Mario Maker.
They're still 4 separate blocks though, right? There was a giant level in NSMBU as well so I'm not sure why they haven't included giant bricks as standalone items.
>a thread about mario maker
>with this huge fucking reply to a thread you aren't interested in.
>I never said you weren't interested in Mario Maker you aspie
all I'd need to completely ignore your stupid bullshit but let's bite
>Just because you don't like the thread topic doesn't mean it's autistic,
Not "liking it" I wouldn't even be in the thread. The topic is Mario Maker, the autistic sub-topics are the problem, I am only calling out the shit that can't spark up conversation because of how pretentious they are and how they lead nowhere
>Why the fuck would sharing ideas seem like such an autistic thing to you?
because ideas are pointless blabber for talentless trash and are in pure self-interest, to think that anobody gives a shit about you and your inherently stupid ideas robbed of creativity is autistic enough
>I don't give a single fuck about smash, nor did I ever hint to it.
you are defending autistic shit like level ideas in which piece I also talked about similar autism of rosterfags, you being an autist and all, it wouldn't be a far fetched idea if you were also a smashfag
>can't cover up the arrow sign at the start of the level anymore
What the fuck why
You can't edit over the start at all anymore. Most likely was done because trolls would just make you die instantly.
Because idiots though it was cute to kill players before they even had a chance to move.
Well, rip single screen puzzles I guess.
And twisters can't go on tracks either? So stupid.
Yeah, it sucks but hey its not like the idea of one big block is gone since it can be remade easily. In fact just about everything in giant land can be remade except the bigger ground tiles,
Dude just make a door next to the start and take them to a single screen puzzle, this isn't complicated.
There's actually a way around this. If you were to place a moving platform on a track, then two springs to keep a twister inside the moving platform (that or its a Red Koopa and won't fall off) it'll stay there for as long as you need it.
Thanks buddy, gonna pre-order it right now and when it comes out I'll input the code of maximum online enjoyment since I don't plan to use the online for anything else anyway.
No, it's because the space is reserved as a temporary cage during multiplayer.
I suppose, but it seems like an odd limitation that only happened due to laziness on the dev's behalf.
I really do not like how Ninty is going about their "jank" or "troll" removal methods, because stacking pipes could be used for actual good level mechanics and aesthetics, as well as placing things around the starting area in general. They added a dislike function, that should be how bad levels are weeded out. Don't take out mechanics for people who want to use them in potentially good ways.
Stacking Pipes will be the slopes of Mario Maker 2 screencap this
Eh there's gotta be another way to do with stacking pipes did. If we can make a real time working calculator we can make Stacking Pipes like systems
>Not "liking it" I wouldn't even be in the thread. The topic is Mario Maker, the autistic sub-topics are the problem, I am only calling out the shit that can't spark up conversation because of how pretentious they are and how they lead nowhere
You still haven't given any reason to why sharing ideas can't lead to conversation, just saying that they can't for whatever reason.
>because ideas are pointless blabber for talentless trash and are in pure self-interest, to think that anobody gives a shit about you and your inherently stupid ideas robbed of creativity is autistic enough
It's funny you have anything to say about anybody's self-interest when you come into the thread with your fucking ego to tell everyone why they should stop talking about their ideas because you don't like the topic. It isn't pointless blabber because you're not fucking interested. I guarantee everyone in this thread sees everything you've posted as pointless blabber but that doesn't matter because it doesn't interest you, right?
>you are defending autistic shit like level ideas in which piece I also talked about similar autism of rosterfags, you being an autist and all, it wouldn't be a far fetched idea if you were also a smashfag
The only reason you paired the two ideas up is because you both think they're pointless because they don't interest you. Just because something doesn't spark conversation from you doesn't mean it will from others. Go shit up some other thread and make a Mario Maker thread about something you're interested in if it bothers you so much, nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say.
no, it'll be restarting from checkpoints, screencap THIS
Is there a good analysis of 3D World level design? I loved 3D World, it was super creative and tightly designed.
Oh and I forgot to mention your first point, but just because you're interested a game doesn't mean you're interested in the topic about the thread at hand which you've made painfully clear. You're still twisting words.
European nsp leaked
You know you could just die by enemies, pits, or something instead
This. Anyone who says otherwise is a nostalgiafag
Well post it then.
>get softlocked in a level after a checkpoint with no way out
>have to wait out the timer to die, which is probably set to the max amount of time
yeah I could just die
Thanks for all these anons, gonna watch these & play the story mode and hopefully do some neat stuff
Is there a list of all the shit removed from Mario Maker?
Why is Nintendo shooting itself in the foot like this?
>Mystery Mushroom and Amiibo costumes
>Skinny Mario
>Tracks in 3D World
>Overlapping pipe glitch and likely other useful exploits
>100 Mario Challenge
>easy touch controls
>free online
Either way i welcome the change.
>Tracks in 3D World
Honestly, much more than that. We could have a list of it's own with shit that is in 3D World and isn't in the other modes and vice versa. Nintendo wasn't kidding when they put it in it's own separate category, you will require a completely different methodology of game design to work with it.
Can can sound effect
Dance party sound effect
Drunk effect
You can't place things around the start because multiplayer uses a cage at the beginning.
And nothing of value was lost.
>Rave is gone
Thank god Nintendo is finally doing something right.
Man I thought this game was gonna be good or something. But after all this I'll I got out of it was this game is gonna suck. And that stinks because I was looking forward to this and so many ideas. Ah well lesson learned don't get excited for video games.
Hi. Third party here. He’s right and you’re a fucking weirdo.
>have to find a different shitty sound effect to spam
>the game is now ruined
So much SMW stuff is still missing.
What no I don't give a shit about sound effects I was just really excited about this game but then news came out and then everyone got bummed about the game and eventually got me bummed out as well. Its not exactly because of sound effects but everyone being upset was a big cause.
most the fun I got from the first game came from playing Yea Forums levels. I remember playing an extremely well done super metroid inspired level as well as castlevania ones. If this is anything like the first one threads are going to be flying by on the first few days here. It doesn't hurt to buy it and return it the same day if you don't like it
>The beginning of every level will look ugly and boring as fuck since you can't put anything there
Please god no
Shouldn't that only be for multiplayer levels though? Does every level automatically support multiplayer?
I've been really excited for it but now I'm really worried
What's wrong with the game?
All the info you're gonna glean from this shithole are the cons without the pros. I'm not saying go to leddit or anything but you can't gather all your info from here. If anything you should expect some of these issues to be fixed in updates, as they already responded that they're fixing the online problem in an update.
This lazy meme is really lazy
Kaizo Kindergarten
>Does every level automatically support multiplayer?
Yes, that's the point.
Hi last person you replied to here. Ok if we're gonna be honest this will effect nothing as if you've seen any of the story or reviewer levels they've managed to make some pretty creative level starts and overall courses with the changes. So in the end cheer up its gonna be fine I'm just being a depressed piece of shit because I care more about everyone else's opinions before mine.
The game is a lot more limited than people expected and a lot of the new elements don't interact with old elements (like you can't put the windy dudes on tracks, for instance).
Add to that the 3D World more or less being its own unique game type with little crossover and people are upset. The game just seems pretty halfassed compared to the first one.
Look I've been on r/mariomaker (Look I've tried making Mario Maker 2 threads but they don't show up or last long often okay) and let me tell you Yea Forums is way better then them. I mean they give more shits about easter eggs then the actual game.
You just have to be creative. Like someone said you CAN put twisters on tracks by sticking a platform on the track and putting them on it.
>no online play with friends
>intentional removal of features from MM1
>replacement of 100 man for literally no discernible reason
>need paid online to play the game in any significant way
>exclusive styles are a shit idea
>even more ways to create hot garbage troll levels
>controls are ass
>still no style-specific physics
>still no reload from checkpoint
>key death unfixed
Well I guess you aren't wrong. Shame this game is gonna suck when it was kind fun but hey fun is just a buzzword I guess.
and before you say "they're patching online play in!" it's still inexcusable that it's absent at launch and we have no timeframe for it. I mean the only reason they're adding it in the first place is because streamers bitched that they won't make as much money.
>>exclusive styles are a shit idea
>>still no style-specific physics
Which is it, pal
Man I want to get it because it looks fun but fuck that price, I can't justify it and Nintendo never puts their shit on sale either
There is confirmed online with friends in a future patch, endless mode is better than 100 man (at least in my opinion). Also, I'd say that the hot garbage is always going to exist in a maker game, but Yamamura's dojo is at least there to fix that.
I wish they removed all the other effects as well.
i never played the first one. is it worth getting for someone who isn't gonna build levels, and just wants to play levels other people have built?
you can have style specific physics that actually re-create the experience of playing the original games without making it impossible to switch between styles without wiping your whole level or leaving out core features like fucking TRACKS
>controls are ass
Nigger what? Controls are absolutely what Mario does best.
I'm talking about level creation controls. Have fun putting your levels together with buttons or your fat finger.
I'm okay if the additions aren't so great, but not being able to make certain things from the first game due to content/mechanic removal makes me upset.
Stop defending Nintendo and their shitty games. Can't believe people defend muh controls because of their love for a company.
Not everybody has fat fingers like you though.
The game comes with a stylus.
>Buttons and Touch Controls are bad
then what's good motion controls?
Is mario maker worth grabbing if I don't really want to make any levels? I never really bothered with wii/wiiu/3ds so I haven't played any 2d mario game since Super Mario World so I'm really only interested in SMB/SMB3/SMW stages
*unblocks your path*
Yeah absolutely.
It'll be replaced by the japanese version
>Unless you're American
then what buy a stylus I shouldn't have to buy third party controls for my first party game you Nincel.
Wait does it?
Yeah. Even just the story mode is a full Mario game's worth of levels. You'd be surprised to see some of the cool shit people come up with.
there's going to be thousands upon thousand of levels to be played, a lot of shit but finding good ones is what makes it fun. I suggest staying around the MM threads here when the game drops because there is unironically a lot of really creative people in this place.
How is endless better than 100 man? 100 man gives you a challenge you can beat and leaves you with a satisfying feeling when completed. Endless is just going to leave you feeling bummed out, because it ends by you dying.
>So many things were removed from the first game
Actually the only gameplay removals are skinny Mario and pipe stacking. Compared to the mountain of things added that's nothing.
>Imagine defending buying a 3rd party tool to play a 1st party game
Nincels must be getting paid to defend.
>Is mario maker worth grabbing if I don't really want to make any levels?
Sure, that's what I'll be doing. Never cared much for level building, but there's endless levels to play, plus the 100 levels from story mode.
thanks guys
1.Endless means lives are very important
2.Endless gives you a long term goal in reaching new records which 100 does not
However I am 100% certain 100 Mario will eventually be added in an update.
Every time it ends with a castle level and some ending with Peach. Turns out even though you "saved" her she always gets kidnapped so please tell me your "satisfaction"
Do these work? I've always wanted one with an accurate tip like a pencil but assumed the dome tipped ones would be too big
Are you actually trying to force outrage over a 99 cent piece of fucking plastic? Is this really the hill you've chosen to die on?
They’ve done Friday releases since DQ used to have kids skipping school
technically the costumes' removal does alter gameplay since it allowed you to break blocks while small, but didnt make you immune to certain hazards like the shelmet does
It’s about winning, not about Peach.
Listen Nincels if it made the shills at Gamexplain unhappy, the shills at NintendoLife unhappy, and it made Reddit and Youtube Users unhappy then guess what the game is shit and you are equally as shit for defending shit. Grow up and play an actual game maybe Dreams if you want to build shit like you're 12 again.
Technically yes but in reality no, that situation never occurs.
I tested it and it works perfectly fine with the Switch. Only time will tell if it's suitable for Mario Maker, but I can't imagine it wouldn't suffice.
I choose the die on the hill that makes me right and if most people are upset then I choose that hill so I win the argument.
Jesus just end yourself tortanic shitter
There's a downvote option now so hopefully some of the garbage will get filtered. At the very least the stupid levels like you mentioned will be relegated to easy mode or something.
Guess what saving Peach in Mario games IS your goal or how you win. By not being able to keep Peach safe like main series Mario games once you beat the game you therefore never get the victory you want so badly. Most likely because you've never had an actual victory in reality.
giving a fuck about any of those names you listed, embarrassing
I don't recall any of those people being unhappy, outside of the no friends online thing.
>Deliberately enters thread about game he doesn't like
>Cries and throws a tantrum when he sees the thread he entered
Seething Snoyboys jealous of the superior maker game
>No playable Peach, Rosalina, or even Daisy in the 3D world theme.
>Muh Outrage
>How dare someone think that maybe your favorite game in big wide world is actually horrible in reality.
Did you even watch their video retard.
I'm still on the fence about buying it. Is there going to a be a trial for it or anything?
No so don't waste your money on Nintendo products
Lol no.
You’re not allowed to like this game because Gamexplain said the title screen is bad.
just return it if you don't like it
I don't really understand the issue with me ruining this thread, I mean Nintendo ruined this game so its only reasonable I do the same.
Oh wow thank you. This is actually exactly the type of thing I was hoping for.
Hopefully in an update, I was sad about this as well
It may have added Slopes, On/Off blocks, vertical levels, multiplayer, rising water, new themes, 3D world, etc., but since Mario doesn't make the ebin funi noise when he dies, it's a 0/10 for me.
>preorders sold out
Don't worry anyone with a brain will.
Imagine thinking adding slopes defends not being able to use amiibo costumes must be pretty pathetic lifestyle.
Ordered these because of a Yea Forums recommendation so hopefully they'll work well for Super Mario Maker 2. Also just spent $82 on a $100 eShop credit so I can get the game for only $41
Super Mario Maker 2 has some bummers to it but its additions and presence on the Switch still make it a buy for me
I can't stand to watch Gamexplain videos because they all have annoying voices.
Could someone just give me a quick rundown on what their issues are?
>I can't use my space waifu
boo fucking hoo
Something that actually changes the physics and adds a nice aesthetic to levels is definitely not as good as literally just a skin. I miss amiibos too, and I hope they're in a new update, but from all the other shit they added, I'm not skipping out on this just because I'm this petty.
>unironically defending mcdonalds figure DLC
Imagine caring about amiio costumes must be pretty pathetic lifestyle.
You know those shitty soul vs soulless arguments? Okay imagine those for 31 minutes.
"No soul" and other bullshit claims. The only important ones are: No amiibos, No weird mushroom, and 3D world is too limited. Every other complaint is pretty much inconsequential.
>Nincels can't handle Nintendo possibly ripping them off content wise.
Man you guys are more pathetic each day, Don't worry maybe Nintendo will make a patch that lets your balls drop.
>3D World has little crossover with the other styles (exclusive enemies, items, etc. but also missing stuff like tracks, one way doors, note blocks, enemy stacking)
>key death still in the game
>can't restart from checkpoint
>few item/enemy additions to the older styles
>no 100 man mario
>no pipe stacking
>no multiplayer with friends at launch
That's it so far. We don't know how much of this is going to change with updates, though.
It's not really that big a deal to me user, I'm still looking forward to it.
>Weird Mushroom
funny since no one really used that. But it was FuNnY XD
Why? It's literally a platformer game with custom levels. Not more that you really need to know unless it's your first time playing mario games.
>only 2 deferent title screens
>you don’t have to drag mushrooms onto things to make them bigger anymore
>you don’t have to sit through the extra long death animation anymore
Those are all bad things according to those faggots. It’s so bad, even their fans call them out for it.
>3D World has little crossover with the other styles
We knew this from the moment it was announced, why are they only complaining about it now?
Stop looking forward this game or any game it leads to regrets
T. Someone who was looking forward to this game
a bunch of lazy skins that don't even change the physics and were restricted to one style pales in comparison to literally everything else but i'll take your bait seriously anyhow
I'd rather see people complain and hate this game rather than get excited because it makes the Nintendo fanboys seethe in regret and anger.
>Lazy skins
>helped create creative levels using Nintendo and Non Nintendo IPS
yeah sure.
So this is what pure unbridled autism looks like.
because people want le epic koopa kart in super mario bros 3
Does this guy not realize how boring of a person he is? Christ.
>hey guys, check out my shitty boring level
>b-but wait, you can play as hello kitty!!!
You wouldn't be the first.
why the fuck is the UI so obnoxiously large, it just makes it look like creating levels will be ass.
>Not mentioning the Zelda, DK, Kirby, and many other levels using other IPS
>Only uses Hello Kitty
nice cherrypicking Nincel
What was removed:
>meme outfits
>pipe stacking
>pointless Easter eggs
What was added:
>multiplayer local and online
>new enemies
>new hazards/platforms
>4 new themes
>10 night themes which have different large effects on gameplay
>3 new bosses
>snake blocks
>on/off switches
>3d world theme
>Boo system (will help remove bad levels)
>new sound effects and music
Wow what a massive downgrade muh soul
>UI fades when creating around it
>Press X to remove UI
>Zoom Mode
This is everything wrong with Mario Maker threads.
You're being slightly disingenuous. You never had to wait through the entire death sequence and the argument was that context menus removes some of the thought that could lead to interesting ideas. Can you tell me why you think removing the mushroom drag is a good thing when we could literally just have had both?
can we just get more fucking power ups please? For fucks sakes the ice flower isn't even in the game
>Boo system (will help remove bad levels)
Source? I've never seen anyone say anything about the "Boo" having any effect on a level whatsoever.
The users did do some nice stuff with them, but it doesn't get any lazier than using Sonic's Genesis sprite instead of an 8-bit one.
only an incel would care about something as superfluous as a fucking different arrangement of pixels for your mushroom powerup
I think what is getting massively undersold here is all of the theme options we got. The original Mario Maker had 6 themes in 4 styles for effectively 24 themes. Now each style has 10 themes which immediately bumps that to 40. However you have to add the night theme as well which bumps that up to 80. Then you add the 10 new 3d world themes for a total of 90. 24 to 90. That's by far the biggest change in this sequel. And most likely we will get ANOTHER style with at least 10 more themes.
Its literally just a downvote button for levels. Any level that is just enemy spam or otherwise complete shit will get downvoted heavily which will mean it goes to the bottom of the pile.
They don't even need to make all those powerups compatible with each version like in your picture.
Just giving each version their game specific powerups would be acceptable, for me at least.
3D World was added, and thus nothing was removed, so in the end from an objective perspective it was a net gain. Here's my subjective perspective: It has way too much different shit and that fucking sucks. There's shit that should easy as fuck to add to it, yet it isn't there, and there are even enemies that were introduced in other Mario games that are 3D World exclusive. That's fucking bullshit, I am not going to act like that's not fucking bullshit, I still preordered the game and I hope it will be good, but let's not act like they way they are handling 3D World isn't a complete fucking travesty and Nintendo not even thinking about people wanting to play with friends wasn't indicative of Nintendo's fucking retarded assbackwards way of thinking.
you have to use touch screen in portable mode.
this is the best one ive found
I think 3d world will see improvements with updates. It feels unfinished. At the very least rails will probably be added.
How would Cherry even work in 2D? Even if it was 3D World exclusive, if you pick it up you get a Mario at your exact same position or close and that doesn't make as big of a difference in 2D as it does in 3D.
I just wish we got a Beach and Volcano theme as well
and alike the night toggle, maybe an underground toggle, for shit like ice/desert caves
that or joycons
I hope so. The Switch isn't a dead console like the Wii U so I hope against hope they will fix things, add things and hopefully put out more themes as time goes on.
they said you cant in portable to make levels, for now. i'd bet they will make that change upon demand.
unfortunately no. theres a 69.99 version that comes with online play so you basically get it for $10 off if you don't have it already. i bought it with a voucher though.
How do I play Dreams? I'm not seeing it on the e-shop
yeah hopefully more powerups come out in an update or something.
I'm not specifically asking for the cherry power-up I just want more powerups in general. There's always the 3 basic bitch powerups (mushroom, fire, star) and 1 exclusive powerup to a theme so you really only have one unique powerup.
Why can't we get some shit like the ice flower, or the hammer/frog suit?
I'll miss amiibo costumes. It's not a make or break it for me, it's just a bummer because my plan to start things off was to make gyromite 2
Well, there's a hammer powerup now, but it's not the hammer powerup you're probably thinking of. But I do agree that every powerup that is not too weird like say, the cherry one, should already be included in the game. They are probably not hard to code, but what do I know, I never coded a game.
walmart has it for 50 at launch.
The ice flower would be very hard to code, some others would be easier.
I'm going to make a level where you have to collect 100 coins to beat it but the very end will have a 100 megacoin so autists that want to get all 100 the first try will do that work for nothing
Pretty much. I fail to see how MM2 is "ruined" when all the shit people are bitching about are trivial (sound effects) or extra (online multiplayer). It's literally just going to be the first game but with more options which is nothing but good.
I already saw this idea floating in the other Mario Maker threads before this one. Are you the original poster or a copycat?
Why are you guys looking forward to this game even though it looks like shit?
Delightfully devilish, user.
>The ice flower would be very hard to code
How so? All it does is freezes enemies
Probably gonna recreate a MM1 level I made about monties hollowing out a mountain, but now more vertical.
You guys do realize that the reason Gamexplain complained about all the useless missing cosmetic stuff was a shill ploy to distract people from the missing features and missed opportunities that actually do matter, right?
Shut the fuck up. What you're doing is NG isn't autistic, it's passionate. Sketch all the levels you want user, feeling even the slightest bit passionate about creating something is a gift, cherish it.
Doesn't need to be a mature game just stop enjoying this one. Its bad, for babies, and will be dead on release. Please have sex
SMB2 for DLC.
If not SMB2 than SML2.
Because you have to consider many different sizes and shapes and how they interact. You also have to actually make the ice animations and effects. It's a ton of effort for one power up. If we get it, it would be part of a big content expansion. I think that's totally possible.
inb4 super mario world 2 theme
>They add it in an update
>Can play as them in all themes
>Can play as them even without Mario
Just stop trolling on internet message boards. It's bad, for babies and will never fill that hole inside you. Please have sex.
It literally occured twice already to me while I was making levels this week.
>>Can play as them in all themes
>>Can play as them even without Mario
well that's how luigi and the toads work so probably if the princesses also get the same physics it could work
This. I fucking hate that this website has twisted autism into meaning anybody putting a lot of work into something they enjoy because so many people here are lazy sacks of shit that haven't put any work into anything in their damn lives.
Oh, so it doesn't actually DO anything. You were rather confident sounding in your previous post. Carry on.
This is the one Yea Forums recommended before:
There is a review for a similar one on YouTube that says the aluminum head i better than the rubber ones.
Hopefully we will get an update that adds new power ups to all styles
>SMB - Weird Mushroom
>SMB3 - Statue or Hammer Suit
>SMW - P-balloon
>NSMBU - Acorn Suit or Penguin Suit
>SM3DW - Boomerang Suit
You're a hard. You can filter levels by star level which will also now be effected by boos.
I fail to see any fun levels that would come from the P-balloon.
>star level will also now be effected by boos
Again, source.
>You're a hard
You're reharded
He'll get it someday!
any specific reason?
Have they said what can/can't be accessed without NSO? I have online, I'm mostly just curious from a longevity of the game point of view.
Why the fuck do you think they added it dipshit?
>>NSMBU - Acorn Suit or Penguin Suit
>NSMBU Theme
>we get a powerup that's from the NSMB WII game
>the acorn suit from the actual NSMBU theme is nowhere to be found in the game
What did Nintendo mean by this?
Okay I haven't watched this video but it already sounds epic.
>Getting mad over people who like something
How autistic of you.
apparently theres's a newer version of it too
I can't fucking wait, I'm expecting at least 30 hours by Sunday night.
>buy a game to play online levels
>have to pay $20 a month to get said levels
Yea you play as projared and repeadtly fuck holly in front of Ross, fucker e celeb trash “animator” thinks he can make better levels than me? I think the fuck not
>$20 a month
i got it for free for having prime. it's 20 a year or theres some one you can share with 4 people for 30 or something along those lines. it's dumb as hell but that's how shit is now sadly.
>20 a month
>have amazon prime
>get one free year of online play
>SMM2 online bundle offers one year of online for $10
>offers one year online for $10
>even though the game without the $10 bundle is $20 cheaper
You can actually just get it for 10 bucks for the whole year if you buy the game with it
physical or digital
i dont know with this one
do we know if the physical version will come with any paper documentation like the first one did?
buy giftcards off raise, get a voucher, get 2 games for like 80 bucks essentially
Nope. All you get is a nice 8-bit rendition of the cover art
My tinfoil hat theory is that nintendo doesn't want to add more of the unique powerups because it might "invalidate" the og games those powerups came from. Why would you buy NSMBU when the staple powerup on the box, the Acorn suit, is in MM2?
I'm actually pretty hyped for this. I never got the first game despite owning a Wii U. Just didn't seem like something I'd be interested in. I watched some videos of people playing it on Youtube last year and it looked really neat. So when this game was announced it got me pretty excited. Even though I'm not creative at all I'm thinking about trying to make a few levels.